Page 17 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
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VOL. 28/12 Friday, March 23, 2018 Rajab 6, 1439
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Ambassador Aizaz Chaudhry Briefs House Foreign Affairs
Sub-Committee at Capitol Hill, Meets WFPG Group
While exchanging views with the Congressmen on regional security, Ambassador Chaudhry emphasized the importance of border engagement with Afghanistan, return of Afghan refugees, political process for peace
in Afghanistan and strong Pak-US security cooperation as fundamental steps to ensure enduring regional peace and stability
Washington: On 10 March, 2018, Con- Members of House Foreign Affairs Pak-US economic engagement and strength- Pakistan Embassy
gressman Ted Yoho (R-FL), Chairman, Committee and Ambassador Chaudhry also en people-to-people contacts between the
House Foreign Affairs Sub-Committee on exchanged views on the need to enhance two countries. Hosts WFPG Event
Asia and Pacific, invited Ambassador Aizaz
Chaudhry for a wide ranging discussion with As part of its “Embassy Series”, the Wom-
Subcommittee members on Pakistan-US re- en’s Foreign Policy Group (WFPG) held an
lations at the Capitol Hill. event at the Embassy of Pakistan, Washington
Subcommittee’s Ranking Member Rep DC on March 16
Brad Sherman and other Subcommittee In his remarks, the Ambassador Aizaz
members including Rep Steve Chabot and Chaudhry highlighted Pakistan’s successes
Rep Gerry Connolly also participated in the and achievements, both at the domestic level
discussions. and also in the foreign policy domain during
Ambassador Chaudhry briefed the an era of rapid global change. While a lot re-
Subcommittee on Pakistan’s CT efforts and mained to be done, Pakistan was firmly com-
highlighted successes achieved by Pakistan’s mitted to overcoming the economic and secu-
security forces in defeating terrorism. De- rity challenges facing the country.
scribing the ongoing campaign ‘Operation Pakistan was deeply interested in seeing
Rad-ul-Fasaad’, he reaffirmed Pakistan’s a stable and peaceful Afghanistan. This was a
commitment to continue the fight against shared objective for Pakistan and the United
terrorism. States.
While exchanging views with the Con- He recalled the longstanding history of
gressmen on regional security, Ambassador relations between Pakistan and the United
Chaudhry emphasized the importance of States which were broad-based and deep-root-
border engagement with Afghanistan, re- ed. He stressed the importance of maintaining
turn of Afghan refugees, political process good relations between the two countries, al-
for peace in Afghanistan and strong Pak-US though there were differences in approach on
security cooperation as fundamental steps to the way forward in Afghanistan.
ensure enduring regional peace and stability. On behalf of the WFPG, Ambassador
He drew the Congressmen’s attention to the Catherine Russell thanked the Ambassador
atrocities committed against innocent Kash- for hosting the event and sharing, in detail,
miris in India-occupied Kashmir. On behalf of the WFPG, Ambassador Catherine Russell thanked the Ambassador for hosting the event and sharing, in WFPG, P29
detail, Pakistan’s domestic situation as well as its perspective on regional peace and security