Page 27 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 27

SPORTS                                                                                                          MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P27
         SPORTS                                                                                                             MARCH 23, 2018 - PAKISTAN  LINK
            IHC dismisses petition challenging ban                                                   Security plan for PSL 2018

                        on cricketer Sharjeel Khan                                                     final in Karachi revealed

                                                                                                  KARACHI:  Sindh  police  and  gov-  a third physical search at the sta-
         ISLAMABAD:  The Islam¬abad                                                               ernment  officials  on  Monday  un-  dium gates.
         High Court (IHC) on Monday dis-                                                          veiled  the  security  and  traffic  plan   6.   PCB  official  Arshad  Khan
         missed  a  petition  filed  by  cricketer                                                for the Pakistan Super League (PSL)   says the board’s staff will be on hand
         Sharjeel Khan against imposition of a                                                    final,  to  be  played  at  Karachi’s  Na-  to guide visitors to their seats. The sta-
         five-year ban on him over a spot-fix-                                                    tional Stadium on March 25.   dium can seat about 35,000. Four VIP
         ing scandal.                                                                                Spectators  will  need  to  pass   enclosures will be set up at the venue.
            The  anti-corruption  tribunal  of                                                    through a roughly four-hour-long,   7.   After the match, the crowd
         Pakistan  Cricket  Board  (PCB)  had                                                     three-tier security clearance proce-  will be transported back to the mar-
         last year imposed the ban on the                                                         dure before they can enter the sta-  shalling area via the shuttle service.
         left-handed batsman over charges of                                                      dium.                         Spectators were requested to use the
         spot fixing in Pakistan Super League                                                        Rangers’  Brigadier  Shahid  ex-  same  shuttle  service  and  route  they
         (PSL).  He  was  accused  of  play-                                                      plained the security measures which   came to the drop zone in.
         ing two dot balls in one of the PSL                                                      will  be  in  place,  and  described  the   The residents of the surrounding
         matches.                                                                                 process spectators will pass through   areas  will  be  requested  not  to  force
            Justice Aamer Farooq of the IHC                                                       in order to attend the match:  traffic  police  officials  or  members
         dismissed the cricketer’s petition for                                                      1.   Ticket  holders  will  report   of the security forces to let them ap-
         want of jurisdiction.                                                                    to  the  specified  car  parking  areas,   proach the stadium directly, Brigadier
            During the hearing, Depu-                                                             where  there  will  be  six  marshalling   Shahid said.
         ty  Attorney  General  Raja  Khalid                                                      areas. At the car park, they will un-  No  one  is  allowed  to  carry  eat-
         Mehmood  Khan  raised  the  objec-                                                       dergo the first physical search and Pa-  ables from outside the venue.
         tion that the IHC lacked territorial   hore and PCB’s anti-corruption tribu-  petitioner on Feb 13, 2017 under Ar-  kistan Cricket Board (PCB) staff will   A  series  of  PCB-approved  ven-
         jurisdiction to entertain the petition   nal chairman as respondents.  ticle 4.3 of the code to appear before   verify their tickets.  dors  will  set  up  food  stalls  within
         since the tribunal, which convicted   The counsel stated that petitioner   the PCB’s security and vigilance de-  2.   After  this,  they  will  ap-  the  car  parking  area  and  spectators
         the cricketer, had conducted the tri-  Sharjeel was an international cricket-  partment on Feb 17.  proach  a  shuttle  service  which  will   can  purchase  food  and  drinks  from
         al in Lahore.                er who made his debut in 2013 and   The  petitioner’s  so-called  in-  then drop them off at the designated   there  and  then  go  to  the  stadium.
            In his petition, Mr Khan had cited   was  charged  by  the  PCB  for  com-  terview  was  conducted  on  the   drop zone. There are three drop zones   Ambulances  will  also  be  present  at
         the  ministries  of  law  and  inter-pro-  mitting violations of the board’s an-  above-mentioned  date  and  then  on   ─ one at Expo Centre, one opposite   the parking area in case of a medical
         vincial coordination, PCB chairman,   ti-corruption code. He added that the   Feb 18 a notice of charge under Ar-  Bahria University, and a third oppo-  emergency, the Rangers official said.
                                                                                                                                  Spectators are permitted to carry
         independent adjudicator of NCA La-  notice  of  demand  was  issued  to  the   ticle 4.6 was issued to Sharjeel Khan.  site Aga Khan Hospital.  their  cellphones,  but  will  not  be  al-
                                                                                                         They will undergo another
           Federer faces del Potro in BNP Paribas Open final                                      physical search at the drop zone.  lowed to carry power banks to charge
                                                                                                                                their phones.
                                                                                                         The distance from the drop
                                                                                                  zone to the stadium gates is about   “I request you to ensure you have
