Page 29 - Pakistan Link - March 23, 2018
P. 29

COMMENTARY                                                                                                      MARCH  23,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P29

        to  the  oath  had  been  explained  as   of DMCs [district municipal corpo-  artificially increased from Rs24 to   PENTAGON FROM P1  Rao Anwar Arrested
        a ‘clerical error’ by the government   rations], which were subordinate to   Rs70, and payments were made to   crossing into Pakistan was not going
        and subsequently rectified through   the Sindh government.   an unidentified party.       to be a  part of  normal  day-to-day
        an Act of Parliament.             The mayor said there were      Siddiqui is scheduled to as-
            Nonetheless, the protesters had   heaps of garbage in each district of   sume his new responsibilities as
        occupied the Faizabad Interchange,   the city and drains had been choked.   Pakistan’s ambassador in Wash-
        which connects Rawalpindi and Is-  He said Karachi had been destroyed   ington next month as incumbent
        lamabad through the Islamabad Ex-  and hospitals were  full of  patients   Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry reached
        pressway and Murree Road — both   but there was no medicine for them.  retirement age a few days ago.
        of which are the busiest roads in the   CJP Nisar told Mr Akhtar that   Siddiqui is currently a special
        twin cities.                  he was elected by getting votes. “For-  adviser to Prime Minister Shahid
            The government had initiated   get the government and work for the   Khaqan Abbasi. - The Express Tri-
        several rounds of negotiations with   welfare of the common man. I want   bune            operational rules of engagement for
        the protesters, but failed each time.  Karachi to be clean within a week.                 US commanders in Afghanistan.  Islamabad: Former SSP Malir Rao
            The sit-in lasted nearly three   Carry out cleanliness work even if   DOLLAR FROM P1      “If the Taliban reside in Paki-  Anwar, who is being investigated for
        weeks and culminated after an op-  you have to collect funds (chanda),”   bodies and corruption, are re-  stan and we are able to provide safe-  his involvement in the extrajudicial
        eration to end the protest by the   he remarked.             sponsible for the lower value of   ty and support and to help secure   killing of Naqeebullah Mehsud in a
        government failed, following which                           the rupee.                   districts and provinces within Af-  staged ‘encounter’ in Karachi, was
        the army brokered an ‘agreement’   WFPG FROM P17                 Paracha, speaking about cor-  ghanistan, I think that is a trade-off   arrested Wednesday when he ap-
        between the state and the protest-  Pakistan’s domestic situation   ruption with respect to fluctuation   that we’re willing to make,” he said.   peared before the Supreme Court
        ers, the terms of which included the   as well as its perspective on regional   in the dollar-rupee exchange rate,   “Because it’s not necessarily about   after eluding law enforcement agen-
        resignation of  former  law  minister   peace and security.  alleged that those with advance   these people over in Pakistan, it is   cies for over a month.
        Zahid Hamid.                       During the Q&A session, the   knowledge of the changing value   about the Afghan people.”  Anwar’s appearance before the
            The agreement had been seen   Ambassador responded to ques-  were able to earn money off the   The Pentagon official said that   court  came as  a  surprise  to  many.
        as a complete surrender by the state   tions on a wide range of issues, in-  adjusted rates.  this year, the official Afghan forces   He was last seen at Islamabad air-
        to the protesters.            cluding Pakistan’s relations with the   He  strongly criticized  the   would focus their efforts on taking   port  trying to flee the country on
                                      United States, Afghanistan, India   drop in the value of the rupee, say-  back the provinces that the Taliban   a Dubai-bound flight on January 23
        SHARJEEL FROM P11             and Iran, the impact of social media   ing that it would pave the way for   claimed or contested.  before he was stopped by immigra-
            The new board comprising Dr   on diplomacy, US foreign assistance   inflation, lesser foreign investment   “And what happens in Pakistan,   tion officials.
        Asif Bashir, a neurosurgeon from   to Pakistan, women’s education in   in the country, and illegal means   we can’t have any control on that,”   Since then, there had been no
        Punjab,  Dr  Athar  Inam  from  the   Pakistan, as well as other regional   for transferring money.  he said. “That’s something within   trace of the absconding police offi-
        Aga Khan University Hospital, and a   issues.                    He asked the government to   Pakistan, that’s something the na-  cer, despite the fact that the Supreme
        medical specialist from the army will   The event was attended by   withdraw the increase in the dol-  tion of Pakistan has got to resolve.   Court had given a deadline for his
        determine  whether  the  PPP  leader   members  of WFPG, officials  from   lar rate and asked authorities to   Now we’re going to stay focused on   arrest and  called upon intelligence
        can be provided medical treatment   the State Department, as well as   take traders into confidence before   Afghanistan.”  agencies and the  Federal Investiga-
        inside jail or not.           prominent members of the Paki-  making such decisions.          Col Andrews said that the US   tion Agency to help Sindh police nab
            The apex court ordered the   stani American community.       Given that Pakistan is set to   expected Pakistan to take steps to   him.
