Page 7 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 1, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P7

                 n By Dr Akbar Ahmed           Birmal and the Great Game - Part I                                        Birmal area deep in Waziristan on the inter-
                  American University                                                                                    national border. Though time has moved on
                    Washington, DC                                                                                       since then, in essence tribal societies, their
                                                                                                                         values, and even to an extent their organiza-
             resident Donald Trump recently made                                                                         tion remain. It is only through the method of
             headlines  when  he  claimed  that  the                                                                     respecting and working with the tribes that
        PSoviets were justified in invading Af-                                                                          government can effectively extend its author-
        ghanistan. It appears that Trump does not                                                                        ity in the Tribal Areas   and administer effi-
                      want America to be in-                                                                             ciently.
                      volved in the Great Game,                                                                             I discussed my Birmal trip in my book
                      and  the  implications  of                                                                         Resistance and Control in Pakistan, first pub-
                      this have not been thought                                                                         lished in 1983, in which I examined how state
                      out, especially with thou-                                                                         administration might be best implemented
                      sands of American troops                                                                           in Muslim tribal society and focused on Wa-
                      still in Afghanistan.                                                                              ziristan. I returned to these themes in my 2013
                          The Great Game, the                                                                            book The Thistle and the Drone: How Amer-
        competition  for  influence  between  the  great                                                                 ica’s War on Terror Became a Global War on
        powers that in the nineteenth century in-                                                                        Tribal Islam.
        cluded the Imperial British, Imperial Russia,                                                                       Before discussing the trip itself, it is nec-
        and Imperial China, was played in this region                                                                    essary to put Waziristan and its people in con-
        which included Central Asia and where it met                                                                     text. The tribes of Waziristan, like tribes   in
        South Asia. Trump’s statement supporting the                                                                     other societies, lived by an ancient code of
        Soviet invasion is akin to Queen Victoria in                                                                     honor here known as Pukhtunwali or the code
        the nineteenth century applauding the Czar’s                                                                     of the Pukhtun. Other central parts of the
        fresh excursions into Afghanistan.    the war on terror in which the Pakistan central   be done to create or escalate confrontation or   code include hospitality and revenge. The peo-
            When I served in Waziristan, the region   government and the tribal periphery have had   tension; the other was the “forward policy”   ple of Waziristan belonged to clans and tribes
        was contested between the US and the Soviet   a difficult relationship.    which advocated a strong confident approach.   and were linked through lineage descent from
        Union and I was on the front lines of that ri-  When I was in Waziristan looking at the   Considering the imminent arrival of the Sovi-  common ancestors. The tribes had what could
        valry and confrontation. When the Soviets   Soviets across the border-and they had already   ets on my borders and the fact that my admin-  be described as an egalitarian and democratic
        invaded Afghanistan in December 1979 I was   been strongly backing the Afghan government   istration had virtually no access to them, I be-  traditional form of government and were gov-
        on the Pakistan side of   the Durand line - the   before their actual invasion - I was conscious   lieved I had no choice but to opt for the latter.  erned by councils of male elders known as
        unmarked international border in Waziristan.   that  anything happening  in that  frontier re-  At  the  time,  Pakistan  government  au-  maliks whose status was earned through feats
        The Great Game is still being played in the   gion could be inflamed and become a much   thority did not extend to the international   of courage, honor, and bravery. The Pukhtun
        region - today the US, China, Russia, India,   larger geo-political issue. I was also conscious   border especially in   the Birmal region, and     of the area lived in thinly populated environ-
        Pakistan and Iran compete for influence.  of the Soviet strategy and their   aims in the   basically did not exist on the ground. There   ments, raised livestock such as goats, and did
            Where Central Asia meets South Asia, lie   Great Game derived from Czarist traditions:   were  no  schools,  offices  or  officials  in  that   not pay taxes.
        the Tribal Areas of Pakistan, which merged   they would not stop at the Khyber Pass and   area. Yet it was critical for Pakistan to be on   Waziristan in history has tradition-
        last year with the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KP)   aim to head south for Karachi and the warm   the international frontier. I realized that in or-  ally been seen as a mysterious land beyond
        province. They are some of the most notori-  waters of the Gulf. I knew that sooner or later   der to extend Pakistan government authority   the pale, a hostile and forbidding zone best
        ously difficult areas for central government to   the Soviet invasion would land on the borders   to the border, I would have to work through   avoided. It is home to two of the major Pukh-
        administer, due to both the inaccessible ter-  of Pakistan, if not inside Pakistan, on its way to   the tribes, the local people of the area. In this   tun tribes, the Wazir and their cousins the
        rain and the independent-minded  Pukhtun   this objective. Afghanistan was thus a means   case, it was the Wazir tribe which extended   Mahsud, considered the fiercest of fighters.
        people who live there. I served in several posts   to an end. If the Soviets were able to achieve   on both sides of the border. I had to win over   Waziristan is characterized by mountains,
        in the Tribal Areas including Political Agent,   this objective, a major goal of the Great Game   the Wazir tribe and then take them with me in   Preghal is the highest peak at 11,500 feet, a
        South Waziristan, and thus acquired some un-  would have been achieved by them.  implementing the forward policy.  varied and often inhospitable landscape rang-
        derstanding of  the region and how to work    There were two policies that tradition-  I will here discuss a case study showing   ing from thick forests to deserts, and an ex-
        there, chiefly by understanding the culture of   ally dominated action in this part of the world   how administration can function successfully   treme climate, with temperatures reaching 120
        the tribes and applying that knowledge. This   during  the  Great  Game.  One  was “masterly   even in a time of tension and political turbu-  degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and well
        is a crucial point to consider in the context of   inactivity” which argued that nothing should   lence in a tribal region through my visit to the   BIRMAL, P24

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