Page 27 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 27

SPORTS                                                                                                            MAY  25,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P27
         SPORTS                                                                                                                MAY 25, 2018 - PAKISTAN  LINK
               Miandad backs abolishing toss                                                        Insurance for players: right

                    from cricket, Salim differs                                                      decision at the wrong time

                                                                                                  LAHORE: The death of great hock-  Academy, Mian Rizwan, said the tour
                                                                    international curators to maintain the   ey  goalkeeper  Mansoor Ahmad last   was arranged by the government. He
                                                                    standard of pitches.          week was distressing. But as it hap-  said the president, prime  minister
                                                                       “I think having international cu-  pens in  our country, on such occa-  and sports minister of Mauritius had
                                                                    rators with a set guideline  to make   sions the government  and  political   invited the academy and offered it
                                                                    sporting pitches  would be a better   parties make some important  deci-  warm hospitality.
                                                                    option instead of  ending the toss,”   sions, which  they may  not on ordi-  Rizwan said they had invited the
                                                                    Salim reckoned.               nary days.  Mansoor’s death due to   Mauritius academy to visit Pakistan
                                                                       “In India and Pakistan slow-  a serious illness forced the federal   to play three  matches, one each  in
                                                                    and-low pitches are prepared which   sports ministry to introduce a policy   Lahore, Islamabad  and Karachi in
                                                                    help home sides win matches rather   to provide insurance covers to all rec-  August-September this year. He said
                                                                    easily as this region generally has   ognised sportspersons of the country.  football was the only popular game in
                                                                    [world’s] best spinners. However,   Though it  is a good step, but   Mauritius and the people there were
                                                                    when the same team [from sub-con-  the timing of the decision may cre-  amazed to know that the game was
                                                                    tinent] tours  England, Australia  or   ate  hurdles.  With general  elections   also popular in Pakistan.
                                                                    New Zealand it fails to produce   around  the  corner  and in  case  of a   Lahore division’s boxers dom-
                                                                    good performance mainly because   change of government, the new one   inated  last week’s Punjab Open In-
                                                                    pitches in these countries are in   may not give any consideration to   ter-Division Boxing Championship.
                                                                    complete contrast to sub-continent   this initiative.      Around 300 male  and 100 female
                                                                    tracks,” Salim elaborated.       There is a need that the Pakistan   boxers from all nine divisions of the
                                                                       “Every cricket board  wants  to   Sports Board (PSB), which is also part   province took part in the sports gala
                                                                    prepare pitches [in home games] that   of this decision, keeps the issue alive   held by the Sports Board Punjab.
                                                                    suits its own team whereas an inter-  even after the general elections to get   Lahore won 16 gold medals,
                                                                    national curator will prepare pitches   it implemented by the next govern-  while Faisalabad and Dera Ghazi
         LAHORE:  While legendary bats-  “No  doubt,  toss  is  an  integral   according to the standards set by the   ment. There are hundreds of examples   Khan remained second and third.
         man  Javed  Miandad  has  endorsed   part [of the game] but you have   ICC, giving equal opportunities  to   where even medal winners for Paki-  From Lahore, Rabia Basri, Ta-
         International Cricket Council’s   to experiment  in  order to  achieve   both home and touring teams to excel   stan lived in miserable conditions and   hira  Warsi, Arzoo Ashraf,  Hamza
         proposal to abolish toss from the   better results in the game; and this   with their available resources.  are struggling to make ends meet.  Sikandar, Zain Rafiq, Hashim, Ibrar
         game, another former Test cricketer   move [of abolishing toss system]   He added, “It is better for cricket   According to the decision, a de-  Ahmed, Mudassir Khan,  Yousaf
         Salim Altaf says instead of doing   may also prove helpful in intro-  that it should be played on sporting   tailed policy for providing insurance   Ali, Muhammad Arsalan, Muham-
         away with the tradition, the game’s   ducing the tradition of producing   wickets,  giving  equal  help to bats-  cover to elite  sportspersons would   mad Suleman and Faisal Shafiq all
         governing body should introduce   good-standard pitches, as tracks   men, spinners and seamers and that is   come to the fore in the next three   won gold medals. Cash prizes of Rs
         international curators to produce   giving unfair help to home teams   a big challenge for the ICC.  months. Hopefully, the policy will   2.6 million were distributed among
         standardised pitches.        has become a major hurdle in recent   “And to achieve this scenario   provide the best of healthcare  and   the winners.
