Page 25 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 25
Standing Together for Peace, Justice and Tolerance Gems from the
Holy Qur’an
n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi
(Khutbah at ISOC – Dhul
Qa’dah 26, 1438/ August 18. 2017)
urely Allah enjoins justice,
kindness and doing of good, to
Skith and kin, and forbids all
that is shameful, evil and oppres-
sive. He exhorts you
so that you may be From the translation by Mu-
mindful. (Al-Nahl hammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
16:90) About the translator:
O you who be- Muhammad Asad, Leopold
lieve! Uphold justice, Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
bearing witness to in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in
Allah, even if it is 1900, and at the age of 22 made his
against yourselves, your parents, or fi rst visit to the Middle East. He
your close relatives. Whether the per- later became an outstanding for-
son is rich or poor; Allah can best take eign correspondent for the Fran-
care of both. Refrain from following furter Zeitung, and aft er years of
your own desire, so that you can act devoted study became one of the
justly - if you distort or neglect justice, leading Muslim scholars of our
Allah is fully aware of what you do. age. His translation of the Holy
(Al-Nisa’ 4:134) Qur’an is one of the most lucid
Th e world in which we live to- and well-referenced works in this
day is rightly called a “global village”. ality (al-Rum 30:22 and the Last Ser- Eloh come from the same Semitic happen if we recognize the rights category, dedicated to li-qawmin
Th e modern means of transportation mon of the Prophet – peace be upon root and mean God. We have many of others and treat each person and yatafakkaroo (people who think).
and communication have narrowed him). common prophets and common sto- group with honor and respect. All About the translator:
the distances and brought together 5. Allah commands justice ries of the prophets: Noah, Abraham, our religious traditions teach love Muhammad Asad, Leopold
people of diverse faiths, cultures and and fair dealing with all people. Jus- Isaac, Jacob, Lot, Moses, David, Solo- and respect of others. Love of God Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
colors. Modern political and eco- tice is the foundation of a good soci- mon, Jonah, Job and others – peace and love of the neighbor, do to oth- in Livow, Austria (later Poland)
nomic conditions have moved mil- ety. Justice is the balance of God on be upon them all, are mentioned in ers what you would like others do in 1900, and at the age of 22 made
lions of people of diff erent faiths and this earth. Justice must be done to all the Qur’an. Prophets Moses and Je- to you, love for your brother what his fi rst visit to the Middle East. He
cultures to work and live side by side. even to those who show animosity. sus are mentioned many times in the you love for yourself etc. are our later became an outstanding foreign
Whatever may be our background, (al-Ma’idah 5:8). Qur’an. Islam recognizes the Torah, common teachings. These should correspondent for the Franfurter
we are all neighbors now and we 6. All human beings have Zabur, Injil as divine books. Th ere not be just slogans, but they should Zeitung, and aft er his conversion to
should treat each other as neighbors. certain inalienable rights. Th ese are are many similarities between Is- be put to practice on all levels. We Islam travelled and worked through-
It is the duty of religious people of all rights given by Allah for the benefi t lamic law (Shari’ah) and the Jewish should not only talk about them, out the Muslim world, from North
faiths to provide the moral vision for of all people. Th ose who believe in Law (Halakha). With Christianity, but should also apply them in our Africa to as far east as Afghanistan,
the inhabitants of this global village. Allah must establish these rights for there are also many similarities. Is- social, economic, political policies India and Pakistan. Aft er years of
We must learn to live with all our all humanity. Th e basic rights are fi ve: lam accepts Jesus as a great prophet, and in our national and internation- devoted study he became one of the
neighbors practicing justice, peace 1. Right of Life, 2. Right of Family, 3. recognizes his virgin birth, highly al relations. We should take practi- leading Muslim scholars of our age.
and tolerance. Right of Property, 4. Right of Dignity, respects his mother Mary, accepts his cal steps to: His translation of the Holy Qur’an is
1. Islam emphasizes that we 5. Right of Religion miracles, accept that he was given a 1. Respect the life and honor one of the most lucid and well-refer-
are created by Allah and the origin Th ere are many religions, sects gospel; ascended to heaven; he was of all people enced works in this category, dedi-
of all human beings is from the same and denominations in the world to- the Messiah; and he will come back 2. Look for common ground cated to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon”
parents. Allah created all of us from day. Among them are similarities and before the end of the world. Th ere are and have dialogues (For people who think).
