Page 28 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY  25,  2018                                                                                    COMMENTARY
        GEMS FROM P25                 commanded by Brig Hamid Saeed,  is going to continue to monitor the  only be used for the specific purpose  make the country self-sufficient in
            Chapter 6, Verse 104      was therefore placed under DG ISI for  situation,  reiterating  “Israel  has  the  — I am proceeding to Germany —  milk-related products.
            Means of insight have now  a period of one year, for intelligence  right of self-defense”.  and therefore unable to personally   He noted that the country was
        come unto you from your Sustainer  purposes only, read General Beg’s   Israel has faced international  attend  the proceedings,”  concluded  far behind others in agricultural
        [through this divine writ]. Whoever,  statement.            condemnation following the killing  Gen Durrani in his affidavit submit- research and vowed to improve re-
        therefore, chooses to see, does so for   The government was preparing  of the unarmed Palestinians. Wash-  ted to the Supreme Court.  search in the sector to turn around
        his own good; and whoever chooses  to hold the elections, when army in-  ington, however, blocked the call for          the agro-economy.
        to remain blind, does so for his own  telligence informed him that on or-  a UN investigation into the incident,  BILAWAL FROM P15  Ensuring Pakistan’s national
        hurt.  And  [say  unto  the  blind  of  ders of the President’s Election Cell,  further emboldening Israeli expan-  many meetings arranged by the lob- security: Following Tareen, Shireen
        heart]: I am not your keeper.”  Younis Habib had placed some funds  sionism and rendering the Middle  bying firm. Former Prime Minister  Mazari said that a national security
                                      at the disposal of ISI, for the logistic  East situation more explosive.  Yousuf Raza Gilani’s son Qasim Gilani  organization would be formed if the
        PIA FROM P24                  support of the coming elections, said                       and Shehryar Taseer posted pictures  PTI comes to power. She promised
        episodes of his beloved mother, as  the 88-year-old General.  DURRANI FROM P13            of the group travelling on a train. It is  improvements in economy through
        well as his public admission of strug-  “I therefore called on the Presi-  is not assessing political scenario.  understood that Bilawal’s invitation to  a reformed foreign policy and the
        gling with depression), chose to ex- dent and gave him the news which  They do carry our counter intelli-  the National Prayer Breakfast was also  creation of a detailed national secu-
        tend an olive branch to the duchess  he already knew and said don’t worry,  gence related to foreign issues. As-  arranged by the Gunster Worldwide.  rity policy.
        in an attempt to put an end to past  Durrani will take care of it. He knows  sessment is not our mandate. Inter-  The PPP media cell and Bilawal posted   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs
        contentions.                  how to handle it. The President gave  nal security situation as DG ISI. It  pictures of himself with US Secretary  would be strengthened by revamp-
            Peering into the future: Now  me no orders because his election cell  was reasonable. Except for ‘maham’  of State Mr RexTillerson and his wife.  ing its legal and institutional capa-
        that all the elaborate wedding festivi- was handling those matters,” General  in Karachi [in early 1990s].”  Bhutto addressed the Woodrow Wil- bilities, Mazari announced.
        ties are over, and the happily married  Beg said adding, “He [Durrani] was   About two main accused —  son Institute where he spoke about the   She said that the national secu-
        couple have delayed their impending  not reporting to me either, because,  Younis Habib and Yousaf Memon —  need of a strong democracy in Paki- rity policy would focus on uncov-
        honeymoon, the sights and interests  a new procedure was being followed  in Asghar Khan case who are accused  stan to defeat terrorism and extrem- ering contact between active and
        of a large number of people around  since 1975, when PM Zulfikar Ali  of  distributing  millions of  rupees  ism.       inactive terrorists, ensure imple-
        the world remain fixated on their  Bhutto through a special notification  among politicians, etc, Gen Dur-  During the US trip, Bilawal met  mentation of the National  Action
        next public appearance together.  gave  ‘political  responsibility  to  ISI.  rani says, “I have heard about Younis  Congressman Brad Sherman of Dem- Plan, curriculum reforms and bring-
            Despite the increasing calls for  And this ‘political responsibility’ was  Habib and met him in court. I do not  ocratic Party in Capitol Hill.  ing madressahs into the national
        the abolishment of the monarchy,  never challenged by a court of law.  have any information about Yousaf   PPP’s senior leader Farhatullah  mainstream.
