Page 19 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 19
Pakistan’s First Miss journalists alike congratulated Ms rachi was also a favored spot for sing-
n By Saher Baloch Nevertheless, models, writers and The historic Metropole Hotel in Ka-
enator Mushtaq Ahmed of the Robin, with journalist Mariana Babar ing and jazz performances.
Jamaat-e-Islami party called it Universe Contestant hailing her "beauty and brains" on X, But in 1973, Pakistan's parliament
S"shameful". Caretaker Prime formerly known as Twitter. created a constitution that declared the
Minister Anwar ul-Haq Kakar even But as Pakistani model Vaneeza country an Islamic Republic and Islam
ordered an investigation. Online chat- Ahmed, who first encouraged Ms as the state religion.
ter amongst Pakistani men in particu- Robin to get into modelling, told Voice Four years later, military leader
lar has been scathing. of America Urdu: "When these men General Zia ul-Haq overthrew the
But what is sparking such outrage? are fine with international competi- government of Prime Minister Zul-
A 24-year-old woman. tions called 'Mister Pakistan', why do fikar Ali Bhutto. What followed in the
Erica Robin, a Christian from the they have a problem with a woman's decade after has been called a "draco-
city of Karachi, is going to represent achievement?" nian phase" by activists and lawyers as
deeply conservative Pakistan at the From rock and roll to Islamic Re- Islamic law was enforced and Pakistani
Miss Universe beauty pageant. public society was drastically altered.
Ms Robin was chosen as Miss Uni- "We are a nation of many contradic- By the mid-1980s, General Zia had
verse Pakistan from among five final- tions and women and the marginalized even resurrected public flogging to
ists at a competition held in the Mal- trigger us the most," Karachi-based show his commitment to Islamic law.
dives. writer and commentator Rafay Mehm- Today, the nightclubs and bars are
It was organized by Dubai-based ood told the BBC. long gone, and the Metropole Hotel
Yugen Group, which also owns the "Pakistan is at large an authoritar- looks more like it is in danger of col-
franchise rights to Miss Universe Bah- ian state and that reflects in the harsh lapsing. Just down the road, a skeletal
rain and Miss Universe Egypt. It said patriarchal values it enables both insti- structure of what was initially sup-
the Miss Universe Pakistan competi- tutionally and socially. Erica Robin and posed to be a casino stands abandoned.
tion had received an "overwhelming" say she is representing a country that In the competition's 72-year his- the policing she has faced is an exten- But the yearning for a freer, more
number of applications. does not want to be represented, es- tory, Pakistan has never nominated a sion of that," he added. tolerant Pakistan has not gone away,
The Miss Universe finals will be pecially as beauty pageants are rare in representative for Miss Universe. But there exists an archive of a Paki- and Ms Robin is just one of those push-
held in El Salvador in November. Muslim-majority Pakistan. Ms Robin recalled that during the stan that was once far more liberal. ing the boundaries of what is accept-
Miss Pakistan World, a pageant second selection round of the pageant, Copies of the Dawn newspaper able and what is not. The graduate of St
Backlash and support for women of Pakistani descent from which was held over Zoom, she was from the 1950s to the late 1970s have Patrick's High School and Government
"It feels great to represent Paki- around the world, is probably the most asked to name one thing she wanted advertisements of cabaret and foreign College of Commerce and Economics,
stan. But I don't understand where the well-known. It was first held in Toronto to do for her country. "And I replied, I belly dancers performing at a club near is adamant that she has done nothing
backlash is coming from. I think it is in 2002 but moved to Lahore in 2020. would want to change this mindset that the former Elphinstone Street in down- wrong.
this idea that I would be parading in The competition has also seen various Pakistan is a backward country." town Karachi. These nightclubs were "I'm not breaking any law by repre-
a swimsuit in a room full of men," Ms spin offs such as Miss Pakistan Univer- This may be difficult, given some of frequented by activists, diplomats, senting Pakistan on a global platform.