         INDIAN WELLS:  Roger  Federer   Federer  is  18-6  in  his  career   pushing him to the limits, but at the   200-300 metres. Spectators will walk   enough power in your phone to last
         was on the ropes, down two breaks   against  del  Potro,  with  two  of  the   end he was better player,” Coric said.   from the drop zone to the gates. Se-  through  the  match,”  said  Brigadier
         in  the  second  set  and  another  one   losses  coming  at  the  U.S.  Open,  in   “I thought he was going to drop, but   nior  citizens  and  differently-abled   Shahid. Security procedures for VIP
         in the third. Borna Coric thought he   the  2009  final  and  last  year’s  quar-  he  didn’t.  He  stayed  in  the  match   spectators  will  be  transported  from   and VVIP personnel will be commu-
         was close to toppling the world’s top-  ter-finals.        very,  very  long,  and  I  just  couldn’t   the drop zones to the gates via buses.  nicated  to  their  security  officers,  he
         ranked player.                  Federer  rallied  from  a  5-7,  2-4   keep it up anymore.”  5.   Spectators  will  undergo   added.
            Not so fast.              deficit to win the final four games of   Federer hasn’t started a season
                                                                    so  well  since  2006,  when  he  won
            Federer  rallied  for  a  5-7,  6-4,   the second set, breaking Coric twice   his  first  16  matches  en  route  to  a  Wrist injury forces Misbah
         6-4 victory in the BNP Paribas Open   for the first time in the match.
         semi-finals  on  Saturday,  extending   “It didn’t come easy, so I had to   92-5 record.
         his career-best start to 17-0 and giv-  go get it,” Federer said. “You need to   The Swiss superstar was playing   out of remaining PSL games
         ing  him  a  chance  to  win  his  record   be match-tough, you need to be con-  a rare 11:00a.m. match. According to
         sixth title. “I went for my shots. I was   fident, have experience, and I think I   the ATP Tour, Federer hadn’t played
         not waiting. I made the right choic-  have a bit of all of that right now, and   that early since 2006. And it showed   DUBAI:  Islamabad  United  will   of their appointed vice-captain Rum-
         es all the time,” Coric said. “He was   that’s the reason I won.”  as he sprayed errors all over the court   be battling out their remaining   man Raees after the Pakistan seamer
         just a better player in those specific   There were five breaks in the third.   and  didn’t  break  Coric  for  the  first   fixtures of the HBL Pakistan Su-  sustained a serious knee injury while
         moments.  At  the  end,  he  just  got   Federer trailed 4-3 and then broke af-  time until late in the second set.  per League (PSL) without regular   fielding against Quetta Gladiators in
         through.” Barely.            ter two deuces on his way to winning   “Really I just woke up,” Federer   captain Misbah-ul- Haq who has   Sharjah on Feb 28 and is currently re-
            “I  should  have  lost  a  match,”   the last three games of the two-hour,   said in an on-court interview. “It was   been ruled out by a hairline frac-  cuperating in Karachi.
         Federer said.                20-minute struggle. “That’s why he’s   early today. I had pasta at 9:15. It was   ture on his wrist.  Misbah, who played eight match-
            He will meet No. 6 Juan Martin   champion,” Coric said.  yummy.”                         The former Pakistan skipper will   es and batted only four times in this
         del Potro in the final. The Argentine   Coric’s  crosscourt  forehand  was   Until losing the first set, Federer   be  out  for  four  weeks  after  being   PSL with a best score of 22, was pres-
         breezed past No. 32 Milos Raonic of   called out on match point. He chal-  hadn’t  dropped  a  set  in  the  tourna-  hit  by  a  bouncer  from  left-arm  fast   ent  at  the  stadium  during  Sunday’s
         Canada 6-2, 6-3 in 66 minutes for his   lenged  the  call  and  the  line  system   ment.  Trailing  a  set  and  0-2  in  the   bowler Tymal Mills during the final   qualifier.
         10th  consecutive  match  victory  and   showed it was just wide of the side-  second,  the  crowd,  including  Rod   league-round  match  against  Karachi   Moreover,  Islamabad  are  also
         400th of his injury-plagued career.  line.  “I  was  aggressive  and  I  was   Laver  and  Pete  Sampras,  seemingly   Kings in Sharjah on Friday.  without Andre Russell after the West
                                                                    tried to will better shots out of Fed-  JP Duminy took over the leader-  Indies  all-rounder  who  pulled  his
                                                                    erer with loud applause and shouts of   ship for the qualifier against Karachi   right hamstring during team’s crush-
                                                                    encouragement.                which was in progress at the Dubai   ing victory against Karachi in Shar-
                                                                       “Borna played a great match. He   International Cricket Stadium at the   jah on March 4.
                                                                    was very steady,” Federer said. “I can   time of filing this report, with Sahib-  Russell had returned to competi-
                                                                    see why he caused a lot of problems   zada  Farhan  replacing  injured  Mis-  tive cricket at the PSL after complet-
                                                                    to a lot of players, and he’s only go-  bah.                ing a year-long ban in January for a
                                                                    ing to improve from here.”       Islamabad earlier lost the services   doping violation.
                                                                       Coric, a 21-year-old from Croa-
                                                                    tia, was in his first ATP Masters 1000
                                                                    semifinal. He will jump 13 spots to
                                                                    No. 36 in Monday’s ATP World Tour
                                                                    rankings. Federer, No. 1 again at 36,
                                                                    owns 27 career Masters 1000 titles.
                                                                       Coric is part of a trio of 20-some-
                                                                    things that have dominated the desert
          Multan Sultans’ manager blames ‘older’ players for

