Page 13 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                        MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
                 PPP Stopped Nawaz’s ‘Zia Alliance’                                                   Senate Elections an Insult to

                         in Senate Elections: Bilawal                                                   Sanctity of Vote: Maryam

                                                                                                  “The votes you cast for Imran will go to Zardari and the votes you cast for Zardari will
        “You [PML-N leadership] used to say ‘rok sako to rok lo’ (stop us if you can),” recalled Bilawal. “Look, we have stopped you,” he said  go to Imran,” Maryam warned
        Kotli Sattian: Addressing a rally in   racy”, saying that the former prime   Balochistan  Assembly  had  passed   Sangla  Hill: PML-N politician   PTI Chairman Imran Khan and
        Kotli Sattian Tehsil on Sunday, PPP   minister had tied democracy with   a no-confidence motion against   Maryam Nawaz on Sunday criti-  PPP co-chairperson Asif Zardari
        Chairman Bilawal Bhutto gloated   his own victory and defeat.  PML-N’s government because of   cized the recent Senate chairman   of  political  wheeling  and  dealing.
        over  PML-N’s loss in the Senate   Referring to Sharif’s statement   lack of development in Balochistan   elections, terming the upper house   “The ladla will say, ‘I have sold your
        elections, saying the opposition had   that came right after Sadiq Sanjarani   under the ruling party’s administra-  ballot “an insult to the people and   votes’  and the  chaheeta   (darling)
        defeated the ruling party’s “Zia alli-  defeated PML-N’s Raja Zafarul Haq   tion.         the sanctity of the vote.”    will say ‘I have bought your votes’.”
        ance” in the upper house.     in the elections for Senate chairman   “Were  they  wound-up  toys   Addressing a massive gather-  “The votes you cast for Imran
            “You [PML-N leadership] used   — where he referred to the opposi-  too?” he asked.    ing at a rally in Punjab’s Sangla Hill,   will go to Zardari and the votes you
        to say ‘rok sako to rok lo’ (stop us   tion parties as “wound-up toys” —   In his tirade, Bilawal also tar-  Maryam — the daughter of former   cast for Zardari will go to Imran,”
        if you can),” recalled Bilawal. “Look,   Bilawal said that the former premier   geted Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s   prime minister Nawaz Sharif —   she warned.
        we have stopped you.”         himself was a “toy”. He claimed that   Chairman Imran Khan, saying   remarked: “Did  you see the  spec-  Maryam said the two parties
            He berated Nawaz Sharif for   Sharif’s entire politics was based on   that the former cricketer had “giv-  tacle during the Senate elections?   which, not so long ago, were level-
        terming PML-N’s defeat in the Sen-  using power to his advantage.  en nothing to the country except   Did you see how it was a market-  ing accusations at each other, have
        ate elections as a “defeat for democ-  The PPP chairman said that the   curse words and ... U-turns”.  place where votes were bought and   joined forces ‘out of their fear of
                                                                                                                                Nawaz Sharif’.
                    Federal Government Not Ready to                                               finally recognized those who had   also denounced opposition parties’
                                                                                                                                    Following her speech, Nawaz
                                                                                                      She enquired if the people had
                    Place Sharifs on Exit Control List                                            long been in collusion with each   alliance in the Senate elections and
                                                                                                  other, likely referring to PPP and
                                                                                                                                called Khan and Zardari “two sides
                                                                                                  Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf’s alliance
                                                                                                                                    Hamza Shahbaz — who had
                                                                                                  for the Senate chairman’s election   of the same coin”.
                                                                    years and/or those involved in anti-  that led to the defeat of PML-N   addressed the rally earlier — also
                                                                    state activities, terrorism or associ-  candidate Raja Zafarul Haq.  criticized the PTI chief for ‘hiding
                                                                    ated with proscribed organizations,   “What  will  they  say  when   behind containers and his allega-
                                                                    and whose names were placed by the   they come to the public to ask for   tions of rigging’ against the ruling
                                                                    ministry on the orders of superior   votes?” Maryam said, accusing   PML-N.
                                                                    courts.                                  Imran Khan Welcomes
                                                                      Shahid Masood
                                                                     Program Banned                    Amir Liaquat Hussain into PTI

