Page 21 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 21

COMMENTARY                                                                                                     FEBRUARY 1, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P21
                                                                Bureaucratic Antics                                      He inquired whether the Bureau thought it was
                n By Syed Arif Hussaini                                                                                  hydrochloric acid excellent for cleaning drains.

              ver a decade back,  I had received  a                                                                      OK. Their answer: “The efficiency of hydrochlo-
              letter  from  the  local  Social  Security                                                                 ric acid is indisputable but the chlorine residue
        ODepartment informing me that I had                                                                              is incompatible with metallic permanence.” The
        died! The letter, rather NOTICE OF AC-                                                                           plumber wrote back thanking the Bureau and
                   TION as it was called, bore                                                                           expressing his pleasure that they agreed with
                   my name as the addressee and                                                                          him. The people at the Bureau were alarmed that
                   said: “Medical coverage for the                                                                       they had been misunderstood and wrote back:
                   above named will be discon-                                                                           “We cannot assume responsibility for the pro-
                   tinued because we have been                                                                           duction of toxic and noxious residues with hy-
                   notified of the person’s death.                                                                       drochloric acid; we suggest you use an alterative
                   There are no special death or                                                                         procedure.”
        burial benefits provided under the Medi-Cal                                                                          The plumber wrote again to say he was glad
        program.”                                                                                                        to know their interest in his work and that he
            Since I had not yet kicked the bucket, I was                                                                 was continuing with the acid. The Bureau sent
        least interested in the “special” or regular death                                                               a telegram: “Don’t use hydrochloric acid. It eats
        or burial benefits. If I were dead, as the bureau-                                                               hell out of the pipes.”
        cracy had presumed, would it have mattered to                                                                        In my first posting in a large govern-
        my dead and buried body whether the medical                                                                      ment bureaucracy back home, I was frequently
        benefits were withdrawn or not. As I was still                                                                   stumped by the language used. My stenographer
        alive and needed the medical benefits that I was                                                                 became my guide. I could not understand why a
        entitled to as a senior citizen, the Notice Of Ac-                                                               note on which the President was giving orders
        tion did scare me.                                                                                               was called an unofficial (u.o.) note. Why a Mem-
            Much as I would have liked to, I could not                                                                   orandum was called an Office Memo, and why it
        treat the letter as junk mail. I could have made                                                                 started with the words “The undersigned is di-
        a paper plane out of it, but I couldn’t have made                                                                rected to...” If I was the undersigned, who could
        it fly considering the nature of information on                                                                  be the over signed. Why should formal letters
        it.  Death is the  last serious act of  a person; it   weeks of all that “hokay, hokay” I received an-  stitute for human intelligence, but then so are a   end with the words: “I have the honor Sir, to be
        couldn’t be treated lightly that way.  other notice saying exactly the same thing. I   lot of bureaucrats. It may someday be capable   your obedient servant”, when the bureaucrat ac-
            To make sure that it was just a normal slip   called the office several times to receive busy   of artificial intelligence, but it will never master   tually means: “You have the honor, you nobody,
        of the bureaucratic pen or computer, I decided   signals or the answering machine. I understood   real stupidity like some bureaucrats do.  to be my obedient servant.”
        to shave, dress and present my ghost or myself   why people were living longer these days. When   To revert to my story, I did receive a letter a   The expression “Enclosed herewith please
        to the Social Security Office.        the Angel of Death calls, all he gets is an answer-  couple of days later saying: “The discontinuance   find” was totally beyond me, as I couldn’t con-
            On the way it occurred to me that my let-  ing machine.                of your qualified Medicare beneficiary program   ceive of enclosing something therewith, and if a
        ter informing that office about the demise of my   Finally, when I did succeed in speaking to   benefits has been rescinded.” Very simple bu-  document was enclosed, the receiver of the let-
        wife might have been read by some functionary   a human being and not an answering machine,   reaucratese!       ter would of course find it, unless he was dumb
        in a hurry - a paradoxical term in a bureaucra-  he  asked me to speak to Mr B.  I recalled  the   Language is all that separates us from the   enough to be specifically asked to “please find”.
