Page 24 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 24
Volatility Not Helping Bottom Line Disaster Relief Efforts
n By Saghir Aslam rate since 1995. Rohingya Refugee Support
Rawalpindi, Pakistan While strategists remain bullish
on equities this year, they are pre-
(Th e following information dicting returns in US stocks won’t be
is provided solely to educate the as robust. Th e S&P500 will increase
Muslim community 7.5 percent from where it closed
about investing and Monday to 2,237 by the end of the
fi nancial planning. year, according to the average of 21
It is hoped that the equity strategists.
Ummah will ben- Th e S&P500, which never went
efi t from this eff ort more than three days without a gain
through greater fi - in 2014, has twice fallen fi ve straight
nancial empowerment, enabling the times since January. US Hurricane Relief Bangladesh Flood Relief
community to live in security and traded US equity funds in January Daily equity moves exceeding
dignity and fulfi ll their religious and and February, according to data 1 percent have jumped 50 percent
moral obligations towards charitable compiled by Bloomberg and Invest- from last year and shares tumbled
activities) ment Company Institute. 3 percent or more over four diff er-
Good news for investors: far “Benchmarks matter to insti- ent stretches in the fi rst quarter,
more mutual funds are beating the tutes, like school endowments com- the most retreats of that magnitude
market than last year. Th e bad news peting against each other”. since 2011.
is that stocks are returning one- “People are not competing Keep in mind Islamic Financ-
tenth as much. against anyone else. Th ey just want ing, either you are in the market to
According to a Fundstrat Glob- to make money. Th at’s how mutual buy a home, R.V- truck or car. Now
al Advisors LLC survey of 3,265 fund investors are”. there are choices available even in Is-
funds, more than half posted gains Managers’ outperformances lamic fi nancing. Several Islamic pro- Please visit our website to find out more and donate.
that exceeded benchmark indexes in this year could be tied to stocks’ in- visional institutions such as; Lariba
2015 through March 6, for their best clinations to move independently of has great track record. Hidaya Foundation
start to a year since 2012. Managers each other. Shop around. Go Islamic way.
are fi nding it easier to profi t from Th e Chicago Board Options (Saghir A. Aslam only explains
stock-picking as lockstep moves Exchange’s S&P500 Implied Corre- strategies and formulas that he has 408.244.3282 |
among shares unwind and the mar- lation Index, which uses options to been using. He is merely providing
ket endures swings not seen since measure expectations about whether information, and NO ADVICE is Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
2011. stocks will move in unison, plunged given. Mr Aslam does not endorse
“Factors aiding active manager 17 percent this year through March or recommend any broker, broker-
performance are improving in 2015, 5, to the lowest level since 2012. age fi rm, or any investment at all, Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
suggesting the positive start for nor does he suggest that anyone will
funds will continue.” Underweighting Shares earn a profi t when or if they pur-
Whether anyone will care is an- Funds that outperformed in chase stocks, bonds or any other in- Countries Buying Selling
other question. While volatility has January and February benefi ted vestments. All stocks or investment Rs. Rs.
been good for active managers, so from underweighting shares of utili- vehicles mentioned are for illustra-
far it isn’t doing much for the bottom ties and fi nancials. tive purposes only. Mr Aslam is not USA 107.20 107.50
line. Th e Standard & Poor’s 500 In- Th ese S&P500 groups lost at an attorney, accountant, real estate UK 140.75 142.50
dex, up 1.1 percent this year through least 1.7 percent in the fi rst two broker, stockbroker, investment ad- S.Arabia 28.40 28.60
Monday aft er rising 44 percent the months of 2015 as the broader index visor, or certifi ed fi nancial planner. Japan 0.92 0.95
previous two, is poised for its worst rose 2.2 percent. Mr Aslam does not have anything Euro 125.75 126.95
fi rst quarter since 2009. Last year, only 25 percent of ac- for sale. Th is article is written in col- UAE 29.05 29.30
Investors pulled more than $10 tively managed equity mutual funds laboration with Walt Hommerding
billion out of mutual and exchange beat their benchmarks, the lowest of Wells Fargo advisers) (*October 19, 2017)
CODE FROM P7 and Husan Bano are among those body can dare solve these problems.”
