Page 15 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                       FEBRUARY 1, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
                Taliban, US Publicly Admit ‘Progress                                                 Pakistan Deserves Credit for

                             on Vital Issues’ in Talks                                                    US-Taliban Peace Talks

                                                                    numbers on  all  sides  wounded  and   Multan:  Foreign Minister Shah
                                                                    maimed, many for life.        Mehmood Qureshi has said that
                                                                        Th  e expense was also enormous.  Pakistan deserves credit for the on-
                                                                        Th  e United States alone has   going Afghan peace talks in Doha,
                                                                    spent $932 billion since 2001 in Af-  as the Taliban came to the negoti-
                                                                    ghanistan; its allies and international   ating table only due to Islamabad’s
                                                                    agencies, many billions more. On   incessant eff orts.
                                                                    reconstruction aid alone, America   Speaking to reporters in Mul-
                                                                    spent more on Afghanistan than on   tan on Sunday, the Foreign Minis-
                                                                    the entire Marshall Plan to rebuild   ter said Pakistan’s stance for a ne-
                                                                    post-World War II Europe, in today’s   gotiated settlement to the Afghan
                                                                    dollars.                      confl ict had been vindicated.
                                                                        Many policymakers — and most   He said United States Senator
                                                                    Americans — have long agreed that it   Lindsay Graham had admitted that
                                                                    is time to get out of Afghanistan and   Islamabad had the right approach
                                                                    hand matters over to the Afghans. Th  e   for peace in Afghanistan. “Th  is is   a nation with principles and pres-
                                                                    question now is whether that will cost   a  milestone  in  Pakistan’s  foreign   tige. We are not beggars!” he said.
                                                                    the Afghan government control over   policy domain,” said Qureshi.  “Nations do not only hold
                                                                    the country.                      In his recent trip to Pakistan,   talks to seek aid. We have strategies
         The US representative was also satisfi ed with the progress in the talks. “Meetings here [in   Graham pushed for a meeting be-  and a vision that we will continue
         Doha] were more productive than they have been in the past. We made signifi cant progress   tween Prime Minister Imran Khan   to pursue. Financial help is not im-
         on vital issues,” Zalmay Khalilzad said in a series of tweets on microblogging site Twitter  High Commissioner   and US President Donald Trump   portant; we are not seeking aid, we
         Karachi: Th  e longest, deadliest, and   country’s Foreign Minister, for their   to India Tipped   to reset Pak-US relations and push   are seeking peace.”
         costliest war in the American history   “constructive engagement and their               for a peaceful settlement in Af-  Highlighting  the  PTI-led
         might be coming to an end as the Tali-  facilitation of this round of talks”.  for Top FO Slot   ghanistan.            government’s policy of global
         ban and the US negotiators appear to   Road map for peace in Afghani-                        Reiterating Pakistan’s desire   outreach, the Foreign Minister
         be edging towards a peace deal.  stan: Earlier on Saturday, Reuters   Islamabad:         for peace in the region, the Foreign   said it was unfortunate that peo-
            In a rare development on Satur-  news agency quoted Taliban sources   High  Com-      Minister urged the public to gauge   ple focused on  the incoming  aid
         day, the two sides admitted “progress   as saying that the Taliban negotia-  missioner to   Pakistan’s  success  by  its  achieve-  and overlook the government’s
         on vital issues” in their talks, albeit the   tors and US offi  cials have “fi nalized   India Sohail   ments on the foreign policy front,   achievements on the diplomatic
         insurgents said there was no agree-  clauses to be included in a draft  agree-  M a h m ood   and not by the aid it had received   front.
         ment on ceasefi re or talks with the Af-  ment” to end the 17-year-old Afghan   is the clear   in aid.                     “Over the past few months,
         ghan government, which they deride   war. Details provided by the sources   front runner     Th  e Foreign Minister was par-  I went to Tehran, Beijing, Kabul,
         as American puppet.          included apparent concessions from   to  become             ticularly irked when asked if im-  Moscow and Doha. Very soon I am
            US chief negotiator Zalmay   both sides – with foreign forces to be   the country’s   proving ties meant the US would   heading to Oman and then to Lon-
         Khalilzad held negotiations with   withdrawn from the country in 18   top diplomat       restart discontinued aid. “We are   don on February 3,” he informed.
