Page 24 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  FEBRUARY 1, 2019                                                                                  COMMENTARY
              Facts You Should Know before Investing

              n By Saghir Aslam                                      fi nancial crisis a decade ago. It went
              Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                   against every instinct I had.
                                                                        FACT # 2
            (Th  e following information is                             INVESTING IS COMPLEX                             FOUNDATION
        provided solely to educate the Mus-                             Everybody likes to feel needed,
        lim community about investing and                            including people who work in the   P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
        fi nancial planning. It  is hoped that                       fi nancial services industry. We love
        the Ummah will benefi t from this                            to throw around terms like funda-  Support Orphans Monthly
        eff ort through greater fi nancial em-                       mental analysis, technical analysis,
                    powerment enabling                               alpha, beta, correlation, Contango
                    the community to                                 and backwardation (really!). Many   Sahl ibn Sa’d reported:  The
                    live in security and                             investment products are mind-
                    dignity and fulfi lling                          numbingly  complex,  perpetuating   Prophet, peace and blessings
                    their religious and   getting extremely diffi  cult for them   the perception that investing is way   be upon him, said, “The one who
                    moral  obligations  to handle the phone calls. Because   above the pay grade of the average
                    towards  charitable  out of few, every Tom, Dick & Harry   investor. Spoiler alert: It’s not.  cares for an orphan and myself
        activities)                   wanted to sell. Th  ey could hardly   INSTEAD keep investing sim-  will be together in  Paradise
            What sounds most right about   have a time for lunch.    ple. Make sure you can explain your
        stocks, bonds and mutual funds may   On the other hand, instead of   investing strategy to any 8-years-old.   like this,” and he held his two
        not be so right.              selling like everyone else, I was not   For example, you can own virtually   fingers  together  to  illustrate.
            Sometimes it’s not the crazy in-  afraid, because I knew it’s not the   every public company on the planet   (Sahih al-Bukhari 5659)
        vesting ideas that we need to avoid   end and the market will be turned.   (roughly 10,000) with one or two
        – it’s the ones that seem most sane.   Myself  buying the stock while oth-  simple low-cost index funds, such
        Many widely held beliefs about   ers were selling on terrifi c prices.   as a total U.S stock and total interna-
        stocks, bonds and other investments   Because when this kind of selling   tional stock index fund.  Donate online via check or card at
        sound like reasonable guidelines for   comes, stocks goes down and contin-  Let me share with you some
        where to put your money on Wall   ue to go down further. Myself buy-  other information about investing.
        Street. But through my work in the   ing the stock at that time secured me   Th  is will save you good amount of
        fi nancial industry, I’ve seen how   well and it was the blessings of Allah   time and also give you the oppor-
        these oft -repeated truisms can be the   ST. I really bought very good stock   tunity to be invested in the mar-   or call us at (408) 244-3282
        catalyst for fi nancial disaster. So be   which saved me well and I end up   ket without spending tremendous
        on your guard against these mislead-  making really good money.  amount of time. Do your homework   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
        ing beliefs, and pay attention to the   FACT # 1             searching and some more searching.
        real truths instead.              IT’S IMPORTANT TO FOL-     Many of us are busy with full time
            I have shared with you repeating   LOW YOUR INSTINCTS    job and family. Here is the easy way
        about investing that it’s not as simple   Th  ough that approach may work   for you to invest at the same time be   Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
        as some people think. It’s it requires   well in many areas in life, it serves us   diversifi ed.
        good amount of time to research,   poorly when we invest. In fact, our   Th  ink of buying index fund.
        particularly knowledge. Proper plan-  gut feelings lead us down predict-  For example, you could buy total US   Countries         Buying        Selling
        ning is the key. If you don’t plan you   ably money loosing paths. Th  ink of   stock fund. Th  is will give you the op-                                 Rs.             Rs.
        are not going to be successful for   the stocks market as bandwagon that   portunity to be shareholder of many
        sure. You can plan for yourself. You   holds sway over our emotions. Is it   well know blue chip companies. (To   USA                138.50          138.80
        also need to plan for your retirement.   plunging? Fear says hop off -not just   be continued)  UK                     181.50          183.50
        Emergencies that may cause don’t   to you but to millions of other people   (Saghir A. Aslam only explains   S.Arabia         36.75            37.10
        plan, start planning  either. And it   watching the decline of the Dow and   strategies and formulas that he has   Japan              1.26              1.29
        can save your big amount of money.   other market indexes. Unsurpris-  been using. He is merely providing   Euro          157.50          159.50
        Allah ST give us lot of because we   ingly, doing what everybody else is   information, and NO ADVICE is   UAE                     37.80            38.10
        just need to understand and learned.   doing precisely when they’re doing it   given. Mr Aslam does not endorse
        If you want to learn more, talk to   doesn’t seem to be a winning formu-  or recommend any broker, broker-  (*January 30, 2019)
        people who are in already doing this   la for investing. You end up buying   age fi rm, or any investment at all,
        as they can give you great amount of   stocks as they’re getting expensive   nor does he suggest that anyone will
        valuable information.         and selling them as they’re getting   earn a profi t when or if they pur-
            Big markets sell off  in 1987,   cheap- in other words, buying high   chase stocks, bonds or any other in-                                      US VISA AVAILABILITY IN FEBRUARY 2019
        many people started to dump stocks   and selling low.        vestments. All stocks or investment
        like crazy. Many people thought this   INSTEAD Ignore your gut.   vehicles mentioned are for illustra-                                                 For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
        is the end and they are going to lose a   What  does  work  on  Wall  Street  is   tive purposes only. Mr Aslam is not                                                       Compiled by Hasan Chishti
        lot of money. People were selling left    fl ipping the script. As Warren Buff ett   an  attorney,  accountant,  real  estate
        and right. When I talked to some of   famously said, “Be fearful when oth-  broker, stockbroker, investment ad-  FAMILY-SPONSORED PREFERENCES          Pakistan/Bangladesh            India
        the state brokers. Few days aft er the   ers are greedy and greedy only when   visor, or certifi ed fi nancial planner.