e safety, honor and welfare of whose membership has been sus- Qadri said the Sharif brothers U.S. VISA AVAILABILITY IN OCTOBER 2017
your country come rst always and ev- pended. had burnt Faisal Town Police Station For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
ery time. to destroy all the record of the Mod- Compiled by Hasan Chishti
e honor, welfare and comfort of WIFE FROM P15 el Town carnage in which 14 people
the men you command come next. especially female sports, I will also were killed. “Th is happened when
Your own ease, comfort and safety work for male sports, but for the the case was under trial which clear-
come last always and every time. time being my focus is on females.” ly indicates that they did terrorism FAMILY SPONSORED PREFERENCES Pakistan/Bangladesh India
Captain Husnain we are proud of “I am highly humbled as wher- with the justice system. Th ose who
you – nay - the whole nation is proud ever I go, I get huge respect and peo- can open fi re on unarmed innocents 1 Unmarried sons & daughters
of you. ple are speaking so highly about Ali. can do anything,” he said.
He had great love for Pakistan, that He expressed his fear that there of U.S. Citizens Dec., 22, 2010 Dec., 22, 2010
LAWMAKERS FROM P11 is why he travelled to this part of the were chances that volume X of the
Sardar Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari, world,” she said. JIT Report could be burnt as it 2-A Spouses and unmarried
Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah, was the standard practice of Sharif Children of permanent residents Oct., 22, 2015 Oct., 22, 2015
Shehryar Afridi, Muhammad Azhar QADRI FROM P15 brothers. He said removal and res-
Khan Jadoon, Shah Je Gul Afridi and declared Ahmedis as a minority. Is- toration of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat 2-B Unmarried sons & daughters (21 years
Peer Syed Muhammad Saqlain Shah lam and the country’s integrity are clauses from the oath were a mea- of age or older) of permanent residents) Nov., 8, 2010 Nov., 8, 2010
are also among the MNAs who failed continuously being attacked.” ger thing, they have removed nine
to submit fi nancial details. “Sharif brothers are far more clauses from election laws which 3 Married sons & daughters of US citizens July 22, 2005 July 22, 2005
Senators Muhammad Ali Khan wicked than people of Pakistan and speak volumes about truthfulness
Saif, Muhammad Farogh Naseem and state institutions know them,” he and honesty of the Sharif brothers. 4 Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens May 8, 2004 Oct., 1, 2003
Atta-ur-Rehman, are among those said. “In addition, Election Conduct Act
whose membership was suspended by Qadri stressed that Pakistani 2002 has also been repealed which EMPLOYMENT BASED CATEGORY
the ECP. ministers were visiting the USA and declared Ahmedis as a minority,”
In Punjab, Mian Jahangir Wat- other countries not for image build- Qadri asserted. 1 Priority workers Current Current
too, Muhmmad Akbar Hayat Harraj ing or negotiation of loans but for
and Sardar Jamal Khan Leghari are lobbying against the country. He HELP FROM P18 2 Members of the professions holding
among the suspended MPAs. said PML-N supporters have at- were able to secure the release of this
Sindh MPAs whose member- tacked an accountability court on family. We are tremendously happy advanced degree or persons of
ship has been suspended include Ali Friday which seems a repeated epi- to have these folks returning, com- exceptional ability Current Sept., 15, 2008
Nawaz Khan Mahar, Arbab Ghulam sode of the 1997 attack on the apex ing home.”
Rahim, Makhdoom Khalil-u-Zaman, court. ISPR chief Maj Gen Asif Gha- 3 Skilled workers Current Oct., 15, 2006
Muhammad Rauf Siddiqi and Syed “It was just a small display of foor, while talking to reporters in Other workers Current Oct., 15, 2006
Faisal Sabzwari. thousands of such tricks of the rul- Islamabad, said that “no prisoner
Shaukat Ali Yousaf Zai, Qurban ing party,” he claimed and added exchange or ransom money” was in- 4 Certain special immigrants Current Current
Ali Khan and Sultan Muhammad that both parties who were fi ghting volved in freeing the hostages. Certain religious workers Current Current
Khan are among those from K-P in the accountability court belonged Asked to confi rm the ISPR’s
whose membership has been sus- to the ruling party. statement, the State Department’s 5 Non-regional Centers Current Current
pended. “Sharif brothers are involved in spokesperson said she was not yet in Regional Centers Current Current
Balochistan MPAs Mir Zafarul- political, economic and administra- a position to confi rm or deny it.
lah Khan Zehri, Mir Akber Askaani tive terrorism in the country so no-