Page 31 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 31

ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                  FEBRUARY 1, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P31
                                                                                                                          FEBRUARY 1, 2019 - PAKISTAN  LINK

              aysal have impeccable and unmatched acting skills, the   Well, I would ask the naysayers to wait for the trailer, watch   way you dress up for a certain role makes a difference. I will nev-
              man of many words has come a long way since his Boo-  it and then speculate. And I would like to know what is a low   er wear chappals with a three-piece even if I am giving a closeup
          Fta days and definitely has a long way to go especially   budget movie. It is not about the budget. I would reiterate that it’s   shot because it changes your body language and automatically it
          after his return to films after over a decade.   all about the story and the content.             affects your expressions. These little details go a long way when
             Then why did you go for Sorry as your first movie after   Everyone who is in the film business; me, Humayun or any-  you are acting.
          15 years?                                        one else, cannot cross a certain limit because if we do, we would   How do you deal with criticism?
             Undoubtedly,  masses  accept  comedy  films  very  easily,  no   be compromising on our earnings. There are certain things that   I never pay heed to criticism until and unless it’s the positive
          questions asked. But then there are recent movies that do not   we need to keep in view as producers.  one and is done for the sake of betterment.
          belong to comedy genre but did well at the Box Office. When   How do you define Faysal Quraishi?     You said once that it was very difficult for you to do romantic
          people ask me the reason of choosing the story like Sorry over   It’s been like ages and I am searching myself, as to who I   and tragic characters but you always end up appearing in such
          some comic script, I simply ask them to name more than three   really am. Every day, I realise that my yesterday needs some im-  roles.
          comedy movies in Pakistan that have been a hit.  provement and amendment and the next moment I am fixing it   Personally, I am a very lively, jolly kind of a person. Doing
             Punjab Nahi Jaungi was not the comedy but it was a hit. It’s   and improvising things. You can say that I am an explorer who   tragic roles is like going against my personality and quite chal-
          not about which genre a film belongs to, what makes a difference   has been on a hunt to search for better things in life. There is not   lenging for me and I like every such thing that puts me through
          is content. A film always sells if it has all the right ingredients to   another way to define myself, I believe.  some challenge.
          please the masses.                                  What is one rare quality of yours, according to you, that   How was your experience of working with Samiya Mumtaz?
             There is a trend of releasing big movies on Eid and you   has helped you achieve heights in your profession?  Great actress! There are very few actors in Pakistan whose
          have announced to release Sorry after Eidul Azha. Don’t you   I think that I am very humble as a person and that is what   body of work has such finesse. Also, I love to work with Sawera
          think it’s a risky decision?                     people also say about me. Also, I work very hard. Rest is all in   [Nadeem]. Whenever we do a play together, it is destined to be
             Need of the hour is the allocation of film releases as per their   the hands of Allah. ‘Woh jis ko chahay izzat de.’  big somehow. Maybe we are lucky for each other. Whatever is
          story and genre. The trend of releasing all big films on Eid is not   Given that fact that you have appeared in so many   the reason, but yes, she is such a great co-star.
          going to do any good for our industry. The latest victim of the   roles, how do you manage a different avatar and versatil-  And what about the younger lot? Who is your favourite?
          trend was Load Wedding. I really liked the movie for its story,   ity in every role?                 I  must  say  that  they  all  are  gifted.  Be  it  Ahad,  Mohsin,
          content,  and  execution  but  it  went  unnoticed  amongst  Jawani   I am seriously clueless about this. I think it is inborn. I make   Gauhar, Bilal, everybody has upped their game and standards of
          Phir Nahi Ani 2 and Parwaz Hai Junoon.           a sketch of the character in my mind whenever I go through a   acting. I must say that they have started from a point where we
             What should be the strategy to address this issue?  script. For an actor, it is mandatory to have a strong observation.   reached after working for ten years and that is commendable.
             We really need to sort this out because there are lots of mov-  Equally important is his/her execution skills. And I am one of   How do you manage to deliver dialogues at such a high,
          ies coming up. So, I hope that we understand this situation and   those actors who are more into observing others and take inspi-  ear-piercing pitch?
          bring out a solution to end this. It would also be feasible for au-  rations to improvise.           [Laughs] For this, I give all the credit to Muneeza Hashmi. I
          dience to select a movie between the two. Choosing between the   A writer writes a character whereas an actor creates it. The   used to do theatre with her in my childhood. She would sit at the
          three is a hassle for the audience.              look that you created for Bashar Momin became a trendsetter.   back seats of Alhamra hall during our rehearsals and say, “whis-
             Tell us something about Sorry – A Love Story.  Tell us something about that.                   per bhi karo to yahan tak awaz aye mujhay.’ So, such trainings
             Sorry is a commercial film, a love story. When Sohail [Javed]   There were so many people involved like Nabila, Sajid and   have tuned me for who I am today.
          narrated me the story, what actually hit me hard was its content. I   others. But yes, it was after Bashar Momin that people started   Also, it is very important to maintain the same pitch and ex-
          had been offered so many films in all these years and the reason   to realise the importance of character creation and how a certain   pressions throughout the dialogue.
          of saying no to all of them was my audience and what I have to   character should appear on screen. And that was the need of the   Any acting lessons you took from your seniors?
          offer them; a few laughters or a good story with strong content.   hour. If, for instance, an actor has two to three projects runnings   I was dubbing for a film back in ’93 or ’94. Nadeem [Baig]
          I wanted to come back with a film that would leave a good im-  simultaneously on different channels, and he looks the same in   was present there. After watching me for a while, came to me
          pression on masses and Sorry is one such film. It has a very good,   every drama, it looks very odd.  and said, “why do you lose the pitch at the end of the dialogue,
          engaging storyline.                                 If we talk about Boota from Toba Tek Singh, I gained so   maintain it throughout. Keep the strength of your voice intact.”
             Plus, I strongly believe that character-driven stories are very   much weight just for the character of Boota and right after that,   Such a great man and actor he is. I love him a lot. In the same
          important. Like yesteryears movies that entirely belonged to its   I grew a beard for my play, Chamak. So, these little things do   manner, Abid Ali is a phenomenal actor. I have learnt a lot from
          characters like Nadeem, Shabnam, Mohammad Ali.   make a lot of difference and are very necessary for an actor.  Firdous Jamal, Qavi uncle and Noman Ejaz.
             So, should we say that Sorry is Faysal Quraishi’s film?  Which actors inspire you?                Once, at the end of a scene, Noman [Ejaz] interrupted me
             No, it belongs to all four of us; Faysal, Sonya [Hussyn], Za-  There are so many actors like Talat Hussain, Qavi uncle, Fir-  and said, “This is not the last episode that you are delivering at
          hid [Ahmed] and Aamina [Sheikh]. When the film is out, people   dous Jamal, Nadeem Baig, Noman Ejaz. There is much variety   such a fast pace. Make graph of the character and build your craft
          will see how every actor is aptly placed in the movie.  in their work. Then there is a Hollywood actor, Robert De Niro,   around it. You should know which episode you are shooting for
             Industry people are speculating that Sorry would be a   who I am a big fan of. I take inspiration from his habit of employ-  and till where you have to take this character.” So, I keep learn-
          low budget, drama type of movie. Your say?       ing different avatars for every film. Because I believe that the   ing from my seniors, and juniors as well.

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