Page 28 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MARCH  23,  2018                                                                                  COMMENTARY
        MARCH23RD FROM P4             having played Dracula — and that 40   Haqqani network or the Taliban –  initiative to positively and objec-  allies had resolved to remain engaged
        conditions are solvable with time.  years ago. If people thought like this,   also recently acknowledged as polit-  tively portray Jinnah to the younger   and carry forward the relationship
        Faiz Ahmad Faiz whose famous lines then the Americans would object to   ical entity by President Ghani, Gen-  Pakistanis, a disillusioned nation,   that had been on a downward trajec-
            Ye daagh daagh ujaalaa, ye shab- Anthony Hopkins playing an Ameri-  eral Bajwa reminded the audience.  and ill-informed West.   tory since the announcement of the
        gaziida sahar                 can president after he acted in The Si-  Lastly, we cannot allow internal   “We feel proud. The film has   US policy for Afghanistan and South
            Vo intizaar thaa jis-kaa, ye vo sa- lence of the Lambs as a psychopathic   political strife to disrupt Pakistan’s  restored my faith in Pakistan,” James   Asia in August 2017.
        har to nahiiN,                killer.”                       present upward trajectory. We have  Sheera, a renowned overseas Paki-  Official sources  in Washington
            Ye vo sahar to nahiiN jis-kii aar-  Lee’s career went on from   suffered a lot for blunders committed  stani activist based in Britain and   said that the desire to continue the
        zu lekar                      strength to strength as he got star-  by all the leading lights in the past. It’s  former Mayor of Rugby, UK, told   bilateral relationship was expressed
            Chale the yaar ke mil-ja`egi ka- ring roles in some of the biggest Hol-  time to rectify those mistakes and that  Schofield. “We need the message to   at Friday’s meeting. Pakistan felt the
        hiiN na kahiN                 lywood blockbusters of all times like   is what we are doing. - Daily Times  be conveyed of what Jinnah stood   need to request another meeting
            wrote an edifying piece as Edi- The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.                  for: his liberal ideas, his respect for   with Mr Pence because the last meet-
        tor of Pakistan Times. The conclud- He was even singing and publishing   JINNAH FROM P23  religious beliefs of minorities and his   ing had “moved things forward,” said
        ing paragraph sheds pessimism and  songs. The Queen recognized him   and weeps.”          concern for women. Pakistan needs   one source.
        breeds optimism identical as do con- as one of the great British actors and   The film was premiered at Cairo  Jinnah now as much as 50 years ago.”  Other sources noted that recent
        flicting conditions in Pakistan today:   knighted him.       International Film Festival in the first                   “positive developments” also encour-
            “There is nothing to be dis-  Lee completed his autobiogra-  week of December 1998. According   PROPERTIES FROM P23  aged Pakistan to seek a meeting.
        couraged about. Individuals,  many  phy, Tall, Dark and Gruesome, in1999   to a Radio Monte Carlo Report, “The  offshore companies. According to   They referred to several statements
        of them distinguished in rank and  and sent Dr Akbar Ahmed a copy in-  film ‘ Jinnah ‘ in Cairo was a success  the UK land registry record, Brad-  from both US civil and military of-
        tested in previous struggles, failed us  scribed, ‘To Akbar Ahmed who gave   and had its viewers. Its success, how-  bury Resources Limited — an   ficials,  acknowledging  that  Pakistan
        miserably in  the  fight  for  Pakistan.  me the opportunity to portray a gi-  ever, was inferior to the success won  offshore company linked to Zulfi   has  taken  “some  positive  steps”  for
        The failures that we have witnessed  ant of history. With appreciation.’ In   earlier by the film ‘ Gandhi. ‘ (UCF-  Bukhari — owns stakes in 30 Enn-  restoring peace to Afghanistan. US
        and shall continue to witness in the  the  last  section,  ‘Jinnah,’  he  put  Dr   PSA/NNI, December 6, 1998).  ismore Gardens. The estimated   officials noted that Pakistan had been
        fight to realize the dream that Paki- Akbar’s name first on a list of people   Rogers and Cowan, the inter-  market value of the property can be   encouraging the Taliban to partici-
        stan stands for have also been and  he  thanked  to  ‘pay  tribute’:  ‘Execu-  national  media firm,  arranged  lim-  gauged from the fact that a flat in   pate in the reconciliation process, as
        will be failures of individuals. Paki- tive Producer, Akbar Ahmed, a dis-  ited release of “Jinnah” in December  the Ennismore Gardens was sold for   Washington desires.
