Page 17 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 17

COMMENTARY                                                                                                           PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 13, 2023 - P17
            Allah Mighty God                                       company of Muslims and non-Muslims.  Gems from the Holy Qur’an
                                                                     Muhammad Asad has expressed very
                                                                   powerfully  and  movingly  what  Allah
                                                                   subhanahu wa ta’ala has called Himself
                                                                   in  the  Qur’an.  Muhammad  Asad  says,
                                                                   “Arabic  is  the  Semitic  tongue  which
                                                                   has  remained  uninterruptedly  alive
                                                                   for thousands of years. The Qur’an fre-
                                                                   quently makes references to God – often
                                                                   in one and the same phrase – as “He”,
                                                                   “God”, “We”, or “I” with the correspond-
                                                                   ing changes of the pronoun from “his” to
                                                                   “Our” or “My” or from “Him” to “Us” or
                                                                   “Me”. These changes are not accidental
                                                                   and not even what one might describe as
                                                                   “poetic license”, but are obviously delib-
                                                                   erate; a linguistic device meant to stress
                                                                   the idea that God is not a “person” and   From the translation by Muham-  Giver of Succor!
           n By Mohammad Yacoob      for  these  deities,  reflecting  not  only  cannot,  therefore,  but  really  circum-  mad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
               Los Angeles, CA       the society’s created values but also its  scribed by the pronouns applicable to fi-            Translator’s Notes
            he  first  verse  of  the  opening  sense of itself.   nite human beings.” (The Message of the   About the translator:   [ 1 ] The absence of any “hardship”
            chapter  of  the  Holy  Qur’an   In  some  societies  it  became  the  Qur’an by Leopold Muhammad Asad).  Muhammad   Asad,   Leopold  in the religion of Islam is due to sev-
       T takes a Muslim into the outer  norm to worship anything that is pow-  The  beauty  and  uniqueness  of  the   Weiss, was born of Jewish parents  eral factors: (1) it is free of any dogma
       space of the Universe when he recites  erful  or  frightening.  Worshiping  the  Qur’an  and  the  commands  of  Allah   in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in  or mystical proposition which might
                  “Praise is due to God,  sun and the moon, thunderbolts, fire,  Mighty  God  keep  us  moving  forward   1900, and at the age of 22 made his  make the Qur’anic doctrine difficult
                  Lord  of  the  worlds”.  pictures  or  statues  of  frightening  and  because our life on this planet is not the   first  visit  to  the  Middle  East.  He  to  understand  or  might  even  con-
                  By  reciting  the  first  terrifying  gods  and  goddesses  is  still  end of the journey. Our journey started   later  became  an  outstanding  for- flict with man’s innate reason; (2) it
                  verse  and  continuing  continuing  in  this  day  and  age.  The  with the coming of Adam alayhis salaam   eign  correspondent  for  the  Fran- avoids all complicated ritual or sys-
                  on,  a  Muslim  imme- ancient  Aztecs  and  Maya  civilizations  and Hawa alayhis salaam on this earth.   furter  Zeitung,  and  after  years  of  tem of taboos which would impose
                  diately  acknowledges  of  the  new  world,  the  Americas,  also  Later, human beings spread themselves   devoted  study  became  one  of  the  undue restrictions on man’s everyday
                  the  existence  of  Al- believed in gods. These ancient civiliza- over the earth becoming more nations,   leading Muslim scholars of our age.  life; (3) it rejects all self-mortification
       mighty  God  and  proclaims  that  HE  tions were pioneers in the development  speaking  diverse  languages,  observing   His translation of the Holy Qur’an  and  exaggerated  asceticism,  which
       is the creator and owner of the whole  of  the  calendar  and  also  made  severe  diverse  customs  and  laws,  and  started   is one of the most lucid and well- must unavoidably conflict with man’s
       Universe. A Muslim believes that HE,  commitment  to  gods  who  demanded  praying to many gods. All the attributes   referenced  works  in  this  category,  true nature; and (4) it takes fully into
       the God, is one and there is none like  the  blood  of  human  sacrifice.  Their  and traits human beings have assigned   dedicated  to  “li-qawmin  yatafak- account that “man has been created
       HIM and a Muslim truly believes that  patron gods were deity of war and sun  to their gods have been fully explained in   karoon”  (people  who  think).  For- weak” (Chapter 4, Verse 28).
       HE has no partners.           god.  Aztecs’  patron  god  was  deity  of  the Qur’an by saying that all those traits   warded by Dr  Ismat Kamal.  [ 2 ] Abraham is designated here
         Since the arrival of Prophet Adam on  war and sun god, who came from his  belong to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.        “as your forefather” not only because
       this earth, and later, the establishment  mother’s  womb  fully  armed;  mother   We, the Muslims, continue to wor-  Chapter 22, Verse 78  he  was,  in  fact,  an  ancestor  of  the
       of factions and proliferation of other re- was the earth goddess and sister moon  ship One and Only God – Allah Mighty   And  strive  hard  in  God’s  cause  Prophet Mohammad – to whose fol-
       ligions, gave birth to multiple gods. Any  goddess;  and  their  ancient  god  was  God. The source of goodness; the ever-  with  all  the  striving  that  is  due  to  lowers this passage is addressed – but
       object  or  thing  that  seemed  stronger,  both male and a female.  lasting; light of the heavens and earth;   Him:  it  is  He  who  has  elected  you  also because he is the prototype (and
       strange, mysterious, people started wor-  In this world of gods and goddesses,  who never sleeps. Allah is the one who   [to carry His message], and has laid  thus, the spiritual “forefather” of all
       shipping it as god. Those at the top of  where statues, stones and natural phe- guides human beings to the right path;   no hardship on you in [anything that  who  consciously  “surrender  them-
       this creating-gods game turned into the  nomenon  have  been  declared  as  gods,  the compassionate, gracious and mer-  pertains to] religion, [ 1 ] [and made  selves to God”.
