Page 23 - Pakistan Link -June 7, 2024
P. 23

CONTINUATIONS                                                                                                            PAKISTAN  LINK - JUNE 7, 2024 - P23

        A Champion of Pakistan’s Minorities  suggestions made by Schwartz to hold  ters  that  may  compromise  the  quality   Perilous Pursuits: The Struggles and   Shaam  expressed  his  concerns  about
            (Continued from page 4)  the Embassy Cup youth tournament in  of  your  prayer  or  cause  physical  dis-  Resilience of Pakistani Journalists   the  challenges  faced  by  young  people
       lim, Farahnaz has fallen into a common  2025 as a precursor to the 2026 FIFA  comfort such as leg, feet, or back pain.   (Continued from page 13)  in  the  country  due  to  job  insecurities
       statistical error. On the creation of Paki- World Cup which will be jointly hosted  Instead, approach Salah with modera- control, often result in pre-scripted news  and an uncertain future. He remarked,
       stan,  West  Pakistan  had  a  tiny  Hindu  by 16 cities in Canada, Mexico, and the  tion, starting with manageable lengths  dominating media houses. Financial in- “Hamare naujawan Ishq karne ke bajae
       population as most of the community  United States. The final of the competi- and gradually increasing intensity over  terests further sway these powerhouses,  visa ki qataaron mein khade nazar aate
       had already fled to India, but East Paki- tion will be held at the MetLife Stadium  time. Just as we progressively build up  aligning  them  with  official  narratives.  hain”  (our  qualified  youth  are  priori-
       stan still had a substantial Hindu popu- in East Rutherford, New Jersey, on July  our strength at the gym, adopting a sus- Deviations from sanctioned stances in- tizing visa applications over romance).
       lation. After the breakup of Pakistan, the  19, 2026.       tainable approach to Salah ensures that  cur punitive measures, forcing journal- Javed Jabbar, a former federal minister
       tiny Hindu population of West Pakistan,   (Elaine  Pasquini  is  a  freelance  it  remains  a  fulfilling  and  nourishing  ists to navigate a delicate balance.  and noted journalist, suggested that the
       now constituting Pakistan, is all that is  journalist. Her reports appear in the  practice for both the body as well as our   Nuzaira Azam noted that while so- book should be mandatory reading for
       reflected in the current low percentage.  Washington  Report  on  Middle  East  soul.    cial media has expanded opportunities  journalism students.
         In  the  general  deterioration  of  law  Affairs and Nuze.Ink.)  In conclusion, in an attempt to beau- for  free  expression,  it  has  also  intro-  Audio-visual  arrangements  were
       and  order  in  Pakistan,  not  only  the                   tify our prayers, let us strive to adorn  duced  new  challenges  such  as  online  coordinated  by  Tehniyet  Azam,  with
       minorities  are  suffering  the  violence.   Guilty!        them  with  sincerity,  reverence,  and  harassment,  cyber-attacks,  and  draco- photographs provided courtesy of Sar-
       Tragically, Shia, Ahmadis, Hindus and   (Continued from page 5)  devotion, knowing that in each prostra- nian cybercrime laws used to suppress  wat Parvez and Afzal Usmani. - Iqbal.