           The ICC’s cricket committee   years for touring squads,” Miandad,   [of sporting tracks], the ICC should   take best care of their families in case   Although boxing is a popular
         will debate removing the toss when   a veteran of 124 Tests, added.  come out with a comprehensive pro-  of their death.  game in the country, Punjab lags be-
         it meets in Mumbai later this month.  On  the  other  hand,  Salim  in-  gramme to  install  international cu-  The PSB has also named one   hind in it as boxers from Sindh and
           The panel, which operates in an   sists that toss should remain part   rators having the ability to prepare   of the grounds of its Naseer Bun-  Balochistan are expressing more in-
         advisory role and can only make rec-  of the game.         sporting wickets all over the world,”   da Hockey Stadium after  Mansoor   terest in pursuing the game. But this
         ommendations to the ICC chief exec-  “Toss is an integral and traditional   he said.     Ahmad, who was a hero of Pakistan   event, hopefully,  will create interest
         utives’ committee, is due to consider   part of cricket. Therefore, abolishing   “I remember in 1987, Pakistan   hockey team and instrumental in the   among the youth. The Sports Board
         whether the choice to bat or bowl first   it does not make any sense. In fact,   leg-spinner  Abdul Qadir  had  tak-  country winning the 1994 World Cup   Punjab should organise  such events
         should be given to the visiting captain   toss is also a source of judging the   en  nine  wickets  on  the  first  day  of   in Sydney by saving a penalty stroke.  for other games as well.
         to encourage fairer pitches.  wisdom of a captain who is required   the first Test against England at the   Though the Pakistan Hockey   With the start of the holy month
           “There is no harm if the ICC   to  make  a call  in case  he  wins the   Gaddafi Stadium while other bowlers   Federation and the sports ministry   of Ramazan, sports activities in La-
         tries to go with the new system of   toss. And his acumen is then proven   remained wicketless,” he recalled.  announced  financial  grants  for  his   hore have almost ended. However, a
         abolishing the toss. Ultimately, the   right or wrong at the end of the match   Asked if drop-in pitches could be   treatment,  but  that  was not  enough   few organisers are planning to hold
         move may force the home team to   which may result in victory or loss   the alternative of having equal stan-  and Mansoor appealed to the Indian   some  sports events at  nights.  Dar
         prepare pitches of good standard   for his team,” Salim told Dawn.  dard pitches throughout the cricket-  government for making arrangements   Hockey Academy is one of them that
         instead of focusing on preparing   “As PCB’s chief operating of-  ing world, Salim did not agree. “It   for his treatment as it had better facil-  plans to organise a tournament at the
         tracks that [completely] suit them,”   ficer,  I  have  been  attending  ICC   would create other problems; rather   ities to treat his diseases. The doctors   newly established ground of National
         Miandad said while talking to me-  meetings during which  there were   than drop-in pitches, expert curators   treating Mansoor  in Karachi were   Hockey Stadium with the facility of
         dia on Saturday.             discussions regarding  introducing   can be a much better option.”  also not ready to give him permission   floodlights also available there.
                                                                                                                                  Contrary to the situation in Ka-
                                                                                                  to travel as it could have proved fatal.
              Bairstow unconcerned at prospect of                                                 emy last week returned home after a   rachi, sports activities in Lahore are
                                                                                                     The Model Town Football Acad-
                                                                                                                               not common in Ramazan. The port
                                 facing Amir again                                                10-day tour of Mauritius where its   city has good cricketing infrastruc-
                                                                                                  veterans’ team played three matches
                                                                                                                               ture  with  almost  five  big  grounds
                                                                                                  against its  local counterpart. Each
                                                                                                                               having  the  facility  of  floodlights.