       benefactors. We are all familiar with the  the  original  voices  of  Islam  are  being  ciful; and the one who accepts repen-  you follow] the creed of your forefa-  [  3  ]  The  term  Muslim  signi-
       religions in Asia and the Middle East.   echoed  by  Muslims  who  declared  the  tance from sincere believers, a kind and   ther Abraham. [ 2 ]  fies “one who surrenders himself to
         In many countries and societies, the  command  of  God  from  the  Qur’an,  loving God. All Surahs of the Qur’an,   It  is  He  who  has  named  you  –  God”;  correspondingly,  Islam  de-
       faith in one God was replaced with the  “There is nothing like unto HIM.” Mus- except one, start with the attributes of   in  bygone  times  as  in  this  [divine  notes  “self-surrender  to  God”.  Both
       worship and belief in multiple gods or  lims believe in One and only God who  Allah  –  the  Most  Compassionate  and   writ] – “those who have surrendered  these terms are applied in the Qur’an
       deities; monotheism was replaced with  has no partners and He is Allah. Keeping  the Most Merciful.  themselves to God”, [ 3 ] so that the  to all who believe in the One God and
       polytheism. Many cultures in Europe  this in mind, I upgraded using Almighty   While  talking  to  non-Muslims,  I   Apostle  might  bear  witness  to  the  affirm this belief by an unequivocal
       and Asia commenced worshiping gods  God to Allah Mighty God in conversa- strongly feel that I should remember all   truth before you, and that you might  acceptance of His revealed messages.
       and goddesses, built religious centers  tion  with  non-Muslims  and  in  mixed  attributes of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala,   bear witness to it before all mankind. Since the Qur’an represents the final
                                                                   and my heart tells me that I should say   Thus,  be  constant  in  prayer,  and  and  most  universal  of  these  divine
                                                                   Allah Mighty God.              render the purifying dues, and hold  revelations,  the  believers  are  called
                                                                     [Mohammad  Yacoob  is  a  retired   fast unto God. He is your Lord Su- upon, in the sequence, to follow the
                                                                   Industrial Engineer and Engineering   preme: and how excellent is this Lord  guidance  of  its  Apostle  and  thus  to
                                                                   Proposals  Analyst  who  lives  in  Los   Supreme,  and  how  excellent  is  this  become an example for all mankind.
                                                                   Angeles, California.]

                                                                    Hudson Institute Debates America’s   up the ball where we dropped it with  stan  a  moral  and  strategic  one  and
                                                                      Best Options to Support NRF   all of the cards stacked against them,  “one that is still squarely in the inter-
                                                                       (Continued from page 14)  trying  to  fight  the  Taliban  and  fight  ests of the United States.”
                                                                   pledge  alliance  to  the  Taliban.  “The  the Islamic State Khorasan Province,   Asked if the lack of a US presence
                                                                   purpose of Vienna is to create a demo- [and]  other  transnational  terrorist  in Afghanistan is a win for China and
                                                                   cratic alternative for Afghanistan’s fu- groups and regional terrorist groups,”  Russia, Waltz responded: “Yes, it was
                                                                   ture, for us to unite under one banner  Coffey said.       absolutely  a  win  for  China,”  noting
                                                                   and  to  prepare  for  a  democratic  Af-  In  addition,  the  United  States  the  $10  billion  in  mining  deals  that
                                                                   ghanistan in the future,” he explained.                      could  have  some  form  of  observer  China’s new ambassador in Kabul was
                                                                     Coffey  called  the  US-withdrawal  role  at  the  next  Vienna  meeting.  “It  just boasting and bragging about and
                                                                   from  Afghanistan  in  202l  “a  stain  pains me to say, but I don’t think we  the  fact  there  are  multiple  geologi-
                                                                   on  our  honor  as  Americans.”  It  em- will  see  any  fundamental  change  on  cal  survey  teams  sitting  in  Bagram
                                                                   boldened  US  adversaries  and  made  the US approach to Afghanistan with  air  base,  which  the  US  abandoned,
                                                                   Washington’s  allies  question  US  re- this administration,” Coffey said. “But  to exploit Afghanistan’s rich mineral
                                                                   solve.  What’s  sad  about  the  whole  our legislative branch has the ability to  wealth  and  expand  their  Belt  and
                                                                   thing is that it was completely avoid- make US foreign policy, certainly edit  Road Initiative.
                                                                   able.  President  Biden,  Coffey  stated,  US foreign policy, so I think there are   In  conclusion,  moderator  Peterson
                                                                   could have withdrawn from President  some opportunities there and I think  pointed out that a united Afghanistan
                                                                   Trump’s  agreement  with  the  Taliban  the NGO and think tank civil society  was one of the most important ideas to
                                                                   as  he  did  with  other  Trump  admin- community  can  keep  the  drum  beat  the legendary leader Ahmad Shah Mas-
                                                                   istration  policies.  “But  the  truth  is  going…and raise awareness of what’s  soud,  who  said:  “We’re  not  Pashtuns;
                                                                   he  didn’t  want  to  change  it  because  going on so when the US government  we’re not Tajiks; we’re all Afghans.”
                                                                   he was never fully committed to the  finally decides to get back in step with     (Elaine  Pasquini  is  a  freelance
                                                                   US  mission  in  Afghanistan  to  begin  dealing  with  this  problem  at  least  journalist. Her reports appear in the
                                                                   with,” he argued.            we’re not starting from nothing.”       Washington  Report  on  Middle  East
                                                                     Now,  the  NRF  is  “trying  to  pick   Waltz called the issue of Afghani- Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)
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