Page 28 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2017
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  OCTOBER  20,  2017                                                                                COMMENTARY
                                      Quaid’s vision along with many Mus-  West Indies in 2016.   importance of immediate talks with   Cook Wanted
                                      lims who also sacrifi ced their lives in   Th  ey won all those series, los- Taliban, insisting instead on weaken-
                                      defending Quaid’s Pakistan: Shaheed  ing just one match. But this time,  ing the militants in the battlefi eld be-  Looking for an experienced
                                      Mohtrama Benazir Bhutto and Sha-  Sri Lanka won both tosses, and gave  fore resuming talks with them.  cook for our new restaurants.
                                      heed Salman Taseer. Our armed forc-  Pakistan a taste of their own medi-  “By agreeing to participate in   Must have at least two years
                                      es and law enforcing agencies along  cine, scoring 419 and 482 respec- a process that aims to resume talks   of cooking experience at profes-
                                      with many innocent citizens have  tively in the fi rst innings of the two  with the Taliban, the Trump admin-  sional level, familiar with Indo
                                      also been killed by those forces who  Tests. It turned out to be just as ef- istration is also showing that it’s not   Pakistani food.
                                      do not share our Founding Father’s  fective when done to Pakistan. - ES- entirely focused on the military op-  Experience of creating res-
                                      vision.  We must not allow them to  PNcricinfo              tion,” a diplomat told Dawn.   taurant menu a plus.
                                      succeed.                                                       “We were encouraged, just this       Contact Sal at:
                                         As Pakistanis we proclaim that   MUSLIMS FROM P18        week, with General Bajwa’s visit to      562-246-6776
                                      we  love  our  country  and  Quaid-i-  “It’s always strange reaping  Afghanistan… he had very good   email:halalfoodresto@
                                      Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah but we  the rewards of a story that’s based  meetings with Afghan leadership.
         Views and opinions ex-       must not leave it to words alone but  on  real-world  suff ering,”  the  Brit- Our leadership was engaged in those
         pressed by authors and con-  put our claims to practice. Surely, love  ish Ahmed said as he accepted his  meetings as well,” Chairman Joint
         tributors in articles, letters,   is incomplete without faithfulness.  award. “But if this show has shone  Chiefs of Staff  Gen Joseph Dunford
         opinion pieces, reports, ad-  I am proud to say that Christians  a light on some of the prejudice in  told the US Congress recently.  3rd ODI: Pakistan
         vertisements, etc appear-    of Pakistan have been serving the  our society, [such as] Islamophobia,   Th  e change in President’s   Beat Sri Lanka
         ing in Pakistan Link and     Quaid’s Pakistan with total devotion  some of the injustice in our justice  Trump’s tone came a day aft er Paki-
         Urdu Link are their own.     and faithfulness despite many chal-  system, maybe that’s something.”  stani security forces rescued a Ca-  by 7 Wickets
         Th  e paper neither shares   lenges and discriminatory laws that   And even among all the histo- nadian-American family from the
         nor endorses them and thus   have been thrust upon them.   ry-making bombshells of the 69th  clutches of their terrorist captors.
         should not be held respon-      Aft er every act of oppression,  Primetime Emmy Awards,  it really   Aft er the rescue operation, the
         sible for the views/opinions   we hear sympathetic and supportive  was. – Los Angeles Times   US president said that in the past,
         of the writers & advertisers.  words from social, political and reli-                    he had openly criticized Pakistan for
                                      gious leaders but they very oft en re-  PRAISE FROM1        taking “tremendous advantage of our
                                      main mere words as not much is done  her Canadian husband and their  country for many years, but we’re
        AMU FROM P8                   practically  to prevent  such excesses  three children from terrorists’ cap- starting  to have a  real relationship
         of open hearted tolerance, modern   against minorities. Actions speak  tivity.           with Pakistan, and they’re starting to
        enlightened thinking, love for schol-  louder than words. Today we feel   Th  e family was recovered from  respect us as a nation again”.
        arship, peaceful coexistence and,   more frightened and insecure than we  Nawe Kali, a remote area about 15   Apparently, it was to encourage
        above all, a rational approach to our   ever were during the freedom move-  kilometers southwest of Kohat town,  this change that the Trump admin-
        beliefs and problems.  More than ever,   ment under the Quaid’s leadership in  following a joint operation by secu- istration  decided  to  back  Pakistan’s
        it is time that the ‘Sir Syed Model’   1947. Pakistan is a great country and  rity forces and intelligence agencies,  eff orts to revive the four-nation talks.  Abu  Dhabi:  Imam-ul-Haq  became
        gains wider currency in the Muslim   I believe the answer to the gigantic  offi  cials said.  In Washington, the talks are be-  the third youngest player to score a
        World. -   challenges and problems it is facing   Reaffi  rming  Pakistan’s  resolve  ing viewed as signifi cant not because   century on his one-day international
                                      today lies in reverting back to Quaid’s  to eliminate terrorism from its soil,  they could lead to an immediate truce   debut and Hasan Ali grabbed 5-34
                                      Pakistan and his original vision: rule  PM Abbasi assured the US vice pres- with the Taliban, but rather because   as Pakistan hammered Sri Lanka by
        MINORIRTIES FROM P6           of law, good governance, justice, re-  ident that Pakistan would respond  they provide an opportunity to Is-  seven wickets to secure a series vic-
        Pakistan to have white colour in  ligious freedom and equal rights for  to any actionable intelligence shared  lamabad and Washington to iron out   tory on Wednesday.