        which  in  some  British  quarters  is  That  was  the  reason  that  from  1990  Memon. I do not think there was  Babar confirmed to this correspon-  The party’s information sec-
        seen as an unnecessary and dated na- to 1994 there was a total blank for me  nomenclature (elections cell). There  dent that Gunster Strategies World- retary Fawad Chaudhry had told
        tional obligation (one that costs mil- about ‘ISI political responsibility.’”  were certain people who worked on  wide was hired on “part-time basis”.  Dawn on Saturday that Imran Khan
        lions of pounds in taxpayer money to   Beg also recalled that it was July  this. Roedad Khan was given man-  He said Bilawal’s week-long visit  would announce a plan that had tak-
        maintain annually), this royal wed- 1994,when PPP Interior Minister Maj  date of accountability. Rafi Raza and  to Washington DC in February this  en a special committee three months
        ding – like its predecessors of the last  Gen (retd) Nasirullah Babar broke the  Ajlal Zaidi were also involved.”  year was in pursuance of the invitation  to  draft.  The  committee,  according
        two decades – has reasserted the cul- news of disbursement of funds to the   About other individuals who  to the National Breakfast Prayer events  to  him,  included  Qureshi,  Tareen,
        tural and commercial significance of  politicians in 1990 on the floor of the  were accused of operating for that  hosted every year by a bi-partisan US  Umar and Akif Khan. He said the
        the said institution.         House. “I was shocked and surprised,  political cell, former DG ISI revealed  Congressional Committee.  Policy  Unit  of  the  party’s  Election
            Will the next royal wedding,  but  couldn’t  inquire  about it  either,  that “I know Brig (R) Amanullah.   He added: “The primary pur- Management  Cell and  the  Central
        destined to be of the young Prince  because, Durrani was posted as am-  He was in Quetta MI. I also know Lt  pose of the visit was to participate in  Media  Department  had  played  a
        George (if everything works out in  bassador to Germany and the 151-HQ  Col (R) Eqbal Saeed Khan. He was  the events surrounding the National  major role in preparing the plan.
        accordance  with  the expected  time- at Islamabad held no record of such  in Rawalpindi GHQ. I do not now Lt  Breakfast Prayer. However, taking   While addressing a public
        line of marriage and succession) also  transactions,” General Beg said… “I  Col (R) Ejaz. I know Lt Col (R) Mir  advantage of it the Chairman PPP  meeting in Lahore last month, Khan
        garner this much popular attention?  discovered that it was a conspiracy  Akbar Ali Khan who was posted in  also met some US Congressmen, ad- had announced an 11-point pro-
            And will the Queen, who is cur- hatched by the then director FIA  MI Directorate. I also know Brig (R)  dressed private think tanks, met some  gram to turn the country into a “new
        rently aged 92, be there to celebrate  Rehman Malik, at behest of Benazir  Kamal Alam Khan who was posted in  members  of  Pakistani  Diaspora  and  Pakistan”.