        market sell off , I was told that they   others are fearful.” I followed that   Mr Aslam does not have anything   1    Unmarried sons & daughters
        were receiving so many calls. It was   advice by buying stocks during the   for sale.)
                                                                                                           Of U.S. Citizens                                                Sept., 22, 2011         Sept., 22, 2011
        BIRMAL FROM P7                istrative structure, complete with its  common framing of national issues,   2-A  Spouses and unmarried
        below freezing in the winter.  Political Agents who lived among  but also carry jaundiced views of each
            During the colonial  era the  the tribes. Yet the state footprint in  other. Class is a big divider; the ma-          children of permanent residents               Dec., 01, 2016           Dec., 01, 2016
        tough tribes of Waziristan remained  these areas remained weak. When  drassa and public-school kids oft en
        a constant source of problems and  I took over Waziristan as Political  hold their elite counterparts respon-  2-B  Unmarried sons & daughters (21 yrs.
        anxiety for the British government in  Agent it had been some four decades  sible for their relative deprivation in
        Delhi. So great was the concern that  since  independence  and  the  tribes  society. Conversely, the elite main-          of age or older) of permanent residents    May 01, 2012            May 01, 2012
        Lord Curzon, the viceroy of India, in  lived much as they did then. (To be  tain such strong negative stereotypes   rd
        an unprecedented move at one point  continued)              about  these  less  privileged  kids  that   3     Married sons & daughters of US citizens   Aug., 22, 2006          Aug., 22, 2006
        took charge of its administration di-  (Th  e writer is the Ibn Khaldun  it is impossible to see them engaging   4      Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens    June 22, 2005           June 22, 2004
        rectly. In 1937 the Mahsud tribe in  Chair of Islamic Studies, School of  constructively across these divides.
        Waziristan ambushed an entire Brit-  International Service, American  Indeed, the only commonality I found   EMPLOYMENT-BASED CATEGORY
        ish brigade in a classic guerrilla ma-  University, Washington, DC, and  across education systems was that all
        noeuvre, killing nine British offi  cers  author of Journey into Europe: Islam,  kids were deeply intolerant of diversi-  1      Priority workers                                              Dec., 01, 2017           Feb., 08, 2017
        and forty-fi ve soldiers and wounding  Immigration, and Identity)  ty of opinion, especially from a cohort
        a  further  forty-seven.  In  the  1930s                    other than their own.          2     Members of the professions holding
        the British had more troops in Wa-  SCHOOLING FROM P4           I found Mahmood’s willing-
        ziristan alone than in the rest of their  a service, interest wanes, investment  ness to introspect refreshing. While            advanced degree or persons of
        Indian Empire.                dips, and the enterprise ultimately  congratulating the organizers of the            exceptional ability                                           Current                      April 06, 2009
            British administration func- collapses. A problem fairly common  Th  inkFest, he crystalized his, and in-
        tioned  through  the  Political Agent,  to countries of the elite, by the elite,  deed the nation’s, challenge: how does   3      Skilled workers                                                Current                      April 22, 2009
        the government representative who  for the elite — Pakistan being a quint- one get to the point where we begin
        worked among the tribes to imple- essential example.        to fi nd Pakistanis from across the             Other workers                                                 Current                      April 22, 2009
        ment state policy. Th  e tribes were able   Th  e ill eff ects of the siloed edu- education spectrum engaging in such
        to preserve their way of life, however,  cation system do not stop here. For  forums?      4       Certain special immigrants                          Current                       Current
        as during British rule colonial laws  years, data has been pointing to a   His focus on formulating a uni-
        were usually applied only up to 100  correlation between educational silos  form curriculum may be a start, but              Certain religious workers                             U                                  U
        yards on either side of main roads.  and deepening societal fi ssures. My  its impact will be marginal unless the   5        Non-regional centers                                    Current                       Current
            At independence in 1947 and  own work from over a decade ago  silos within the education system are
        the creation of Pakistan, the new gov- shows how kids from private, public  broken and every child gets a level               Regional centers                                            U                                   U
        ernment inherited the British admin- and madrasah schools not only lack  SCHOOLING, P26
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