        it along with green to show to the  all citizens of the state irrespective of  by the US side.  their diff erences over a political solu-  Pakistan took an unassailable
        world that this new state whole-  their creed or social status.  Th  e two leaders agreed to  tion to the Afghan confl ict. - Dawn  3-0 lead in the fi ve-match series, with
        heartedly considers non-Muslims as   Long live Pakistan.    maintain high-level engagements to                         Sri Lanka’s losing streak in ODIs now
        equal and integral members of the   (Cllr. Dr James Shera is MBE,  strengthen cooperation in areas of  COURTS FROM P1  stretching to 10 matches.
        state. Mr Jinnah was very clear in  SPk (Sitara-e- Pakistan), Former  mutual interest.    of the graft  cases against the Sharif   Th  e 21-year-old Imam is the
        his vision that he did not want non-  Mayor  of Rugby, England,  Freeman   Pence also accepted the invita- family, the court had been forced to   nephew of Inzamam-ul-Haq, the for-
        Muslims in Pakistan to suff er as the  of the Borough of Rugby and Distin-  tion of the prime minister to visit  postpone the indictment till Oct 19   mer captain and Pakistan’s current
        Muslim minority suff ered in India.  guished Formanite)     Pakistan in the near future.  aft er PML-N lawyers and supporters   chief selector. He hit 100 off  125 balls
        Hence, he thought that the Muslim                               Earlier, US Secretary of State  forcibly entered the court’s building   with two sixes and fi ve fours to help
        minority upon becoming a majority                           Rex Tillerson also called to convey  and created mayhem.   Pakistan cruise to 209-3 in 42.3 overs.
        would not forget how it feels to be   CRICKET FROM P20      US government’s gratitude for the   In his letter to the District Mag-  Sri Lanka captain Upul Th  aranga
        a minority and would off er security,  Pakistan’s results have fallen off  a cliff ,  safe recovery of the hostages. - Dawn istrate, the judge ordered that only 15   top-scored with 61 aft er winning the
        love and equal treatment to the oth-  almost as if they stopped caring once               court  reporters  from  media  houses   toss and opting to bat fi rst, but his
        er minorities dwelling in Pakistan  they got there. Th  ey have lost nine of   TALKS FROM P1  would be allowed to enter the court-  team’s batting woes in the series con-
        while they were in the majority.  their last 11 Tests, with the only two  negotiating table was one of the  room to witness the proceedings and   tinued before it was fi nally dismissed
            Mr Jinnah’s speeches and ac-  wins coming against the West Indies.  main objectives of the QCG, the Tal- that a list of the reporters should be   for 208 in 48.2 overs.
        tions are evidence that he genuinely  Th  e volatility is perhaps character-  iban had already indicated that they  drawn up prior to the proceedings.  Th  aranga and Niroshan Dick-
        believed in an ideal Islamic state  istic of Pakistan cricket - before this  would not participate in the Muscat   He further ordered that a Quick   wella (18) had provided a solid open-
        that cared and catered for everyone  run, they had gone seven consecutive  meeting.       Response Force should be stationed   ing  stand of  59 off   65  balls  before
        irrespective of their creed, breed,  series without losing one, their best-  In a statement, Afghan Chief  outside the court to check “any un-  Hasan clean bowled Dickwella.
        religion or language. History tells  ever streak.           Executive Abdullah Abdullah said  toward incident in the courtroom.”  Ali  became the  quickest Paki-
        us that on the fi rst Christmas aft er   Th  ey might have had excuses  that the quadrilateral meeting would           stani bowler to complete 50 wick-
        independence, in 1947, Mr Jinnah  along the way. Th  e slide began with a  improve Kabul and Islamabad’s rela-  IMRAN FROM P1  ets in ODIs, claiming the feat in 24
        went to the St Patrick’s Cathedral in  loss in the third Test against West In-  tionship.  by ECP. Th  e petition was received by   matches, three fewer than the previ-
        Karachi and celebrated Christmas  dies in Sharjah. Series already sealed,   “Afghanistan-Pakistan relations  the registrar offi  ce of IHC.  ous record set by Waqar Younis.
