Page 11 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                        MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11

                   All Terrorist Sanctuaries, Including                                           KP Government Seals Offices

              Haqqani Network, Eliminated: DG ISPR                                                   of Hafiz Saeed’s JuD & FIF

                                                                                                  Peshawar:  The Khyber Pakh-
                                                                                                  tunkhwa government on Satur-
                                                                                                  day initiated a crackdown against
                                                                                                  Hafiz Saeed-led Jamaat-ud-Dawa
                                                                                                  (JuD) and its humanitarian wing,
                                                                                                  Falah-e-Insaniyat  Foundation
                                                                                                  (FIF), by seizing the organizations’
                                                                                                  offices and taking over the latter’s
                                                                                                  operational setup.
                                                                                                      Peshawar’s  district adminis-
                                                                                                  tration, with the help of police and
                                                                                                  other law enforcement agencies,
                                                                                                  had initiated action against the
                                                                                                  JuD in the provincial capital after
                                                                                                  receiving directions from the fed-
                                                                                                  eral government.
                                                                                                      “We have sealed the offices of
                                                                                                  the foundation, seized three reli-
                                                                                                  gious schools and two mosques
                                                                                                  and handed over the seized prop-
                                                                                                  erties to the Auqaf department to
                                                                                                  look after operational matters,” a
                                                                                                  senior official told DawnNewsTV.  ment, the KP government had
                                                                                                      The move came after the Se-  sealed and seized the offices and
        “Pakistan has paid a huge price in this campaign, including losing over 75,000 lives and bearing a loss of more than $123   curities and Exchange Commis-  ambulances of FiF in different dis-
        billion to the national exchequer,” Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) Director General Major-General Asif Ghafoor  said  sion of Pakistan (SECP) issued a   tricts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
                                                                                                  notification asking citizens to not   “A health facility in Balakot
        Islamabad:  Inter  Services  Public   Pak-Afghan border with the con-  the Indo-Pak relationship, all issues,   donate to organizations listed on a   and office in Abbottabad has been
        Relations (ISPR) Director Gen-  struction of new posts along the   including the core issue of Kashmir   United Nations Security Council   sealed and ambulances have been
        eral Major-General Asif Ghafoor   border to deny free cross-border   between the  two nuclear-armed   (UNSC) list of proscribed organi-  seized and parked in police sta-
        said on Sunday that sanctuaries of   movement of terrorists.  countries, need to be resolved, he   zations.             tions,” he said.
        all terrorists groups, including the   “Besides military operations,   stressed.              The UNSC sanctions list in-   Hafiz Saeed, who in Novem-
        Haqqani network, have been elimi-  Pakistan has also undertaken major   Commenting on the security   cludes al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Tali-  ber  last  year  was  set  free  from  a
        nated from Pakistan’s soil.   socio-economic development proj-  situation in Afghanistan, Maj-Gen   ban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,   300-day-long house  arrest,  has
           “Pakistan has paid a huge price   ects  in  cleared  areas  to  carry  for-  Ghafoor said the current violence   JuD, FiF and other organizations.  been repeatedly accused by the US
        in this campaign, including los-  ward relative stability to enduring   inside the country should not be   After JuD and FiF were placed   and India of masterminding the
        ing over 75,000 lives and bearing a   peace,” he said.      linked to Pakistan.           on the UNSC list, the interior   2008 attacks on the Indian finan-
        loss of more than $123 billion to the   On the possibility of peace be-  He said the ungoverned spaces   ministry had written to the prov-  cial capital that killed 166 people.
        national exchequer,” he said while   tween India and  Pakistan, he said   inside Afghanistan would have to be   inces asking them to take action.  Saeed was declared a global
        speaking to the Gulf News.    India was not only challenging   cleared by the Afghan and the US-  Malik Nadeem  Awan, a  cen-  terrorist by the US and UN over
           The DG ISPR said the op-   Pakistan conventionally along the   led international forces to ensure   tral leader of JuD, told DawNew-  his alleged role in the Mumbai at-
        eration Radd-ul-Fasaad has been   eastern borders, but was also busy   peace in Afghanistan.  sTV that after the Punjab govern-  tacks.
        launched to eliminate the remaining   in fomenting unrest through terror-  On  the China-Pakistan  Eco-
        disorganized residual militants. The   ism using the Afghan soil.  nomic Corridor (CPEC), Gha-  Court Orders Arrest of TLP Chief
        recent military offensives  against   The arrest of Kulbhushan Jad-  foor said enemies of peace and of
        the terrorists have visibly reduced   hav, a self-confessed RAW agent,   Pakistan were trying to scuttle the
