Page 23 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 23

COMMENTARY                                                                                                      MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P23

           n By Farhana Mohamed, MBA, PhD      Jinnah: A Celluloid Salute to the Giant
                    Los Angeles, CA                                                                                      -i-Azam to the world, not just the people of India
                                                                                                                         and Pakistan. Very little of the man has been tele-
            [The following article was first published in                                                                vised or filmed. The film is a tribute to the life and
        the January 8, 1999 issue of Pakistan Link, shortly                                                              feelings of the great man.” (Most of this para ex-
                    after the limited release of Jin-                                                                    cerpted from Rediff On The NeT, April 4, 1997).
                    nah movie in 1998. This  article                                                                         It appears that the initial brouhaha further
                    is being published again as Jin-                                                                     enhanced determination of the production team
                    nah’s message deserves to be seen                                                                    to treat “Jinnah” as a labor of love. The movie was
                    by  the  younger  generation  that                                                                   finally premiered on September 2, 1998 at the
                    wasn’t around when the film was                                                                      World Film Festival, Montreal, Canada. This was
                    initially released. Another note-                                                                    followed by the Hollywood premiere on Septem-
        worthy event is the passing away of Christopher                                                                  ber 26, with much glitter and pomp. Elizabeth
        Lee on June 7, 2015, at 93. According to BBC, Lee                                                                Fullerton wrote on the occasion, “The privately
        considered Jinnah as “the most important film I                                                                  backed film, described by some as a cross be-
        made, in terms of its subject and the great respon-                                                              tween ‘ Gandhi ‘ and ‘ Lawrence of Arabia, ‘ - A
        sibility I had as an actor.”].                                                                                   fast-paced period drama centered on the turbu-
            Professor Akbar S. Ahmed in his book, Jin-                                                                   lent months preceding the 1947 partition of India,
        nah, Pakistan & Islamic Identity: The Search for                                                                 which was largely engineered by Mohammed Ali
        Saladin (Routledge, New York, 1997), writes, “By                                                                 Jinnah, it is the first major international film to
        not having humanized images of (Quaid-i-Azam                                                                     come out of Pakistan.” (Buffalo News, September
        Mohammed Ali) Jinnah and utilized those in the                                                                   30, 1998). Los Angeles-based Daily Variety wrote,
        media, Pakistan lost a chance to construct an idea                                                               “Christopher Lee (invests) Jinnah with dignity, re-
        of a national hero around which a national im-                                                                   solve and humor.”
        age could have formed.” As a result, what we have                                                                    “Jinnah” was also shown at the prestigious
        today is a totally misunderstood image of one                                                                    London Film Festival (LFF) on November 8,
        of the greatest statesmen of this century. For in-                                                               1998. Derek Malcolm of The Guardian (Novem-
        stance, Richard Attenborough’s “Gandhi” (Feature                                                                 ber 10, 1998) had this to say: “Jinnah is a safe,
        Film, 1982, 188 minutes) stunned our sensibilities   Shashi Kapoor and Christopher Lee in the movie Jinnah       solid,  middle-of-the-road film-making, with Lee
        with the demonic portrayal of Jinnah. In Gandhi,   India’s shameful invasion of Kashmir in October   lion towards the movie.  contributing a portrait of Jinnah which goes well
        Alyque Padamsee played a ten–minute ‘villainous’   1947.” (Andrew Roberts, Sunday Times, London,   The film cast boasts many fine actors. Chris-  beyond a natural resemblance and Lintern carry-
        role of Jinnah which per Akbar Ahmed, “seemed   August 18, 1996).           topher Lee plays Jinnah, Richard Lintern acts as   ing weight too---For all its faults, ---the attempt
        to be motivated by only one thing: his hatred of   These episodes of partiality, bias, and a con-  young Jinnah, James Fox as Louis Mountbatten,   to rescue Jinnah from his distracters and to make
        Gandhiji.  This  was  a  historically  incorrect  por-  stant barrage of contempt towards Jinnah and the   Maria Aitken as Edwina Mountbatten, Rashid   sense of at least part of the jagged history of Paki-
        trayal.” As a matter of fact, Jinnah always regarded   nation he created led to the making of “Jinnah”   Suhrawardy (Robert Ashby) as Nehru, Sam Das-  stan is largely successful.”
