Page 11 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 11
Zardari, Talpur Challenge Supreme PML-N Demands Details of Foreign
Court Order in Fake Accounts Case Loans Taken by Government
the order as “contrary to the
spirit of the rule of law and
the constitutional dispensa-
tion” and urged the court to
“recall and review” its deci-
Last week, NAB
formed a Combined In-
vestigation Team (CIT) to
probe the alleged ‘fake’ bank
accounts and money laun-
dering suspicions against
top Pakistan Peoples Party
leadership, bankers and
players in the real estate
The CIT, which is an
internal NAB mechanism,
was formed by the Bureau’s
Chairman, retired Justice
The review petition argued that there were “no direct allegations” levelled by the JIT against “If accountability is the solution of the economic issue, it can begin from me and my
the petitioners and the report itself had “recommended further probe” against the accused Javed Iqbal, in a high-level cabinet,” former Prime Minister Khaqan Abbasi told reporters
meeting held at the NAB
Islamabad: Former Pres- report and evidence col- FIA (Federal Investigation headquarters. Islamabad: Former Prime Minis- government on establishing the
ident Asif Ali Zardari and lected to the National Ac- Agency) were endorsed by According to an NAB ter Shahid Khaqan Abbasi offered South Punjab province.
his sister Faryal Talpur countability Bureau (NAB) this honorable court vide spokesperson, the SC himself and the federal cabinet he Iqbal said that the govern-
on Monday challenged a for further investigation, order dated Jan 7, 2019, judgement pertaining to headed in the last year of the Paki- ment was ignorant of the ground
verdict passed earlier this directing the anti-corrup- thereby issuing certain di- the fake accounts case was stan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML- realities. “There is no foreign in-
month by the Supreme tion watchdog to wrap up rections which are uncalled reviewed at the NAB meet- N) government for accountability, vestment, hundreds of thousands
Court in a case pertaining its investigation within two for, illegal and require re- ing. NAB chief Javed Iqbal saying that if this was a solution to of people have been rendered un-
to fake accounts, saying months. visit and review,” the peti- is to directly supervise the the economic problems facing the employed. Yet the government is
that the top court “had “In the facts and cir- tion said. official proceedings of the country, then he was ready for it. diverting all its attention on con-
no justification at all” for cumstances of the case and The appeal declared CIT, as per law. Addressing a joint press frontation with the opposition,”
passing an order in the in the light of the JIT report, that the filing of a reference It was decided at the conference with senior Pakistan he added. “This government
case. which has no evidentiary in NAB Rawalpindi was meeting that investigations Muslim League-Nawaz (PML- wasted our efforts of five years.”
Last year, the Joint value in the eyes of law, “unlawful” as the “entire al- into fake bank accounts and N) leaders Marriyum Aurang-
Investigation Team (JIT) this honorable court was leged record” of the case was money laundering would be zeb and Ahsan Iqbal, the former Woman Arrested for
formed by the Supreme not justified at all to pass- in Karachi. The top court, in taken to their logical con- Prime Minister urged the gov- Trying to ‘Sneak’ Grenade
Court had submitted a re- ing any order at all, giving its issued judgement, had clusion in the light of the ernment to declare details of for-
port alleging that a close directions to NAB, thereby directed NAB to file refer- judgement of the apex court eign loans, it was obtaining to the into Pakistani Consulate
nexus had been found be- curtailing rights of the peti- ences against the accused in and on the basis of solid evi- parliament.
tween a troika of Zardari tioners and others,” the ap- an accountability court in dence. The Accountability “If accountability is the solu- Mazar-i-Sharif: A woman was ar-
Group, Bahria Town and peal submitted on Monday Rawalpindi or Islamabad — Bureau has asked the media tion of the economic issue, it can rested after she was caught trying
Omni Group in the ‘fake ac- read. not in Karachi. to meanwhile avoid specu- begin from me and my cabinet,” to “sneak a hand grenade” into the
counts’ scam. The report re- The review petition The review petition lation. Abbasi told reporters. “The cur- Pakistani consulate in the northern
vealed that at least 29 bank argued that there were “no also pointed out that the The apex court had rent situation in the country is in Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif on
accounts had been identi- direct allegations” levelled FIA had so far been unable asked NAB to conclude its front of everyone. The economy Sunday, the Foreign Office said in a
fied as fake which had been by the JIT against the peti- to submit a final chalan in investigation within two is in dire straits. The PTI can- statement.
