Page 8 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 8

P8  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MARCH  23,  2018                                                                                             OPINION
                                     Statistics Support Polyandry and Not Polygyny

                      n By Dr Aslam Abdullah                  Those who say that the number of gay men reduces the   State of Palestine   4,326,295   5 0 . 8 0 %
                               CA                         number of men seeking marriage with women. This is an as-  49.20%
           n our world there are 50.4 percent men and 49.6 percent   sumption. No statistics about gay men or women exist in the   Afghanistan  30,551,674   50.70%  49.30%
           women. In countries where Muslims are in majority out   Muslim world and any conclusion based on assumptive num-  Brunei Darussalam   417,784  50.70%  49.30%
        Iof 1.5 billion (China and India and Russia not included)   bers may be misleading.                     Bangladesh  156,594,962   50.60%  49.40%
        men outnumber women by almost two percent. Yet, people   There are people who suggest that if multiple marriages are   Algeria   39,208,194   50.60%  49.40%
        argue that if men do not marry multiple wives, they would   not allowed, orphan and widows would remain helpless. Well,   Iraq 33,765,232   50.60%  49.40%
                    leave a great majority of women unmarried.   what about creating a welfare system that takes care of people   Yemen   24,407,381   50.40%  49.60%
                      In their view men must do this act of com-  in this situation. What about empowering women with skills   Niger   17,831,270   50.40%  49.60%
                      passion and kindness.               and education that can make them self-sufficient? What about   Mali 15,301,650   50.40%  49.60%
                        Those who advocate multiple wives for a   ensuring that their financial dependence is not exploited?  Mauritania   3,889,880   50.40%  49.60%
                    husband say that women outnumber men and   Yes, there might arise situation where multiple wives may   Comoros   734,917  50.40%  49.60%
                    hence men must take care of them by marry-  be justified but that decision would be based on sociological   Maldives   345,023  50.40%  49.60%
                    ing more than one. Thirty-nine countries with   conditions after deliberations involving both men and women.   Indonesia   249,865,631   50.30%  49.70%
        a Muslim majority have more men than women. Fifteen have                                                Iran (Islamic Republic of)   7 7 , 4 4 7 , 1 6 8
        more women than men. In countries where women outnumber   Thirty-nine countries with a Muslim       50.30%  49.70%
        men the difference is minimal while in countries where men   majority have more men than women.         Iceland    329,535  50.30%  49.70%
        outnumber women, the difference is huge.                                                                Sudan      37,964,306    50.20%  49.80%
            In Qatar, UAE, Oman, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, men out-  Fifteen have more women than men.           Tajikistan   8,207,834   50.20%  49.80%
        number women by 73 percent to 20 percent margin. In Turkey,   In countries where women outnumber        Djibouti   872,932  50.20%  49.80%
        Senegal, Malaysia, Bosnia and Kirghizstan, women outnumber                                              Egypt      82,056,378    50.20%  49.80%
        men by one to two percent.                             men the difference is minimal while              Malawi     16,362,567    50.10%  49.90%
            Let us assume that most girls and boys in the Muslim                                                Chad       12,825,314    50.10%  49.90%
        world are married between the ages of 15 to 24.  In almost ev-  in countries where men outnumber        Albania    3,173,271     50.10%  49.90%
        ery Muslim majority country, men outnumber women by 70    women, the difference is huge                 Suriname   539,276  50.10%  49.90%
        to5 percent margin.                                                                                     Cameroon   22,253,959    50.00%  50.00%
            The argument that women outnumber men, hence a hus-  It will not be imposed on the society in the name of God by   Libya   6,201,521   50.00%  50.00%
        band can take multiple wives is statistically a mute issue.  some self-styled scholars.                 Eritrea    6,333,135     49.90%  50.10%
            Have a look at the ratio of men and women in each of the   Qatar   2,168,673   76.50%  23.50%       Uzbekistan  28,934,102   49.70%  50.30%
        Muslim majority and decide for yourself if the numbers jus-  United Arab Emirates  9,346,129   7 0 . 1 0 %    Burkina Faso  16,934,839   49.70%  50.30%
        tify multiple marriages.  I have included the population of two   29.90%                                Somalia    10,495,583    49.70%  50.30%
        countries where Muslims are in large number even though the   Oman   3,632,444   63.60%  36.40%         Azerbaijan   9,413,420   49.70%  50.30%
        country does not have a Muslim majority. They are China and   Bahrain   1,332,171   62.20%  37.80%      Tunisia    10,996,515    49.60%  50.40%
        India where men outnumber women by at least 1.5 percent, a   Kuwait   3,368,572   59.80%  40.20%        Gambia     1,849,285     49.50%  50.50%
        huge difference when we look at the size of the population.  Saudi Arabia  28,828,870   57.50%  42.50%  Morocco    33,008,150    49.40%  50.60%
            Some people would say that Allah has given permission   Western Sahara   567,315  52.60%  47.40%    Kyrgyzstan   5,547,548   49.30%  50.70%
        for multiple wives and the Sunnah of the Prophet and com-  China   1,385,566,537   51.80%  48.20%       Turkmenistan 5,240,072   49.20%  50.80%
        panions also endorses it.  Of course there is one verse in the   India   1,252,139,596   51.70%  48.30%  Turkey    74,932,641    49.10%  50.90%
        Qur’an but it refers to a particular situation in a tribal society   Pakistan   182,142,594   51.40%  48.60%  Senegal   14,133,280   49.00%  51.00%
        with no concept of public welfare and of course Prophet Mu-  Equatorial Guinea   757,014  51.20%  48.80%  Bosnia and Herzegovina   3 , 8 2 9 , 3 0 7
        hammad and most prophets had multiple wives, but that again   Jordan   7,273,799   51.00%  49.00%   48.80%  51.20%
        was within the context of their time and situation. They cannot   Nigeria   173,615,345   50.90%  49.10%  Malaysia   29,716,965   48.50%  51.50%
        be applied as general rules.                          Syrian Arab Republic  21,898,061   5 0 . 9 0 %    Kazakhstan  16,440,586   48.10%  51.90%
            The general rule calls for monogamy.          49.10%

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