        Gandhi, his political rival, as a great leader. After   (Director Jamil Dehlavi, 1998, Feature Film, 110   toor  portrays  Gandhi,  Shakeel  plays  Liaquat  Ali   English journalist Victoria Schofield (Dawn,
        Gandhi’s assassination by Hindu extremist, Na-  minutes). The business documents of the sub-  Khan, Talat Hussain as a refugee in the last scene   Karachi, November 29, 1998) mostly collected
        thuram Godse, Jinnah said, “Moslems of India   sidiary production company, the Quaid Project   of the movie, Shireen Shah as Fatima Jinnah, In-  the responses of the audience during LFF which
        have lost a great friend.” (Stanley Wolpert, Jinnah   of America, reveal the budget of “Jinnah” to be   dira Verma as Ruttie Jinnah, and Shashi Kapoor   included Pakistanis and Indians. She sums up her
        of Pakistan, Oxford University Press, 1984).  about $5.0 million. This amount includes at least   portrays the narrator.  reactions thus, “There is no doubt that the charac-
            The vicious hatred of Lord Louis Mountbat-  $0.3 million of free accommodation and other   The film drew its share of negative publicity,   ter of Jinnah as represented in this film will fire the
        ten, the last Viceroy of British India, against Jinnah   amenities the movie production received in Paki-  bureaucratic roadblocks, and a general consensus   imagination of future Pakistanis, just as the film
        is also quite obvious: “Mountbatten contributed to   stan. The Quaid Project Limited (UK), the parent   that the movie project would never come to frui-  makers hoped. Though the dramatic represen-
        the slander against Jinnah, calling him vain, mega-  company, began operation in March 1994. Shoot-  tion.  The movie was  labeled as  a “mix of  ‘Time   tation---Jinnah lives again not as the “villain”
        lomaniacal, an evil genius, a lunatic, a psychotic   ing of the movie began in Pakistan in March 1997   Bandits’ and Salman Rushdie.” The selection of   as portrayed in Richard Attenborough’s film
        case and a bastard, while publicly claiming he was   and concluded in May 1997. The production was   73-year-old Christopher Lee was heavily criticized   “Gandhi” nor as the rather austere man who
        entirely impartial between Jinnah’s Pakistan and   halted in the fall of 1997 due to lack of funds but   for his previous portrayal of “Dracula”, though Lee   stares out from portraits hung throughout Pak-
        Nehru’s India. Jinnah rose magisterially above   was resumed in April 1998. This was mainly due to   also played over 250 other roles. However, Shashi   istan---; instead the viewer sees him through-
        Mountbatten’s blatant bias, not even attacking the   the dynamic fund-raising efforts spearheaded by   Kapoor, who played the role of the narrator and   out his personal and political struggles as a man
        former Viceroy when, as Governor-General of In-  Executive Co-Producer, Dr Nasim Ashraf. About   received his share of flak, especially in India, said,   of integrity and principle, who laughs
        dia after partition, Mountbatten tacitly condoned   six dozen Pakistani-Americans invested $1.5 mil-  “The film will also be a great exposure of the Quaid   JINNAH, P28
                            The Pakistanis Who Have Offshore Properties Worth Millions

                    n By Sajid Iqbal
                                                                                                                         space on Cleeve Way, Sutton.
              he influential Saifullah family from Lak-                                                                      There is no mention of any residential or
              ki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, holds                                                                       commercial property owned by any offshore com-
         Ta bigger offshore property portfolio in                                                                        pany owned by the Saifullah family. However, the
         the United Kingdom than any other Pakistani                                                                     link of the offshore companies to the Saifullahs
         politician or businessman, according to a Dawn                                                                  has also been substantiated by the Panama Papers
         investigation.                                                                                                  investigation. The Saifullah family is not the only
            The Pheasantry — a farmhouse located in the                                                                  Pakistani farmhouse owner in Hampshire, the
         leafy Bramshill Park, Hampshire — is the crown                                                                  county also has a farmhouse owned by Pakistan
         jewel in the Saifullah estate in the UK. Bought in                                                              Tehreek-i-Insaf leader Jehangir Tareen.
