Page 10 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
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P10 - PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 13, 2023                                                                                                     PAKISTAN
        Fazlur Rehman Seeks to Win over                            Commission  of  Pakistan  (ECP)  an-  ‘Don’t Give up, Time of Trial to End
          Shehbaz on Preferred Poll Date                           said the entire 16-month rule of Paki-  Soon’: Imran’s Message to Supporters
                                                                     On  the  occasion,  Shehbaz  Sharif
                                                                   stan Democratic Movement was aimed
                                                                   at  saving  the  state.  He  said  Maulana
                                                                   Fazl had extended full cooperation to
                                                                   save  the  country  from  default  during
                                                                   the PML-N-led coalition government.
                                                                     “Unity and collective effort can steer
                                                                   Pakistan out of crises,” he said, adding
                                                                   that  the  PML-N  supremo’s  return  on
                                                                   Oct 21 would strengthen democracy in
                                                                   the country.
                                                                     Maulana Fazl said Nawaz was sub-
                                                                   jected to political victimization. “This
                                                                   will  remain  a  black  chapter  of  the
                                                                   country’s history,” he said.
                                                                     The  JUI-F  chief,  who  was  conve-
       Maulana Fazl asked Shehbaz to support his demand to defer the polls beyond   ner of the PDM that toppled the Im-
       January - China Daily                                       ran  Khan  government  through  a  no-
                                                                   confidence  motion  and  subsequently
       LAHORE:  JUI-F  chief  Maulana  Fa- London in the middle of his seven-year  formed the government in April 2022,
       zlur Rehman on Wednesday called on  jail term on medical grounds. During  drew  criticism  from  PPP  when  he  PTI Chairman Imran Khan — Instagram/imrankhan.pti
       PML-N President Shehbaz Sharif and  these four years, he was declared a pro- pointed out that it was not possible to
       asked  him  to  support  his  party’s  de- claimed offender in the Al Azizia and  hold general elections in KP and Balo- ISLAMABAD: Incarcerated chairman  all over me. But with time I have ad-
       mand  to  defer  the  polls  beyond  next  Avenfield graft cases for his continuous  chistan in January 2024.  of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Im- justed well to the prison conditions.”
       January. The latter, however, has sought  absence from proceedings.  “In January, weather will be harsh in  ran Khan has reiterated his resolve that   However,  Khan  said  that  let  it  be
       time to consult with his party.                             Chitral, Khuzdar, and other parts of KP  he would not back down even an inch  known  that  there’s  a  world  of  differ-
         “Maulana  Fazl  asked  Shehbaz  to  Ahsan Iqbal says PML-N will go by  and Balochistan,” he said.  from the quest of ‘Haqeeqi Azadi’ (real  ence between the Imran Khan of today
       support his demand to defer the polls  ECP’s schedule         The  ECP  had  announced  that  the  freedom), urging the nation to not give  and  the  one  who  was  imprisoned  on
       beyond January as both have to make   According  to  PML-N  leaders,  the  general elections would be held in the  up, as this time of trial will end because  August 5, as today “I am stronger and
       joint  political  moves  in  the  current  elder Sharif will lead the election cam- last week of January next year, but did  whenever the election will be held the  fitter; spiritually, mentally, and physi-
       scenario. The PML-N leader, however,  paign after returning to the country.  not  provide  a  date.  In  the  run-up  to  only destiny of this “unelected predato- cally than ever before.”
       told him that he would take up the pro-  According to a statement issued by  polls,  mainstream  parties  have  begun  ry group and their facilitators is defeat”.  The  PTI  chairman  went  on  to  say
       posal with the party leadership before  the PML-N after the meeting between  preparations  for  electoral  campaigns.   In his message to the “nation” from  that during his time in incarceration,
       giving any commitment,” a source told  Maulana Fazl and Shehbaz Sharif, both  PTI has, however, not been allowed to  jail, the former premier said: “Regard- he  has  had  the  opportunity  to  study
       Dawn after the meeting.       leaders  discussed  ‘free  and  fair’  elec- kick start political activities in the wake  less  of  what  prison  they  keep  me  in,  and research the Holy Qur’an in depth,
         PML-N  Secretary  General  Ahsan  tions  and  overall  political  situation.  of May 9 events.  whatever conditions they impose upon  along  with  other  books  which  has
       Iqbal, Sardar Ayaz Sadiq and Attaullah  “Both agreed to jointly move forward   Taking a dig at the former ally’s de- me, I will not back down even an inch  strengthened his faith; besides he was
       Tarar also attended the meeting, which  (in  their  political  strategies)  and  face  mand, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto- from the quest of Haqeeqi Azadi, for  able to introspect the last few years of
       took  place  just  hours  before  PML-N  the challenges together,” it said.  Zardari said the PPP was the “only po- the upholding of the rule of law and the  his political life.
       supreme leader Nawaz Sharif landed in   Asked if Shehbaz Sharif had agreed  litical party in the country that wanted  Constitution of Pakistan, at the core of   However,  Khan  revealed  that  if
       Jeddah, in the early hours of Thursday,  to  Maulana  Fazl’s  proposal  to  defer  timely  elections  and  how  come  so- which is free and fair elections.”  there’s  one  thing  that  bothered  and
       en route to Pakistan from the UK.  polls  because  of  cold  weather,  Ahsan  called political leaders were coming up   In  a  statement  released  by  PTI,  pained  him  it  was  the  suffering  of
         According  to  party  senator  Irfan  Iqbal told Dawn that “no such decision  with excuses to delay polls”.  Khan  said:  “Those  suggesting  that  I  his  workers  who  had  been  “illegally”
       Siddiqui, the elder Sharif will perform  has been made”.      PPP  Information  Secretary  Faisal  leave the country, know that I will live  imprisoned,  especially  the  women
       Umrah  and  spend  time  with  his  son   Asked  if  the  PML-N  wanted  the  Karim  Kundi  asked  Maulana  Fazl  and die in Pakistan, and I will not leave  workers who had been in captivity for
       Hussain Sharif in Saudi Arabia.  polls in January or some delay to ac- to tell the people “on whose wish he  my land to go anywhere.”  months, by a few people who abused
         Nawaz,  who  had  been  in  self-im- commodate its ally, Mr Iqbal said: “The  (Fazl) is making the demand for polls   Talking about the cypher case, the  their power to satisfy their egos.
