Page 12 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 12

P12 - PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 13, 2023                                                                                                     PAKISTAN

        Palestinian President Abbas Condemns   she spoke out against the violent extrem- heed dissenting) sub-section 1 of Section  no restrictions on the Parliament amend- left. The moves did not appear to be the
       Violence against Civilians on Both Sides  ist group ― is well qualified to speak on  5 of the Act (granting a right of appeal  ing rules under Article 191.  beginning of an expected ground inva-
            (Continued from page 1)  this  particular  matter.  She  was  a  child  prospectively) is declared to be in accor-  “Are you saying that there are no re- sion.
       mark  a  shift  from  Abbas’  previous  when  the  Taliban  took  control  of  her  dance with the Constitution and to this  strictions  on  the  Parliament  amending   The evacuation order was taken as
       failure to condemn Saturday’s attack,  home,  Mingora,  the  largest  city  in  the  extent,  the  petitions  are  dismissed,”  he  rules formulated by the SC?” Justice Ah- a further signal of an expected Israeli
       during which more than 1,000 Israelis  Swat Valley in what is now the Khyber  ruled.     san asked. “So, are there no restrictions  ground offensive, although no such de-
       were killed.                  Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan, ac-  Sub-section 1 of Section 5 of the Act  on SC amending laws created by the Par- cision has been announced. Israel has
         “We reject the practices of killing ci- cording to the Nobel Foundation.   says:  “An  appeal  shall  lie  within  thirty  liament?”  been  massing  troops  along  the  Gaza
       vilians  or  abusing  them  on  both  sides   “I  was  only  11  years  old  when  I  days  from  an  order  of  a  bench  of  the   Awan replied that the Parliament was  border. An assault into densely popu-
       because they contravene morals, religion  witnessed  violence  and  terrorism,”  Supreme Court who exercised jurisdic- the institution that created laws. He fur- lated  and  impoverished  Gaza  would
       and international law,” the official Pales- Yousafzai, now 26, wrote in her statement  tion  under  clause  (3)  of  Article  184  of  ther stated that if the number of pending  likely bring even higher casualties on
       tinian news agency Wafa quoted Abbas  on  social  media.  “We  woke  up  to  the  the Constitution to a larger bench of the  cases in the apex court crossed 70,000 a  both  sides  in  brutal  house-to-house
       as saying.                    sounds of mortar shells, saw our schools  Supreme Court and such appeal shall, for  need may arise to create another law.  fighting.
         He  said  the  Palestinian  Authority,  and mosques destroyed by bombs. Peace  hearing, be fixed within a period not ex-  Meanwhile, Justice Naqvi asked if the   “We  will  destroy  Hamas,”  Israeli
       which  exercises  limited  governance  in  became something we could only dream  ceeding fourteen days”.  AGP had brought the record of the num- Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu
       the occupied West Bank and which has  about.”                 “By a majority of 8-7 (CJP Isa, Jus- ber of parliamentarians who had debated  vowed in a speech Friday night, add-
       long  been  opposed  to  Hamas,  the  Is-  Yousafzai’s  statement  aligns  with  tice  Sardar  Tariq  Masood,  Justice  Syed  on the practice and procedure law. “It is  ing, “This is only the beginning.”
       lamist movement which controls Gaza,  UNICEF’s call for an “immediate cessa- Mansoor Ali Shah, Justice Amin-ud-Din  present on the website,” Awan replied.  Hamas said Israel’s airstrikes killed
       stood against violence and would pursue  tion of hostilities” in the region.  Khan,  Justice  Jamal  Khan  Mandokhail,   At one point, CJP Isa said institutions  13  of  the  hostages  in  the  past  day.  It
       political action to achieve its goals.  UNICEF  spokesperson  James  Elder  Justice Athar Minallah and Justice Mu- should not be “pitted against each oth- said the dead included foreigners but
         On Thursday, Blinken added his voice  said in a press conference Monday that  sarrat Hilali dissenting) sub-section (2)  er” and there should be mutual respect  did not give their nationalities. Israeli
       to international condemnation of the at- the  current conflict has already taken a  of Section 5 of the Act (granting a right  among them.  military  spokesperson  Rear  Adm.