       Christians are targets but the horror is  finding that he had raped a woman in  tion and recitation, we draw ourselves  dissent.  Her  organization,  the  Global
       universal: schools and even shrines rep- the 1990’s, that his business has engaged  closer to Allah, the Most Merciful and  Beat  Foundation,  supports  journalists
       resenting mainstream Sunni Islam have  in so much fraud that a judge fined him  Compassionate. May our prayers be a  and  journalism  students  by  providing   Pray-In for Gaza at Senator
       been targeted. Who can unsee the video  400 million dollars, that he was respon- source  of  tranquility,  reflection,  guid- media training and empowering report-  Padilla’s Office Calls for Peace
       of the savage lynching of Mashal Khan  sible for taking away women’s right to  ance,  and  spiritual  fulfillment,  enrich- ers from remote areas of Pakistan. She   (Continued from page 15)
       in Mardan?                    abortion, and that he wants to dismantle  ing our lives and illuminating our path  mentioned that despite efforts to engage   the rubble in Gaza and if you had a

         Farahnaz’s  bleak  picture  is  some- NATO  and  hand  Ukraine  to  Russia.  toward eternal bliss. Aameen.  right-leaning journalists, they had lim- funeral for every one killed, “it would
       what balanced by the many examples of  Now that Trump has a criminal convic-  (Umm  Ahmad    is  an  early  child- ited  success,  with  Mujeebur  Rahman  take 100 years to honor all those mar-
       well-integrated and devoted Pakistanis  tion,  Biden’s  team  needs  to  hang  that  hood  educator  and  mother  of  three  Shaami being the sole exception.  tyred.”  He  went  on  to  recall  the  lat-
       from the minorities. She herself, a Shia,  around his neck every day.   boys. Always on the quest to learn, she   Participating  via  Zoom  from  Ka- est Israeli attack on Rafah that killed
       and her distinguished family are good     For Trump, the conviction has been  is  passionate  about  seeking  knowl- rachi,  Akhlaq  Ahmed  highlighted  the  an  additional  45  people  including
       examples.  Of  the  many  at  hand,  take  devastating.  He has three more criminal  edge  and  passing  it  on  to  others.  A  logistical  difficulties  of  arranging  in- “women  who  were  pregnant  being
       Jimmy Engineer, a Zoroastrian, who is  trials against him, and he has successful  writer  in  the  making,  she  draws  in- terviews  due  to  the  time  differences  burned  alive”,  and  that  there  are  no
       one  of  Pakistan’s  most  famous  paint- delayed them for now.  It is unlikely that  spiration through deep conversations,  between Pakistan and the USA. He em- safe places in Gaza.
       ers and widely loved. Dr Ruth Pfau, a  any of them will take place before the  laws of nature, and her own children.  phasized the book’s primary objective:   He  went  on  to  say  that  the  Rafah
       Christian  missionary  doctor  battling  election.  If he can win the White House  She and her family are currently living  preserving  these  narratives  for  future  attack,  characterized  by  Netanyahu
       leprosy, was held in such high esteem  he can put off those cases or even have  in Abu Dhabi, UAE.)  journalists and historians. Ahmed also  as  “tragic  mishap,”  was  unacceptable.
       that  upon  her  death,  the  President,  the  Department  of  Justice  dismiss  the   Sources:  acknowledged the need for an English  “This was not a tragic mishap, this is
       along  with  the  Commanders-in-Chief  two federal cases entirely.  If he fails to   The  Importance  of  Beautifying  translation of the book, mentioning that  over 75 years and over $140 billion ex-
       of  the  armed  forces,  attended  her  fu- win in November though, he could be  Your Prayer  efforts are underway.    pended  to  ensure  the  ongoing  ethnic
       neral.  Another  Christian  Pakistani,  facing far more serious felonies and the  Ajit  Sahi,  a  recipient  of  numerous  cleansing, erasure, and the violent dis-
       Dr James Shera, the first Asian Mayor  prospect of lengthy jail sentences.  This  mah-thahabi-importance-beautifying- national  and  international  awards  for  possession of our brothers and sisters
       of Rugby, England, and himself widely  impending  humiliation  is  terrifying.  prayer/   his  courageous  journalism  and  activ- of Palestine. The powerful thing is that

       loved  among  the  Pakistani  commu- Trump is staring into the abyss.                    ism, highlighted that press freedom is  no matter how much they seek to erase
       nity, shared his passion for Pakistan in                      Hablamos Islam, We Speak Islam  a  deeply  entrenched  issue  throughout  Palestinian  resistance  and  existence,
       a moving obituary to Pfau, calling her   Nine Steps to Beautify Your Prayers  (Continued from page 19)  the  subcontinent.  He  emphasized  the  we continue to gather in numbers they
       “Pakistan’s Mother Teresa”:       (Continued from page 17)  president  of  his  local  MSA,  organized  interdependence  of  problems  in  these  never  dreamed  imaginable.  All  of  us
         “As  I  watched  on  television,  as  the  Day of Judgment as you engage in Salah.  events and provided graphic design sup- countries,  asserting  that  they  must  be  here today is a testament that the re-
       state-run  and  private  television  net- Envision  the  awe-inspiring  scene  of  port. He still designs t-shirts and other  addressed collectively.  sistance will never die until Palestine is
       works of Pakistan broadcast live footage  resurrection,  where  every  soul  is  held  promotional items. His mother, a fash-  Tehniyet Azam, a PhD scholar at  liberated.”