Robin told the BBC. sal, Mrs Pakistan Universal and even the hostile responses to her nomina- politicians, air hostesses and young I am doing my bit to quell any stereo-
Those criticizing her nomination Miss Trans Pakistan. tion. people. types about it," she said. – BBC
ancer is a scary topic, but it’s So it’s important to gather your family
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Talk to your doctor of getting skin cancer.2 By avoiding
Talking to your doctor is an impor- alcohol, you can lower your chance of
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The best way to fight cancer is for common types of cancer, includ- Know the signs and symptoms To learn more about potential signs can continue to make healthy lifestyle
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important to have regular screening cancer on our cancer prevention and — especially in the early stages. Other checker or our cancer types guide. Notes:
exams, regardless of whether you’re screening site. cancers can give clues about what’s go- 1 Cancer Facts and Figures 2022,
experiencing symptoms. Many ing on inside your body. Know your family health history American Cancer Society, 2022.
common cancers, like breast and Take action If you’re concerned about symp- Some cancers are hereditary. That 2 "All About Sunscreen," SkinCan-
colorectal cancer, can be detected Screenings aren’t available for every toms you’re experiencing, don't ignore means they’re related to genes in your, July 2022.
early, when they’re more treatable — type of cancer yet. But there are many them. For example, early signs of skin body that can be passed from parent to 3 "Alcohol Use and Cancer," Cancer.
leading to better outcomes. You can things you can do outside the doctor’s cancer include changes in the shape, child. This makes some people more org, June 9, 2020.
talk with your doctor to see which office to stay aware of your body and color, or size of moles or lesions. If you likely to develop cancer than others. - Kaiser Permanente.
Things Moving from Minus-1 of disqualification to five years. It said he has already completed his five-year which has challenged the lifetime dis- jailed for three years. His sentence has
to Minus-2 Situation that the disqualification period under disqualification period. Others, includ- qualification of parliamentarians. though been suspended; because of his
(Continued from page 1) Article 62 of the Constitution would ing independent legal experts, insist After his four-year self-exile, Nawaz conviction he is disqualified to take part
With the sub-section (2) of Section 5 not exceed five years. that without a constitutional amend- is returning to Pakistan on Oct 21. The in elections for five years. The PTI has
having been struck down by the apex Disqualification of the lawmaker ment or the Supreme Court’s ruling, PML-N chief is coming back as a con- filed an appeal against his conviction
court, the PML-N is now banking on will be considered for five years where Nawaz Sharif’s life disqualification vict who, if not given protective bail, has in the IHC. Generally, appeals against
another controversial law -- the Elec- the tenure of punishment is not speci- cannot be reduced to five years on the to go to jail from the airport because of such convictions are not heard early.
tion Act 2017 as amended in 2023 dur- fied in the Constitution. Mian Nawaz basis of an amendment to the law. additional convictions in two corrup- Additionally, Imran Khan, who is still in
ing the PDM government -- to insist Sharif was disqualified under Article The said amendment also contra- tion cases -- Al-Azizia and Avenfiled. jail, is facing a cipher case trial. He along
that Nawaz Sharif’s disqualification for 62(1)(f) after having not been declared dicts the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s So, the challenge for Nawaz is to get with Shah Mehmood Qureshi, is sched-
life is no more relevant. sadiq and ameen in the Panama case judgment that had held the disquali- himself acquitted in these corruption uled to be indicted next week in the
In the Election Act, an amendment by the Supreme Court. The PML-N be- fication under Article 62(1)(f) for life. cases besides getting reversed life-long cipher case, which is expected to con-
was introduced in Section 232 (Quali- lieves the Election Act amendment will Some believe that the only hope for disqualification in the Panama case. On clude within a few months’ time. Some
fications and Disqualifications) of the work for Nawaz, who will not even be Nawaz is now the petition of the Paki- the other hand, Imran Khan was con- other serious cases are also maturing up
Election Act, 2017 to set the period required to approach the apex court as stan Bar Council led by Ahsan Bhoon, victed in the Toshakhana case and was against the PTI chairman. – The News