       tack but said he knew that Hamas did not  “horrendous toll on the lives of children  of appeal retrospectively) is declared to   “In  my  opinion,  the  Parliament  re- Daniel Hagari denied the claim.
       represent the Palestinian people or their  and their families in Israel and the State  be ultra vires the Constitution and to this  spected the SC. If it wanted, the Parlia-  Palestinians  in  Gaza  Grapple  with
       legitimate aspirations.       of Palestine.”                extent the petitions are allowed,” the ver- ment  could  have  taken  another  step  Where to Go
         The  West  Bank,  which  Palestinians   “According to reports, hundreds of Is- dict added.  which it did not. I believe that step was   Gaza City resident Khaled Abu Sul-
       want  as  the  core  of  a  future  state,  has  raeli and Palestinian children have been   Sub-section  (2)  of  Section  5  of  the  not taken because the Parliament trusts  tan  at  first  didn’t  believe  the  evacua-
       seen a wave of violence for more than 18  killed and many more injured in the last  practice  and  procedure  law  says:  “The  us,” he said.  tion order was real, and now isn’t sure
       months that has fueled fears of a repeat of  72 hours,” Elder said.  right  of  appeal  under  sub-section  (1)   The top judge further stated that the  whether to evacuate his family to the
       the two Palestinian Intifadas or uprisings   He noted that reports of the “killing  shall  also  be  available  to  an  aggrieved  scope of the matter should not be wid- south. “We don’t know if there are safe
       of the 1980s and early 2000s.  and  maiming  of  children”  in  the  West  person against whom an order has been  ened. “Parliament is not our enemy nei- areas there,” he said. “We don’t know
         As Israel has reeled from the impact  Bank and the Gaza Strip, and “the abduc- made  under  clause  (3)  of  Article  184  ther does it consider us enemies. Both  anything.”
       of  Saturday’s  unprecedented  assault  by  tion of Israeli children to the Gaza Strip,”  of  the  Constitution,  prior  to  the  com- can be run simultaneously,” he said.  Many  expressed  concern  they
       Hamas  gunmen,  in  which  more  than  indicate  a  “grave  violation”  of  interna- mencement of this Act.”  “The  world  is  moving  forward  would not be able to return or be grad-
       1,200 Israelis were killed and Gaza has  tional humanitarian law.  In  April,  the  Supreme  Court,  then  while we are going backwards. There  ually displaced to Egypt’s Sinai Penin-
       been subject to the most intense bom-  Elder also said UNICEF is “extremely  led  by  former  chief  justice  Umar  Ata  are  a  number  of  challenges  that  we  sula.
       bardment it has ever seen, the West Bank  alarmed” by the Israeli government’s de- Bandial,  barred  the  government  from  are seeing, including climate change,”   More  than  half  of  the  Palestinians
       has been ominously volatile.  cision to “cut electricity, food, water and  implementing the law until the petitions  Justice Isa added and cited the phrase  in Gaza are the descendants of refugees
         More than 30 people have been killed  fuel from entering Gaza.”   challenging it were decided. The decision  “live and let live”.  from the 1948 war surrounding Israel’s
       in  the  West  Bank  and  East  Jerusalem   “This will add another layer of suffer- was  taken  by  an  eight-member  bench   “The world moves forward together,  creation, when hundreds of thousands
       since  Saturday  and  security  forces  are  ing to the existing catastrophe faced by  consisting  ex-CJP  Bandial,  Justice  Ah- not antagonistically,” the apex judge said. fled or were expelled from what is now
       braced for further violence ahead of Fri- families in Gaza,” he said.  san, Justice Akhtar, Justice Sayyed Naqvi,   He then instructed the AGP to focus on  Israel. For many, the mass evacuation
       day  prayers  at  the  Al  Aqsa  mosque  in   On Saturday, Hamas broke through  Justice Mohammad Ali Mazhar, Justice  the attack on the Constitution… - Dawn   order dredged up fears of a second ex-
       Jerusalem. Both Fatah, the faction which  Israel’s security barrier with thousands  Ayesha, Justice Syed Hasan Azhar Rizvi   pulsion. Already, at least 423,000 peo-
       controls  the  Palestinian  Authority,  and  of  rockets  and  attacked  nearby  settle- and Justice Waheed. A day after he was   Palestinians Flee Northern Gaza after   ple — nearly one in five Gazans — have
       Hamas, which has a strong presence in  ments. Dozens of Hamas militants also  sworn in, on September 19, incumbent   Israel Orders 1 million to Evacuate as   been forced from their homes by Israeli
       the West Bank, called for a “day of rage”  opened fire on about 3,500 young peo- CJP Qazi Faez Isa resumed hearing the   Ground Attack Looms  airstrikes, the UN said Thursday.