        the occasion?                 Bhutto, which carried grudge against  ISI when I was leaving ISI and I do  visited the office of USAID... – The
            Or will the monarchy have lost  me, for several reasons: (i) Since I  not know much about him. I meet  News International  SABIKA FROM P18
        its appeal by then?           was a close associate of General Zi-  President [Ishaq Khan] once a month                    The Pakistan Association of
            Only time will tell…      aul Haq, who hanged her father, she  or after two months or as and when  PLAN FROM P15    Greater Houston said on Facebook
                                      considered me equally guilty. (ii) She  required.”          created to improve Pakistan’s global  that Sabika was due to go back home
        BEG FROM P13                  believed that I supported President   … The ex-spy master further  business standing. He also said that  to Pakistan for Eidul-Fitr, “May Allah
         the army in his sordid deed, so un- Ishaq Khan who dismissed her gov-  revealed that FIA Director Rehman  a “Pakistan Wealth Fund” would be  bless her soul and may she RIP,” the
        becoming of an officer of his rank,”  ernment in 1990. (iii) She blamed me  Malik on June 6, 1994 contacted him  created to fund institutions such as  statement said. - AP
        added Beg’s statement.        for manipulating the elections 1991,”  in Bonn and presented a letter from  the  Pakistan  International Airlines,   Funeral Service for Slain Sabika
            Beg leveled serious allegations  the retired general claimed…  the FIA DG asking him for necessary  Pakistan  Steel Mills  and  power  dis-  Sheikh Held in Houston
        against General Durrani by saying   In fact, since 1988, when she  details. “I talked to Gen Babar and  tribution companies to bring revolu-  Stafford, Texas: Houston’s Mus-
        that he [Durrani] got so close to Paki- took over as the Prime Minister, she  pointed out that there were certain  tionary changes in them.  lim community gathered to offer
        stan  People’s  Party’s  top  leadership,  continued to show her dislike for me,  sensitivities of the case and he sug-  Umar also promised the party  prayers Sunday at the funeral service
        that “while in uniform he started at- said Beg adding Rehman Malik cul-  gested that I could address a confi- would end the power crisis, turn the  for a 17-year-old Pakistani exchange
        tending PPP Central Executive Com- tivated relationships with Durrani,  dential statement to premier Bena- ongoing China-Pakistan Economic  student killed in a mass shooting at
        mittee meetings, which was reported  while he was the DG ISI (Aug 1990 to  zir Bhutto,” added Gen Durrani. “I  Corridor (CPEC) into a revolution-  her southeast Texas high school, re-
        to the-then COAS, Gen Abdul Wa- March 1992). Once Nasirullah Babar  agreed. I wrote down a letter to the  ary project and improve the access of  ports AFP.
        heed, who promptly retired him from  made public the list of beneficiaries in  prime minister, providing the infor- citizens and industrialists to capital.  About 1,000  people, many  with
        service due to fault of the officer.  the  National  Assembly  in  July 1994,  mation. I also pointed out the impli-  Revolutionizing social services:  Pakistani roots and wearing tradition-
            “In October 1993, when Benazir  Durrani got very upset at the breach  cations that I believed were of sensi- KP Chief Minister Pervaiz Khattak  al Muslim dress, converged on an Is-
        Bhutto returned to power, she offered  of trust, and expressed his disappoint-  tive nature and requested for discreet  recalled the party’s initiatives and  lamic center in Stafford to honor Sabi-
        ambassadorial job to Durrani, which  ment in his affidavit of 31-10-1997  handling. Mr Malik came back from  reforms brought during the course  ka Sheikh, whose body was brought
        he accepted and before proceeding to  submitted with the court later. A few  Germany after a few weeks. My state- of its five-year rule in the province.  by hearse to the somber service from
        Germany he discussed the Game Plan  weeks later  Mr Rehman  Malik  vis-  ment had been typed out on a court   He promised that important  Santa Fe, the nearby small rural town
        with her, which was revealed by Dur- ited Germany, the second time, with  paper and I was required to sign it for  changes in the education and health  where a student murdered 10 people
        rani himself, in his handwritten con- a typed letter, containing the list of  perusal by the commission. I was told  system in the country would be en-  including eight students.