        the level of violence throughout the   in Pakistan was testament to India’s   multi-billion  dollar project. How-       vices Intelligence’s (ISI) report on
        country, he added.            interference in Pakistan’s internal   ever, Pakistan would go to any ex-                  the Faizabad sit-in, calling it “unsat-
           Maj. Gen Ghafoor said that   affairs, he added.          tent to foil their nefarious designs,                       isfactory”.
        over 200,000 Pakistani troops have   “Pakistan is a peaceful country   he added.                                            “This  report  is  deeply  unset-
        been deployed along the Pak-Af-  and doesn’t want conflict with any-  The DG ISPR said that the Pak-                    tling: it has been prepared by one of
        ghan  border  in the Federally  Ad-  one. However, our desire for peace   istan Army is responsible  for the            the premier agencies of the country,
        ministered Tribal Areas (Fata). He   should never be construed as our   security of the project, which would            yet a journalist could have given
        said Pakistan has also started to   weakness,” said the DG ISPR.  serve as a catalyst for progress not                  more details [about the protests]
        fence the entire 2,611-km length of   For bringing  normality  into   only of Pakistan but the region.                  than this report,” Justice Qazi Faez
                                                                                                                                Isa said after reviewing the docu-
              Former PM Manmohan Singh Blames Modi Government                                                                   ment.
                                                                                                                                    Justice Isa is part of a two-
                  for Deteriorating Situation in India-Held Kashmir                                                             member SC bench, along with Jus-
                                                                                                                                tice Musheer Alam, which has been
        New Delhi: Former Indian premier                                “Our borders are not secure,”                           hearing a suo motu case regarding
        Manmohan Singh on Sunday held                               Singh said. “Cross-border terrorism,                        the use of abusive language during
        the right-wing Narendra Modi-led                            internal terrorism, internal insur-                         the sit-in and the difficulties caused
        government responsible for the                              gency; they are today issues which                          to residents of the capital by the
        worsening situation in India-held                           are a source of great worry to all our   Islamabad:  An  Anti-Terrorism   roadblocks placed by the agitators.
        Kashmir (IHK), NDTV reported.                               citizens as  the Modi  government   Court (ATC) in Islamabad on Mon-  During the hearing, Justice Isa
            There has been a noticeable in-                         has not found a way of tackling this   day ordered the arrests of Tehreek-  said that the ISI — just like the judi-
        crease in violence in IHK since Mo-                         problem.”                     i-Labbaik Pakistan’s (TLP) Khadim   ciary — was “answerable to taxpay-
        di’s hardline Bharatiya Janata Party                                                      Hussain Rizvi, Pir Afzal Qadri and   ers”.
        (BJP) came into power. The Indian                                 Doctors from            other absconding suspects in a case   The court asked the deputy at-
        army’s  crackdown  on  protests  and                             Punjab, Army to          pertaining to the Faizabad sit-in   torney general, who submitted the
        separatist movements in Kashmir                                 Examine Sharjeel          held last year.               report, if he was satisfied with it, to
        have led to more riots. Militancy in                                                          The ATC ordered their arrests   which the latter replied in the affir-
        held Kashmir has increased since the                        Karachi:  The Supreme Court on   after they failed to appear before the   mative.
        Indian army killed a popular com-                           Saturday formed a new medical   court despite being issued multiple   The bench then pointed out
        mander of the Hizbul Mujahideen,                            board comprising neurosurgeons   summons.                   that the report did not even specify
        Burhan Wani, in 2016.                                       from  Punjab  and  Army  besides  a   The ATC had previously issued   the source of Rizvi’s income.
            Speaking at the Indian National                         private medical university to ex-  non-bailable arrest warrants for Riz-  When Justice Isa inquired fur-
        Congress plenary session in New   Indian general election. Due to the   amine interned leader of the Paki-  vi and other clerics after they did not   ther about Rizvi’s occupation, he
        Delhi, Singh said: “India must rec-  ideological differences between both   stan Peoples Party Sharjeel Inam   respond to various summons.  was told that the TLP chief was a
        ognize the problems in Jammu and   parties, the “two wings of adminis-  Memon, facing trial in a Rs5.76 bil-  The  police  were  separately  or-  “religious lecturer”.
        Kashmir and ensure that these prob-  tration” were  working  against  each   lion corruption case.  dered to submit their final challan in   The explanation was  offered
        lems are tackled and sorted”.  other.                           Headed by Chief Justice of Paki-  the next hearing of the case, which   by Col Falak Naz, who was repre-
            The former Indian PM claimed   The PDP, as opposed to its rul-  stan Mian Saqib Nisar, the three-  has been scheduled for April 4.  senting the Defense Ministry in the
        that the reason behind the situation   ing ally, emphasizes holding dialogue   member SC bench was hearing a suo   The Faizabad sit-in, organized   hearing.
        in Kashmir - which he said was “de-  with separatists to reach a solution   motu case regarding shifting of the   by politico-religious parties in No-  “Is ‘religious lecturer’ a profes-
        teriorating day in and day out” - was   to the growing unrest in the region.   former information minister from   vember 2017, had disrupted life in   sion?” Justice Isa asked, before turn-
        the alliance between the BJP and the   The BJP, however, advocates use of   the Karachi central prison to a hos-  the twin cities for at least 20 days.  ing to Rizvi’s tax status and bank
        People’s Democratic Party (PDP)   force to suppress negative sentiment   pital for treatment.  Earlier in the day, the Supreme   account.
        which was formed after the 2014   against the Indian government.  SHARJEEL, P29           Court (SC) had rejected Inter-Ser-  ARREST, P28
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