Page 22 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 22
Istanbul, an Outstanding Example of a “Cultural Blend”
n By Dr Amineh Hoti it has fixed visiting hours and you must pay an
The Centre for Dialogue and Action entrance fee – there are different prices for locals
Pakistan and foreigners of course.
or those who have never been to the Despite its cosmopolitan and non-orthodox
romantic and historical city of Istanbul look, there is a subtle play of spirituality in Is-
Fdating back over 2,600 years, you can- tanbul. The tulip, with its delicate petals point-
not imagine the true spirit and vastness of this ing upwards, is a symbol of Turkey. I was told
cosmopolitan city. Istanbul by a local Turkish man that the petals of a tulip
will capture your imagina- are shaped in the Arabesque of the name of the
tion; amongst many reasons, Creator. He was quick to add, to my fascination,
one, because you may find out that in the 16th century Europeans from Holland
that Romeo and Juliet may be were fascinated with the flower and took it back
based on the love story penned home to cultivate it there in all its array of colors.
by Urva bin Hizam in the 7th He added that though it is a symbol of Turkey,
century which was translated it is Holland, however, which is specifically rec-
into Farsi in the 12th century by Ayyuqi. It can ognized for tulips today. Moreover, just as the
be reasonably surmised that the literary mas- word “Ola” in Spanish is derived from “W’Allah”
terpiece produced by William Shakespeare in without many Spanish speakers recognizing this,
the 16th century was influenced by this very similarly the tulip’s shape is a reminder of the Be-
play. loved. As a Turkish lady emphasized, the Arabic
Words are not enough to describe the word “Allah” has no gender and no plural – it is
pleasures of its sites and the array of buildings a special name for the Creator and Cherisher of
aligned alongside the glittering Bosphorus. It is the universe: “To God belong the East and the
the cultural, economic and historical center that West; whithersoever you turn, there is the Face
harmoniously brings East and West, Europe and the Biblical Prophet Job; he was a close compan- and mosques that were built as centers of knowl- of God; God is All-embracing, All-knowing”.
Asia together across a diverse topography of ion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). When edge served as schools, universities, hospitals (Qur’an translated by Arberry 2:115)
mountains, buildings and an abundance of flow- we visited the mausoleum of Ayup Sultan, the lo- and places of cleanliness – all in one. Suleyman, When you visit, from the standpoint of Is-
ing water. It is the largest city of Europe with a cals told me that he was a man of great character known as “the Magnificent” in the West (1494- tanbul, you will be pleasantly surprised by how
population of 14 million people and millions of and people were charmed by him but he failed 1566) and as “the Law-giver” or “Kaanuni” in the modern Turkey seems to a visitor from the East.
visitors flow into the city as one of Europe’s most to convert Constantinople. However, in the pro- East, had the longest reign among the Ottoman Fascinated with Istanbul, one of us from Paki-
popular destinations. There is no alternative, you cess he fell in love with the city and asked to be kings in four centuries. His chief architect Mi- stan said to a Turkish man, “We love Turkey!” He
must visit! buried there. Today his grave and the adjoining mar Sinan, was a convert, or, as some Muslims warmly replied, “We are like brothers or like a
For me, personally, I appreciated learning mosque are both sites that cannot be missed. Vis- would say, ‘revert’ to Islam. Originally known as mirror to each other: Pakistan-Turkey friendship
more about the history of co-existence between itors come to pray to God with bowed heads and Joseph, he built some of the most iconic build- zindabad!” It was heartening to receive such pos-
people of different communities and cultures. It hands raised in supplication, as they stand in the ings in Istanbul like the Suleymaniye Mosque – itive feedback towards Pakistan from the citizens
was not as if one community came to replace the cool shadows of blue, green and red Turkish tiles its red color symbolizing movement in life and of a country that is doing so well economically
other, rather the present denizens characterize and has such a rich history, and a city which was
the layers of history that form the crux of this “This image of Turkey totally shatters all global stereotypes of people who so famous for its cultural diversity.
remarkable city. They were fully aware of their perceive Islam as ‘backward, extremist, and non-progressive’, which are being In contrast to the sad collapse of its neigh-
multi-layered history of co-existence and prided circulated widely in the media. Nothing like this deeply problematic stereotype, bor Greece, Istanbul is one of the fastest grow-
themselves on it. Turkish people kept telling me, ing metropolitan economies in the world. There
“It’s a cultural blend of Roman, Byzantine, and Istanbul is unique with its own specific character – it is modern yet traditional; is also the worrisome growth of anti-immigrant
Ottoman”. I saw Americans, the British, and an historical yet contemporary; it is religious in that it is Abrahamic while being parties in Greece, such as the Golden Dawn,
array of Muslims from the Arab world, Pakistan- focused on progress ; it is forward-looking as well as aware of its multi-cultural, which is known for marginalizing and discrimi-
is, and many others who seemed to feel at ease multi-faith and multi-ethnic background – it is constantly in motion nating against immigrants. Istanbul, in contrast
here. No one was looking or picking at anyone to Athens, seems to welcome foreigners and
else for over- or under-dressing. You could wear makes them feel at ease and at home. As one
a hijab, don an abaya, put on trousers – whatever that adorn the walls with their beauty, inscribed the white calmness: calmness and movement are young male visitor to Istanbul told me, “This
suited you. It was OK to be you. It felt like no with praise of the Creator on all sides. the rhythms of human life. His disciple would go image of Turkey totally shatters all global ste-
one had to – or was expected to – conform in When the Muslim empire fell in Spain, on to design Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan’s Taj reotypes of people who perceive Islam as ‘back-
this city. Why and how was it possible to feel so Spanish Jews under Muslim rule sought refuge Mahal in India. ward, extremist, and non-progressive’, which are
comfortable with diversity? with Ottoman kings in Istanbul who seemed to For centuries, Christians, Muslims and Jews being circulated widely in the media. Nothing
Perhaps the answer lies in the city’s rich appreciate diversity and encouraged people of have generally lived side by side with the ebb and like this deeply problematic stereotype, Istanbul
and diverse history. Once called “Lygos”, the city other faiths to live amongst them – there are fa- flow of different powers and kingdoms. Hagia is unique with its own specific character – it is
was founded as “Byzantium” by the Greeks in mous synagogues and Jewish quarters that still Sophia, translated as “Holy Wisdom” is a symbol modern yet traditional; historical yet contempo-
657 BC. In 330 AD, Emperor Constantine made exist. of this idea of coexistence. It was a grand church rary; it is religious in that it is Abrahamic while
it the capital of the Roman/Byzantine Empire Sultan Mehmed II particularly seemed to – the hallmark of the Byzantine Empire when the being focused on progress; it is forward-looking
and named it “Constantinople” after himself. It be a man of vision who appreciated diversity. He city was named after its king, in Constantinople. as well as aware of its multi-cultural, multi-faith
is said to play a significant role in the spread of called back all the people (who belonged to other During the Ottoman period, it was turned into and multi-ethnic background – it is constantly in
Christianity. With the Ottoman Empire, it meta- faiths) who had left the city and invited people a mosque without enduring any physical dam- motion, like the red and white colors of the tulip.