       posed  exile  since  2019,  had  left  for  PML-N wants polls as per the Election  delay”. - Dawn   official  statement  added,  Khan  stated   “I appeal to the judiciary to provide
                                                                                                 that  the  bogus  case  was  designed  to  justice and order the immediate release
                                                                                                 protect  former  army  chief  General  of our workers,” Khan demanded.
               US Envoy Blome’s Trip to Sindh Calls                                              (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa and US dip-  not give up. This time of trial will end
                                                                                                                                 Khan  urged  his  supporters:  “Do
                                                                                                 lomat Donald Lu.
        Attention to 'Acute Malnutrition Emergency'                                              of  the  country.  Treason  was  commit- ficulty there is ease’. Keep raising your
                                                                                                   “I  was  the  elected  prime  minister  because Allah says that ‘with every dif-
                                                                                                 ted against me and my government by  voice  against  this  unelected  predatory
                                                                                                 General Bajwa, instead of investigating  group  and  their  facilitators  at  every
                                                                   school constructed as part of the Sindh   the foreign conspiracy in orchestrating  forum and keep demanding a fair and
                                                                   Basic Education Program.      a regime change, a case has been filed  transparent  election  in  the  country”.
                                                                     By 2024, more than 80,000 girls and   against  me  for  informing  the  people  “I am predicting that on whatever day
                                                                   boys  will  study  in  106  new,  climate-  of Pakistan, the real protectors of this  the election is held, people of Pakistan
                                                                   resilient  school  buildings  funded  by   country, about this treason,” he added.  will come out in huge numbers to vote
                                                                   USAID. These state-of-the-art facilities   “When  I  was  illegally  incarcerated  for  PTI  and  defeat  all  these  parties
                                                                   come with science and computer labs,   in Attock Jail, the first few days were  combined. No matter how much these
                                                                   a library, and modern furniture.  particularly challenging. I wasn’t pro- people cheat, their only destiny is defeat.
                                                                     They  also  serve  as  flood-resilient   vided  a  bed  and  had  to  sleep  on  the  Pakistan Zindabad,” the statement quot-
                                                                   safe  havens  and  important  platforms   floor and had insects and mosquitoes  ed him as saying. – The Express Tribune
                                                                   for  parent  and  community  engage-
                                                                     US  support  has  also  transformed   During  his  visit,  the  ambassador  old  and  women  who  are  pregnant  or
                                                                   the way that the people of Jacobabad  visited  the  Municipal  Services  Pro- breastfeeding.
       US Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome pictured during his visit to Sindh   access safe drinking water.  gram Water Filtration Plant, completed   The  2022  floods  hit  women  and
       — US Embassy                                                  Access to clean, safe drinking water  in 2020, part of a $24.4 million water  children  disproportionately  hard.  At
                                                                   is one of the pillars of the US — US- filtration  and  delivery  system  project  the Sindh Rural Support Organization
       JACOBABAD: A year after Pakistan’s   As demonstrated by US Ambassa- Pakistan “Green Alliance” framework.  funded by USAID.  Office  in  Sukkur,  Ambassador  Blome
       devastating  2022  floods,  millions  of  dor to Pakistan Donald Blome’s fourth   Today,  thanks  to  a  $36.7  million   The  ambassador  also  toured  the  commended the heroic work of com-
       Pakistanis  still  need  urgent  support  trip  to  Sindh  on  October  10-11,  the  agreement  with  the  Sindh  Planning  Basic Health Unit in Khairpur, a front- munity midwives whose work reduces
       with UNICEF reporting that over 1.5  United  States  is  still  hard  at  work  —  and Development Department, water,  line  facility  helping  respond  to  Paki- maternal and infant mortality.
       million children require lifesaving nu- helping  the  poorest,  hardest-hit  parts  sanitation, and hygiene services in Ja- stan’s  acute  malnutrition  emergency   To help meet acute maternal health
       trition interventions.        of Pakistan rebuild and recover.  cobabad for the city’s 300,000 residents  and improve lives and health outcomes  needs, the Ambassador delivered US-
         The  report  notes  that  floods  dam-  Specifically,  the  United  States  is  have improved.  in flood-affected districts across Sindh. donated  equipment  and  kits  that  will
       aged  vital  infrastructure,  including  helping  Pakistan  meet  urgent  needs   The  program  includes  improved   With support from USAID, the Ba- be  used  to  establish  100  community
       30,000 schools, 2,000 health facilities,  in  the  areas  of  education,  water,  and  garbage collection, installation of a wa- sic Health Unit provides ready-to-use  midwives'  birth  stations  in  Sindh,  al-
       and 4,300 water systems; and access to  health care.        ter filtration plan and delivery system,  therapeutic food, nutrition counseling,  lowing  access  to  timely,  high-quality
       safe drinking water and sanitation re-  During  his  trip,  the  ambassador  and improvement of the city’s wastewa- screening,  and  treatment  to  improve  maternal health services in proximity
       mains worryingly low.         celebrated  the  opening  of  the  100th  ter sewage system.  the health of children under five years  to their homes. - The News
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