       protest on Friday.            ple at a music festival in southern Israel  petitions with a full court and ordered   (Continued from page 1)  “Where  is  the  sense  of  security  in
         The mosque, on a site in the Old City  near the Gaza border, in what is now  live-streaming of the entire proceedings.  Gaza faced what they feared was a no- Gaza?  Is  this  what  Hamas  is  offering
       of Jerusalem holy to both Muslims and  believed to be the worst civilian mas-  Today’s  judgment  comes  after  five  win decision to leave or stay, with no  us?”  said  one  resident,  Tarek  Mraish,
       Jews who know it as the Temple Mount,  sacre in Israel’s history.  proceedings were conducted on the mat- safe  ground  anywhere.  Hospital  staff  standing  by  an  avenue  as  vehicles
       is one of the most sensitive places in the   Israeli  Prime  Minister  Benjamin  ter. At the previous hearing, an exchange  said they couldn’t abandon patients.  flowed by. “What has Hamas done to
       Middle East and the trigger for repeated  Netanyahu’s  government  retaliated  by  between judges and counsel hinted at the   Unrelenting Israeli strikes over the  us? It brought us catastophe,” he said,
       confrontations. On Thursday, a Palestin- launching airstrikes on nearby Palestin- disquiet  among  judges  over  the  court’s  past week have leveled large swaths of  using  the  same  Arabic  word  “nakba”
       ian man was shot dead just outside the  ian settlements, per an Al Jazeera report- workings.  neighborhoods,  adding  to  the  suffer- used for the 1948 displacement.
       Old City after he apparently fired at a po- er on the ground in Gaza. While some         ing of Gaza, which has also been sealed   Gaza’s  Health  Ministry  said  it  was
       lice station, Israeli police said.  news  coverage  has  described  Hamas’  The hearing  off from food, water and medical sup- impossible  to  evacuate  the  many
         Earlier,  Israeli  settlers  in  the  West  attack  as  “unprovoked,”  experts  of  the   At the outset of the hearing in the day,  plies, and is under a virtual total power  wounded from hospitals, which are al-
       Bank killed two Palestinians when they  region and those who advocate for Pales- Attorney  General  for  Pakistan  (AGP)  blackout.  ready struggling with high numbers of
       opened fire on a funeral procession. A  tinian liberation point out that this week’s  Mansoor  Usman  Awan  presented  his   “Forget  about  food,  forget  about  dead and injured. “We cannot evacuate
       37-year-old woman was also killed when  violence exists in the context of the Israeli  submissions.  He  said  his  arguments  electricity, forget about fuel. The only  hospitals  and  leave  the  wounded  and
       she was shot by security forces near Ra- government’s  decades-long  apartheid  would  be  based  on  the  government’s  concern  now  is  just  if  you’ll  make  it,  sick  to  die,”  spokesperson  Ashraf  al-
       mallah, the main city in the West bank,  against Palestinians.  written response submitted in court.  if you’re going to live,” said Nebal Far- Qidra said.