        cy - who saw the word “dead” and understood   words of a wit: “If the first person who answers   lower animals, and from the bureaucrats.  Thanks to my steno, I survived.
        clearly what had happened. Then the person   the phone cannot answer your question, it is a   That is not the end of the story, as I had pre-  You cannot imagine the strain the clerical
        might have skipped the text, considering it to be   bureaucracy. If he does, it is a miracle.”  sumed. For, last week, twelve-and-a-half years   staff back home go through every day to think
        redundant, and noted my name at the bottom of   Hoping for a miracle, I called Mr B. He   after the demise of my wife and complete silence   in mother tongue and to translate their thoughts
        the letter and connected the two. Two plus two   picked up the phone on the first ring and did not   since the above-mentioned incident, I received   into an alien language. Here is the exact text of
        made five to him, and I was the number five in   take more than a couple of minutes to under-  a letter of the same office addressed to my wife   the leave application of a clerk I had received:
        this case.                            stand the problem. He asked me to hold the line   asking her to visit that office on November 2,   “Sir, shortly I am going to be faced with
            The  moon-faced,  oriental-looking  lady  at   and disappeared for a good ten minutes. I start-  with certain documents, so that her continued   the delivery circumstances of my wife. For this
        the window of the Social Service office was all   ed debating whether to keep hanging on to the   entitlement to social security benefits could be   purpose, as also to look after the remaining
        charm. I informed her that I was not dead but   phone or hang it up. When I was about to hang it   reviewed. I informed the office in writing that   children, I need seven days leave. Last year also
        it was my wife who had passed away and I had   up, I saw the ghost of a fat medical bill floating in   she was no longer in this world, that I had sub-  when I was faced with similar circumstances, I
        myself informed their office of her demise. She   my direction to strangulate me financially.  mitted to them a copy of her death certificate.   had applied for leave but was not granted, and
        kept saying ‘Hokay, Hokay” (OK) to emphasize   Eventually when he did return to the   Obviously, she could not claim, nor receive any   the child in question died as a result thereof.”
        the clarity of her comprehension. She also took   phone, he apologized for the error and said it   benefit since her death over 14 years ago.  This young man left service and did quite well as
        some notes to strengthen that impression. Natu-  was the fault of his office and that of the com-  My wife was an effervescent, vivacious per-  a cloth merchant.
        rally, I was quite confident that I had communi-  puter; it took him so much time to correct the   son always enhancing the joie de vivre of those   To sum up, let me quote the famous French
        cated to her my predicament and that the minor   numerous entries in the computer.  around her by her wit and humor. Even in death   fiction writer, Balzac: “Bureaucracy is a giant
        mistake of identity would not turn out to be a   Computers are indeed great. They make   she appears to be maintaining for others that   mechanism operated by pyg mies.” Let me add
        big bill for the medical service I was receiving   lots of mistakes, but when they do, it is nobody’s   zest for life.  the adjective “brain-dead” to pygmies. I should
        for my diabetes.                      fault!                                   I recalled the story of a plumber who wrote   know; I have held bureaucratic jobs for decades.
            Lo  and  behold!  Within  a  couple  of   The computer is undoubtedly a poor sub-  to the Bureau of Standards that he had found   (Repeated)

            n By Abdul Moiz Malik          “Abey Kaale ….”, It’s Not Sarfraz Ahmed alone                                        ment the Pakistan Cricket Board
               Karachi, Pakistan                                                                                                (PCB)  and  International  Cricket
                                          As a child, I saw that it amused                                                      Council (ICC) deem fit. PCB has
           grew up in a neighborhood   me too because apparently, it was                                                        released a statement denouncing the
           near Civil Hospital, Karachi.   fun for everyone else. So, I found                                                   incident, but hasn’t stated any reper-
        I  Being  a  government  hospital,   it funny as well and picked up on                                                  cussions Sarfraz would face.
