Page 28 - Pakistan Link - February 1, 2019
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 but that shouldn’t be a reason to be “That’s a bad idea that can ac- ghanistan about four decades ago. While Zaman was at the crease,
evidence of the truth: yet, behold, disrespectful towards them. We must tually result in reduced protein and He said that 95 per cent work on Pakistan were on course for a big to-
notwithstanding all this, many of stop considering these snide terms as calorie intake over the long term,” she resettlement of internally displaced tal. He was fourth out after a 73-ball
them go on committing all manner harmless because they are not. – The said. persons (IDPs) had already been ac- innings when the total was 128 in the
of excesses on earth. Express Tribune — Kaiser Health News (Kaiser complished. Talking about the Pash- 25th over.
Chapter 5, Verse 82 (The author is a student and a Health News is an editorially indepen- tun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), he But the scoring rate slowed af-
Will they not, then, try to under- sports loving geek. For him, cricket is dent news service and is a program of claimed that most of their demands ter his dismissal, with only 49 runs
stand this Qur’an? Had it issued from life, followed by football) the Kaiser Family Foundation). had already been met, while the rest, scored in the next 15 overs.
any but God, they would surely have if any, could be sorted out through a
found in it many an inner contradic- PAKISTANI FROM P20 PPP FROM P1 dialogue process.
tion! has turned bitter. We thought that Khan is running the Parliament is
Chapter 5, Verse 86 the worst was over, that ‘true’ democ- counter-productive for the country. AASIA FROM P1 Pakistan to
But when you are greeted with racy had returned to Pakistan and He claimed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto confirmed that I am free and I will be
a greeting [of peace], answer with an politicians would now rule — fixing had dismissed Imran’s father for cor- going to hug my daughters,” a friend Launch Diaspora
even better greeting, or [at least] with all that had gone wrong. The 10 years ruption. “Bhutto was the first elected quoted Bibi as saying. The friend
the like thereof. Verily God keeps of exile and powerlessness had also Prime Minister and he was the one spoke to The Associated Press on Bond on
count indeed of all things. given the politicos a sheen of compe- who introduced the concept of one condition of anonymity fearing for January 31st
Chapter 5, Verses 110-111 tence and maturity. But it was yet an- individual, one vote,” he said. his own safety.
Yet he who does evil or [other- other shab gazida sahar (night-bitten Bilawal visited various depart- As the hearing started at 1pm,
wise] sins against himself, and there- dawn). ments of the Gambat Institute of petitioner Qari Muhammad Salaam’s Islamabad: The Pakistan govern-
after prays God to forgive him, shall Ten years later, the anger has Medical Sciences (GIMS) and in- lawyer Ghulam Ikram presented his ment is set to launch a dollar-de-
find God much-forgiving, a dispens- grown for it seems that decision mak- quired after the under-treatment arguments before a three-member nominated diaspora bond – Pakistan
er of grace: for he who commits a sin, ing was never transferred. But be- patients. Sindh Chief Minister Mu- bench, headed by Chief Justice Khosa Banao Certificate (PBC) – on January
commits it only to his own hurt; and cause the hope this time was greater, rad Ali Shah, provincial minister and comprising Justice Qazi Faez Isa 31 to tap into the international sav-
God is indeed all-knowing, wise. so has the rage been too. And perhaps Suhail Anwer Sial, Manzoor Hus- and Justice Mazhar Alam Khan Mi- ings of overseas Pakistanis for build-
because the urban middle class fought sain Wasan, Nafeesa Shah, Javed ankhel. The lawyer had demanded ing foreign exchange reserves.
SARFRAZ FROM P21 for this transition in greater numbers Ali Shah, Gazala Sial and other PPP that a larger bench be made for the Finance Minister Asad Umar told
also gives them the mild idea of be- than before, the disappointment is workers as well notables of the area review petition, saying it should in- Dawn that the certificates would be of
ing superior. Thus, this racist attitude greater. They are angry for they can- and senior officials were present on clude Islamic scholars and ulama. two maturities – one of three years at
becomes a part of them without being not see the change they had fought for the occasion. “How is this a matter of reli- about 6.25pc return and another with
conscious about it. or protested against. gion?” asked the CJP. “Has the verdict five-year maturity carrying 6.75pc re-
This attitude stems from our The judiciary turned out to have FBR FROM P1 not been given on merit?” turn. Four banks had been selected to
fetish-isation of white color and fair feet of clay. The military didn’t really He regretted that the previous “The verdict was given on the complete the transactions, he added.