        stan came in spite of Khizar, and its  tinguished Islamic scholar who was   1998 at two Laemmle theaters in Los  949,950 pounds in July 2008.  “Statements from the US side
        people will progress in spite of his  the originator of the project, having   Angeles. This was done to fulfill the   Samina Durrani, mother-in-law   have started to change. Pakistan too
        successors.”                  worked on it for a decade. He was   requirements for eligibility for Oscar  of Punjab Chief Minister and new-  is doing what it should have. Chan-
            Faiz was wholly right. The fore- determined that we would fulfill our   Award nominations. Movie Critic  ly-elected President of ruling Paki-  nels are more open now than before.
        most challenge today is to inspire  obligations’ (p. 300).   Kevin Thomas wrote, “Jinnah illumi-  stan Muslim League Mian Shahbaz   There have been regular interactions
        national self-belief and self-esteem,   But his choicest words were re-  nates the character and times of this  Sharif, owns an expensive residen-  between the two governments,” said
        and to stage a comeback on the inter- served for the Quaid himself. Lee de-  important but little-known world  tial property in Central London. She   a non-Pakistani diplomatic source
        national stage, to rediscover the spirit  clared that his role in the Jinnah film   leader in an absorbing fashion---. A  bought the property through Armani   when asked to explain why Pakistan
        and vision which animated the Paki- was his “own personal tribute to an   sweeping historical epic centering on  River Ltd, an offshore company in-  felt the need to ask for this meeting.
        stan Movement and the founding of  extraordinary man and great states-  the  life  of  the  founder  of  Pakistan,  corporated in Bahamas, for 480,000   “It’s  difficult not  [to]  focus  on
        the  nation.  We  should  also  realize  man … this Great Leader, the Father   played with understated power and  pounds in September 2002. The cur-  anything…but Afghanis-tan,” said
        that Americans today salute Lincoln  of the Nation, who literally gave his   great dignity by Christopher Lee. A  rent value of the property can be well   the non-Pakistani diplomatic source
        for saving the union; they don’t retro- life for his country … whose image   good example of a film that illumi-  over a million pounds. Two flats of   when asked what he thought was
        spectively blame him for the damage  has been so shamefully distorted   nates a complex and vital period of  the same size and on the same floor   the focus of this meeting. “But they
        others inflicted on America.  by  the  ignorant  and  whose  reputa-  history while engaging us with its  were sold for 1.080 million and   must have also talked about bilateral
            The movie Jinnah marks an ef- tion and achievements have been so   human drama.” (Los Angeles Times,  1.425 million pounds in 2015 and   relations and, as Pakistanis say, about
        fort to serve this all-important goal.  grossly maligned. May he truly rest in   December 15, 1998)  2014, respectively.  – Dawn   making this relationship more multi-
            Directed  by  Jamil  Dehlavi,  Jin- peace” (p. 302).        The film was planned for in-                            faceted.”
        nah is a 1998 movie about the found-                         ternational distribution in 1999, in-  MUSIC FROM P22         But the source added that he was
        er of Pakistan. Renowned scholar  NATIONS FROM P7            cluding Pakistan and probably India.  were particularly important reasons   not in a position to say if this meeting
        Ambassador  Akbar   Salahuddin and Egypt, stating that the “Un-  Well, talking of India, how did “Jin-  why respondents listened many   could lead to “concrete results”.