used for money laundering tioners and the report itself the banking court and the months; those found guilty not run the economy through According to the press re-
of Rs42 billion. had “recommended further petitioners had been willing of corruption will have two tweets,” he added. lease, the Afghan woman had at-
The top court, in an probe” against the accused. to cooperate in the investi- options – either face a refer- However, he asked Prime tempted to carry the grenade into
order passed in the case on “The failure of the gation. ence or ask for a plea bar- Minister Khan to seek details the Pakistan Consulate General
Jan 7, had referred the JIT JIT to probe allegations of The petition termed gain. of assets from his own minis- in her personal bag. She was ar-
PML-N Submits Bill for Creation of ters. “The Prime Minister must rested by police and is currently
under investigation to determine
ask from his ministers the same
who was behind the “failed at-
questions he has been asking
Bahawalpur and South Punjab Provinces from Nawaz Sharif,” Mr Abbasi tack”. The consulate was closed
said. “Economy will not improve
by giving lectures and placing following the incident, the FO
Islamabad: The PML-N on Monday submitted a con- blames.” He warned the PTI of spokesperson said.
stitutional amendment bill in the National Assembly for a strong response if the PML-N “The Embassy of Pakistan in
the creation of the Bahawalpur and South Punjab prov- was blamed for anything. Kabul has urged the Afghan For-
inces. Criticizing the mini-budget eign Office to provide foolproof
The bill was submitted to the NA Secretary by MNAs presented last week, Abbasi said security to its Consulate ... and to
Ahsan Iqbal, Rana Tanvir and Rana Sanaullah. The bill some members could not under- share the findings of its investiga-
demands that Article 1 of the Constitution be amended stand the speech of Finance Min- tion at the earliest.”
to create the Bahawalpur and South Punjab provinces. ister Asad Umar. He demanded As per the press release, the
The Bahawalpur province will consist of the current of the government to bring de- consulate will remain closed for
administrative division that is considered Bahawalpur, tails of foreign loans in the par- visa services till “foolproof secu-
while the current divisions of Dera Ghazi Khan and Mul- liament. “There is no debate on rity” is provided by authorities
tan will constitute the South Punjab province. the budget. Not even for a single in Mazar-i-Sharif to prevent any
The bill also calls for changes to Article 51, which minute.” untoward incident from taking
will facilitate changes in allocation of seats in the Nation- He lamented that there was place at the facility.
al Assembly, making way for representation of the two no merit in the country under the
new provinces in parliament. two should be allocated for minorities. Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) IRS FROM P18
According to the bill, once the amendment is done, The bill also calls for an amendment in Article 154 government. “If there was merit, able to an optometrist who sees pa-
Bahawalpur will have 15 general and three women’s’ of the Constitution, through which a National Commis- Usman Buzdar would not have tients, which is a service business
seats, bringing the total count of seats to 18. The bill also sion for the Creation of New Provinces should be consti- been the Chief Minister of Pun- subject to the cap, and also grinds
calls for the allocation of 38 seats to the South Punjab tuted to deal with the area and other specifications of the jab,” he said. “[Prime Minister] lenses, which is a manufacturing
province. new provinces. Imran Khan and Usman Buzdar business not subject to the cap.
After the amendment, the total number of seats on The bill also says that Article 175(a) of the Constitu- must prove by their actions that Howard Wagner, a national tax
the NA would rise to 326, out of which 266 will be gen- tion should be amended to create principal seats of the they are the followers of the Ma- services partner at Crowe LLP, said
eral seats while 60 will be women-specific seats. Supreme Court and the High Court in the new provinces. dina state,” he added. the final rules deal a blow to real estate
The amendment also calls for relevant changes to be The bill declares that on May 9, 2012 the Punjab As- Speaking on the occasion, owners involved in a popular type of
made in Article 59 of the Constitution. sembly had already approved the creation of these prov- Ahsan Iqbal said the opposition lease known as a triple net lease. The
The amendment also calls for 39 seats of the Punjab inces. did not want to topple the gov- term refers to property owners who
provincial assembly to be allocated for Bahawalpur, out Speaking to the media regarding this development, ernment, rather it would support lease a building to an investor but re-
of which 31 should be general and eight should be wom- PML-N leaders Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Marriyum Au- the government’s public welfare quire the investor to pay for repairs and
en-only. According to the bill, 80 seats should be allocat- rangzeb and Ahsan Iqbal said that their party will sup- projects such as provision of jobs maintenance. Those property owners
ed for the South Punjab province, out of which 64 should port the government unconditionally if it sincerely plans and homes to the poor. He added aren’t eligible for the deduction, he said.
be general seats while 14 should be women-specific and to create the two promised provinces. the PML-N would support the - Los Angeles Times