complexion. Beauty creams are thriv- share as much as they had promised. governments had ignored the weak- basis of testimonies; does Islam say Another official said the PBC
ing, and cosmetic business is bur- And the politicians didn’t deliver the nesses in the tax system and the task that one should be punished even if would be launched worldwide jointly
geoning just because we as a nation reform or show any inclination for of increasing the tax base. they are found not guilty? by the government and the State Bank
have an inane desire of being gora democratic norms once in power. A country where 30 percent of “Prove to us what [you believe] of Pakistan. The rules governing the
(white). This contempt for dark com- And we continue to rail, against all of the budget was being spent on pay- is wrong with the verdict,” said Chief certificates were approved by the fed-
plexion is why we are bridled with them or the one we had placed most ment of interest on loans, ignoring Justice Khosa. eral cabinet on Thursday because it
this derision and we very well know it, hope in, or the one we hated most. loopholes in the present tax system When the lawyer pointed to was the first ever transaction of its na-
though we are in denial. Matrimonial In addition, the rage has turned was a criminal negligence, he added. the verdict mentioning “burden of ture that targeted only overseas Paki-
ads start with demands of fair com- into hatred of the institution that has He observed that in the past, due proof” being on the petitioner, the stanis.
plexion, rishta talks – even among disappointed us the most. Indeed, to harassment caused to public and Judge asked: “Do you disagree with “It will be an open-ended trans-
the educated, affluent class – end with the anger is expressed with malicious business community, complicated this rule?” action and its size would depend on
the demand of fair complexion. All glee at times: the Sahiwal incident is system of tax recovery, corruption “The verdict did not take into the response from Pakistanis abroad,”
because for us, white is normal and a case in point, as was the controver- and spending of tax money on the account some views [of the witnesses’ the official said adding that while the
anything else is unacceptable. sial statement by a former High Court lavish lifestyle of the rulers, the ordi- testimonies],” argued the lawyer. “If a transaction would build reserves, the
I am a student at the Univer- judge, Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui, or any nary citizens had lost their trust in the testimony isn’t further examined [by country’s balance of payments needs
sity of Karachi. It is one of the few terrorist attack which reveals chinks system and FBR. the lawyers], it is understood to be for the current year have already been
universities in our country where in the armor of the security forces. He stressed upon restoration of true.” secured. “Obviously we have some
international students still choose to And, of course, the various JITs re- such trust. “You should talk on the merits numbers in mind which cannot be dis-
study and most of them are from Af- vealing the shenanigans of our politi- About Benami assets, the Prime [of the verdict],” the top Judge re- closed until the D-day,” he responded
rica. I know very well that many lo- cal ruling class. Minister directed for early comple- marked. to another query.
cal students have a racial bias towards It is as if we have no option but tion of rules under the relevant legal “The beauty of a Muslim com-
these students and use racist terms to express our rage, so all energy is provisions. munity is that non-Muslims are taken
care of,” said the CJP, addressing the FTA with United
like ‘kaala’ and ‘habshi’; African stu- poured into it.
dents will testify to this. Whenever But expressing outrage, however RAHAT FROM P1 lawyer. “First talk about the merit and
they are seen on roads, people start cathartic it may be, is not a strategy, had allegedly got Rs 2.42 crore tell us where the flaw is. States Difficult,
whispering and snickering behind which is what Cameron Munter was through illegal means of which he re- “First tell us where the testimony
their backs. Our attitude immediately trying to say. (The writer is a journal- portedly smuggled Rs 1.6 crore. was read incorrectly [by the court]. Says Dawood
changes towards them. ist) The report further says Indian What Islam says about it will be dis-
So, are we still not going to rec- authorities have grilled Rahat Fateh cussed later. Lahore: Adviser to the Prime Min-
ognize racism as our collective prob- DIET FROM P26 on the smuggling charge. “Islam says that the person tes- ister on Commerce, Textile, and In-
lem? geriatric medicine at Wake Forest If the authorities were not con- tifying should be truthful, even if dustry Abdul Razak Dawood said
Being the captain of the Pakistan School of Medicine in North Caro- vinced by Khan’s response, he would speaking the truth means implicat- on Monday that though Pakistan is
team and representing us internation- lina. Otherwise, “I would typically be fined 300 per cent of the amount ing your loved ones. If we have not helping America in restoring peace in
ally, Sarfraz should have represented recommend having some animal smuggled. read the testimony correctly, we will Afghanistan, a Free Trade Agreement
himself and his country better. His protein in your diet.” As long as red The report further says that if rectify it immediately,” said the Chief (FTA) with the US is very difficult.