the one and same pair of a male and a diff erences. Th e existence of so many many moral and ethical teachings of 3. Avoid propaganda and de- Chapter 5, Verse 5
female (al-Nisa’ 4:1). religious views is a proof that we hu- Jesus that are common between Islam monization of others Today, all the good things of
2. All human beings are hon- man beings are religious by nature and Christianity. We do have our dif- 4. Be just and fair to all people life have been made lawful to you.
ored by Allah (Bani Isra’il 17:70) (al-fi trah) (30:30). Islam teaches that ferences but there are many things 5. Use the resources to take And the food of those who have
3. Human beings are diverse Allah chose many prophets and mes- in common. Islam also recognizes care of the poor and needy been vouchsafed revelation afore-
in their colors, races and speak dif- sengers from among the human be- the diversity of views among human 6. Work to establish peaceful time is lawful to you, and your food
ferent languages. Th e varieties among ings at diff erent times and in diff erent beings, their groups and communi- and moral civil societies everywhere. is lawful to them. And [lawful to
human beings are not a curse but places. Th e messages of all prophets ties. If Allah had so willed, says the Last Saturday, August 12, hun- you are], in wedlock, women from
a sign of divine creative power and of Allah were identical as far as the Qur’an, He would have forced people dreds of white nationalists, ex-Nazis among those who believe [in this di-
blessing. Th e diversity should be re- fundamental beliefs were concerned. to be guided, but He allowed them to and members of other extremist vine writ], and, in wedlock, women
spected (al-Hujurat 49:13). Religions share many common val- use their own free will to choose the racist groups held a rally in Charlot- from among those who have been
4. All human beings are ues. Judaism, Christianity and Is- right path (al-Ma’idah 5:48; al-An’am tesville, Virginia. Th ey clashed with vouchsafed revelation before your
equal, regardless of their races, colors lam, in particular, have many things 6:107; Yunus 10:99 etc.) Islam teaches other peaceful counter protestors time – provided that you give them
or languages. Th ere is no superiority in common. Jews and Christians are Muslims to respect the people of all that resulted in a death and injury their dowers, taking them in honest
of any race or color over another. No “People of the Book,” according to the religions and to have good relations of many people. Th e whole country wedlock, not in fornication, nor as
one is better than other because of Qur’an. We have one and the same with all people. One should not bear was shocked to see that such violent secret love-companions. But as for
his/her gender, race, color or nation- God. Th e names Allah, Elohim and false testimony against other people. racism still exists in America. Th e him who rejects belief [in God] – in
Th is means that groups that held this rally are plan- vain will be all his works: for in life
one should not ning to hold more and larger ral- to come he shall be among the lost.
misrepresent lies countrywide. Th ey have a big- Chapter 5, Verse 6
other people’s ger agenda against the pluralistic O you who have attained to
faith and re- America. Th e beauty and greatness faith! Be ever steadfast in your de-
ligious views. of America is that here people of votion to God, bearing witness to
Th e religious many races, colors and religions live the truth in all equity; and never
discourse and together in peace. We must preserve let hatred of anyone lead you into
dialogue must this pluralism for the benefi t of all of the sin of deviating from justice. Be
be respectful us. It is very important that we Mus- just: this is closest to being God-
and in the best lims join with others in opposing conscious. And remain conscious of
possible manner this phenomenon. It is divisive and God: verily, God is aware of all that
(al-An’am 6:108; harmful to everyone. We Muslims you do.
al-Nahl 16:125; are even more vulnerable, because we Chapter 5, Verse 32
a l-‘A n ka b u t are already the targets of Islamopho- Because of this did We ordain
29:46). bia, anti-Islamic bigotry and hate. We unto the children of Israel that if
It is im- need the cooperation of all people in anyone slays a human being – un-
perative this work of peace, justice and toler- less it be in [in punishment] for
that we all ance. No one group or community murder or for spreading corrup-
live as good can do all this work. It requires the tion on earth – it shall be as though
neighbors in collaborative eff orts of all of us. he had slain all mankind; whereas,
this shrink- ... Help one another in righteous- if anyone saves a life, it shall be as
ing world of ness and piety; do not help one anoth- though he had saved the lives of all
diverse faiths er towards sin and hostility. Be mind- mankind. And, indeed, there came
and cultures. ful of Allah, for Allah’s punishment is unto them Our apostles with all
This can only severe. (al-Ma’idah 5:2) GEMS, P28