Page 7 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                          MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P7

                  n By Dr Syed Amir            Nations Do Not Have Permanent Friends
                    Bethesda, MD                                                                                             The tensions in the Middle East have
                                                                                                                         spawned a curious alliance. Saudi Arabia and
             he full quote “In international rela-                                                                       Gulf countries, except for Qatar, are on one
             tions, there are no permanent friends                                                                       side of the divide, while Iran, Iraq, Syria, with
        Tor permanent enemies, only perma-                                                                               Hezbollah in Lebanon, represent the opposing
        nent interests” is attributed to Lord Palm-                                                                      group. Qatar, shunned by Saudi Arabia and
                    erston,  the  nineteenth-cen-                                                                        the Gulf countries, has forged strong com-
                    tury British prime minster                                                                           mercial and trading relationship with Iran and
                    (1855–1865). The axiom,                                                                              Turkey. On the face of it, the current division
                    however, is as true today as it                                                                      in the Middle East seems to be rooted in reli-
                    was in his days, one-and-half                                                                        gious differences, Sunni versus Shia; however,
                    centuries ago.                                                                                       political and economic interest have played a
                        The latest affirmation of                                                                        major role.
                    this universal principle was                                                                             Israel that shares with the Arab world
        on display at the Security Conference in Ger-                                                                    bitterness and hostility towards Iran, sees the
        many in the form of an unlikely alignment of                                                                     Arab countries as its natural allies. Thus far,
        countries in the Middle East, unthinkable only                                                                   the cooperation between Israel and the Arab
        a decade ago. Since its inception in 1963, the                                                                   world has been pursued only discreetly. The
        Munich Conference has become the premier                                                                         Washington Post, in a recent article, cited Is-
        annual gathering place for world leaders to                                                                      raeli security officials acknowledging that their
        discuss issues of mutual security and interna-                                                                   regional security concerns align with those of
        tional peace. This year’s meeting, held on Feb-                                                                  Persian Gulf States and that the Israeli secu-
        ruary 16-18, 2018, attracted attention, primar-  deal that Iran had signed in 2015 to limit its   in Yemen in which thousands have been killed   rity officials were consulting with their coun-
        ily because of the radical reorientation of the   nuclear program that led to lifting of punitive   or wounded.  terparts from Gulf States behind closed doors,
        US foreign policy, prompted by advent of the   sanctions should be renegotiated with harsher   Israel and Iran have had a checkered rela-  united against their common adversary, Iran
        Trump administration.                 terms imposed on the country. The Saudi for-  tionship in the past four decades. In the days of   The warming relations and covert cooper-
            Especially noted was the speech of the   eign minister in effect endorsed the position   the Shah, the two countries had full diplomat-  ation between Egypt and Israel, which for the
        Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,   advanced by the US president Trump and the   ic relations and close collaboration in areas of   longest time maintained a “cold peace,” are no
        underscoring a watershed development in   Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. The Pales-                           longer a secret. Several terrorist organizations,
        Middle Eastern diplomacy. The ire of the prime   tinian issue, which in the past had captured   Brandishing a metal fragment   offshoots of so-called Islamic State (ISIS), have
        minister is usually directed at Palestinians, but   much attention at such forums, was relegated                 been operating in Egypt’s barren Sinai desert
        he had a different target this time. Brandish-  to the back burner. Ultimately, the perceived   of an Iranian drone shot down   with impunity. They have been blamed for
        ing a metal fragment of an Iranian drone shot   national interests had overridden the notion of   by Israel, Netanyahu addressed   downing the Russian civilian airliner in 2015,
        down by Israel, Netanyahu addressed the Ira-  Arab solidarity.                the Iranian foreign minister,      in which 225 people lost their lives, and attack
        nian foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zar-  Saudi Arabia and Iran have been feud-                                on al-Rawdah mosque, slaughtering more
        if, by name, taunting him and asking him if he   ing for a long time, vying for influence and   Mohammad Javad Zarif, by   than 300 worshipers. Egyptian forces have
        recognized it.  “You can take back a message   leadership in the Middle East and across the   name, taunting him and   proven incapable of controlling these murder-
        to the tyrants of Tehran: Do not test Israel’s re-  Muslim world. In the days of the Shah, they                  ous groups or curbing their evil acts.
        solve.  And, we will act, if necessary, not only   coexisted wearily, but the situation changed   asking him if he recognized it  Israel views lawlessness in the neighbor-
        against Iranian proxies that are attacking us   for the worse after the overthrow of the mon-                    ing Sinai as a threat to itself. With the approv-
        but against Iran itself.” The message was not   archy and establishment of the Islamic Repub-  security, defense, and commerce. Many Israeli   al, or at least the acquiescence, of Egyptian
        lost on Zarif, who responded in kind, charac-  lic.  Iran is viewed with great trepidation by   experts trained Iranians in the field of defense,   Government it has unleashed an air campaign
        terizing Israel’s threats as a “cartoonish circus.”  Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, as they   medicine and agriculture. It all changed fol-  against the ISIS terrorists which has been
            Less expected, however, were the scathing   fear that it is dedicated to promoting unrest   lowing the advent of the Iranian revolution in   far more effective than Egyptian efforts. The
        comments that came from an unlikely source,   among the Shia population in the Saudi oil-  1979, and relations between the two countries   Washington Post, in a recent story, highlighted
        the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, Ab-  rich eastern region. There is a bloody proxy   have been deteriorating ever since. They are at   the close security cooperation between Israel
        del al-Jubair, who proposed that the nuclear   war between Iran and Saudi Arabia going on   an all-time low now.  NATIONS, P28

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