Page 1 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
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Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                         MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                 The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 28/12   Rajab 6, 1439                               Friday, March 23, 2018                                               US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE  6                                  PAGE 11                                    PAGE  13
         March 23rd: Faiz                        All Terrorist                            Senate Elections                         For news,
         on the Dream of                         Sanctuaries Have                         an Insult to                             updated round
                                                                                                                                     the clock, visit
         Pakistan                                Been Eliminated                          Sanctity of Vote               

         NAB Summons Pakistan’s        India Advised to Stop Warmongering                                                          No Hot Pursuits into
          Envoy-Designate to US                                                                                                   Pakistan, Says Pentagon
                        Is l a ma b ad:  Islamabad:  Pakistan has                                                                Washington:  The US Department
                        The  National  advised the Indian lead-                                                                  of Defense has ruled out hot pur-
                        Accountability   ership to end ‘constant                                                                 suits into Pakistan to take out ter-
                        Bureau’s Lahore   blustering and stop cre-                                                               rorists who flee Afghanistan.
                        office has sum-  ating an atmosphere of                                                                     In a briefing for Indian and
                        moned   Paki-  war mongering’ in a sig-                                                                  Afghan  media  outlets,  a  Pentagon
                        stan’s Ambassa-  nificant statement amid                                                                 spokesperson said that if Pakistan
                        dor-designate   fast deterioration in ties                                                               wants to keep militants within its
                        to the United   between the two nuclear-                                                                 borders, it could do so, as long as
                        States Ali Jah-  armed neighbors.                                                                        they do not disturb peace and sta-
                        angir Siddiqui    “Pakistan   wants                                                                      bility in Afghanistan.
        on March 22 over an embezzlement   peace with India but any                                                                 “Say, for example, we have
        allegation.                   foolhardy act would only                                                                   troops in contact and then the Tali-
            A notice issued to Siddiqui ac-  get a befitting response,”                                                          ban forces go across the border.
        cuses him of causing losses of Rs40   Foreign Office spokesper-                                                          They  are  clearly  inside  Pakistan
        billion to investors.         son Dr Muhammad Faisal                                                                     then,” said Lt Col Mike Andrews.
            Among the charges is that Sid-  said in a terse but telling                                                          “We  have  no  authority  to  go  into
        diqui, as director of investment firm   statement issued here on                                                         Pakistan. There’s no change with
        Azgard Nine Ltd, was “syphoning off   Tuesday.                                                                           regard to respecting the territorial
        funds  … for the purchase of an Ital-  He did not provide                                                                sovereignty of Pakistan.”
        ian company, Monte Bello SRL, us-  any further details, though                                                              The Pentagon official explained
        ing a foreign company, Fairytal SRL   official sources said Paki-                                                        that US troops in Afghanistan oper-
        Sweden, which resulted in a loss to   stan conveyed the mes-                                                             ated within Afghanistan’s borders
        the company and shareholders.”  sage to India through dip-  “Pakistan wants peace with India but any foolhardy act would only get a befitting response,” Foreign   only and they had no authority to
            Siddiqui will also be asked   lomatic channels to avoid   Office spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal said in a terse but telling statement issued on Tuesday  cross that border. “If there is a way
        about selling shares of Agritech Ltd   further escalation.  recently, Indian Home   two neighbors for months   the recent diplomatic spat   to get that authority, but that would
        to different financial and govern-  The  development  Minister Rajnath Singh   with  frequent  clashes  over harassment and bul-  certainly be the exception and not
        ment institutions by Azgard Nine at   came amid reports and   warned that India could   along the Line of Control   lying  of staff  and their   the norm,” he added.
        a higher price than the  market price   speculations that the Indi-  cross the border to protect   (LoC) and the Working   families of Pakistan High   Colonel Andrews pointed out
        to settle the loan defaults of the com-  an army might be contem-  its territorial integrity.  Boundary.  Commission in New Del-  that an exception did not apply to
        pany, which resulted in an    plating ‘surgical strikes’   Tensions have been   What added to the   hi by the Indian secret   routine operations, and, therefore,
        ENVOY, P29                    inside  Pakistan.  Also  simmering between the   already strained ties was   WARMONGERING, P29  PENTAGON, P29
          Rupee Severely Stressed as    PM, Pence Review Afghan Peace Push amid Signs of Thaw                                       Peshawar Zalmi Reach
         Dollar Value Climbs to Rs115.5                                                                                           PSL 3 Final to Defend Title
        Islamabad: The value of the US dol-                                                               settlement to the conflict
        lar hit a high of Rs115.50 on Tuesday                                                             in  Afghanistan,  official
        in interbank trading, with currency                                                               sources told Dawn.
        dealers suspecting the government’s                                                                   The sources said the
        commitments to foreign monetary                                                                   30-minute,  one-on-one
        bodies being the cause behind the                                                                 meeting took place at the
        sudden rise. The value of greenback                                                               vice  president’s  residence
        also increased by Rs5.40 in the open                                                              at the US Naval Obser-
        market, DawnNewsTV reported.                                                                      vatory, which is close to
            The State Bank of  Pakistan                                                                   the Pakistan Embassy in   Lahore:  Peshawar  Zalmi defeated
        (SBP) held rising demand for dollars                                                              Washington. The meeting   Karachi Kings by 13 runs in the sec-
        responsible for the rise in the USD,                                                              was held on Pakistan’s re-  ond eliminator of the Pakistan Su-
        adding that it is closely monitor-                                                                quest.                 per League 3 at the Gaddafi Stadium
        ing the situation, but forex dealers                                                                  Michael  Cutrone,  on Wednesday night.
        seemed reluctant to accept this line                                                              special adviser to Vice   The Zalmi will now meet Is-
        of reasoning.                                                                                     President Pence for South   lamabad United, the winners of the
            General Secretary  Exchange                                                                   Asian Affairs, attended   first PSL, in the final to be played for
        Companies Association Zafar Para-                                                                 the  meeting  as  a  note-  the first time in Karachi on Sunday.
        cha told that the USD                                                                    taker. No US or Pakistani   Chasing a difficult target of
        was being sold and purchase at   PM Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had an unscheduled meeting with Vice President Michael Pence in Washing-  official  accompanied  the   171, Karachi Kings fought back
        Rs116 and Rs115 respectively.  ton on Friday. The meeting was held on Pakistan’s request - File photo  two leaders at this meet-  bravely but gave up the chase in the
            He claimed that foreign loans,                                                                ing.                   end, aggrgating 157 for two.
        the government’s unannounced     n By Anwar Iqbal    Abbasi had an unsched-  Pence here on Friday     Later, the prime min-  Their fight back was staged by
        commitments to international   Washington:   Prime   uled meeting with US   and their talks focused   ister also had a 40-minute   brilliant half-centuries by Joe
        DOLLAR, P29                   Minister  Shahid  Khaqan   Vice President Michael   on finding a negotiated   ABBASI, P28  CRICKET, P29

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