        along with the Christians.    dead rubber, you might say. Th  en  will be discussed at the meeting and   Th  e warrants were issued last   Imam, replacing out-of-form
            Today, what  is happening  in  came the 2-0 loss in New Zealand.  the results will be released,” Tolo  week following Khan’s continuous   Ahmed Shehzad at the top order,
        Pakistan? We are totally negating   Diffi  cult place to play, and they’ve  News quoted him as saying.  failure to appear before the commis-  dominated two productive stands —
        our Quaid’s message of Unity, Faith  got a very good side now.  Th  e outlet also quoted a spokes- sion on the show-cause notice issued   adding 78 runs with Fakhar Zaman
        and Discipline and are divided into   Th  en the Australia whitewash.  person for the Afghan foreign min- on August 24 over his “defaming and   (29) and further 66 with Babar Azam
        diff erent  groups  based  on religion,   Well, that always happens.  istry as saying that Kabul expected  scandalizing” the ECP in the foreign-  (30).
        language, caste and creed. We have   But with the home defeat in the  “that specifi c goals should be set for  funding case, which seeks Khan’s   Imam looked confi dent from the
        even come to a point where some-  UAE, the rut is becoming increas-  the fulfi llment of the promises made  disqualifi cation on charges of col-  onset when he smashed seamer  La-
        times we do not feel proud to be  ingly harder to explain. You might say  in the past meetings and also for the  lecting party funds from “prohibited”   hiru Gamage for a six over point.
        Pakistanis.                   they’re getting used to life aft er Mis-  peace roadmap”.   sources.                         Wicketkeeper Dickwella twice
            Despite challenges and diffi  cul-  bah and Younis, but at some point,   Th  e resumption of four-way   Hours aft er the issuance of the   dropped Imam, on 29 and 89, before
        ties, Pakistani non-Muslims, and  those excuses will need to be replaced  talks also underlines the US interest  warrants, Khan had told a TV chan-  fi nally catching him down the leg
        particularly Christians, are serving  by performances. Th  e rankings send  in reviving the stalled mechanism  nel that he would not appear before   side.
        the country with total devotion.  the same message. Less than a year  for engaging the Taliban, according  the commission and was instead   Th  e remaining two matches of
        Th  ere are countless non-Muslims  ago, they were No. 1 in Test cricket.  to diplomatic observers in Washing- ready to be arrested.  the series will be played at Sharjah on
        who have played a prominent role  With this series loss, they’ve slipped  ton.               Th  e contempt application was   Friday and next Monday.
        in Pakistan’s development, and it  to seven.                    But they are quick to point out  fi led on Jan 23 this year by the PTI’s
        would be unfair if I don’t mention                          that  the Taliban’s absence reduces  founding  member  and  former  vice  ECONOMY FROM P1
        their names here: Justice A R Cor-  Sheer luck?             the already slim chances of any  president Akbar S. Babar, who devel- extremely low tax base and bringing
        nelius, who served as Chief Justice   How much does random chance  breakthrough.          oped diff erences with Khan in 2011  in fi nancial discipline to break the
        of Pakistan; Mr Justice Bhagwan  have to do with Pakistan’s success? It   Senior South Asian diplomats,  over alleged internal corruption and  “begging bowl”.
        Das; and several distinguished Paki-  is undeniable that they’ve been strik-  however, insist that the talks do in- illegal funding of the PTI. Th  e ECP   Aft er the army chief’s public
        stan Air Force pilots including Ce-  ingly fortunate with the toss in the  dicate a “soft ening” in the Trump  verdict was announced a day aft er a  address at a seminar organized to
        cil Chaudhry, Peter O Reilly, and  UAE. It had almost become a staple  administration’s attitude towards  three-member  larger  bench  of  the  highlight the interlink between se-
        Mervyn L Moddlecoat.          of their game plan: win toss, bat  Pakistan, which President Don- IHC directed the ECP to proceed on  curity and the economy, the direc-
            Christians  have  also  contrib-  fi rst, post big score, grind opposition  ald Trump accused of harboring  the contempt application.  tor general of Inter-Services Pub-
        uted immensely as educationalists,  down. Th  ey won two of three tosses  dangerous terrorists in his Aug   Th  e commission directed the  lic Relations also said that if the
        politicians. doctors, lawyers and  against England in 2012, both against  21speech.       authorities concerned to arrest Khan  economy was not bad, it was not
        businessmen. Shaheed Shahbaz  Australia in 2014, all three against   Th  e new South Asia policy that  and present him before it on October  good either, inviting a strong reac-
        Bhatti gave his life while defending  England in 2015, and all three against  he announced also downplayed the  26.     tion from Minister Ahsan Iqbal.
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