         Taliban representatives at their politi-  months from the future signing of the   when Foreign
         cal offi  ce in the Persian Gulf state of   deal.          S e cr et a r y                   Committee to Prepare Outline of
         Qatar for six days, much longer than   It is unclear whether the provi-  Tehmina Janjua steps down on her
         planned and longer than any previous   sions have been fully accepted by the   retirement.       Model of Riyasat-e-Madina
         attempt to end the bloody confl ict.  US side.                 Ms Janjua, who was the fi rst
            Subsequently,  Khalilzad  left   the   According to sources, the Taliban   woman to become Pakistan’s foreign   Islamabad:   Ayaz had urged the government
         Qatari capital of Doha for consulta-  have off ered assurances that Afghani-  secretary, will retire on April 17 aft er   Council of   to act on its promise for the for-
         tions in Kabul.              stan will not be allowed to be used by   serving in the position for two years.   Islamic Ide-  mation of a ‘Medina State’ and
            “Th  is round of negotiations re-  al Qaeda and Islamic State militants to   Th  e race for the Foreign Secre-  ology (CII)   suggested the formation of a task
         volving around the withdrawal of   attack the United States and its allies   tary’s job this time round has been   Chairman   force to realize this goal.
         foreign troops from Afghanistan and   – a key early demand of Washington.   lackluster particularly when com-  Dr  Qibla
         other vital issues saw progress,” Tali-  Th  e Taliban said they will fi nalize a   pared  to  the  bruising  competitions   Ayaz  has
         ban spokesperson Zabihullah Muja-  timeline for a ceasefi re in Afghanistan   on the last two occasions — 2013 and   said  that  Saudi Crown
         hid said in a statement emailed to Th  e   but will only open talks with Afghan   2017. Th  e last race was especially ugly   a  work-
         Express Tribune Saturday night.  representatives once the ceasefi re is   because it ended with the resigna-  ing  group  Prince to Visit
             “But since issues of critical na-  implemented.        tion  of  former  High  Commissioner   has  been
         ture need comprehensive discussions;   “Since the United States started   to India Abdul Basit, who was once   f o r m e d    Pakistan
         therefore, it was decided that talks   to engage the Taliban, this by far is the   the Foreign Offi  ce’s rising star. And   to outline the basic features of
         about unsolved matters will resume   closest to a deal,” said Hekmat Khalil   few can forget the spat between the   a model of Riyasat-e-Madina in   Islamabad: Saudi Crown Prince
         in similar future meetings,” Mujahid   Karzai, a former Afghan Deputy For-  former High Commissioner and the   Pakistan.  Muhammad bin Salman is ex-
         further said in the statement. He re-  eign Minister who leads the Center   then  outgoing  Foreign  Secretary  Ai-  Speaking to the media follow-  pected to arrive in Pakistan on
         iterated that the “Islamic Emirate”   for Confl ict and Peace Studies and has   zaz Chaudhry that became public.   ing the two-day meeting of the CII   February 16. He will participate in
         stance during the talks was very clear:   been involved in the peace eff orts for   Th  e 2013 run, meanwhile, was   in Islamabad on Wednesday, he   an international investment con-
         progress on other issues is  impos-  years.                made interesting because of a snafu by   said a task force will be formed to   ference, sources said on Wednes-
         sible until the issue of withdrawal of   “On both sides I sense there is   the PML-N government that recalled   formulate a comprehensive plan   day.
         foreign forces from Afghanistan is   seriousness, I sense there is commit-  Mr Basit from Germany, where he was   for the creation of a Medina-like   Th  e two-day event will be
         agreed upon.                 ment, and I feel there is resolve,” he   posted as ambassador, and appointed   state.     held at a fi ve-star hotel. Th  e date
            However, he dismissed some   was quoted by Th  e New York Times   him  the Foreign Secretary,  but then   Dr  Anwar,  Khursheed  of  the  conference, scheduled  to
         media reports that the Taliban nego-  (NYT).               replaced his nomination with Aizaz   Nadeem, Alama Arif Waheedi and   be held in Islamabad; however, is
         tiators have agreed on a ceasefi re and   Karzai said the  American  side   before he could take charge. Th  at epi-  Dr Farkhunda Zia will be mem-  tentative.
