Page 24 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MARCH  23,  2018                                                                                  COMMENTARY
                                           Exit Plan                                                    One Million Tree’s Project

              n By Saghir Aslam                                     and change the way the economy is fa-  Caring for Tomorrow’s Environment Today
              Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                  voring growth stocks right now.
                                                                        With a fund laden with tech   The Benefits of Trees    • Beautify land and increase
            (The following information is                           stocks, what would we do?  Be care-
        provided solely to educate the Muslim                       ful and stay in cash.  The safest place   • Produce oxygen and absorb      property values
                   community about in-                              to be would be in cash until rates came      carbon dioxide  • Help purify land from harmful
                   vesting and financial                            down again?                     • Help keep the air clean     chemicals (trees absorb
                   planning. It is hoped                                The Fed brings rates up and down   • An effective sound barrier     pollutants and reduce levels as
                   that the Ummah will                              slowly, always by a quarter-point each   • Provide shade and cool     timber is harvested)
                   benefit from this effort                         time,  and  that  seems  to  be  working.    • Reduce wind speeds  • Provide sanctuary for wildlife
                   through greater finan-                           Bob Froehich, managing director of   • Reduce soil erosion and    • Assist in economic development
                   cial  empowerment,                               $110 million Scudder Kemper Invest-     coserve rain water     (timber, fruit, leaves)
        enabling the community to live in se-                       ments, agrees that 7% is the threshold
        curity and dignity and fulfill their re-  ing future earnings.  Today, the market   at which his view of the market would
        ligious and moral obligations towards   is obsessed with one segment of the   change.  If rates went to 7% and stayed
        charitable activities)        growth area: tech stocks, particularly   there,  we would  have a  fundamental
            For Mutual Fund Investors,   stocks that have anything to do with   shift out of equities.  In the stock mar-
        does  your  Mutual  Funds  Manager   the Internet or its infrastructure.  ket there would be dramatic rotation
        have an exit plan?                But interest rates are rising, not   out of growth stocks.
            Some Funds are Prepared to Act   falling.  When the Fed raises rates to   Many  small-cap  companies
        if Market Turns South.        5.75% from 5.50% this month, it was   would gain an advantage if rates hit
            When two objects collide, the ob-  the fourth quarter-point increase since   7% because they would gain an ad-
        ject with the greatest momentum will   June of last year.  Rates have not been   vantage if rates hit 7% because they   On average, it costs just $1 per tree.
        prevail, or so reasoned Sir Isaac New-  this high since July 1995, and more in-  would be able to raise their prices and
        ton in 1687.                  creases are likely.           increase revenues. If we run into infla-
            Today, the coming collision of   This could be the flip side of the   tion, I would just keep buying the best
        two opposing economic forces will   New Economy, because productivity   small caps I can find.  While investors
        have a strong effect on the way port-  is unlikely to stay strong if rated keep   scrambled for 7% bond returns, some   Hidaya Foundation
        folio managers make investment deci-  rising.  In a high interest rate environ-  equity  managers  would  start  looking
        sions.                        ment, value stocks are favored over   for stocks they believe are immune   408.244.3282 | |
            The two forces are the New Econ-  growth stocks, the opposite of the pat-  from the ravages of steep rates.  Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
        omy and rising interest rates.  tern prevailing today.          As you can see, interest rates play
            On February 8, the Labor Depart-  So it appears that rising rates are   a major role in stock prices.  As interest
        ment reported that productivity in the   heading for a bumper-to-bumper col-  rates rise or fall we must watch them
        fourth quarter of 1999 grew by a siz-  lision with the New Economy.  Right   very carefully, particularly for short   Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
        zling 5%.  For the full year, productiv-  now, the New Economy is traveling   term investments.
        ity grew at 2.9%, the strongest one-year   at warp speed, squashing interest rate   (Saghir A. Aslam only explains
        figure in seven years.        hikes like a steamroller passing over   strategies and formulas that he has   Countries         Buying        Selling
            The kicker was that while produc-  an ant.              been using. He is merely providing in-                                 Rs.             Rs.
        tivity was growing at a record rate, la-  But this could change if rates keep   formation, and NO ADVICE is given.
        bor costs actually fell 1% in the fourth   going up.        Mr Aslam does not endorse or rec-  USA                  115.00           117.00
        quarter, their largest fall since 1996.  Are fund managers worried   ommend any broker, brokerage firm,   UK                      159.00          160.75
            High productivity and falling la-  about the upward pressure on rates?    or any investment at all, nor does he   S.Arabia          30.20            30.40
        bor costs are the heart and soul of the   You bet they are, and they are planning   suggest that anyone will earn a profit   Japan               1.03              1.06
        New Economy.  These figures indicate   the strategy they will use if rates con-  when or if they purchase stocks, bonds   Euro           141.00          142.20
        corporations are automating to get   tinue to soar.         or any other investments. All stocks or   UAE                      31.00            31.25
        more production with fewer employ-  Some of the managers have an   investment vehicles mentioned are for
        ees.  That trend neuters the argument   exit plan.  Even though rates are al-  illustrative purposes only. Mr Aslam   (*March 21, 2018)
        that the shrinking labor pool will lead   ready high, they could go a bit higher   is not an attorney, accountant, real
        to inflation.                 without changing growth strategies.  estate broker, stockbroker, investment
            In this type of economy, manag-  How much is a bit higher?  advisor, or certified financial planner.
