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Pakistan Link
                                                                                                                           MAY  25,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P1

                                                 The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
         VOL. 28/21  10 Ramadan, 1439                               Friday, May 25, 2018                                               US & Canada $1.00

          PAGE 11                                  PAGE 13                                    PAGE  15
         Pakistan Has                            Gen Durrani                              PTI Unveils Plan                         For news,

         Decisions to                            Admits ISI’s Role in                     for First 100 Days                       updated round
                                                                                                                                   the clock, visit
         Make: Pentagon                          1990 Polls                               in Offi  ce                      

         Number of Registered Voters   Deadlock Persists over Caretaker PM                                                       Nawaz Accused of Impeding
         up 23pc from Last Elections                                                                                                 Democratic Process
        Islamabad: Th  e Election Commis-                                                                                        Lahore:  Former Prime Minister
        sion of Pakistan (ECP) on Wednes-                                                                                        Nawaz Sharif has failed to give a sin-
        day published the fi nal electoral rolls                                                                                 gle proper answer to the 128 ques-
        ahead of General Elections 2018.                                                                                         tions posed to him in  the Avenfi eld
            According to the rolls, 105.96                                                                                       property reference, said PTI spokes-
        million voters will be able to  cast                                                                                     man Fawad Chaudhry on Wednes-
        their vote in the upcoming elec-                                                                                         day.
        tions. Of these, 59.22m are male and                                                                                        “Th  e court asked one thing
        46.73m are female, with the gender                                                                                       while Nawaz Sharif replied some-
        gap between male and female rising                                                                                       thing else and kept on telling out-
        to around 12.5m.                                                                                                         dated stories,” Chaudhry told a
            According to these fi gures, 55.9                                                                                    press conference, shortly aft er the
        per cent of the registered voters in                                                                                     deposed prime minister said that
        Pakistan are males while only 44.1pc                                                                                     PTI’s sit-in was planted to oust him
        are females.                                                                                                             from power over his decision to
            Th  e numbers are approximately                                                                                      try former military dictator Pervez
        23 per cent higher than the fi gures                                                                                     Musharraf for high treason.
        for the 2013 elections when the total                                                                                       “Why did Nawaz not utter a
        number of voters stood at 86.19m.                                                                                        single  word against  Zia?  Why  did
            Punjab tops the list with the                                                                                        he let Pervez Musharraf go abroad?”
        largest number of voters with a to-                                                                                      he questioned. He said that Nawaz
        tal of 60.67m voters (23pc increase                                                                                      Sharif was made Punjab Chief Min-
        from 2013), of which 33.68m are                                                                                          ister while he could not contest on
        male and 26.99m are female. A to-  On Tuesday, PM Abbasi and PPP’s Khursheed Shah met for the fi fth time in Islamabad but failed to reach an agreement  councilor’s seat.
        tal of 22.39m voters (18pc increase                                                                                         He said that Nawaz Sharif had
        over 2013) are registered in Sindh,   Islamabad:  Th  e  much-trumpeted   reach consensus on a single name on   Committee.  no regrets over his own actions over
        according to the fi gures provided by   meeting  between  Prime  Minister   Tuesday.          Talking to the media, Khur-  these years. “Nawaz Sharif’s govern-
        the ECP, of which 12.44m are male   Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Opposi-  Opposition Leader in the Na-  sheed  said  that  he  was  “extremely   ment was dismissed for corruption.
        and 9.95m are female.         tion Leader in the National Assem-  tional Assembly Khursheed Shah on   disappointed” on  the government’s   Shehbaz Sharif and Nawaz Sharif
            Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the third   bly Syed Khursheed Shah to pick   Wednesday said that the matter of   attitude.      pressured judges in the past and did
        largest province of the country, is   a caretaker prime minister ended   the caretaker prime minister is likely   “I believe the matter is likely to   they apologize for that,” he asked.
        NUMBER, P31                   without any result as both failed to   to be referred to a Parliamentary   CARETAKER, P31  NAWAZ, P31
             Navy Commissions          65 Feared Killed in Karachi’s Blistering Heatwave                                         Rumors of Dr Aafi a’s Death
           Indigenously Built Tug                                                                                                 on Social Media Not True

        Karachi:  Th  e handing over cer-  Karachi:   Dozens  of                                                                 Texas:  Amid speculations of Dr
        emony of a 32-ton Bollard Pull tug   people are feared to have                                                           Aafi a Siddiqui’s death on the social
        indigenously built for Pakistan Navy   died in a heatwave grip-                                                          media, Pakistani Consul General in
        was held at the Karachi Shipyard on   ping the country’s largest                                                         Houston Aisha Farooqi visited the
        Wednesday, read a statement issued   city Karachi this week, a                                                           jailed scientist in the Carswell deten-
        by the military media wing.   charity in the sprawling                                                                   tion facility in Texas on Wednesday.
            Addressing a gathering of se-  metropolis said Tuesday,                                                                 She was with the detained Paki-
        nior military and civil offi  cials, Vice   as temperatures hit 42 de-                                                   stani scientist for about two hours.
        Admiral Kaleem Shaukat said, “It is   grees Celsius (108 degrees                                                         It was her fourth meeting in 14
        indeed a clear manifestation of the   Fahrenheit).                                                                       months.
        vision of navy to pursue self-reli-  Th  e non-profi t Edhi                                                                 Th  e consulate rejected rumors
        ance in the fi eld of ship construc-  Foundation said scores                                                             regarding Dr Aafi a’s death.
        tion.”                        may have been killed by                                                                       Earlier, rejecting the rumors
            Th  e 32-tonne tug has a 34-me-  the sweltering weather,                                                             regarding the death of her sister, Dr
        ter overall length with a displace-  with double the usual                                                               Fauzia said that such rumors have
        ment of 481 tons and maximum   number of bodies sent to                                                                  become a source of concern for the
        speed  of  12  knots,  said  Pakistan   the city’s morgues in re-                                                        family, and appealed to the people
        Navy.                         cent days.                                                                                 not to spread them.
            Th  e newly commissioned tug is   “We have received                                                                     Dr Aafi a Siddiqui was sen-
        fi tted with a very robust fendering   180 dead bodies in the                                                            tenced to 86 years in prison in 2010
        arrangement for “all round tugging   last four days which is   According to Pakistan’s state-run Meteorological Department, temperatures in Karachi could reach 44   aft er she was convicted of grabbing
        operation of almost all sizes of ships   more than double of what   degrees Celsius — about 111 degrees Fahrenheit. Above: A family relaxes by the seaside   a US soldier’s assault rifl e and trying
        and craft s of Pakistan Navy”.  we  receive  normally,”  which oversees a variety   ambulance services.  because of the heatwave as   to shoot a group of FBI agents and
            Vice Admiral Shaukat said that   said Faisal Edhi, head of   of public health projects   “Th e  majority  of  claimed by their relatives,   soldiers at an Afghan police com-
        NAVY, P31                     the welfare organization   -- including morgues and   these were sudden deaths   HEATWAVE, P31  pound in July 2008. - Th  e News

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