         will hold talks with the Kabul admin-  had shown that seriousness by begin-  sode set up the bitter fi ght witnessed   bers of the group, the CII chief   Pakistan is likely to sign a
         istration.                   ning an eff ort that includes not only   in 2017.           added.                        number of investment deals, in-
            Th  e Taliban spokesperson also   extensive meetings with the Taliban,   In the current race Ambassador   “Th  e CII plays a vital role in   cluding construction of a multi-
         thanked Qatar for its ‘facilitation role’.  but also outreach to all regional actors   to the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg   the law making process and it re-  billion-dollar oil refi nery in the
            Th  e US  representative was  also   and stakeholders, such as Pakistan,   Naghmana Hashmi is the senior most   views all laws formulated by par-  port city of Gwadar, during the
         satisfi ed with the progress in the talks.   Russia and China to cooperate. “I also   followed by Sohail Mahmood, second   liament,” he informed.  Prince’s visit.
         “Meetings here [in Doha] were more   see the resolve on the part of the Tali-  in the seniority, and Ambassador to   As regards the much dis-  Earlier this month, Saudi
         productive than they have been in the   ban,” he said. “I see that they are mov-  Italy Nadeem Riaz and Envoy to   cussed issue of interest on bor-  Adviser for Energy and Mineral
         past. We made signifi cant progress on   ing beyond the standard rhetoric, that   Germany Johar Saleem, in the third   rowing, Dr Ayaz said the Islamic   Resources  Ahmad  Al-Ghamdi
         vital issues,” Zalmay Khalilzad said in   they are not only engaging but seem   and fourth places, respectively. Am-  Council would put an end to the   had disclosed representatives of
         a series of tweets on microblogging   committed to a political settlement.”  bassador Mahmood, Ambassador    interest system in the country   a  Saudi  company,  Aqua  Power,
         site Twitter.                    It will be months or even years   Riaz and Ambassador Saleem are   which would subsequently stop   would be visiting Pakistan soon
            He said the two sides would   before a fi nal peace settlement is   from the same course — 13th Com-  the  process  of  borrowing  foreign   to introduce renewable energy
         build on the momentum and “resume   reached, but this is the fi rst time there   mon — but Mr Mahmood is senior   loans on interest.  technologies, including solar and
         talks shortly”. “We have a number   has been actual progress toward the   in  intra-batch seniority. Th  e other   Speaking  on  the  issue  of  di-  wind power, in the country.
         of issues left  to work out. Nothing is   prospect of peace; all earlier eff orts to   name that is being talked about in   vorce, he said triple divorce is a   According to another report
         agreed until everything is agreed, and   even start talks had failed.  the race for the top slot of Foreign   social issue and the Council had   the Saudi Prince will address the
         ‘everything’ must include an intra-  According to NYT, the human   Offi  ce is Ambassador to the UAE   earlier suggested to penalize such   Pakistani nation during his visit.
         Afghan dialogue and comprehensive   cost has been high: 2,419 American   Moazzam Ahmad, who is far too   an act. “Laws will be formulated   Diplomatic  sources  have  re-
         ceasefi re,” he added.       lives; 1,142 allied lives; at least 62,000   down on the seniority list placed at   with the consultation of the Min-  vealed that an announcement for
            Khalilzad thanked the Qatari   Afghan military and police lives, and   the ninth rung. Ms Hashmi, many   istry of Human Rights to ensure   the biggest investment in the his-
         government, particularly Deputy   possibly as many Taliban lives; more   believe, is not in contention be-  women get their due share in in-  tory of Pakistan is also expected
         Prime Minister Muhammad Bin Ab-  than 14,000 civilian lives over the   cause of her impending retirement   heritance assets.”  during  the  forthcoming  visit  of
         dur Rehman Al Th  ani, who is also the   past decade; and at least twice those   in about a year and a half.  On October 22 last year, Dr   Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.
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