         1996  for 865,000 pounds sterling through Aqua                                                                      The former PTI secretary general owns Hyde
         Nominees Ltd (a multi-layered offshore company                                                                  House in the same county. Mr Tareen had bought
         incorporated in Jersey), the farmhouse has six                                                                  Hyde House through Shiny View Ltd, an offshore
         bedrooms, seven reception rooms, five bathrooms                                                                 company incorporated in British Virgin Islands, in
         and a vast piece of agricultural land.                                                                          2005 for 1.2 million pounds.
            “There is a large swimming pool, Jacuzzi with                                                                    Aleem Khan, another PTI leader, owns three
         TV and music system and a tennis court. Beyond                                                                  properties in Central London that he had bought
         is stunning parkland and wonderful mixed, ma-                                                                   through Hexam Investment Overseas Ltd, an off-
         ture woodland. There is also an abundance of deer                                                               shore company incorporated in British Virgin Is-
         and wildlife on the estate,” according to Anastasia                                                             lands.
         Bernhardt who wrote a “Property of the Month”                                                                       These  include  a  fifth-floor  one-bed
         piece about The Pheasantry when the newly-re-                                                                   flat in Park West on Edgware Road that
         furbished farmhouse was put on the market five   The farmhouse owned by the Saifullahs is located in the leafy Bramshill Park of Hampshire  he had bought for 300,000 pounds in July
         years ago.                                                                                                      2007. Two similar flats on the same floor in
            So big is the farmhouse that the 9,000-square-  which was bought by former President Asif Ali   the same floor was sold in September 2016 for   West Park were sold for around half a million
         foot built-up area and the adjoining 334 acres of   Zardari.               430,000 pounds sterling.             pounds in June and August 2017.
         agricultural land have been mentioned in the UK   Just  two  years  after  purchasing  The  Pheas-  Albion Street is an expensive neighborhood   Mr Khan owns another flat in Marble Arch
         land record under multiple entries. As it was on   antry, another pricey item was bought in Central   as three houses were sold on the street for an aver-  Apartments that he had bought through his off-
         the market in 2013 for an estimated guide price   London through Aqua Nominees Ltd, the offshore   age price of 3.5 million pounds and the land regis-  shore  company  for  220,000 pounds in  August
         of around eight million pounds sterling, its cur-  company linked to the Saifullah family. The ter-  try record shows that the offshore company linked   2002. Two similar flats in Marble Arch Apart-
         rent market value could be over 10 million pounds   raced house on Southwick Street in Central Lon-  to the Saifullah family owns two houses (1 and 2)   ments were sold last year for 495,000 pounds and
         sterling.                            don was purchased for half a million pounds ster-  on Albion Street.       415,000 pounds, respectively.
            It is worth noting that the possession of off-  ling some 20 years ago in 1998.  The group owns three properties in Worces-  Mr Khan’s third offshore property is situated
         shore  property  does  not necessarily suggest any   According to the UK land registry record,   ter in West Midlands through Aqua Trust Com-  at another very sought after location, Westcliffe
         wrongdoing on the part of any particular person,   the offshore company, Aqua Nominees Ltd, owns   pany Limited — a piece of land on Saint Martins   Apartments, West End Quay, South Wharf Road,
         company or entity.                   another property on Albion Street in Central Lon-  Place, land and buildings on the north side of Saint   London. He had bought this property for around
            At least three PTI leaders and mother-in-law   don. Besides, another offshore company linked to   Martins Place and the Jaguar Center on City Walls   405,000 pounds only six months ago.
         of PML-N’s new president hold offshore property   the Saifullah family, the UK Property Investment   Road.          Zulfi Bukhari, a close confidante of PTI chief
         worth millions of pounds             Ltd, purchased a flat on 13th floor in Park Plaza,   Ashby Limited, an offshore company incor-  Imran Khan, owns two expensive Central Lon-
            The Pheasantry reflects both in size and value   Westminster Bridge. While the exact price of the   porated in Belize and linked to former federal   don properties which he had bought through
         the legendary Surrey Palace spread over 355 acres   Park Plaza flat is not known, a similar size flat on   minister Salim Saifullah Khan, owns a parking   PROPERTIES, P28
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