Page 31 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 31

COMMENTARY                                                                                                        MAY  25,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P31

        SABIKA FROM P28               director of the Asia Program and   next prime minister after the general
        Americans.                    senior associate for South Asia at   elections.
            “I came here just like her, as a   the Woodrow Wilson International   He said that Panama was an in-
        student,” he recalled. “God forbid   Center for Scholars in Washington,   ternational scandal and that the ISI
        that could have happened to me   DC. He can be reached at michael.  or judiciary had nothing to do with
        when I was here. As a parent, it is just or on   it.
        devastating.”                 Twitter @michaelkugelman. Dawn)
            Samad also addressed the pain-                          NAVY FROM P1
        ful irony that a young woman from a   NUMBER FROM P1        the CPEC project has created many
        country that many Americans asso-  home to 15.32m registered voters   opportunities for the growth of local
        ciated with the war on terror in the   (25pc higher than 2013) including   industries. “Public sector industries
        aftermath of the September 11, 2001   8.71m male and 6.61m female vot-  like shipyard should avail this op-
        attacks on New York and Washing-  ers. Balochistan has a total of 4.3m   portunity and help create more jobs
        ton was killed in a country that mil-  registered voters — 29pc more than   and play their role in national devel-
        lions around the world see as a bas-  2013 — including 2.49m male and   opment,” the official added.
        tion of freedom.              1.81m female voters.
            The attacks were a “tragedy, and   In the Federally Administered   HEATWAVE FROM P1
        tragedy sometimes teaches your life,”   Tribal Areas (Fata), 2.51m voters   which we cannot independently
        he said. “But it also revisits, and in   would be able to exercise their right   verify.”
        this case very close to here.”  of voting while 0.77m are registered   The heatwave coincides with
            Several  Pakistani-American  with the ECP from the capital ter-  the  beginning of  Ramadan,  when
        youths also attended the funeral ser-  ritory.              millions of devout Pakistanis ab-
        vice, including Danyal Zakaria of   The publishing of electoral   stain from food and drink from sun-
        nearby Sugar Land, Texas.     rolls  comes  as  the  commission   rise to sunset.
            The 17-year-old said it was “tru-  awaits president’s final decision on   The Pakistan Meteorological
        ly mind-blowing” that an exchange   the exact dates of the elections and a   Department  warned “hot  to very
        student his age could be cut down in   name for the caretaker prime min-  hot weather is likely to prevail in
        cold blood at a US school.    ister.                        Karachi during next 2-3 days”, fore-
            “This  nation  is  known  to  be   ECP on Monday proposed July   casting highs of 44 degrees Celsius
        safe,” he said. “If America is not safe,   25-27 as possible dates for the up-  during the period.
        then where is?”               coming  elections  and  forwarded  a   Aamir Habib, from Karachi’s
                                      summary in this regard to President   Korangi, said his brother was among
        AMERICAN FROM P4              Mamnoon Hussain, requesting him   the dead and had been rushed to the
        Americans view Pakistan has been   to set one of the proposed dates as   hospital after collapsing at work on
        inverted, bringing into focus an ugly   the day of the polls according to   Monday.
        and deadly dimension of the United   Elections Act 2017, Section 57(1).  “The doctors said he died be-
        States  that  many  here  are  still  un-                   cause of heat stroke,” Habib told
        willing to fully acknowledge.  CARETAKER FROM P1            AFP.
            This underside of America is all   be sent to the Parliamentary com-  The  mega  port  city,  capital  of
        too real. It makes your determination   mittee because the government is   southern Sindh province, is hit by   or to unsubscribe,” read the state-  disenchanted by the direction of the
        to focus on America’s better side all   backtracking on its earlier stance.   frequent power cuts and has few   ment issued by ISPR, adding that   party has taken and no longer sees
        the more admirable.           The PM does not have the right to   green spaces.           clicking on any such link can com-  it as representative of the aspirations
            Your father said he hopes your   dismiss names proposed by the op-  People living on its crowded   promise the security of your device.  of the millions of undeserved citi-
        death will finally prompt America to   position,” Khursheed Shah said.  streets have little access to shelter or   “ISPR’s official domain name   zens seeking transformative change
        reform its gun laws.              On Tuesday, PM Abbasi and   safe drinking water, making them   is, there is no other do-  in Pakistan.
            Sadly,  that’s  not  in  the  offing.   Khursheed Shah met for the fifth   acutely at risk in blistering tempera-  main,” ISPR said.  She said that Imran Khan had
        Dozens of previous school shoot-  time to discuss names of the care-  tures.                  Earlier this year, the ISPR had   handed the reigns of the party to
        ings  —  including  one  in  2012  that   taker PM, but failed to reach agree-  In June 2015 about 1,200 people   warned the general public against   electables PTI had fought against
        killed 20 six- and seven-year-olds —   ment.                died in southern Pakistan during a   telephone calls by impersonators   since its inception.
        haven’t prompted change.          The two leaders had met af-  heatwave, with nearly two-thirds of   pretending to be army officers.  “Sadly this was the final nail in
            Neither has the most galvaniz-  ter the PML-N had suggested the   the victims homeless people. - AFP  “There are reports of fake tele-  the coffin. Moreover, since I am no
        ing gun control movement in US his-  names of former Chief Justice of   According  to  Pakistan’s  state-  phone calls being made to the general   longer able to defend the party’s ac-
        tory, spearheaded by survivors of the   Pakistan (CJP) Justice (r) Nasir-ul-  run Meteorological Department,   public by individuals impersonating   tions, I would like to accept this let-
        Parkland, Florida school shooting in   Malik, former CJP Justice (r) Tas-  temperatures in Karachi could reach   as  Pakistan  Armed Forces  officials,”   ter  as formal  resignation from  the
        February.                     saduq Hussain Jillani and former   44 degrees Celsius — about 111 de-  read a message issued by ISPR.  party,” she added.