        fessional letter, he wrote from Bonn  alleged recipients of ISI funds, which  that it had the approval of the chief  sured  along with an expansion in   Among the mourners was the
        to the Prime Minister. In this letter,  Gen Durrani signed the letter “under  executive and that the matter would  the  social  safety  net.  The  Sehat  In-  late teen’s first cousin who lives in the
        he talked about the two objectives of  special circumstances,” i.e., under du-  be handled confidentially. I signed  saf Card, currently restricted to KP,  United States. She said Sheikh’s rela-
        the conspiracy: To put Gen Beg on the  ress, because it was not the list he had  that prepared statement which was  would be expanded to the entire  tives are completely devastated.
        mat and target the opposition,” Beg  given to PM Benazir Bhutto. However,  given to me by Mr Malik.”  country and a total of 8 million fam-  “The family back home, we are in
        further accused Durrani.      that was the quid pro quo for accept-  Gen Durrani in his statement  ilies would be provided with income  touch with them. They’re crying every
            In this letter, Durrani also gave  ing the ambassadorial assignment, re-  further  revealed  that  for  the  next  support, up from 5.4m families to-  moment. Her mother is in denial right
        names of few politicians, who re- vealed General Beg.       about two years, he heard nothing  day under the Benazir Income Sup-  now,” Shaheera al Basid, a graduate
        ceived Rs8.0 million, while the re-                         more on the subject till the press re- port Program.        student in the US capital Washington,
        maining Rs6.0 million were given to  PENTAGON FROM P11      ported  that  Gen  Babar  had  made  a   He said that the party would  told AFP at the funeral service.
        Director External Intelligence (ISI),  Palestine-Israel conflict: The Pen-  statement in the National Assembly  protect the rights of women and en-   “It’s a shock we need our entire
        Beg further revealed. “He [Durrani]  tagon spokesperson was also asked  referring to an affidavit that he said  sure their progress in society. Khat-  life to recover from,” the 26-year-old
        further said that the operation was in  about the massacre of 60 Palestin-  was given by him. Mr Malik made  tak also said that his party would  added.
        the knowledge of the army high com- ians following the United States Em-  him sign the statement under special  ensure provision of clean drinking   Men lined up in rows offered tra-
        mand. As a matter of fact, the election  bassy’s inauguration in Jerusalem on  circumstances and he was given the  water and launch a tree-plantation  ditional mourning prayers as Sheikh’s
        engineering by ISI had been going on  Monday. “Israel has the right of self-  assurance that the matter would be  campaign.  coffin, draped in the green and white
        since  1975,  and was  in  everybody’s  defense and it has the right to protect  dealt with confidentially, added ex-  Uplifting agriculture and con-  flag of Pakistan, was brought into a
        knowledge,” claimed General Beg.  its border,” said White, adding that  spy chief.        serving water: Jahangir Tareen  small, cramped sanctuary.
            General Beg continued to reveal  the US was monitoring the situation.  “I do not know under what cir- spoke  about the party’s agenda  for   Sheikh had been due to return
        that General Durrani after taking the   “We’ll continue to keep a sharp  cumstances the then interior min- improvements in agriculture. He  home in mere weeks, in time for Ei-
        charge requested me to place him  eye  on  the situation  as well as  our  ister made the statement in the Na- said that the PTI would take emer-  dul Fitr. “It’s a shock, it’s so sad,” said
        under his command the 202 Survey  embassies around the world.”  tional Assembly. I was unaware about  gency measures to make agriculture  realtor Ike Samad, 67, who was born
        Section deployed in Sindh for better   When asked if she could jus-  his intentions that are known to him.  profitable for farmers. He promised  in Pakistan but has lived here most of
        coordination  of  intelligence  in  the  tify the civilian casualties on Gaza  The affidavit was got signed from me  financial help and better access to  his adult life and raised his children as
        province. The 202 Survey Section,  border, White repeated that the US  on the understanding that it would  loans for farmers while promising to  SABIKA, P31
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