Page 26 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 26
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SCHOOLING FROM P24 of its investments in R&D and tech- Dudayev to be its leader made the Bangladesh is a part of erstwhile In- which some call ethnic cleansing and
playing fi eld. Th e onus to make this nology development, it is focusing Chechens refugees for a second time; dia and the settlement of these people others genocide, now live in many
happen lies primarily on the state. on becoming the world leader in Most of them remained in their own there is a restoration of historical re- parts of the world. With the division
But the elite must also own up to the artifi cial intelligence (AI), quantum land and some migrated to Central alities. Bangladesh is protesting their of erstwhile Yugoslavia, the last bas-
distortions selfi shly introduced in communications, quantum com- Asia, Syria, Jordan and even America prolonged stay sensing this possibil- tion of communism was dismantled
the system and do right by the mil- puting, biotechnology and electric to bring about the tragedy of the Bos- ity. All the stakeholders in the game and the reins of power in the world
lions of underprivileged Pakistani vehicles. ton Marathon. are sure that the excessive rainfall in were handed over to the Capitalist
children by undoing them. Summary: While the growing Th en there was mass migration the region due to climate change will Enterprise. (To be continued)
(Th e writer is the author of Bro- presence of the Chinese in Pakistan by political divisions. Indians in an end the story of Rohingyas sooner or
kering Peace in Nuclear Environments: gets a lot of press, there has been attempt to fi nd a safe living place be- later. In the meantime, some people DIET FROM P22
US Crisis Management in South Asia) relatively little coverage of the move- yond the bitterness of history divided will make a lot of money on their reha- consumption evenly throughout the
ment of people in the other direc- their country and millions of Hindus bilitation and also gain the sympathy day. Th is arises from research show-
INVASION FROM P6 tion---from Pakistan to China. Pak- and Muslims migrated to the land of the kind-hearted people. ing that seniors are less effi cient at
concludes Robert J. Samuelson in a istan-China ties are rapidly growing of their choice in the hope of living While partition of India was on processing protein in their diet and
column, “or is on the verge of becom- well beyond the economy and the peacefully. Th ey have fought three religious ground most other countries may need a larger “per-meal dose.”
ing – a scientifi c and technical super- military domains with tens of thou- wars so far for this peaceful life and underwent political divisions because “Th e total dose that you eat may
power. Th is is not entirely unexpected sands of Chinese and Pakistani are still at each other’s throat. Th e last of the peace treaties resulting from not matter as much as the dose you
given the size of the Chinese economy citizens regularly traveling between of these migrants who are called Bi- wars. Division of the Arabian Penin- eat at a given meal,” said Elena Volpi,
and its massive investments in R&D. the two countries. Jalil Shaikh, a hari Muslims are dying slowly in what sula into several small kingdoms and a professor of geriatrics and cell biol-
Even so, he says, “the actual numbers Pakistani-American tech executive is now Bangladesh as persona non sheikhdoms by Britain and France; ogy at the University of Texas Medi-
are breathtaking”. in Silicon Valley, has observed this grata. Th e funds given by Saudi Ara- division of Europe, Koreas and Far cal Branch in Galveston, Tex. “If I eat
1. China is the second largest phenomenon during his frequent bia to PPP Government to settle them East aft er the world wars was a result too little protein during a meal, I may
spender in R&D aft er the US, ac- visits to the Jiangsu province in Chi- in the Kingdom aft er the 1971 War of this. As a result, we see people of all not adequately stimulate the uptake
counting for 21% of the world total na. Jalil is oft en welcomed as “iron were used to move some Pakistanis to these broken nations are happily set- of amino acids into skeletal muscle.
which is $2 trillion. It has been going brother” by the people he meets take care of holy places and the Hajj tled in America and Europe. Now they If I eat too much, say from a large T-
up 18% a year, as compared to 4% in during his stay in China. More pilgrims. fi nd it diffi cult to absorb and manage bone steak, I won’t be able to store all
the US. An OECD report says that Pakistanis than ever are learning Muslims who were loyal to Ba- more of them coming to their shores of it away.”
China could overtake the US in R&D the Chinese language. China, with hadur Shah Zafar migrated to Burma and land in the rapidly destabilizing Based on her research, Volpi
spending by 2020. its world class educational institu- when he was exiled there to spend the and uncertain world. suggests that older adults eat 25 to
2. China has overtaken the US tions, is emerging as one of the top rest of his life aft er the British Empire Bosnians and Kosovars also had 30 grams of protein per meal. Prac-
in terms of total number of science destinations for Pakistanis studying deposed him from his throne. Th ey their share of migration recently. Eth- tically, that means rethinking what
publications. Technical papers have abroad. It is becoming a truly multi- lived there as Rohingya Muslims. Th e nic feelings in multiracial Yugoslavia people eat at breakfast, when protein
increased dramatically, even if their dimensional relationship which will repatriation of Rohingyas to Bangla- were kept under check by Gen Tito intake tends to be lowest. “Oatmeal
impact, as judged by citation indices, help Pakistan rise with China on the desh aft er the recent atrocities is to through constitutional measures and or cereal with milk isn’t enough; peo-
may not be that high. world stage. make sure that they die in erstwhile army discipline. Th ese diff erences ex- ple should think of adding a Greek
3. Th e US continues to produce ,Here’s a video clip of Karaoke Greater India which the Mughals had ploded with vengeance aft er Gen Tito’s yogurt, an egg or a turkey sausage,”
more PhDs and attract more foreign Dinner in Changzhou, China: created and the British Empire had death. Ethnic Croat and Serb leaders Volpi said.
students. But new international en- , revived so that they don’t repeat this declared independence, Izetbegovic a Protein in all forms is fi ne.
rollment at US colleges was down for (Riaz Haq is a Silicon Valley- couplet of Bahadur Shah Zafar which prominent leader of Bosnian Muslims, Animal protein contains all nine es-
the fi rst time in the decade in 2017. based Pakistani-American analyst he wrote as a deposed and dispos- also wanted to be King Suleiman the sential amino acids that our bodies
Th e Trump administration’s anti- and writer. He blogs at www.ri- sessed King. second of the Balkan Muslims. Bos- need; plant protein doesn’t. If you’re
immigration rhetoric and actions are Kithna Hai Bud Naseeb Zafar nia is an “independent” country today a vegetarian, “it just takes more work
scaring away students. Dafn Kay Liye aft er years of bloody fi ght with neigh- to balance all the amino acids in your
4. China has begun shift ing from MIGRATIONS FROM P8 Do Guz Zameen Bhi Na Mili boring Croats and Serbians. Th anks diet” by eating a variety of foods, said
being an assembler of high-tech com- Th e rest is painful history for Chech- Kooye Yar May. to America (see my article in Pakistan Denise Kathryn Houston, associate
ponents, to a maker of super comput- ens, Russians and the world. Th e To those who are managing the Link, Aug 28, 2013). But many Bos- professor of gerontology and
ers and aircraft and given the pattern desire of Chechens to be free and destinies of the world and its people nian migrants with scars of this war, DIET, P28