Page 8 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 8

P8  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  FEBRUARY 1, 2019                                                                                             OPINION
             n By Dr Basheer Ahmed Khan            A Brief History of Migrations - 1                                     have their roots in this old consciousness.
                   Garden Grove, CA                                                                                         Th  en there was migration brought about
           thought of reviewing the history of mi-                                                                       by  the colonizers.  Africans  were  brought  to
           gration in brief at this time because mi-                                                                     Americas and South Asians were sent to Bur-
        I  gration is a major issue. It is rooted in                                                                     ma, Malaysia, South Africa, and Caribbean
        past history and current economic climate                                                                        islands  to improve the economic potential  of
        aff ecting the political dynamic of our world                                                                    the colonized lands and to consolidate the hold
        and vitiating the racial, ethnic and religious                                                                   of colonizers on it. People who changed these
        climate in every part of the globe. In our at-                                                                   countries from real jungles to concrete jungle
        tempt to establish a New World Order based                                                                       through their sweat and blood are now alien-
        on a democratic system in the world, which                                                                       ated by the locals aft er the colonizers left  these
        was rooted in a dictatorial system, we have                                                                      lands granting them independence.
        destroyed  the  old  order  and  brought  mil-                                                                      Another form of migration was the re-
        lions of refugees and migrants at the borders                                                                    sult of punishment to the dangerous criminal
        of America and Europe. Th  e New World                                                                           elements from the civilized nations of Europe
        Order is a far cry and the world is a victim of                                                                  and India. European criminals were banished
        rivalry between countries and people who                                                                         to Australia and Indian criminals to Andaman
        are competing with one another to establish                                                                      and Nicobar in the hope of keeping them sepa-
        their world view on the world and in the                                                                         rated from the civilized world by huge oceans.
        words of Gen Colin Powell, we broke it and                                                                       Even though Andaman and Nicobar remains a
        we own it now.                                                                                                   part of India, Australia became an Independent
            History of mankind is history of migra-                                                                      nation of British Commonwealth welcoming
        tion. It started with Adam and Eve and is con-                                                                   economic migrants from all over the world
        tinuing today. Th  is migration has been under-                                                                  and putting others in the camps of Papua New
        taken for diff erent reasons. Adam and Eve were   earth, their progeny has been constantly on the   to have moved from Central Asia to India.   Guinea.
        forced to leave the Garden of Eden aft er eating   move, even though they have evolved from no-  Abraham AS went into self-imposed exile   Russian Czar transferred Chechens from
        from the “Forbidden Tree”. God did not want to   mads to urbanites. Some believe that Adam and   from Mesopotamia to the Promised Land aft er   Chechnya to Siberia aft er an unsuccessful re-
        spoil His garden with the fi lth which Adam and   Eve were dropped in Africa from where their   refusing to accept idols carved by his uncle and   volt by (Imam) Shamil against the czars to
        his progeny would create as a consequence of   progeny spread all over the world changing the   father as God. He did not have much problem   liberate  Chechnya.  USSR  allowed  them  back
        this eating. He created a whole world for Adam   color of the skin and the traits of behavior dic-  in getting asylum in the Promised Land be-  to Chechnya aft er the Red Revolution. When
        and his progeny and put them there with the   tated by the vagaries of the land to which they   cause it was ruled by God and Alexander the   the Red Revolution lost to Capitalist enterprise
        advice to use it sensibly and preserve it or de-  moved. Some believe that Adam and Eve were   Great had not gone there yet. Joseph AS moved   dismantling the USSR, Gen Dudayev, with his
        stroy it by ignoring the teachings of prophets   dropped in the Arabian Peninsula where their   from the Promised Land to Egypt as a result   ambition of becoming the Emir of Chechnya,
        against greed. It is unfortunate that the progeny   progeny lived till the Floods of Noah. When the   of sibling rivalry and later got all his estranged   fanned the smoldering fi re of freedom. Even
        of Adam is not only spoiling His world but also   arc of Noah landed on the earth, the progeny   brothers and their families to Egypt. Children   though Dudayev was a general of the Red
        destroying it. As the fi ve land masses given to   of the three children of Noah - Sam, Ham and   of Israel lived their happily for 500 years when   Army  he  did not  understand  that  Chechnya
        him were not enough man has encroached on   Japheth,  which are now recognized as Cauca-  they suff ered the fi rst genocide (male infanti-  being part of the Russian Federation will not
        the seven seas. We see giant whales dead and   sian, colored and Turkic race inhabited the dif-  cide). Moses “liberated” them and took them to   be permitted to secede like the other states of
        alive coming to our shores to protest the on-  ferent parts of the then known land to acquire   wander in Sinai for 40 years as the land prom-  the USSR. Gen. Dudayev was killed by a Rus-
        slaught of man against their species by pollut-  their specifi c physical and racial traits. It is be-  ised to them by God was occupied by Philis-  sian missile which detected his location from
        ing their habitat. Poor nature lovers who love   lieved that Red Indians moved from Mongolia   tines  during  their  absence  for  500  years  and   a signal from his cell phone. His death handed
        the sea and the surf are sometimes their vic-  to America when Alaska was still connected to   they did not have the means to fi ght and take   over the revolution to less experienced and
        tims. Th  e economic brutes that are responsible   Siberia. Sabaeans seems to have moved from   it back.         more radical leaders. Gen Dudayev did not be-
        for this pollution of seas care less for nature,   Yemen to the Jordan valley when Sheba gave   Th  e uncertainty looming on the migrants   come Emir but he hastened the amalgamation
        ecology or human lives.               her country to Solomon aft er falling in love   of modern times therefor has a parallel in an-  of Russia in the emerging Capitalist Enterprise.
            Ever since the arrival of Adam and Eve on   with him and his religion. Aryans are reported   cient history as it is being created by those who   MIGRATIONS, P26

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