                                                                        for 3 Months              K a r achi:                                    is that people
                                                                                                  P a k i s t a n
                                                                    Islamabad:  The Supreme Court   Tehreek-i-                                   PTI   leader
        Islamabad:  The federal govern-  prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif,   (SC)  on Tuesday  banned  televi-  Insaf  (PTI)                     said.
        ment is reluctant to place the names   his daughter Maryam Nawaz, sons   sion anchorperson Shahid Masood   C h ai r m an                    Speaking
        of the Sharif family members on the   Hassan Nawaz and Hussain Nawaz,   from hosting his program for three   Imran Khan                  on the occa-
        Exit Control List (ECL) as recom-  and son-in-law Captain (retired)   months and asked him to submit a   on Monday                       sion,  Hussain
        mended by the National Bureau of   Muhammad Safdar on the ECL.  written apology to the court.  w el c o me d                             thanked  Khan
        Accountability (NAB), despite hav-  The cases for ECL are dealt un-  The news anchor offered  the   televangelist,                       for his support
        ing discretionary powers to give re-  der the Exit from Pakistan (Control)   court an unconditional apology   TV host and                and said that
        laxation to any person whose name   Ordinance 1981, the Exit from Paki-  “from the depths of his heart” for   former Mut-                PTI is the last
        has been placed on the no-fly list.  stan (Control) Rules 2010, and some   being unable to prove his startling   tahida  Qa-             party that he
            The anti-corruption watchdog   other notifications of the Ministry of   allegations against the convicted   umi Movement (MQM) lawmaker   will ever join.
        had recommended to the Ministry of   Interior.              rapist and murderer, Imran Ali, of   Aamir Liaquat Hussain into his po-  During the press  conference,
        Interior to place the name of former   In 2015, when former interior   six-year-old Zainab in Kasur. Chief   litical party.  Hussain also said: “I had earlier left
        prime minister Mian Nawaz Sharif   minister  Chaudhry  Nisar  Ali  Khan   Justice  Mian  Saqib Nisar,  however,   Addressing a press conference   behind siyah-sat (a dark trade), and
        and others on the ECL. However,   was  heading the  ministry, certain   dismissed the verbal apology, say-  in Karachi, Khan said, “We welcome   now I am starting siyasat (politics).”
        the interior ministry has been defy-  parameters were designed for place-  ing: “I will not forgive you without   Amir into the party, these are the last   “Amir may not remember the
        ing NAB’s recommendations and the   ment of names on the ECL. They   punishment”.         six months before the elections and   time as he may have been too young,
        names of the  former premier and his   included recommendations of the   “I have been hearing about the   we want people to join our political   but I remember the time when Kara-
        family members are yet to be placed   Supreme  Court  of  Pakistan,  high   ‘depths of your heart’ for a while   campaign.”  chi was actually the city of lights. We
        on the no-fly list.           courts, tribunals having equivalent   now,” Justice Nisar remarked.  “I believe that people change for   used to vacation here, in fact, Saudi
            The federal government has dis-  status, defense headquarters, intel-  The CJP then told Masood to   the better. As long as people are try-  Sheikhs used to vacation here,” Khan
        cretionary powers to give relaxation   ligence agencies, NAB, the Federal   “suggest a punishment for himself   ing to be better than before each day,   said during the press conference
        to persons whose names are placed   Investigation Agency and the federal   or  the  court  will  ban  him  for  six   they should not be questioned about   while promising that if the people
        on ECL.  Last year, a top PIA official,   government.       months”.  Masood  first  suggested  a   the things they said in the past,”   of Karachi voted PTI into power, his
        Bernd Hildenbrand, was allowed to   The  former  interior minister   ban for one month and then extend-  Khan said, in response to a question   party would “make Karachi the city
        leave the country by the Ministry   had taken measures to rationalize the   ed it to two months.  directed towards Hussain regard-  of lights again.”
        of Interior despite his name being   ECL list in 2015. The federal govern-  The SC announced a ban for   ing remarks he had previously made   Earlier, on Saturday, PTI leader
        placed on the ECL.            ment via a notification on September   three months and ordered the an-  about PTI.       Imran  Ismail  had confirmed  that
            During the second week of Feb-  16, 2015 had deleted 4,987 names   chorperson to submit a written apol-  “I had a completely different   Hussain will be joining the party.
        ruary NAB had requested the  inte-  from ECL and it had retained only   ogy. Justice Nisar warned Masood   view of religion during my cricketing   However, the leader had not speci-
        rior ministry to place names of five   those persons on the ECL whose pe-  that the courts “were not the same   days, but things have changed since   fied what role the televangelist would
        Sharif family members - deposed   riod of placement was less than three   as before”.     then; the point I am trying to make   be playing in PTI.
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