Page 24 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 24
It Is Time for You to Have Internal Success Sadaqah in the form of Sacrifice
and Pleasure in Life Hereaft er Give Sadaqah & May Allah Protect You
n By Saghir Aslam choose from to give their donation “Give the Sadaqah without delay for it stands in the way of
Rawalpindi, Pakistan to. In my opinion it is important to calamity.” (Tirmidhi #1887)
help those that do not have food
(Th e following information and shelter but what makes is to Hidaya Foundation arranges for Sadaqah in the form of Sacrifice
is provided solely to educate the give such people a long term solu- on behalf of our donors, year round. Sacrifice and distribution of
Muslim community about invest- tion, creating income earning op- the meat to the poor can be performed within 72 hours of request.
ing and fi nancial portunities for them and enabling It costs $120 for a goat/sheep, and $420 for an ox/buffalo.
planning. It is hoped them to work towards sustainability
that the Ummah will in their lives. Th is way they not only
benefi t from this ef- help themselves but will be able to
fort through greater achieve self-suffi ciency and live
fi nancial empower- with dignity and respect in the so-
ment, enabling the ciety and if we help someone to at-
community to live in security and gain from the worldly investment tain that, Allah SWT will help us to
dignity and fulfi ll their religious One of the beautiful things achieve whatever our goals we have
and moral obligations towards about Allah SWT is that He wants set for ourselves in this world and
charitable activities) to give you back more to what you the hereaft er.
Th rough Ramadan has just have given in his way. One of His To donate visit www.sabtrust.
started, the month when Allah ways to return us on our `invest- org , you can call on 714.305.5424
SWT is extremely merciful, show- ment` is to protect us from trag- or email us at:
ers His blessing on like us no other edies which sometimes we don’t for further information.
time and is more forgiving than any even get to know about. If we give (Saghir Ahmed Aslam only ex-
other time, yet it is never too late to and expect a certain return in a cer- plains strategies and formulas that Donate online on our secure website, by phone, or mail checks to:
get all of His Blessing through an tain time and we don’t get it chances he has been using. He is merely Hidaya Foundation, PO Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056.
investment in his way that will have are that either we get it at later stage providing information, and NO
a guaranteed return, a huge return in this world or in hereaft er or Al- ADVICE is given. MR. Aslam does Hidaya Foundation
that one cannot even imagine, the lah SWT has reserved the return for not endorse or recommend any
only condition is the intension has us for certain time that He Knows broker, brokerage fi rm, or any in- 866.2.HIDAYA |
to be purely focused on pleasing Al- will be the best time for you to re- vestment at all, or does he suggest
lah SWT. ceive it. that anyone will earn profi t when Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
Allah`s mercy remains there When giving in Allah SWT way or if they purchase stocks, bonds or
throughout the year. He is always we should do background check on any other investments. All stocks or
waiting for us to fi rst simply make who we are giving the money to, for investment vehicles mentioned are Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
an intention of doing good and that what cause, its eff ectiveness and im- for illustrative purpose only. Mr.
is the starting point of your invest- pact, and we should make sure the Aslam is not an Attorney, Accoun-
ment, without putting any money organization is trustworthy. Th ere tant, Real estate broker, Stockbro- Countries Buying Selling
and any eff ort, you start to receive are serval hundreds and thousands ker, investment advisor, or certifi ed Rs. Rs.
the return the kind of return which of Charities, Masajids and various fi nancial planner. Mr. Aslam does
has no comparison to the return we Islamic Institution that one can not have anything for sale) USA 117.55 118.10
UK 158.30 160.05
FAIZ FROM P22 S.Arabia 31.30 31.45
you will end up like me, you will re- and overcome his infi rmities. How- British public, which is generally a Japan 1.02 1.05
gret it’. ever, aft er her departure, he seemed bit nervy about these things. Euro 138.35 139.55
I was in PTV during Ziaul Haq to have lost much zest to live, as if Th e Hollywood glam in atten- UAE 31.90 32.15
years, and mujh pe nazr-e-karam his mission in this world was over. dance: Th e presence of Hollywood,
bhi kuch ziyada thi (they took good In little over a year, he was gone as American and transatlantic cultural (*May 23, 2018)
care of me); my promotions were well. To God we belong, and to Him royalty, including tabloid darlings
stopped, I was called for explana- we shall return, Th e Qur’an; 2:156. such as George and Amal Clooney,
tions, I remember being very frus- Oprah Winfrey, David and Victoria
trated. So I wrote to Abba and the STUDENT FROM P6 Beckham, Serena Williams, Idris US VISA AVAILABILITY IN MAY 2018
gist of the letter was something like, Pakistan as well.” Elba, James Corden, Sir Elton John, For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
‘All this is happening because of you; Sushmita paid me the greatest and James Blunt, lent a distinctive Compiled by Hasan Chishti
get back here, and get me out of this compliment a teacher can receive, “I showbiz fl air to the occasion.