morphosed into Islambul and later “Istanbul”, from Europe to settle in Istanbul; creating a cos- age. And later, in the time of Ataturk (Father of It symbolizes the constant movement, yet calm,
meaning, “the city of Islam”. The first Muslim to mopolitan, tolerant and culturally vibrant and the Turks), it was converted into a museum so human life. (Dr Amineh Hoti is Executive Di-
come to this area was Eyup Sultan or Hazrat Abu economically successful city. The infrastructure that the followers of all religions would feel com- rector of Markaz-e Ilm, The Center for Dialogue
Ayyub al-Ansari (Khalid ibn Zayd), named after of the city was improved, new buildings built fortable in accessing it. Unlike the Blue Mosque, and Action, Pakistan)
We Don’t Have to Fear That Pakistan Will Split up Why People Enjoy Replaying a
India – We’ll Do It Ourselves Favorite Song Many Times
n By Jug Suraiya has been strengthened after 1971, and Meanwhile, Chandrababu Naidu’s Chicago: University of Michigan vorite song daily or a few times week-
India the transformation of East Pakistan into TDP has threatened to walk out of its al- (UM) researchers have found in a ly. Forty-three percent of those who
ne of the main obstacles to Bangladesh, which would not have hap- liance with the NDA as its demands for a study that people enjoy replaying a listened to daily replayed the song at
finding a lasting solution to the pened without India’s help. special status for Andhra have not been favorite song many times even after least three times a day; 60 percent
O‘Kashmir problem’, as it’s long But despite this we shouldn’t really met, as promised. the novelty and surprise are gone. listened to the song multiple times
been tagged, is that India fears that the fear Pakistan’s designs of splitting us up. Another increasingly restive ally of The study has been published in consecutively; and about 6 percent
Pakistani demand for For the simple reason that we’re increas- the BJP, the Shiv Sena, added to the din in Psychology of Music. indicated they urgently wanted to
an ‘azad Kashmir’ is ingly likely to do this ourselves, without Parliament by demanding classical status The mean among the sample hear the song before they played it.
only Islamabad’s first external intervention. for the Marathi language. was more than 300 times, and this “Clearly, these listeners were
move in its ultimate Even as the saffron right wing es- The revived talk about forming a number was even larger for listeners very engaged with these songs,” said
aim at balkanizing pouses a Hindu-Hindi supra-national- non-Congress, anti-BJP ‘Third Front’ to who had a deep connection to the Frederick Conrad, UM professor of
India, splitting it into ism, an equal an opposite force of sub- fight the 2019 general elections will fur- song, something that was particular- psychology and the study’s lead au-
small states the way it nationalism, or regionalism, has gained ther strengthen the growing assertion of ly likely if they had mixed emotions, thor. “Niche listening may enable lis-
was before Independence. greater force and stridency. regionalism. such as “bittersweet,” while listening. teners to develop the kind of person-
This suspicion of Pakistani ‘salami Following the exposure of the PNB With the prime minister more busy The study’s 204 participants ally meaningful relationships with
tactics’ of slicing up India is what makes scam, yet another parliamentary log jam on whirlwind campaigning tours of the completed an online questionnaire particular songs that allows their
New Delhi even more wary than it would was created, with the opposition assail- country, it’s anyone’s guess as to who, and in fall 2013 about their experience affection for those songs to persist
otherwise have been of granting any fur- ing the NDA government about the Rs how, India is being run. listening to their favorite song, in- across very large amounts of expo-
ther concessions regarding greater au- 12,000 crore fraud, and the treasury Pakistan should be pleased. It seems cluding how it made them feel and sure.”
tonomy for Kashmir. benches retaliating by flank attacking the to have been relieved of the chore of bal- the frequency with which they played Jason Corey, associate professor
Indeed, ever since India and Paki- Congress by bringing up the charges of kanizing us, a task which we appear to the song. of music and a co-author of the study,
stan were created, Islamabad has always bribery levelled against the son of the for- have taken up for ourselves. Jai Hind. Or, About 86 percent of the partici- said certain features of the song
wanted to split up India. This resolve mer finance minister, P Chidambaram. Jai many Hinds. – The Times of India pants reported listening to their fa- MUSIC, P28