Page 13 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 13
Vol. 33/41 Rabi ul Awal 28, 1445 Friday, October 13, 2023 US & Canada $1.00
Hudson Institute Zainab Abbas For news, updated
‘A Bond of Love’:
Debates America’s Indian Crowd Roars Opens Up
Best Options About India round the clock,visit
to Support NRF for Pakistan in Record www.PakistanLink
World Cup Win Fiasco
Pakistan’s First Female Astronaut Nimra Salim Creates History to land back at Spaceport America after
completing the mission.
In a tweet posted on her official X
n By Raja Zahid Akhtar Khanzada 6,” she said on social media ahead of (formerly Twitter) account, Ms Salim
her departure alongside three other thanked Caretaker Prime Minister
NEW MEXICO: Pakistan’s first fe- space travelers. Anwaar ul Haq Kakar for congratulat-
male astronaut, Nimra Salim, made the The other two passengers were Brit- ing her for being the first woman from
country proud after she completed her ish advertising executive Trevor Beat- Pakistan to go to space.
space journey aboard Virgin Galactic’s tie and American astronomy educator “By proving their mettle as trail-
commercial space liner. Ron Rosano. Beth Moses, Virgin Ga- blazers in multiple fields, Pakistani
A celebratory event, including an lactic’s chief astronaut instructor, was women are making the whole nation
aerial parade and a wings ceremony, also scheduled to join the trio… proud,” Mr Kakar had written on his X
was held in a local hotel in New Mexico Galactic 04 was Virgin’s fourth account, wishing her luck.
to honor her achievements. The event commercial spaceflight endeavor, fol- Ms Salim, who makes history as the
was attended by top officials from Vir- lowing similar flights in June, August, first Pakistani to reach space, was one
gin Galactic, as well as pilots and staff and September of this year. of the first 100 people to buy a ticket
closely associated with space travel. In addition to Ms Salim, VMS Eve with Virgin Galactic, having booked
During the ceremony, the com- was to be piloted by a Pakistani of Ca- her ride in 2006. Back then, the price
mander of the space shuttle awarded Social Diary Magazine nadian origin, Jameel Janjua. He had was $200,000; it has since risen to
Salim the wings of valor for her jour- completed over 4,000 flying hours in $450,000.
ney on Virgin Galactic’s fourth flight an excellent news for space enthusiasts turn the impossible into reality with more than 45 different vehicles before Namira, the founder and chairper-
into space. The president of Commer- from around the world. determination. – The News he joined Virgin Galactic. Kelly Lat- son of the nonprofit Space Trust, is a
cial Space Lines expressed that after a Salim said her childhood dream of An earlier report in Dawn last week imer and C.J. longtime adventurer. According to her
long wait, five shuttle missions have venturing among the stars has come by Anwar Iqbal adds: Sturckow was to fly the space plane website, she’s the first Pakistani to visit
now taken place within the past five true. She emphasized that nothing in … “Proud to fly the national flag while Nicola Pecile were to join Mr both the North Pole (in April 2007)
months, and termed the development the world is impossible, and one can high in space Insha’Allah on October Janjua to pilot Eve. Both vehicles were and the South Pole (in January 2008).
n By Elaine Pasquini
Photos by Phil Pasquini Foremost Priority in Pak-US Ties
Washington, DC Is to Take It to a Higher Level
n October 4, 2023, Masood
Khan, Pakistan’s Ambassa-
Odor to the United States, met
with more than16 US Foreign Service
Officers who are un-
dergoing 32 weeks of
Urdu language and
culture training at
the US Foreign Ser- Ambassador Khan called upon the future US diplomats to Pakistan to use
vice Institute (FSI) in their diplomatic skills and expertise to build people-to-people linkages
Washington, DC.
“The foremost priority in Pak-US Employing the tool of public diplo- socio-economic progress of the two
ties is to sustain the relationship and macy, he added, would dispel mutual countries. In addition, he highlight-
to take it to a higher level,” Khan told misperceptions and misgivings. ed the important role being played
the group who have been selected for The ambassador highlighted the by a strong network of alumni who
their postings to the US Embassy in strengths of Pakistan with special fo- benefited from various educational
Islamabad and various US consulates “The two countries have stood side-by-side with each other in their decades- cus on its untapped potential natural institutions and renowned seats of
in Pakistan. “Regional stability and long relationship,” the ambassador said, speaking in Urdu to the group resources, geography and rich cultural learning in the United States.
socio-economic development through heritage. Ms. Tabbasum Sohail, supervi-
a strong economic partnership remains foster strong economic partnerships group. “Now you would be playing Educational cooperation, Khan sor of Northeast Asian languages,
the core priority of the two countries.” between the two longtime allies. your role in furthering this relation- emphasized, was an important plank briefed Ambassador Khan about
The ambassador called upon the “The two countries have stood ship. Your efforts would bring the two of bilateral relations that created Urdu language and culture courses
future US diplomats to Pakistan to use side-by-side with each other in their countries – especially the people of strong bonds between the people of which are mandatory for the desig-
their diplomatic skills and expertise to decades-long relationship,” the ambas- Pakistan and the United States – closer Pakistan and the US and helped Pak- nated US diplomats.
build people-to-people linkages and sador said, speaking in Urdu to the to each other.” istani youth to contribute towards (Continued on page 23)