Page 6 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 6

P6  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  FEBRUARY 1, 2019                                                                                             OPINION
                    n By Riaz Haq                Pakistani Mini Invasion of China?
                         CA                                                                                              ference to cover the unfortunate girl’s medical
           n the mid-1960s America saw a phe-
           nomenon called the “British Invasion”.                                                                           Muslims in Changzhou
        IAnecdotal evidence suggests a simi-                                                                                A large number of Muslims call Chang-
        lar phenomenon, albeit on a smaller scale,                                                                       zhou home. There are five mosques in the city.
                    is occurring in China with                                                                           Jalil has had the opportunity to attend Friday
                    about 100,000 Pakistanis ar-                                                                         prayers at packed mosques in the city.  MandS
                    riving there in recent years.                                                                        Restaurant owner offered free meals to over
                    While the growing presence                                                                           200 Muslims as part of Eid  Milad un  Nabi
                    of the Chinese in Pakistan                                                                           (Prophet Mohammad SAW’s birthday) cel-
                    gets a lot of press, there has                                                                       ebration last year.
                    been relatively little cover-
        age of the movement of people in the other                                                                          China-Pakistan Ties
        direction---from Pakistan to China.                                                                                 Pakistan-China ties are rapidly growing
            Jalil  Shaikh,  a  Pakistani-American  tech                                                                  well beyond the economy and the military do-
        executive in Silicon Valley, has observed this                                                                   mains with tens of thousands of Chinese and
        phenomenon during his frequent visits to                                                                         Pakistani citizens regularly traveling between
        Jiangsu province in China. Jalil is often wel-                                                                   the two countries.
        comed as “iron brother” by the people he                                                                            More Pakistanis than ever are learning
        meets during his stays in China.                                                                                 the Chinese language. With its world class
                                                                                                                         educational institutions, China is emerging
            Pakistanis in Changzhou                                                                                      as one of the top destinations for Pakistanis
            Jalil saw anecdotal of evidence of a “Paki-                                                                  studying abroad. China-Pakistan relationship
        stani invasion” of China in the city of Chang-                                                                   is becoming a truly multi-dimensional strate-
        zhou in Jiangsu province. Changzhou has a                                                                        gic relationship.   This new phenomenon is the
        population of about 5 million people which   Pakistanis in Changzhou, China                                      subject of a Pakistani spice company televi-
        makes it a medium size city by Chinese stan-  dozens  of  Pakistanis  working  as engineers.   Karaoke singing at MandS Restaurant. About   sion  commercial featuring a  young  Chinese
        dards. It is an educational hub and is home   They work as IT engineers at German auto-  40 Pakistanis, mostly students, showed up.   woman in Lahore making the popular biryani
        to several universities, including Changzhou   makers BMW and Mercedes whose Beijing   Many of the Changzhou Pakistanis, including   dish using Shan masala.
        University, Hohai University (Changzhou   offices are located just across the street from   girls, are from families living in small towns
        campus), Jiangsu Teachers’ University of Sci-  the hotel.                  and villages in Pakistan. Many get fully funded   China’s Strides in Science and Technol-
        ence and Technology, Jiangsu Teachers’ Uni-  On a visit to Changzhou last year, Jalil ate   scholarships with full tuition, room and board   ogy
        versity of Technology, and Changzhou Insti-  at MandS Restaurant,  a Pakistani restaurant   as well as a stipend of 1700 RMB for Master’s   Why is China becoming a fast growing
        tute of Technology. It attracts a large number   in the city of Changzou. He met its Pakistani   degree students and 2000 RMB for PhD can-  destination for foreign students, including
        of foreign students mainly from countries par-  owner and several young Pakistanis attending   didates. China gets the benefit of the research   Pakistanis studying abroad? A story in India’s
        ticipating in China’s BRI (Belt and Road Ini-  universities there. He learned that there were   work and publications produced by them.  “The Wire” online magazine has explained it
        tiative). China-Pakistan Economic Corridor   scores of Pakistanis in Changzou and most of                        in terms of the rapid rate of China’s progress in
        (CPEC) is a flagship project of BRI.    them were reachable on a WeChat  group. We-  Spinal Injury               Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
            There are an estimated 22,000 Pakistani   Chat is a ubiquitous smartphone application   A Pakistani girl who had recently arrived   (STEM) fields as follows:
        students studying in China. A significant frac-  similar to WhatsApp that serves as both mo-  had a serious mishap soon after arrival from   America’s National Science Foundation
        tion of these students receive Chinese govern-  bile messaging and payment platform. Owned   her village near Multan. She slipped and fell.   and National Science Board have recently re-
        ment scholarships to study in the country.  by Chinese social media giant TenCents, We-  The fall caused serious spinal injuries requir-  leased their biennial science and engineering
                                              Chat competes with China’s e-commerce be-  ing hospitalization and surgery. This occurred   indicators which provide detailed figures on
            Pakistanis in Beijing             hemoth Alibaba’s Alipay in mobile payments   before  her  medical coverage  started. The   research and development (R&D), innovation
            Jalil has travelled to the Chinese capital   space which has rapidly grown in China.  Jalil   hospital demanded payment of RMB 35,000   and engineers. But its true message is in a dif-
        Beijing for business. During one such trip, he   joined the Pakistani WeChat group in Chang-  which is equivalent to US$5,000. Pakistanis   ferent direction, “China has become,”
        stayed at the Oak Chateau Hotel where he met   zhou and invited its members to dinner and   helped raise $4,000 and Jalil made up the dif-  INVASION, P26

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