        medical board to submit its report                           be placed on the Financial Action   ensure there were no sanctuaries   The court had  warned on
        within 15 days.               MOMS FROM P24                  Task Force’s grey list in June, it is   where Taliban or other terrorist or-  Monday that action would be taken
            As executive director of the Jin-  President Trump.”     not the right time to devalue the   ganizations could hide.  against  those providing shelter to
        nah Postgraduate Medical Centre Dr   This incident, although alarm-  rupee, he said, asserting that all   “We are hopeful Pakistan will   Anwar.
        Seemi Jamali informed the judges   ing, does not come as a shock to the   regulations which facilitate illegal   take action, because not only do we   On Wednesday, soon after An-
        about the formation of a previous   Muslim community. Islamophobia   trading should be amended.  feel it is going to serve Afghanistan,   war appeared before the three-judge
        medical board on a court directive,   is at an all-time high in the United                but it’s going to help protect Paki-  bench hearing the suo motu case
        CJP Nisar asked her as to how many   States.                 WARMONGERING FROM P1         stan, India and the entire region,” he   against Mehsud’s murder, Chief Jus-
        rooms had been reserved for the PPP   “This is not happening in a vac-  agencies.         argued.                        tice Mian Saqib Nisar ordered police
        lawmaker. “Was a separate parking   uum. It’s a troubling trend. We live   After  a lukewarm  Indian   Col Andrews also said that the   to arrest him.
        space reserved for him as well?” the   here in the intersection of gun cul-  response to Pakistan’s protest,   US would not resume its security   “Take Rao Anwar into custody,”
        chief justice went on to ask and then   ture and Islamophobia in Arizona,   Islamabad recalled its high com-  aid to Pakistan until Islamabad ad-  the  CJP  said after  rejecting  his re-
        told her that the court knew a lot   where you have very lax open-carry   missioner from New Delhi for an   dresses Washington’s concerns over   quest for protective bail.
        what happened at her facility.  laws,” said Siddiqi. “It’s not accept-  indefinite period or until the situ-  alleged terrorist safe havens within   Justice Nisar also directed po-
            The JPMC executive director   able for people to encroach on a   ation improves.      its borders.                   lice to ensure that the former SSP
        told the judges that Mr Memon had   house of worship like this, to harass   This was the first time since   The Trump administration   isn’t harmed in custody.
        spent eight weeks at the hospital and   worshippers and to take materials   2002 that either country withdrew   suspended more than one billion   After  the  hearing  ended,  An-
        two rooms were reserved for him;   from the mosque. There needs to be   its envoy. Pakistan also refused to   dollars of security assistance to   war was taken away in an armored
        however she declined that there was   perimeters that are there and clearly   attend the Word Trade Organiza-  Pakistan after accusing Islamabad   personnel carrier and later handed
        a separate  parking  spot allotted  to   laid out, and these types of things   tion (WTO) meeting in India as a   of harboring terror groups like the   over to Sindh police officials. He was
        him.                          need to be prosecuted.”        protest. These developments dem-  Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani   shifted to Karachi in the evening.
            She said the previous medical   Al-Akoum and his congregants   onstrate a new low in the relation-  Network.            The bench has also ordered the
        board had also been formed on a   are optimistic that justice will be   ship of the two countries.  “The US government has been   formation of a  new five-member
        court’s directive.            served. They have received a letter of   With the absence of structure   very honest and open both publicly   joint investigation team, headed by
            Advocate Rashid A. Rizvi, ap-  support from a member of the Hu-  dialogue, independent observers   and privately with Pakistan on the   Additional IG Aftab Pathan, to probe
        pearing for Mr Memon, told the   manist Society of Greater Phoenix   fear that tensions could lead to   things that they need to address be-  Mehsud’s killing.
        judges that his client just wanted   condemning  the  hateful  attack  on   serious standoff between the two   fore we can move forward with the   On Anwar’s request, it also or-
        proper treatment of his ailment   the mosque and offering solidarity.    countries.       resumption of the aid that has been   dered the authorities to unfreeze An-
        wherever it could be given.       “While we may disagree on      Mindful of the implications   suspended,” Col Andrews said.  war’s bank accounts so his children
                                      matters  of  religion,  you  deserve   of  these  developments,  it  is  be-  The Pentagon’s comments fol-  do not face financial difficulties.