                                                                                                  team  faced one win and a defeat   While in Lahore there’s hardly any
         LONDON:  England’s wicket-keep-  ously. “There are plans that you are   needs highlighting.” Bairstow is also   while the third match ended in a   ground where cricket matches are
         er/batsman Jonny Bairstow is unper-  going to have. You could pick out any   enthused by the  Test return, fresh   draw. The mentor of the Model Town   possible at night.
         turbed at the prospect of facing Paki-  right-arm bowler that we  have had   from the Indian Premier League, of
         stan’s Mohammad Amir again in the   problems against — [or Australia’s]   Jos Buttler — whose surprise selec-  Root returns to number three spot
         two-Test series starting here at Lord’s   [Mitchell] Starc and [Mitchell] John-  tion at number seven will allow the
         next week.                   son are two very good bowlers.  Yorkshireman to move up to five as   to shoulder more responsibility
           Amir, who burst on to the scene   “It’s possibly a disservice to our   he seeks to consolidate his Test aver-
         with his brilliant  left-arm pace and   players [to mention it], because we   age of 39.20.
         swing eight years ago in England,   have got players who have scored a   Reflecting  on  the  first  squad   LONDON: Joe Root believes a year   was on my batting when it came
         took his 100th Test wicket to help Pa-  lot of runs around the world against   picked three days ago by new nation-  in the  captaincy  has given  him  the   around.”
         kistan on the way to the hard-earned   left-armers. “People have got skills   al selector Ed Smith, he said: “Bring-  experience he needs to move up the   The England top order’s struggle
         victory they completed over Ireland   – I don’t think it’s a problem that   ing Jos in at seven is really exciting.  England batting order to the pivotal   for consistency was evident in their
         in Dublin on Tuesday.                                         “He has obviously been in great   number three position for the two-  series defeats in Australia  and New
           A five-year ban over his part in                         form in the IPL. It is a really positive   Test series against Pakistan begin-  Zealand as Gary Ballance, Tom West-
         the  2010  Lord’s  spot-fixing  contro-                    selection.“You have got to keep faith   ning on Thursday.   ley and Vince all failed to establish
         versy stopped Amir in his tracks, of                       with people and you have got to make   Since replacing Alastair Cook as   themselves at number three.
         course — but on his comeback tour                          difficult decisions — and that is ex-  the  Test captain  last year, Root has   Root’s highest Test score of 254
         of England in 2016, there were still                       actly what has happened.”     batted at number four and juggled the   came at number three, in a 2016 Test
         signs of the  wonderful  skills  with                         Smith has ‘kept faith’ with Mark   dual demands of being the leader of   against Pakistan.
         which he had lit up world cricket as                       Stoneman at the top of the order, but   the side as well as its batting main-  “I did it [number three] for one
         a teenager.                                                dispensed with James Vince at num-  stay. Coach  Trevor Bayliss, though,   game in New  Zealand and it didn’t
           Bairstow succumbed just once, in                         ber three – a position which will in-  believes  England’s best  batsman   work out there but this is a great op-
         the final Test at The Oval, and Amir                       stead be filled by captain Joe Root.  should come at number three and the   portunity to do it at home and it’s a
         finished the four-match series with 12                        Vince’s omission  was accom-  axing of James Vince for the series   great opportunity moving forward,”
         wickets at an unflattering 42 each as                      panied  with words of advice  from   against Pakistan has ensured Root’s   Root said.
         luck largely evaded him.                                   Smith,  who spelled out that  he be-  elevation.              “Ultimately nothing will change
           The England wicket-keeper is re-                         lieves the Hampshire batsman has the   “I think it’s an opportunity for me   about the way I go about my batting.
         spectful of Amir’s abilities but does                      ability to score many more runs than   to take on a bit more responsibility at   I will look to have that hunger and de-
         not appear about to lose any sleep                         he so far has — and needs to go out   the top of the order,” Root said at the   sire to make really big runs.”
         over the hosts’ imminent  challenge                        and prove it.                 launch of England’s 2018 kit.   Wicket-keeper Jonny  Bairstow
         of taking guard against him in the re-                        Speaking at New  Balance’s    “I’ve had a year in the captaincy   will bat at number five in a revamped
         match. Referencing the drawn series                        launch of England’s kits for this year,   now and I feel  I’ve gained  enough   batting order, while Jos Buttler, who
         two years ago, Bairstow said:  “We                         Bairstow said: “Vincey is a fantastic   experience to feel comfortable doing   has been in scintillating form in the
         played them [Pakistan] not too long                        player. It is well above my pay grade   that. “For me it was getting used to   Indian Premier League, has been se-
         ago, so there will be people in their                      to decide what he needs to do, but that   the captaincy and making sure I could   lected as a specialist batsman at num-
         team  we have played against previ-                        conversation will have been had.”  separate the two; that my full focus   ber seven.

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