       of  her  funeral,  this  sight  of  an  excep- accountable for their deeds. Allow this  ion designer and seamstress, makes all  Pennsylvania  State  University,  dis-  Before leaving, the group prayed to-
       tional measure for a foreign Christian  imagery to instill a sense of urgency and  of the costumes for the puppets. Díaz’s  cussed the unique societal challeng- gether and created a street mural calling
       in  this  Muslim  country  overwhelmed  reverence in your prayers, as you stand  sister-in-law  is  a  regular  contributor  es  faced  by  female  journalists.  She  for action from Padilla while pledging
       my heart and soul.”           before  Allah  in  humility  and  submis- to songs and story lines. And more re- shared how her grandfather, Fatehul  to remain in solidarity to see an end to
         Farahnaz  expresses  gratitude  to  sion.                 cently, their son Uthman has lent artis- Azam,  was  a  staunch  advocate  for  the war in Gaza, while promising to re-
       those  who  inspired  her,  including  her                  tic skills, illustrating his mother’s latest  gender  equality  and  encouraged  his  turn until their goals are met.
       distinguished  grandparents,  Hassan  7. Find your moment of devotion.   book, “The Secret of My Hijab.”  daughter,  Nuzaira  Azam  (Tehniyet’s
       Ispahani  and  Begum  Ispahani,  close   Discover a moment of profound de-  To support the filming of the pup- aunt), to pursue a career in journal-  Supreme Court Rejects Mustafa Kamal’s
       associates of the Quaid. Her book pays  votion  that  resonates  with  your  heart.  pet shows, the family converted a shed  ism despite resistance from some ex-  Apology
       tribute to three leading Pakistani figures  Whether it’s visualizing yourself inside  in  their  backyard  to  a  working  stu- tended family members.  (Continued from page 10)
       assassinated  in  the  cause  of  religious  the grave, facing the reality of death and  dio, complete with set lighting, green   Professor Rauf Arif of Towson Uni- “If someone wants to criticize my deci-
       freedom--Benazir Bhutto, Salman Tas- accountability,  or  picturing  yourself  screen, and a computer for digital ed- versity, veteran journalist Anwar Iqbal,  sions, read them first,” he said.
       eer  and  Shahbaz  Bhatti,  the  Christian  standing  on  the  Day  of  Judgment,  let  iting. And when a given show includes  media  analyst  Faiz  Rehman,  and  re-  The  court  then  issued  notices  to
       federal minister.             this imagery deepen your connection to  a number of puppets at one time, all  nowned Urdu promoter and poet Dr A.  all  the  TV  channels  for  broadcasting
         Farahnaz has held many important  Allah and enrich your Salah experience. of their children contribute. Díaz ad- Abdullah also shared their perspectives  derogatory  speeches  directing  them
       positions  in  her  career  including  that                 mits  that  when  the  whole  family  is  on the book. Additionally, Yusuf Rahat  to  submit  their  responses  within  two
       of a member of the Pakistan National  8.  Cultivate  mindfulness  through  involved, it can be “so much fun.” But  captivated the audience with a powerful  weeks.
