Page 17 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
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VOL. 29/5 Friday, February 1, 2019 26 Jumadal-ula 1440
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A Milestone for KabaFusion, Leading Home Infusion Company in Healthcare Industry
ritzker Private Capital has announced the agement, infectious disease, cardiology, dermatology
acquisition of KabaFusion, a leading pro- and nutrition.
Pvider of acute and specialty home infusion Th e Pennsylvania pharmacy, (KabaFusion PA)
services. Pritzker Private Capital is investing is located in Horsham, PA. and off ers regular infu-
alongside KabaFusion’s pharmacist-led manage- sion pharmacy services as well as coordination of
ment team, who will continue to lead the business. home nursing support for a wide range of infusion
Th is is a milestone accomplishment for Kaba- therapies prescribed by physicians specialized in
Fusion which is a leading home infusion company in neurology, immunology, oncology, pain manage-
healthcare industry and is committed to providing ment, infectious disease, cardiology, dermatology
patients with the highest quality of specialty home and nutrition.
infusion treatments. Th e Florida pharmacy (KabaFusion FL) is lo-
Kaba Fusion CEO, Dr Sohail Masood, who is cated in Boca Raton, FL. and off ers regular infusion
a pioneer in the industry is thrilled to partner with pharmacy services as well as coordination of home
Pritzker Private Capital. nursing support for a wide range of infusion thera-
Michael Dal Bello, Pritzker Private Capital In- pies prescribed by physicians specialized in neurolo-
vestment Partner said that KabaFusion is a leader in gy, immunology, oncology, pain management, infec-
IVIG and home infusion due to its patient-focused tious disease, cardiology, dermatology and nutrition.
service model and clinical expertise, Pritzker Private Th e corporate headquarters for KabaFusion are
Capital is also delighted to partner with Dr Masood located in Cerritos, California and Waltham, Mas-
and the KabaFusion management team and looks KabaFusion’s California pharmacy, (KabaFu- cians specialized in neurology, immunology, oncolo- sachusetts.
forward to supporting the company’s continued sion CA), is located in Cerritos, CA, and focuses gy, pain management, infectious disease, cardiology, Th e success of KabaFusion is the result of team-
growth. on the provision of intravenous immunoglobulin dermatology and nutrition. work of a dedicated staff who truly believe in patient-
About KabaFusion: KabaFusion was founded (IVIG). IVIG is a highly eff ective autoimmune drug. Th e Illinois pharmacy, (KabaFusion IL), is lo- focused infusion therapy and in putting the “care”
by Dr Sohail Masood, Pharm D., in 2010 and oper- A high degree of expertise is required to procure the cated in Chicago, IL. and holds pharmacy licenses back into healthcare.
ates seven fully accredited home infusion specialty drug, obtain authorization, clinically manage the pa- in two additional states with one additional state KabaFusion features a diverse management
pharmacies strategically located in California, Flori- tient and properly bill and collect for this specialty pending approval. It allows the Chicago pharmacy team consisting of industry leaders with signifi cant
da, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania infusion product in the home or in the physician’s to dispense in those states. It off ers regular infusion managerial, clinical, fi scal and payor experience and
and Texas. clinic. IVIG is usually prescribed by neurologists, pharmacy services as well as coordination of home expertise. Senior management has established a cor-
KabaFusion is guided by a commitment to immunologists, dermatologists and infectious dis- nursing support for a wide range of infusion thera- porate culture that embraces fi scal responsibility in
positive clinical outcomes and excellence in spe- ease experts. pies prescribed by physicians specialized in neurolo- the delivery of quality healthcare.
cialty acute and immunoglobulin infusion. Th e KabaFusion’s New Jersey pharmacy, (KabaFu- gy, immunology, oncology, pain management, infec- For more information, visit
company is dedicated to working proactively with sion NJ), is located in Edison, New Jersey and off ers tious disease, cardiology, dermatology and nutrition. About Pritzker Private Capital: Pritzker Private
patients, healthcare practitioners and payers to pro- regular infusion pharmacy services as well as home KabaFusion’s California, Illinois, New Jersey Capital acquires and operates middle-market compa-
vide comprehensive support before, during and aft er nursing support for a wide range of infusion thera- and Texas pharmacies are accredited by the Accredi- nies based in North America with leading positions
treatment. Dr Sohail Masood and Dr Mona Masood pies prescribed by physicians specializing in neurolo- tation Commission for HealthCare (ACHC), and in the manufactured products, services and health-
founded their home health care company from a gy, immunology, oncology, pain management, infec- have received their Utilization Review Accreditation care sectors. Th e fi rm’s diff erentiated, long-duration
two-room operation in Lakewood, California over tious disease, cardiology, dermatology and nutrition. Commission (URAC) accreditation. capital base allows for effi cient decision-making,
two decades ago with a small capitol in their hands. Th e Texas pharmacy, (KabaFusion TX), is lo- Th e Massachusetts pharmacy, (KabaFusion broad fl exibility with transaction structure and in-
KabaFusion specializes in IVIG (intravenous cated in Dallas, Texas and holds pharmacy licenses MA), is located in Shrewsbury, MA. and off ers regu- vestment horizon, and alignment with all stakehold-
immunoglobulin) and home-infusion iv therapy in four additional states, with one additional sate lar infusion pharmacy services as well as coordina- ers. Pritzker Private Capital builds businesses for the
with seven pharmacist-owned, patient-focused spe- pending. It off ers regular infusion pharmacy services tion of home nursing support for a wide range of long term and is an ideal partner for entrepreneur
cialty pharmacies serving over 40 states across the as well as coordination of home nursing support for a infusion therapies prescribed by physicians special- and family owned companies. For more information,
country. wide range of infusion therapies prescribed by physi- ized in neurology, immunology, oncology, pain man- visit