Page 15 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 15
PTI Was Ill-Prepared for the New Battle Lines: Army Will
2013 Poll, Admits Imran Stand by Judiciary if Needed
Lahore: Admitting country, I am the biggest supporter of
Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf democracy.”
did not contest the 2013 With the highest soldier to officer
general election with full casualty ratio standing at 12:1 in mili-
preparation, chairman tary operations since 9/11, the army
Imran Khan claimed the has performed at its best and deserves
party was now ready to appreciation. Instead, our officers and
take the “Sharif mafia” by soldiers are pained to see the frustrat-
the horns. ing negative narratives on the media,
“I am impatiently he complained.
waiting for the big match But a caveat accompanied this
– general election 2018,” assertion; democracy places huge re-
he said at the party’s so- sponsibility on the political leaders as
cial media summit as well well. If they democratize parties and
as a women’s convention their conduct, this will leave little space
here on Saturday. for external manipulation.
Mr Khan asked his n By Imtiaz Gul Fourth, the security of the coun-
party’s social media team try is supreme, and prevention of
to expand itself and bring f statements from the PML-N subversion is the primary duty of
a change by introduc- and the GHQ are any indica- the armed forces. We have managed
ing new ideas and de- “I am impatiently waiting for the big match – general election 2018,” Imran said at the PTI’s social Itors, then battle lines have been to fight and defeat monsters (in KP,
veloping public opinion media summit as well as a women’s convention in Lahore on Saturday drawn; the way forward for the for- FATA, and Balochistan), who had been
against the “mafia” that mer is anchored in a head-on con- threatening the very existence of the
looted national wealth fortnight. tice barring Chief Min- to mint money and cited frontation with the judicial-military country. Let’s not resurrect them for
and stashed it abroad. In case of more than ister Shahbaz Sharif’s Multan Metro as well establishment in the weeks ahead. personal agendas.
“The PTI volun- one candidate in a con- picture on government as roads and bridges as For the latter, the path to salva- National security far outweighs
teers and their passion stituency, he said, surveys advertisements. an example. He said the tion lies in protecting and preserving individuals’ interests. Everybody shall
must defeat the paid (so- would be conducted to About the situation public money was meant the integrity of all state institutions have to perform his/her function with
cial media) mafia of the gauge their popularity. in Karachi, he said: “For- to be utilized for human (Parliament, judiciary and military) honesty and integrity, said the gener-
Sharifs’ PML-N,” he said, “Since three to four mer MQM chief Altaf development. as much as in upholding the rule of al, in a veiled reference to the former
adding the next general candidates are in the run Hussain would have been Claiming that hu- law (read: accountability) on the way prime minister Nawaz Sharif’s com-
election would decide the in most of the constituen- getting people killed in man development re- to free and fair elections – come what plaints about his disqualification.
fate of youth in Pakistan. cies in the country, those Karachi even now, if I mained the lowest prior- may. And this categorical message Fifth, the parliament is supposed
Responding to ques- refused party tickets will had not dared and spoke ity of the government, he came out of the GHQ, delivered by to revisit laws such as the 1861 Po-
tions, the PTI chief said be reconciled,” he said. against him.” He added cited international agen- none other than General Qamar Javed lice Act and the 18th Amendment to
no one should worry He said the PTI that fear landed people in cies reports that Pakistan Bajwa, the chief of the army staff him- correct the course of governance and
about new people joining managed to defeat the slavery and slaves had not was on the top with re- self, in a rare interaction with a group capacity. In this world, everything, ex-
the party, adding that the PML-N candidate for done anything great in gard to children’s deaths of media persons. cept the Holy Qur’an is open to review
tickets for the 2018 poll Senate chairman slot, world history. He urged because of non-availabil- If Pakistan has to survive and as societies evolve and face newer chal-
would be given on merit otherwise the Sharif fam- the youth to break the ity of clean drinking wa- prosper as a normal state, the mo- lenges.
– popularity in respec- ily would have been al- shackles and empower ter. nopoly over violence shall have to Sixth, had we sincerely tried to
tive constituencies. He lowed to loot the nation people with knowledge. PTI leader Jehangir unequivocally rest with the state. Non- implement the 20 points of the Na-
said the party would be through legislation. He He rapped the Tareen and party’s central state actors (read jihadists) are neither tional Action Plan, we would probably
holding its parliamentary also acknowledged chief PML-N government for Punjab president Abdul acceptable any more nor relevant to have escaped grey-listing by the Finan-
board meeting within a justice of Pakistan’s no- launching big projects Aleem Khan also spoke. the ideals of a functional, law-based cial Action Task Force (FATF), Bajwa
CJP Announces Organ Donation during Visit to SIUT democratic order, a visibly passionate said, in a jibe at the poor responses by
certain civilian security agencies in-
Bajwa said.
cluding the police.