        CITY FROM P15                 nothing less than respect and recog-  lieved that efforts are being made   low renewed efforts to improve rela-  Anwar’s salary must also be
        thorities present in the court.  nition of your basic human dignity.   to defuse the situation through   tions between the United States and   paid,  the  CJP said after  the  officer
            At the outset of the hearing, the   You are welcome here,” the letter   back channel talks between the   Pakistan who were once close allies   was taken into custody.
        CJP asked Karachi Mayor Waseem   said.                       national security advisers of the   in the war against terrorists.  He said no institution, includ-
        Akhtar as  to  who  was responsible   Al-Akoum,  touched  by  the   two countries.            On  Friday,  Prime  Minister   ing  the  judiciary,  will  influence  the
        for lifting garbage from the city and   gesture, also has hope for the chil-              Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, on a private   investigation, which he said “must
        making it clean.              dren brought along by Gonzales and   CRICKET FROM P1        visit to Pennsylvania, had a surprise   be transparent.”
            Replying that the Sindh govern-  Dauenhauer.                Denly and Babar Azam, who   meeting with US Vice President   On Anwar’s counsel’s request,
        ment did not devolve such powers   “My hope is that those kids will   made the chase look easy with a sec-  Mike Pence which focused, almost   the court withdrew the contempt no-
        to the local government, the mayor   grow up and be more engaged in the   ond wicket partnership of 117 runs,   entirely, on Afghanistan.  tice issued to the officer last month,
        decried the shortage of resources and   community and meet some Muslims   but the latter batsmen could not   Mr Pence used this meeting to   but ruled that his name will remain
        added that the provincial govern-  and see what they did learn is not   cash on their good performance.  emphasize the need for “Pakistan to   on the Exit Control List until the
        ment had kept all revenue generating   true about Muslims.”     Denly remained not out at 79,   do more to address the continued   probe is completed.
        departments under its control.    Clarification: A previous ver-  made off 46 balls with nine fours   presence  of  the Taliban, Haqqani   The court in its order said that
            Sindh Chief Secretary Rizwan   sion of this story indicated the Is-  and four sixes, while Babar scored   Network, and other terrorist groups   Inspector General of Police Sindh
        Memon admitted before the bench   lamic Community Center of Tempe   63 off 45 balls with six fours and two   operating in their country,” the   A.D. Khowaja will be responsible for
        that around 4.5 tons of garbage was   had received a letter of support from   sixes.      White House said.              Anwar’s protection till the  conclu-
        not being lifted from Karachi.  the Humanist Society of Greater   Kamran  Akmal  was  declared   The meeting followed a visit to   sion of the case and Mehsud’s rela-
            He said work was underway to   Phoenix. While the letter was from   Man-of-the-Match for his brilliant   Washington  by  Pakistan’s  Foreign   tives will not create any difficulties
        pick up garbage and a computerized   a member of the society, it did not   innings which took Peshawar Zalmi   Secretary Tehmina Janjua who also   for the ex-SSP Malir.
        system had been made to monitor it.   represent the whole group.  to 170 for seven in the rain-reduced   received similar messages at her   Anwar had arrived at the court
        “If the system was up and running,                          16 overs. Kamran and Andre Fletch-  meetings at the State Department   under tight security and was taken
        then why isn’t it fully functional?”   ENVOY FROM P1        er provided a century stand for the   and the White House. And on Sat-  directly to Courtroom number 1,
        the CJP asked the chief secretary.  approximate loss of Rs40 billion to   opening wicket hitting all over the   urday, a day after the Pence-Abbasi   where the hearing into Mehsud’s
            Mr Memon replied that there   the institutions.         ground. They made 107 off just 55   meeting,  Afghan  President  Ashraf   murder case took place. It is not yet
        were four bodies in the metropolis   In 2016, a Securities and Ex-  balls.                Ghani tweeted that he too is inviting   clear whether he had shown up at the
        responsible for removing litter.  change Commission of Pakistan   Kamran made 77 off 27 balls   the Pakistani prime minister to Ka-  court voluntarily.
            The CJP remarked that Mr   (SECP) report said that prices of   with the help of eight sixes and five   bul to “initiate state-to-state com-  IG Khowaja was also present in
        Akhtar was right as this was the job   Azgard  Nine  group’s  shares  were   fours.       prehensive dialogue”. - Dawn   court for the hearing.
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