Page 25 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 25
Prophet Muhammad as a Humanitarian Leader
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
ed his house and came to kill him,
the Prophet did not leave his home
e sent you not except as without making sure that anything
a mercy for the worlds. that he had borrowed or kept as a
W(Al-Anbiya’ 21:107) trust with him must be returned to
Have you seen someone who its rightful owners, although some
rejects religion? Th at is the person of them turned against him and
who pushes the orphan aside and became his enemies because of his
does not promote feeding the needy. message of Islam. Th is is a most
Woe to those who unique example of sincerity and
pray but who are honesty as well as of humanitarian
unmindful of their spirit.
prayer, whose aim is It is reported that aft er the Hi-
to be noticed, while jrah while the people of Makkah
they hold back the were still his enemies, it came to the
common courtesies. attention of the Prophet that they
(Al-Ma’un 107:1-7) were going through shortage of food
Th e word “humanitarian” is due to some famine; the Prophet
defi ned in Webster’s Dictionary as immediately sent some food for
“a person devoted to promoting them from Madinah. Th is is anoth-
the welfare of humanity, especially er unique example of humanitarian
through the elimination of pain and spirit towards the enemies, even
suff ering.” when they are at war. Prophet Mu-
Prophet Muhammad was the hammad never allowed the starva-
best example and the greatest leader tion of any person, even animals. He
who came to promote human wel- warned about Allah’s punishment of
fare. Allah sent him as a “mercy to hell for a woman who kept a cat in
the worlds.” As a Prophet and Mes- some place, did not allow the cat to
senger of Allah, his mission was to go out nor gave her food or water.
guide human beings to the path of Th e poor cat died of starvation. On
truth and salvation. He, however, the other hand, the Prophet praised
did not limit his work to preaching a person who gave water to a very
faith and prayers alone; he also em- thirsty dog and thus received special
phasized helping all human beings, blessings of Allah. Th ere are many
regardless of their races, colors or examples of his compassion and
religions. He was good to all human his followers to treat all people with of universal human rights; it was he Muhammad was not only kind to kindness towards the animals.
beings. respect. who gave the world this idea that all Muslims; he was also kind and re- As the leader of the commu-
Th e purpose of this talk is to He emphasized justice towards human beings have some God-giv- spectful to non-Muslims. He lis- nity, in Madinah, the Prophet used
emphasize the humanitarian as- all people. He was just not only to en and inalienable rights. He spoke tened to their arguments and an- to receive charity (Sadaqat and Za-
pects of the Sirah of the Prophet - Muslims, but also to non-Muslims. about the rights of life, right of basic swered them in the nicest manner. kat), but he never used it on him-
peace be upon him. We shall look at He was just not only to his friends necessities of life, right of property, He criticized their misconceptions self or his family. He was, however,
both the humanitarian teachings of but also to his enemies. Allah gave protection of honor, personal free- and gave them the message of Islam, very generous in helping the poor
the Prophet and his humanitarian him the message of universal jus- dom, freedom of expression, free- but never forced them to accept Is- people. He used to give with such
example. tice: dom of conscience and conviction, lam. Some of his own relatives did a generosity that people used to say
O ye who believe! stand out equality before law, the right of con- not accept Islam but the Prophet that he gives like a person who does
Humanitarian teachings of fi rmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair sultation. It was he who taught that did not mistreat them even when he not fear poverty. Beside teaching
the Prophet dealing, and let not the hatred of women must be treated with respect had full powers to do that. He rather and preaching the message of Allah,
others to you make you swerve to and honor. It was he who taught helped them whenever they were in it was his mission to remove the suf-
From the beginning of his mis- wrong and depart from justice. Be the dignity of workers and said that need. He taught kindness to neigh- fering of all people.
sion until he left this world, Prophet just: that is next to Piety: and fear workers should be given fair wages bors and to all relatives whether It is important for us Muslims
Muhammad emphasized that all Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted and paid promptly. It was Prophet Muslims or non-Muslims. Prophet to remember this humanitarian
human beings are one family, de- with all that you do. Muhammad - peace and blessings Muhammad never allowed fi ghting spirit of Islam. We should be kind
scending from the one and same (Al-Ma’idah 5:8) of Allah be upon him - who taught any person or group unless they at- and generous towards all people.
father and mother, Adam and Eve. Prophet Muhammad - peace the fi rst time in history that rulers tacked fi rst. He urged peaceful rela- Because of the lack of understand-
He spoke against racial or color dis- be upon him- preached this mes- are responsible before their people tions, agreement and treaties and he ing of the humanitarian nature of
crimination. He spoke against trib- sage and practiced it in the best way. and they can be removed by the reminded his followers to observe Islamic teachings and humanitarian
alism and against all kinds of preju- Neither in the time of peace nor in people. all treaties and covenants as long as example of Prophet Muhammad -
dices. Th ere is not a single incident the time of war he did injustice to Prophet Muhammad taught the enemies observed them. peace be upon him - many Muslims
or a single statement in which he his enemies. Actually, in many in- kindness to family, love of children, today think that our social work, re-
showed directly or indirectly any stances when he defeated his ene- respect of parents and elders and Humanitarian Example of the lief work and humanitarian eff orts
prejudice against any person of any mies in battles, he forgave them and kindness to neighbors. He told us Prophet should be only directed towards
race, color or tribe. In the society in let them go free. that even if our parents or other rela- Muslims.
which he was born such discrimina- He emphasized the human tives reject Allah’s message and con- Prophet Muhammad - peace We lag behind in support-
tions were common; but he always rights of all people. Before Prophet tinue in their unbelief or idol wor- be upon him - also gave us a perfect ing the humanitarian causes here
spoke against them and reminded Muhammad there was no concept ship, we should not mistreat them. example of a humanitarian leader. in America and around the world.
We should not In his early age, before Allah Th is is against the clear teachings
follow their appointed him as His Prophet and and spirit of Islam. We should em-
wrong ways, Messenger, Prophet Muhammad phasize more and more humani-
but in worldly was known as an honest, trust- tarian works. We should establish
matters we worthy and truthful person. He institutions for the assistance of all
should be good was called al-Sadiq and al-Amin. poor people, regardless of their re-
to them. He It was due to his loving and peace- ligions. We should feed the hungry,
told us that we ful character that Quraish asked provide clean water and clothes to
should treat all him to arbitrate in their dispute on those who are in need. We should
our neighbors who should place the Black Stone establish medical clinics for free
with care and in the wall of the Ka’bah when they treatment of all those who are sick
kindness. He were repairing its building. It was and need our help and assistance.
told us, “He/she due to his humanitarian spirit that We should take care of the senior
is not a believer he joined a group of noble people citizens, orphans and widows to the
who eats while in Makkah who wanted to protect best of our capacities. We should
his neighbor the widows, orphans or strang- organize systematic relief programs
is hungry.” He ers in their city. He joined the Hilf for those who are victims of natural
did not distin- al-Fudul and even aft er he became or man-made disasters everywhere
guish between the Prophet of Allah, he continued in the world. We should establish
a Muslim and speaking highly of this group, its educational institutions not only for
non-Muslim in humanitarian eff orts and indicated Muslims but also for others. Just as
this humanitar- his willingness to respond to them da’wah is important, humanitarian
ian treatment whenever they would call. work is also very important. Actu-
of relatives and When the leaders of various ally no successful Da’wah work can
neighbors. tribes in Makkah made life diffi cult be done without sincere humani-
P r o p h e t for Prophet Muhammad, surround- tarian work. (Repeated)