comments while embarrassing also meat is lean and you don’t eat it too the singer fails to pay the fine, a look- Justice. “Pakistan is doing a great job in
point towards our racist tendencies. often, “that’s okay,” Houston said. out notice will be served on him and Reiterating what Chief Justice this regard. But when we talk about
Since the news came out, he has apol- Supplements: What about a ban would prevent him from per- Khosa had asked multiple times dur- the FTA with the United States it is
ogized for his comments; however, powdered or liquid protein supple- forming in India. ing the hearing, Justice Isa asked: very difficult as it will take five to sev-
his apology is meek. It seems that he ments? “There’s generally no need “Tell us what the flaw in the verdict en years,” Dawood said when asked by
is more sorry for being caught pass- for supplements unless someone is FENCE FROM P1 is.” the media to comment on the reported
ing racist slurs than actually feeling malnourished, sick or hospitalized,” year. “We will not hear the case again,” statement by US Republican Senator
remorse for uttering them. Volpi said. The visit of media persons was remarked the CJP. “We are hearing Lindsey Graham that Pakistan may be
We deny being racist because In a new study, not yet pub- conducted for the first time in the [the petition] for the satisfaction of offered an FTA if it renders full sup-
like many of our other problems, it’s lished, she examined the feasibility country’s history as earlier no such those who gave fatwas [on the ver- port and cooperation over restoring
something we don’t want to acknowl- of supplementing the diets of older activity could have happened as it dict] without reading it.” peace and bringing Taliban together
edge and that saves us from the oner- adults discharged from the hospital had been a no-go area for civilians for a dialogue.
ous task of addressing it. But things with extra protein for a month. Pre- and even security forces. CRICKET FROM P1 “We would be very happy if they
need to change. Saying that we are not liminary data, yet to be confirmed in Giving a break-up, the ISPR he was “extremely happy” with the (the US) offer us the FTA but it will
racist, while time and again proving a larger clinical trial, shows that “this chief said that about 1,200km of the way his team had played. take a long time,” he said.
to the contrary, is not going to solve can improve recovery from a hospi- total 2,600km border with Afghani- “Our best performance came Mr Dawood was responding to
the problem at hand. We should start talization,” Volpi said. stan was in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa tonight in a crunch game,” said Du various questions raised by reporters
at home. All the condescending terms “The first line of defense should and the rest in Balochistan. Plessis. “The bowling was excellent during a media talk after he inaugu-
should be eschewed. People shouldn’t always be real food,” said Samantha Earlier, 11 Corps Commander and the fielding was really good. And rated the 5th Pakistan Mega Leather
be called by any names other than Gallo, assistant director of clinical Lt Gen Shaheen and his team sepa- when Quinny plays like he did to- Show-2019 at the Lahore Expo Center.
their real names. No distinct feature nutrition at Mount Sinai Hospital in rately arranged a briefing for the night he’s extremely difficult to bowl When questioned whether or not
should be a reason for mocking any- New York. “But if someone isn’t able media persons at the Corps Head- to.” the PTI-led government expected im-
one. to consume a turkey sandwich and quarters, Peshawar. The corps com- While man-of-the-match De provement in free trade relations with
Parents should teach their chil- would rather sip a protein shake dur- mander said that after the end of the Kock sealed the win with his dazzling India via the Wagah border, the ad-
dren to embrace the differences in ing the day, we’ll try that.” war in the area troops were now in strokeplay, South Africa’s bowlers viser said: “It depends on the improve-
a respected manner. They should But older adults should not rou- the process of consolidation while played a significant role by restricting ment in political relations between
be taught that there are people who tinely drink protein shakes instead of steps were in hand to resettle about Pakistan to 240 for eight despite an Pakistan and India. An FTA with India
might look a bit different from them meals, Gallo said. 4,000 families, who had gone to Af- aggressive 70 by Fakhar Zaman. is not easy at the moment.”