        Ahmed co-wrote the movie’s screen- marked  Israeli  war  planes  and he-  nah” fare with the Indian viewers?  times. The most important features   “I would say, it was more of a
        play. It stars the legendary English  licopters have carried out dozens of   The reaction appeared quite mixed  were the song’s “melody”.  review of progress and expression
        actor Sir Christopher Lee in the titu- covert attacks against ISIS and other   during the making and preliminary   The more times people listened   of good intentions than a substantial
        lar role. Other costars include Shashi  terrorist groups inside the Sinai.” The   release of the movie. Vijay Dutta  to their favorite song, the more the   discussion on future plan of action,”
        Kapoor, Richard Lintern, James Fox,  Israeli fighter planes bear no Israeli   writes in Hindustan Times (February  listeners could hear it internally, the   the source said.
        Indira Verma, Maria Aitken, Shakeel,  identifiers,  carefully  taking  a  circu-  12, 1997), “An overt and pernicious  researchers said.  Both  Pakistani  and  congres-
        and Talat Hussain.            itous route from Israel to fly over   attempt is obviously being made to   “Listeners…should be able to   sional sources, however, were more
            English  journalist  Victoria Sinai. Like the Israelis, the Egyptian   denigrate India and drag down its  ‘hear’ large amounts of the song in   open about the prime minister’s
        Schofield is optimistic that “There is  public is kept largely in the dark   stature internationally by attacking  their heads, potentially including all   meeting with the lawmakers. Ac-
        no doubt that the character of Jinnah  about the extent of the ongoing co-  and defaming Jawaharlal Nehru in a  the instrumental and vocal sounds,”   cording to them, the prime min-
        as represented in this film will fire the  operation between the two countries.   film on Mohammed Ali Jinnah.”  Conrad said.  ister assured the lawmakers that
        imagination of future Pakistanis, just  However, the Egyptian Government   “Jinnah” was also screened in                “Pakistan’s close relations with China
        as the film makers hoped. Though  is confident that the people are so   May 1998 in Bombay for selected  ABBASI FROM P1  should not be a cause of concern for
        the dramatic representation---Jinnah  outraged by the bloodshed perpetrat-  Indian intellectuals. Some of them  meeting with Congressman Ted  the US” as Islamabad “wants close
        lives again not as the ‘villain’ as por- ed by ISIS that they are unlikely to be   felt the film was anti-Indian. For- Yoho, chairman of the House Com- friendly ties with both China and the
        trayed in Richard Attenborough’s  upset by any disclosures.  mer Bharatiya Janata Dal Leader  mittee on Asia and the Pacific, and  United States.”
        film ‘Gandhi’ nor as the rather austere   New alignments across the   Madhu Deoleker told Rediff On The  its ranking Democrat, Congressman   Prime  Minister  Abbasi arrived
        man who stares out from portraits  Arab/Muslim world have led to some   NeT, “The film highlights atrocities  Brad Sherman.  in Washington on Wednesday to be
        hung throughout Pakistan---; instead  unanticipated results.  Last January,   on Muslims during partition, while   Like  Mr  Pence,  the  US  law- with his elder sister — not Senator
        the viewer sees him throughout his  President Trump announced recog-  there are hardly any scenes of atroci- makers also focused on the current  Sadia Abbasi — who underwent a
        personal and political struggles as a  nition of Jerusalem as the capital of   ties of Hindus. Moreover, Jinnah has  situation in Afghanistan but they ex- disc-surgery at a Washington hospi-
        man of integrity and principle, who  Israel  and  instructed the State  De-  been painted as a hero which cannot  pressed “their concern about China’s  tal. - Dawn
        laughs and weeps.”            partment to move the US embassy   be accepted by Indians.” (UCF-PSA  growing influence in Pakistan” as
            The movie is a labor of love of  from Tel Aviv, reversing decades-old   on the web, October 3, 1998). During  well, sources told Dawn.  ARREST FROM P11
        Dr Akbar Ahmed, author, poet, film- US policy. Many had feared a severe   the release in LFF, Schofield wrote   While discussing bilateral rela- Col Naz responded that Rizvi lived
        maker, playwright, and the leading  backlash and violent reaction against   that despite discomfort expressed by  tions, the two lawmakers conveyed  on donations.