            We’ve already witnessed a famil-  State Bank Governor Dr Shamshad   grees Fahrenheit — later in the day,   The  ISPR  had clarified  that  no   She, however, wished Imran
        iar charade since the Santa Fe shoot-  Akhtar as possible caretaker PM.  reports AP.      such calls were being made by the   Khan all the best for the coming
        ing: US political leaders blaming ev-  According to a news report,   Climate change in recent years   armed forces and requested the pub-  elections.
        erything — video games, not enough   PM Abbasi said “No” to the PPP’s   has caused heatwaves in Karachi,   lic to not respond to such calls and   “I wish you best of luck and
        religion, too much drug abuse, even   panel, which included the names of   the capital of Sindh province, where   “immediately report the same on our   hope If you are granted the oppor-
        too  many  doors  in  schools  —  but   Jalil Abbas Jillani, Salim Abbas Jil-  1,233 people died from the heat in   emergency helpline UAN 1135 and   tunity to form a national govern-
        guns for school massacres.    lani and Zaka Ashraf.         2015.                         1125”.                         ment, you shall strive to bring about
            Indeed, it’s hard to find any sil-  If the parliamentary commit-                                                     the change you once promised,” she
        ver linings. But it’s worth trying, if   tee also fails to take the decision,   ISPR Issues   Fauzia Kasuri              added.
        only to honor someone who seemed   then the matter will go the Election                                                     Hassan, Hussain
        to have an endless repository of hope.  Commission of Pakistan (ECP),   Cyber Alert over          Resigns
            Here’s one. Even in your much-  which will finally choose the name                                                   Responsible for Their
        too-short life, you achieved your goal   of the caretaker prime minister.  Malicious Email       from PTI
        of becoming a diplomat.                                                                                                      Affairs: Nawaz
            Your first and only overseas   NAWAZ FROM P1                                                            Islamabad:
        posting was in Texas, where you   The PTI leader said that the                                             PTI stalwart   Islamabad:  The deposed prime
        served as a cultural ambassador — a   only reservation Nawaz had was                                       Fauzia  Ka-   minister, Nawaz Sharif, on Tuesday
        well-deserved informal status for ef-  about the probe against him. “He                                    suri has an-  continued  recording  his  statement
        fective foreign exchange students like   just wanted to portray himself as                                 nounced that   and said he wasn’t involved in any
        you.                          innocent to save his property.”                                              she was leav-  dealings with the Qatari royals or in
            How tragic that in the end you   Nawaz spoke about everything                                          ing the Paki-  the business affairs of his own fam-
        brought the US and Pakistan togeth-  except for the money trail of his                                     stan Tehreek-  ily. He said his sons Hussain Nawaz
        er in grief, not goodwill.    Avenfield properties. “The day you                                           e-Insaf (PTI)   and Hassan Nawaz are adult and
            Here’s one more silver lining:   will respond to how you were able                                     as she was    fully independent and responsible
        you offer a resounding reminder that   to purchase the Avenfield proper-                                   “no   longer  for their actions and business af-
        young people are Pakistan’s greatest   ties, you will not have to dig out                                  able to defend   fairs.
        asset. In a country where two-thirds   controversies,” Chaudhry said.                                      her party’s ac-  Nawaz was responding to the
        of  the  population  is  under  30,  and   He accused Nawaz of attempt-  Islamabad: The Inter-Services Pub-  tions.”     127 questions put forward by the
        where the median age is 23, there are   ing to destroy the political climate   lic Relations (ISPR) on Wednesday   Kasuri made the announcement   accountability  court  in  the  Aven-
        many  more  Sabikas:  young,  smart,   of the country.      issued a warning about a malicious   on Twitter, where she shared a copy   field  reference.    At  one  point,  the
        suffused with hope, and determined   “You are trying to disturb the   email being sent using the name of   of her resignation addressed to PTI   former prime minister in a lighter
        to make Pakistan, and the world, a   political climate because, for you,   ISPR.          chairman Imran Khan on Wednes-  note said: “Why are we now talking
        better place.                 the state holds no value,” he said.   The military’s media wing clari-  day.               about 1980; shouldn’t we go a little
            Here’s hoping we hear more   “You only value yourself, nothing   fied  that  “this is  a phishing  email   “I have sent this message of res-  further back to 1940?” About a cer-
        about Pakistan’s other Sabikas in the   else.”              which has no link to ISPR”. It asked   ignation to Imran Khan and other   tificate related to the Capital FZE on
        coming years — not because of their   Pakistan is transitioning into   the internet users to delete any email   leaders in the party a few minutes   whose Iqama he was disqualified by
        tragic deaths, but because of their in-  a stable democracy and Nawaz will   received from  “”   ago. A message to my supporters in   the Supreme Court, Nawaz said the
        spiring acts in life.         not be able to impede this process,   and report it as spam.  and outside PTI will follow shortly,   certificate is totally irrelevant to the
            And I’d like to think you’ll be   Chaudhry further said.    “If opened inadvertently please   May Allah guide us all,” she tweeted.  charge framed against him and was
        pulling for them all.             To a question, he said that Im-  don’t click on any link asking for in-  In  her  letter,  Ms  Kasuri  wrote   produced with ulterior motives by
            (Michael  Kugelman  is  deputy   ran Khan would become Pakistan’s   formation to be entered into a form   that  she  had  become  increasingly   Wajid Zia.
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