        ers typically favor large-cap growth   The safe zone is 6% or 6 ½%, but   Mr Aslam does not have anything for   U.S. VISA AVAILABILITY IN JANUARY 2018
        stocks that hold the promise of gallop-  7% would take us out of that safe zone   sale.)                       For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
                                                                                                                         Compiled by Hasan Chishti
        MOMS FROM P18                 food - food prepared according to   The family then continues the
        people that Muslims teach their   Islamic customs -  that is next to the   hateful and bizarre tour toward the
        children to hate. Yet they are right   Islamic Community Center of Tem-  mosque and try to enter the prayer
        there  on  camera,  telling  the  chil-  pe. There, Gonzales discusses the   space. Instead, they bump into a wor-  FAMILY  SPONSORED  PREFERENCES          Pakistan/Bangladesh               India
        dren just extremely inflammatory   “illegal invasion of Muslims” while   shipper who is exiting at the same
        false information about this group   showing the children the storefronts,   time. The man is seen attempting   1     Unmarried sons & daughters
        of people that is definitely going to   speculating that the restaurants were   to  engage  the  family  in  a  dialogue,           of U.S. Citizens                                          March 15,  2011            March 15,  2011
        shape their perspectives about Mus-  closed because Muslims were busy   clearly shocked, but the group in-
        lims as they grow older. My hope for   “worshipping the anti-Christ.” The   stead accuses him of wanting to eat   2-A  Spouses and unmarried
        these children is that they are able   children follow Gonzales closely ev-  their dog and engage in pedophilia.            Children of permanent residents                Feb., 01,  2016               Feb., 01, 2016
        to overcome the hate that is being   erywhere she goes, listening to every   “We’re coming after you. We,
        taught to them by their parents.  word.                     the people. We’re exposing you. You   2-B  Unmarried sons & daughters (21 years
            The series of videos, thought to   Once at the mosque, the two   guys stand for evil and nothing but
        all have been taken on the same day,   women and the three children let   evil,” Gonzales is heard yelling at the           of age or older) of permanent residents)    Dec., 01,  2010              Dec., 01,  2010
        is filled with dangerous Islamopho-  themselves into the mosque’s  gated   stunned worshipper.
        bic rhetoric about the Muslim com-  outdoor play area. Gonzales notices   “We’re trying to be peaceful,” the   3    Married sons & daughters of US citizens   Oct., 08, 2005                Oct., 08, 2005
        munity, stating that Muslims “use   the “No firearms” sign at the gate and   man is heard responding. “You have
        our Constitution against us” and “get   at first hesitates to enter, acknowl-  no idea what you’re talking about.”  4    Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens     June  22, 2004                Dec., 15, 2003
        everything for free,” such as food, as-  edging in the video that she is carry-  In a separate video, posted by
        sistance and housing.         ing a weapon. “I have to take my gun   Gonzales on the same day, the group   EMPLOYMENT  BASED  CATEGORY
            In reality, Muslims have con-  out of my bag back.”     is gathered back in the car, singing
        sistently contributed to American   “Go take it back,” she instructs   along to a song.    1     Priority workers                                         Current                          Current
        society since the birth of this na-  the young boy who is out of the   “Build a wall. Ten feet, 20 feet,
        tion. Muslims comprise 10 percent of   camera frame. She then proceeds to   100 feet tall,” they all sing.   2    Members of the professions holding
        American physicians, are leaders in   enter the gated area that has a “No   “Look at these patriots!” Gonza-          advanced degree or persons of
        politics and activism, and give more   trespassing” sign. “I had Betty on   les says as she points to her children.           exceptional ability                                      Current                          Nov., 22,  2008
        to charity than any other religious   me. So I had to put Betty away,” she   “Raise your kids to love your country.
        group.                        tells Dauenhauer, laughing. It’s un-  Get involved with your children. You   3     Skilled workers                                          Current                          Nov., 01,  2006
            The statements made by Gonza-  clear whether Dauenhauer enters the   only have a certain amount of time            Other workers                                            Current                         Nov., 01, 2006
        les and Dauenhauer are a common   premise with the gun or whether it   before they leave you and become
        ploy by far-right activists to vilify the   was given to the boy to place some-  adults. You raise great patriots and   4      Certain special immigrants                        Current                         Current
        Muslim-American community.    where else.                   you get great Americans. Raise your            Certain religious workers                           U                                  U
            During the longest video of the   Once inside, the women, led   kid right to love your country, and
        three, viewers can follow the family   by Dauenhauer, begin tearing pam-  we’re going to have a great country in   5      Non-regional Centers                                 Current                         Current
        trip from the car ride to the mosque.   phlets  off a bulletin  board as  the   the end, working with our president,             Regional Centers                                       U                                   U
        The group’s first stop is a strip mall   children watch. The women then in-  Donald J. Trump. We’re winning
        that includes a store and Muslim-  struct the kids to grab as many of the   2020 again. What’s up. 2020
        owned  restaurants  that  offer  halal   flyers as they can.   MOMS, P29

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