        it was always thronged with people   it. It permanently changed my per-                                                     Sarfraz’s words were problem-
                   – most of them be-  ception about them and eventu-                                                           atic and why many of us see no prob-
                   longing to the poor-  ally whenever I saw someone from                                                       lem in them is because of a deeper
                   est segment of the   Lyari with those features, my mind                                                      issue: our insouciance towards our
                   society – who come   instantly recalled the term ‘Makrani’.                                                  racist attitudes. There is a besotted
                   in bereft of hope to   Though  I  never said  anything  rac-                                                 sense of revulsion in how we look
                   get their loved ones   ist to their faces, what I learned in                                                 at people who appear different from
                   treated for free. Civil   my childhood forever changed my                                                    us. This comes from being in a cul-
        Hospital was more frequently vis-  outlook towards people just because                                                  ture where terms like maila, kala,
        ited by residents of Lyari, a squalid   they looked mildly different from                                               chamaar, and various assorted terms
        area that is home mostly to the   me.                                                                                   are common on a daily basis. People
        middle, lower-middle and poor     This doesn’t make me or those                                                         unconsciously utter these words and
        segments of our society.      who I learned it from racists, but                                                        while they are belittling and conde-
            Now, if anyone has seen the   is part of a deeper, more pervasive                                                   scending, they are considered ‘jokes’.
        denizens  of  Lyari,  they  know  that   problem that is ingrained in our                                                   The  worst part about  Sar-
        most of them differ from others in   minds. A problem that is invisible                                                 fraz  calling  a  South  African  player
        their looks in certain ways. Their   – or glaringly visible at times – so                                               “Kaala” is that most Pakistanis don’t
        complexion is dark and their hair   much so that we don’t even realize   Sarfraz and Andile Phehlukwayo                 even think it’s a racist remark. We
        is curly. (Yes, I know how it sounds,   that there is a problem.  Ahmed, during Pakistan’s second   Though he didn’t abuse her, in our   are living in the stone age. No won-
        but don’t be so quick to judge; read   No, I’m not trying to justify   ODI match against South Africa,   culture dragging mothers and sisters   der Sarfraz said that casually on the
        on first, then judge). In local vernac-  racism under the garb of societal   passed a distasteful and derogatory   in our jibes is intolerable and the fact   big stage where everything is scruti-
        ular, they are referred to as ‘Makra-  influence. What I’m trying to do is   comment aimed at Andile Pheh-  that Sarfraz did that was reprehen-  nized to the core.
        ni’, those from Makran in Balo-  to make everyone understand that   lukwayo. He said: “Abey kaale, teri   sible and all the flak he is getting is   When our society keenly in-
        chistan. There is nothing wrong with   it is something deeply ingrained in   ammi aaj kahaan baitheen hain? Kya   justified. Racism  is  a  serious  prob-  dulges in such acts, our kids adapt
        the term per se, but locals use it as   us from a very young age but that   parhwa ke aaya hai aaj?”  lem and all the other sports bodies   this behavior and become incapable
        a derogatory term to mock them for   does not make it okay. Once we real-  (Hey black guy, where’s your   around the world are very conscious   of respecting people who are differ-
        looking different. I grew up watch-  ize how wrong it is, change should   mother sitting today? What have   about keeping this bad practice out   ent from them. They imitate whatev-
        ing people in my surrounding mock   follow.  I realized, and now I under-  you asked her to pray for you?)  of the game. Thus, Sarfraz’s abuse   er they see. This ingrained revulsion
        them, though not on their face. This   stand. So should the others.  He not only mocked him for his   should not go without consequenc-  while making them prejudiced
        term was soon associated with them.  Pakistan  captain  Sarfraz  color but also referred to his mother.   es. He should face whatever punish-  SARFRAZ, P28
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