        light of dialogue of civilizations today.  the decision across the Arab/Muslim   the Indian viewers, they seemed to  their concern about blasphemy cases   “Then mention that he is being
        As the Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic  world. Instead, the announcement   be fascinated by the knowledge they  against Christians in Pakistan, the  financially supported by others!” the
        Studies at the American University  evoked only a tepid reaction that   gained about Jinnah.  sources added.            judge exclaimed.
        in Washington, DC he has emerged  soon died down. In the United Na-  “Jinnah” may not be a grandiose   In the Pence-Abbasi meeting,   The court also pointed out that
        as the most balanced, learned and  tions, the reaction was more force-  affair garnering major awards yet it  both sides “explained their perspec- the report did not answer the specific
        original interpreters of Islam in its  ful; however, a unanimous vote at   already  had  made  tremendous im- tives” on Afghanistan. The prime  questions previously raised by the
        engagement with the  non-Muslim  the Security Council against US rec-  pact on its viewers - especially in the  minister assured Mr Pence of Paki- court before ordering the ISI to sub-
        world. “It is hard to exaggerate the  ognition was vetoed by the US. How   West. Christopher Lee (it was unfor- stan’s “sincere commitment” to efforts  mit a new report within two weeks.
        importance  of this  a time  far the discreet warming of relations   tunate that he was not nominated for  for peace in Afghanistan and also un-  The court also ordered the at-
        when myths and fantasies still stir  between Arab countries and Israel   an Oscar) magnificently portrays Jin- derlined “Pakistan’s successes” in the  torney general to be present for the
        up corporate fear between our com- moderated  the  reaction  to  the  US   nah the way he was -- honest, unhyp- war  against  terrorism,  the  sources  next hearing.
        munities,” says Dr Rowan Williams,  recognition is difficult to judge.  ocritical, fair, a giant statesman who  said.      Islamabad protests: Daily life in
        former Archbishop of Canterbury.    The new alliances in the Middle   never “stooped low to conquer,” and   “The prime minister assured the  Islamabad was disrupted for 20 days
            Until his death in June 2015,  East have lesson for countries like   a man who wept and was publicly in  US leader that no other state wants  in November 2017 by protesters be-
        Sir Christopher Lee talked often and  Pakistan where foreign policy seems   anguish at the aftermath of the geno- peace in Afghanistan more than Pak- longing to religious parties, includ-
        loudly with pride of what he con- to be static, mired in the political   cide following 1947 partition.  istan does, as it will be a direct ben- ing TLY, the Tehreek-i-Khatm-i-
        sidered his best performance in his  landscape of the fifties.   Jamil Dehlavi, whose other crit- eficiary of this peace,” said a source.  Nabuwwat, and the Sunni Tehreek
        movie career —as Mr Jinnah.   ARMY FROM P15                  ically acclaimed work is “The Blood   Diplomatic  observers  in  Wash- Pakistan (ST).
             “Why don’t the Pakistanis un-   world should know that the Afghan   of Hussain” (Feature Film, 1980, 112  ington view the Pence-Abbasi meet-  The agitators believed that dur-
        derstand that we are here to pay  Taliban or the Haqqani network are   minutes), states, “Jinnah has been  ing as a continuation of their talks on  ing the passage of the Elections Act
        tribute to the great man,” Lee would  not regular armies. You can defeat   made to set the records straight.”  the sidelines of the UN General As- 2017,  the  Khatm-i-Nabuwwat  oath
        say  with  a  hint  of  exasperation,  Dr  an army but not an ideologically   The team of Akbar Ahmed and Jamil  sembly in New York last year.  was deliberately modified as part of
        Ahmed recalls. “They object to my  inspired non-state actor such as the   Dehlavi  has successfully  taken the   At that Sept 20 meeting, the two  some  conspiracy.  The  amendment
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