       Assembly  and  a  Fellow  at  the  Wood- taqwa.             it serves a larger purpose than the im- recitation of his nazm, emphasizing the   Furthermore, the apex court has also
       row  Wilson  Center  in  Washington,   When  you  find  your  mind  wan- mediate  need  for  more  hands.  These  significance of the pen and learning.  sought Pemra’s response regarding the
       DC. Perhaps her greatest achievement  dering  amidst  worldly  concerns  dur- proactive  parents  hope  that  “if  our   Rahila  Firdaus,  a  prominent  PTV  ban on reporting court proceedings.
       is this book, in which she emerges as  ing  Salah,  consciously  redirect  your  children  see  the  importance  that  we  anchor  and  commentator,  skillfully   The case has been adjourned till June
       the champion of Pakistan’s minorities.  thoughts  to  the  concept  of  Taqwa,  or  put into what we are doing they will  moderated the program.  28  with  the  apex  court  giving  Vawda
       Whether you agree or disagree with her,  God-consciousness.  Remind  yourself  also  do  the  same.”  Alhamdulillah,  it   Despite  the  long  weekend,  many  one week’s time to submit his response
       there is no denying the courage, clarity,  that it is only Allah who possesses the  seems that has already taken hold.  Urdu  enthusiasts  and  journalists  at- to the suo motu.
       and  passion  with  which  she  reminds  power  to  alleviate  your  worries  and   Hablamos  Islam  Islamic  children’s  tended  the  memorable  event.  Notable   Will accept SC decision: Vawda
       Pakistanis of the need to live up to the  grant  you  peace.  For  instance,  during  books have been distributed in over 12  attendees   included   representatives   In a press conference after the hear-
       high ideals of the Quaid.     prayer, it’s common to be preoccupied  different countries. The books are avail- from  various  literary  and  cultural  as- ing, Vawda, who did not get a chance to
         (Akbar  Ahmed  is  Distinguished  with  mundane  tasks  like  managing  able for purchase on Amazon and other  sociations, including AAA-DC’s Aslam  speak during the hearing, said he would
       Professor and the Ibn Khaldun Chair  household chores or meeting deadlines.  major  online  bookstores  under  the  Azad, UKAA’s Aquile Ahmed, Dr Renu- accept whatever decision the court ar-
       of Islamic Studies, School of Interna- Instead  of  succumbing  to  these  dis- name of author Wendy Díaz.  ka Misra, and this writer of the Global  rives at, but clearly stated that he would
       tional  Service,  American  University,  tractions, reaffirm your trust in Allah’s   For more information about Habla- Organization of People of Indian Origin  not apologize as he had done nothing
       Washington DC. He is a Wilson Cen- omnipotence, knowing that He alone is  mos  Islam  and  their  projects,  follow  in America, VOA’s Khalid Hameed, and  wrong.
       ter Global Fellow. He was the former  capable of managing all your affairs.   them  on  social  media  @Hablamos  Is- Indus  Arts  Council’s  Kanwal  Basheer.   “I’ve always respected the chief jus-
       Pakistan  High  Commissioner  to  the   By shifting your focus from worldly  lam or visit their websites: www.habla- Poet  Tahir  Hanafi  from  Pakistan  and  tice  and  his  bench.  The  court  heard
       UK and Ireland.)              concerns to reliance on Allah, you cul-  and  www.hablamosis- writer  Shafiuddin  Usmani  from  India  Mustafa Kamal’s case in detail, my turn
                                     tivate mindfulness and strengthen your      were also present.            is yet to come,” the independent sena-
        Washington Soccer Club Champions   faith in Him.             (Zahirah Lynn Eppard is Sound Vi-  The  book  was  previously  released  tor said.
           Pakistani-Made Soccer Balls                             sion’s Director of Religious Education)  in  multiple  locations  across  Pakistan,   Kamal, while speaking to reporters
           (Continued from page 13)  9. Avoid a sense of overburdening. including Karachi, Lahore, and Islam- outside the apex court, said if his state-
       competitive  to  secure  greater  market   It’s essential not to overburden your- ticle/hablamos-islam-we-speak-islam?e abad.  During  the  release  ceremony  at  ments  were  in  contempt  of  the  court,
       share.”                       self  during  Salah.  Avoid  prolonging  it  Type=EmailBlastContent&eId=6b04e6 the  Arts  Council  of  Pakistan  in  Ka- then he seeks an unconditional apology.
         The  ambassador  also  welcomed  excessively  by  reciting  lengthy  chap- cc-f550-42b7-bbdd-9b339c752160   rachi,  seasoned  journalist  Mahmood  - The News
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