                              dismal performance in PSL

         KARACHI:  Multan Sultans team   roster, Sultan had no other option but   we  were  not  able  to  make  the  best
         manager  Nadeem  Khan  on  Monday   to pick their first 10 players from the   squad,” he told media.
         said “older” players were the reason   released ones and they also had the   “Another reason,” Nadeem said,
         for the team’s dismal performance in   last pick in all categories during play-  “is that Sultans’ match schedule was
         Pakistan Super League’s (PSL) third   ers  draft.  “All  other  teams  retained   the toughest among all.”
         edition.                     their best 10 players and we had to   “We  got  a  good  start  but  as  we
            Speaking to media upon arrival at   take  our  pick  from  the  players  re-  played  matches  in  quick  succession
         Karachi airport, Nadeem Khan said,   leased by other teams, so we had few-  some of our players got tired and suf-
         “The average age of our players was   er  choices,”  the  manager  explained   fered injured, thus we failed to keep
         the highest if compared to other PSL   while  further  reasons  for  Sultan’s   the momentum going,” Nadeem ex-
         teams, and some of them also suf-  failure to qualify for the playoffs.  plained.  Nadeem  also  said  that  not
         fered  injuries  because  of  the  hectic   “We  are  not  blaming  anyone   being  able  to  give  Shan  Masood  a
         schedule that the team had.”  because  we  accepted  things  as  they   chance  was  also  unfortunate  of  the
            Being the newest addition to the   were, but those were the reasons that   part of Sultans.

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