       according to Palestinian health services.   “Today’s  bloodshed  is  the  tip  of  an   “You  are  saying  you  not  repeat  the  sakh, a spokesperson for the Palestin-  Farsakh,  of  the  Palestinian  Red
       - Reuters                     iceberg: an iceberg of state violence and  arguments but will highlight them,” the  ian Red Crescent in Gaza City, as she  Crescent, said some medics were refus-
                                     ethnic  subjugation,”  Nathan  Thrall,  a  CJP said here, to which Awan stated that  broke into heaving sobs.  ing to leave and abandon patients and
        Malala Calls for ‘Immediate Ceasefire’   writer and expert on Israel-Palestine is- he would talk about the independence of   In the week-old war, the Gaza Health  were instead calling colleagues to say
            amid  Israel-Hamas Conflict  sues, posted on X, formerly Twitter, Sat- the judiciary and Article 191 of the Con- Ministry said Friday that roughly 1,800  goodbye. “We have wounded, we have
            (Continued from page 1)  urday. “Blood will continue to be spilled  stitution.      people have been killed in the territory  elderly,  we  have  children  who  are  in
       ing hundreds of people and prompting  so  long  as  we  ignore  the  root  causes.”   Article  191  (Rules  of  procedure)  — more than half of them under the  hospitals,” she said.
       Israel to declare war.        -HuffPost                     states: “Subject to the Constitution and  age  of  18,  or  women.  Hamas’  assault   The  U.N.  agency  for  Palestinian
         Yousafzai did not take a side in her                      law, the Supreme Court may make rules  last  Saturday  killed  more  than  1,300  refugees,  known  as  UNRWA,  said  it
       statement, but pleaded for the vicious at-  Law Aimed at Clipping CJP’s Wings   regulating the practice and procedure of  Israelis, most of whom were civilians,  would not evacuate its schools, where
       tacks to end for the sake of all children   ‘Sustained as Being Constitutional’  the Court.”  and  roughly  1,500  Hamas  militants  hundreds  of  thousands  have  taken
       caught in the crossfire.           (Continued from page 1)    The AGP added that three questions  were killed during the fighting, the Is- shelter.  But  it  relocated  its  headquar-
         “As I have processed the tragic news  tice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa said  were  raised  during  the  proceedings  on  raeli government said.  ters  to  southern  Gaza,  according  to
       of the past days, I think of the Palestin- that  “a  majority  of  10-5  (Justice  Ijazul  the matter in discussion and he would   Israeli Troops Make Foray into Gaza spokesperson Juliette Touma.
       ian  and  Israeli  children  caught  in  the  Ahsan,  Justice  Munib  Akhtar,  Justice  respond to them. He said Article 191 did   Israel’s  raid  was  the  first  word  of   “The scale and speed of the unfold-
       middle,” Yousafzai said in her statement.  Mazahar Ali Akbar Naqvi, Justice Ayesha  not take away the Parliament’s right to  troops  entering  Gaza  since  Israel  ing  humanitarian  crisis  is  bone-chill-
         “War  never  spares  children  —  not  A. Malik and Justice Shahid Waheed dis- legislate.  launched  its  round-the-clock  bom- ing.  Gaza  is  fast  becoming  a  hellhole
       those  kidnapped  from  their  homes  in  senting), the SC Practice and Procedure   “Parliament has given the judiciary its  bardment  in  retaliation  for  Hamas’  and  is  on  the  brink  of  collapse,”  said
       Israel,  not  those  hiding  from  airstrikes  Act 2023 is sustained as being in accor- independence but has also not limited its  attack, in which militant fighters mas- Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA’s commis-
       or without food and water in Gaza,” she  dance with the Constitution of the Islam- right to legislate,” Awan said.  sacred hundreds in southern Israel and  sioner general.
       wrote. “Today, I am grieving for all the  ic Republic of Pakistan and to this extent,   Here,  Justice  Akhtar  recalled  that  snatched some 150 people to Gaza as   Pressed  by  reporters  on  whether
       children  and  people  longing  for  peace  the petitions are dismissed”.  before  1973,  changes  to  SC  rules  were  hostages.  the army would protect hospitals, UN
       and justice in the Holy Land.”  “By  majority  of  9-6  (Justice  Ahsan,  conditional to the permission of the gov-  A military spokesman said that af- shelters  and  other  civilian  locations,
         Yousafzai ― who survived a 2012 as- Justice  Akhtar,  Justice  Afridi,  Justice  ernor general or president.  ter  Israeli  ground  troops  conducted  Hagari, the Israeli military spokesper-
       sassination attempt by the Taliban after  Naqvi,  Justice  Ayesha  and  Justice  Wa-  For his part, the AGP said there were  their raids in Gaza on Friday, they then  son, warned, “It’s a war zone.” - AP
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