Page 15 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 15
n By Elaine Pasquini Ambassador Masood Khan Reaches out to US Lawmakers Mike McCaul (R-TX), founder and
Washington, DC co-chair of the Congressional Pakistan
Caucus Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX),
fter a busy September with Rep Dean Phillips (D-MN), Rep Barba-
meetings in New York City ra Lee (D-CA), Rep Marilyn Strickland
Aduring the United Nations (D-WA), Rep Melanie Stansbury (D-
General Assembly’s annual session, NM) and Rep Lance Gooden (R-TX)
Masood Khan, Pakistan’s Ambassa- thanking them for their strong support
dor to the United States, continued his for Pakistan in the House of Represen-
active schedule into October, consult- tatives in rejecting a proposed amend-
ing with several US lawmakers. ment to prohibit assistance to Pakistan
In a meeting with Sen Bill Hagerty under the Fiscal Year 2024 State, For-
(R-TN), the two discussed ways to fur- eign Operations and Related Programs
ther strengthen US-Pak relations with a Appropriations Act (SFOP).
focus on cementing ties in trade, invest- “We appreciate your intercession
ment, energy and counterterrorism. and counsel that ensured that the vote
Conferring with Sen Jon Ossoff against the amendment enjoyed bi-
(D-GA), the ambassador raised the partisan support,” Ambassador Khan
issues of bilateral relations and the wrote to US lawmakers. “In the years
regional situation. Enjoying a sister- to come, we would work harder to
province relationship between the promote parliamentary exchanges
state of Georgia and Sindh province, and strengthen bilateral ties between
they reiterated their joint commit- our two nations. In this endeavor, we
ment to exploring all possible avenues would always work with you closely.”
for enhancing trade ties and promot- The assistance earmarked under
ing people-to-people exchanges. SFOP, he told US legislators in his let-
The ambassador had a productive Ambassador Khan and Rep Marcy Crow (D-CO), the ambassador tweet- about strengthening cooperation on ters, would go to critical areas of coop-
meeting with Rep Jim Banks (R-IN), Kaptur (D-OH), ranking member of the ed: “Discussed recalibration in Pak-US regional security, Afghanistan and eco- eration, including economic support,
co-chair of the Pakistan Congressional House Appropriations Subcommittee relations, providing impetus for broad- nomic development. I also relayed my countering narcotics, counterterror-
Caucus, thanking him for his leader- on Energy and Water Development, dis- based trade, investment and security views on human rights and the need to ism, military education training and
ship in the Caucus and his resolute cussed Pak-US cooperation in defense, partnerships. Sought Congressional proceed with fair elections in January. health programs.
support for Pakistan in Congress. They science, technology, education, renew- support for cementing bilateral ties.” Thank you for visiting!” (Elaine Pasquini is a freelance
discussed ways to strengthen ties in able energy, climate change and exchang- Sending a simultaneous mes- In addition, Ambassador Khan journalist. Her reports appear in the
parliamentary, economic and educa- es between US and Pakistan’s citizens. sage, Rep Crow tweeted: “Met with wrote letters to the chairman of the Washington Report on Middle East
tional realms. After his meeting with Rep Jason Pakistan’s Ambassador Masood Khan House Foreign Affairs Committee Rep Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)
‘A Bond of Love’: Indian Crowd Roars for of 345 runs.
n By Al Jazeera Staff in the eighth over in pursuit of a target
alf-way through Pakistan’s He built a 176-run partnership with
run-chase in the ICC Crick- Pakistan in Record World Cup Win opening batter Abdullah Shafique and
Het World Cup match against hit the winning runs for his team with
Sri Lanka on Tuesday, the crowd at 10 balls to spare.
Hyderabad’s Rajiv Gandhi Interna- “The way people welcomed us at The 31-year-old scored 131 runs on
tional Stadium roared and chanted a the airport and then chanted for us 121 balls in an innings that was ham-
famous Pakistani slogan. while we were on the ground – it left pered by cramps.
“Jeetay ga bhaee jeetay ga, Pakistan us speechless,” the Pakistani wicket- However, despite posting his high-
jeetay ga [Pakistan will win],” they keeper batter said when prompted to est score in a one-day international
shouted in unison after a prompt from comment on the reception accorded to (ODI) match, Rizwan fell short of the
the venue’s DJ. his team. target set to him by local ground staff.
The near-capacity crowd roared for “We have developed a bond of love “When I entered the ground, the
Pakistan’s captain Babar Azam when with the people here.” pitch curator told me I have to score
he stepped on the field and cheered for Videos posted on X, the social me- 200 runs here,” he revealed after the
Mohammad Rizwan when he guided dia platform formerly known as Twit- match.
his team home with a fighting century. ter, showed the crowd go up in raptur- In a post on X on Wednesday, Riz-
“The way the crowd showered us ous applause when Pakistan completed wan dedicated the win to the people
with love, we felt like we were [play- their win. of Gaza, who are facing a fifth day of
ing] at home,” Rizwan cheerfully told “With the crowd so close to the bombardment and intensified siege
reporters after the match on Tuesday. pitch and cheering so loudly, I felt like from Israel.
Pakistan have been based in south I was playing in Pindi,” Rizwan chuck- “This is for our brothers and sis-
India since their arrival in the coun- led, referring to the compact cricket ters in Gaza,” Rizwan wrote as he also
try nearly two weeks ago, when large A fan holds a placard in support of Pakistan's captain Babar Azam at the ICC stadium in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. thanked the people of Hyderabad for
crowds gathered at the airport to wel- Men's Cricket World Cup match between Pakistan and Netherlands in Hyder- Rizwan came on to bat when his their “amazing hospitality and sup-
come the team from across the border. abad - Mahesh Kumar A/AP Photo team lost their captain and star batter port”. - Al Jazeera
Shura Council Holds Second
Annual Educators Forum
n Saturday, September Sh Suhail Mulla. Each speaker gave says a Shura Council message. It
30th, more than 130 Is- a presentation on the theme from adds: This is a great time to visit
O lamic school educators, their unique perspective. Attendees your Muslim neighbors. We now
administrators, and support staff enjoyed breakfast and lunch, played have a list of open Mosques avail-
from over 24 schools and organi- games, and learned from fellow edu- able on our website which is up-
zations attended the Shura Coun- cators during a gallery presentation. dated regularly.
cil’s 2nd Annual Educators Forum We would like to thank our event This is the 21st Annual Open
aboard the Queen Mary in Long sponsors, Amana Funds, Mercy Mosque Day started in 2002 in re-
Beach. They were welcomed by Without Limits, Bayan Islamic sponse to the Islamophobia follow-
Shura Council Board Chair, Dr Graduate School, Bank of Whittier, ing 9/11. Mosques open their doors
Ahmed Soboh. LaRiba Islamic Finance, and Devon to show their communities the
The theme for this event was Islamic Finance. – Shura Council beauty of Islam, share ethnic cui-
social and emotional wellness. The Open Mosque Day 2023 sine, give Mosque tours, and edu-
speakers included Dr Omar Ezzel- Open Mosque Day 2023 is the cate attendees about Muslims and
dine, Dr Kareema Nasouf, and weekend of October 21 and 22, Islam. – Shura Council