“We shall have to dispense with
He said a campaign all violent extremist groups if we want Unfortunately, it is pointed out,
launched by the SIUT re- Pakistan to be recognized by the inter- former finance minister Ishaq Dar
garding the deceased organ national community as a normal state,” dragged his feet on a number of much-
program had touched al- underscored the general. The second needed reforms related to money-
most all strata of life, yet, its part of the message, resonating within laundering and terror-financing laws.
outcome was sluggish. the military establishment, revolved The dismal state of Tax-to-GDP ratio
In the country, Dr Riz- around indiscriminate accountability. – a mere 1.2 million tax payers – too is
vi said with visible concern, “Indiscriminate application of a shame for a 210 million strong coun-
news of illegal organ trans- laws – anchored in the Constitution try.
plantation was again in the – is absolutely essential if Pakistan “He has been an utter disaster for
air similar to what was be- has to extricate itself from the vicious this country.”
ing witnessed before the law cycle of mis-governance and selective Yet, the grey-listing should be
was passed eight years ago. application of laws. The current so- taken as a blessing in disguise because
Later, the SIUT offi- cio-political and economic crisis also this has jolted us all out of slumber
cials accompanied the CJP stems from willful deviation from law for doing the much-needed course-
to show him various facili- by civilian and military elites. All these correction.
ties of the hospital. years, we have only managed the coun- Seventh, political leaders like
try, and not really governed, and we all Altaf Hussein are history. All MQM
‘Clean City contributed to it. followers should realize that ‘Altaf, vio-
lence and extortion’ are not acceptable
“But the rot must stop if we want
CJP Mian Saqib Nisar, accompanied by Dr Adibul Hasan Rizvi and members of his team, takes
a round of the SIUT on Saturday within a to see Pakistan survive and prosper as at all. Everybody is free to indulge in
a self-respecting nation,” said the gen-
politics, but not at the cost of the con-
Karachi: Chief Justice of Hasan Rizvi, the founding amid applause from the eral, who spared no one – including his stitution and the law of Pakistan.
Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar director of the SIUT, saying packed audience, “whatever Week’ own institution – when talking of the Eighth, we will sequence all
on Saturday announced the what he had been doing for Pakistan’s judiciary can do burden of responsibility for the coun- counter-terror actions according to
donation of his organs after decades was indeed noble. to help you, you will not find Karachi: While hearing a try’s multiple crisis. our own timeline and considerations.
death to the Sindh Institute “I know you well us lagging behind.” petition on supply of po- Thirdly, subversion of the judi- We are doing our best to woo Afghan
of Urology and Transplanta- and know your prestigious The CJP said that a table water and provision ciary or its rulings, so ran the message, Taliban into talks. “We have told them
tion. work. During a case on or- presentation given earlier by of proper sanitation facili- will not be allowed. The country will to either talk or leave us alone.”
“I don’t know [wheth- gan transplantation in Is- Dr Rizvi had exposed him ties, CJP Nisar expressed descend into chaos if we let the Su- The Taliban letter, with offer for
er] my old organs may be lamabad I was told that you further to the sensitivity of extreme annoyance at the preme Court be humiliated by those talks to US president Donald Trump,
useful, but the way you are would arrive in Islamabad the organ trade issue. abysmal and unhygienic who don’t like its decisions. was also part of those efforts, he sug-
working in the campaign to give a presentation to the Dr Rizvi earlier said situation in Karachi and Fourth, Pakistanis and the world gested. But we certainly don’t have a
vis-à-vis the deceased or- court. Instead, I told your the business of selling kid- ordered that the entire at large should understand that the 100 percent control over the Taliban or
gans’ donation, I announce doctor that I would rather neys illegally had grown city be cleaned up within army today is different from what it the Haqqanis. We have our leverages
to donate all my useful or- visit the SIUT to get your alarmingly. one week. had been until General Pervez Mush- but will carefully deploy them because
gans after my death in front presentation in person.” He said a law against “I don’t know how but arraf’s exit from politics. we can’t afford to burn our fingers all
of you all,” the CJP said at He said the SIUT’s di- the illegal organ trade was clean the city. I don’t want “The institution has evolved and over.
the SIUT auditorium during rector and his team were promulgated in 2010, yet to see trash on the streets is much more sensitive to the critical- Also, we will deal with all Afghan
a visit to the health facility. working for the benefit of no effective work regarding of Karachi anymore,” he ity of a democratic order which we will militants in a non-kinetic way to avoid
He eulogized the self- humanity. its implementation came to made it clear to the au vociferously defend,” he underlined, a boomerang effect on our soil. The
less effort of Dr Adibul “Judiciary,” he said the fore. CITY, P29 saying, “I saved democracy in this ARMY, P28