mess’. He was in London. And he did fi nd myself extremely lucky to have a Priyanka Chopra, of course,
come back, a month or so later, and mentor-guru like Professor Ahmed. added an exotic desi allure in the
aft er that he stayed. If only everyone could have a teach- minds of those people who recog- FAMILY-SPONSORED PREFERENCES Pakistan/Bangladesh India
He wrote back saying, ‘Th ere er like you.” nized her, which apparently happens
are good and bad times at jobs (nau- Sushmita is too generous: she oft en these days – albeit under the
kari main utar charhaao aata rehta already had the fi re, I merely helped confi nes of a characteristically angli- 1 Unmarried sons & daughters
hai)’. He wrote with a lot of love. He her see it. In her, I see the birth of a cized and trimmed down Vivienne of US Citizens April 08, 2011 April 08, 2011
said, ‘Th ese are small people, you brilliant scholar who will contribute Westwood dress.
shouldn’t mind what they say. And to knowledge of the Kamboj, which But the most critical acclaim of 2-A Spouses and unmarried
you should be able to rise above will help build bridges between Af- the day for their apparel – aft er the Children of permanent residents June 01, 2016 June 01, 2016
this’. He always wrote to me in Urdu. ghanistan, Pakistan, and India. praise being bestowed on the stun-
‘And this is belittling of you and you (Th e writer is the Ibn Khaldun ning bride herself of course – went 2-B Unmarried sons & daughters (21 years
stand by what you believe in and Chair of Islamic Studies at Ameri- to Amal, who managed to stand of age or older) of permanent residents) May 15, 2011 May 15, 2011
that is what is important and times can University, Washington, DC, out from her handsomely glittering
will change’. And a few weeks later, and author of Journey into Europe: peers in a gorgeous yellow Stella Mc- 3 Married sons & daughters of US citizens Feb., 01, 2006 Feb., 01, 2006
he was back. - Salima and Moneeza Islam, Immigration, and Identity, Cartney dress.
Hashmi spoke to Murtaza Razvi. Brookings Press, 2018) Laying family grievances to 4 Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens Oct., 01, 2004 March 01, 2004
Courtesy Dawn. rest: Meghan’s fellow cast members
PIA FROM P15 from Suits also made an appearance,
TURNOVER FROM P23 compromise between polite and dig- in addition to the royal couple’s oth- EMPLOYMENT-BASED CATEGORY
ministrating her medicines and en- nifi ed, well into the advanced stages er family and friends. For some cor-
suring that she fully participated in of her extended married life. respondents of the British press, the 1 Priority workers Current Jan., 01, 2012
all family functions. On my last visit Where Diana was visibly emo- arrival of Sarah Ferguson (the long
to Karachi, Khalida Apa was hospi- tional and perturbed on her big day, estranged and controversial Duchess 2 Members of the professions holding
talized with what turned out to be Meghan seemed to be in control of of York) was taken as an eyebrow- advanced degree or persons of
her fi nal illness. Every time, I went the royal trajectory unfolding be- raising moment, since she had not exceptional ability Current Dec., 22, 2008
to visit her, he was sitting outside her fore her. Where Diana was keen on been invited to the previous wed-
room on an ordinary wooden bench instigating rebellion throughout the ding ceremonies of Prince Charles 3 Skilled workers Current May 01, 2008
in order to be close to her during her greater period of her marital journey and Camilla Parker Bowles, as well Other workers Current May 01, 2008
fi nal days. (and not without cause, it should be as Prince William and Kate Middle-
Iradat Bhai was in his eighties stated), Meghan, who is a self-made ton.
at the time of his death in 2009, and Hollywood career woman hailing It is being speculated that Har- 4 Certain special immigrants Current Current
had for some years suff ered from a from a biracial and middle class ry, who has had to deal with much Certain religious workers Current Current
constellation of degenerative dis- suburban Californian family, tries to emotional trauma on account of
eases associated with the aging pro- exhibit a more practically appealing intra-family skirmishes (with the 5 Non-regional Centers Current Current
cess. As long as Khalida Apa lived, picture – not only to her very cus- highly publicised divorce and death Regional Centers Current Current
he felt a strong motivation to fi ght tom-centric in-laws, but also to the PIA, P28