Page 13 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                           MAY 17, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13

               Pakistan Stock Exchange Experiences                                                Protests in Indian-Occupied Kashmir

            Bloodbath, Benchmark Sheds 937 Points                                                        over Rape of Three-Year-Old

                                                                            attached with the IMF
                                                                            bailout package respon-
                                                                            sible for the bearish rule at
                                                                            the bourse.
                                                                                “As a result of the at-
                                                                            tached conditions by the
                                                                            IMF, heavy taxation is to
                                                                            be  slapped on  the con-
                                                                            sumers  to  improvise  the
                                                                            target collection by a fur-
                                                                            ther PKR650-700bn trig-
                                                                            gering further inflation-
                                                                            ary pressures and slowing
                                                                            down economic growth.”
                                                                                He  added that  dai-
                                                                            ly traded value for the
                                                                            100 Index increased to
                                                                            $33.6mn from $10.9mn in
                                                                            the previous session.
                                                                                Another senior ana-
        Karachi:  The Pakistan   33,900 points down 816   value. The Maple Leaf Ce-  lyst Ahsan Mehanti also   Srinagar:  Large parts of Indian-  In a tweet, he said the incident
        Stock Exchange (PSX),   points or 2.4 per cent.   ment (MLCF) followed   shared the same views.   occupied Kashmir (IOK) erupted in   was another brutal reminder of the
        a day  after the govern-  The benchmark touched a   with 7.1m shares whereas   “Investors fear impact of   protest on Monday over the rape of   humanitarian nightmare  in  occu-
        ment announced a $6bn   day’s high at 35,228 points   its shares lost 4.98pc of   prior actions and agreed   a three-year-old child.  pied Kashmir.
        International  Monetary  up 512 points during first   their value. The Bank of   conditions in the up-  Last Wednesday, a car mechan-
        Fund  (IMF)  package,  ex-  few minutes of the session.   Punjab (BoP), Pakistan   coming budget, leading   ic, a neighbor of the victim’s family,   Indian
        perienced a bloodbath on   It touched a day’s bottom   International Bulk Termi-  to increase in taxes and   allegedly lured the child into the toi-
        Monday, with the bench-  at 33,779 points down 816   nal Ltd (PIBTL) and Unity   utility prices to obtain  a   let of a nearby school and sexually   Opposition
        mark KSE-100 Shares In-  points or 2.4pc near the   Foods Limited (UNITY)   39-month Extended Fund   assaulted her.
        dex shedding 937 points   end of the session.  followed with 6.8m shares,   Facility (EFF) for $6b,” the   The accused, from the Sumbal   Mocks Modi’s
        — a loss of more than 2.7   As many as 89.9 mil-  6.5m shares and 4.7 m   analyst said.   area north of Srinagar and thought
        per cent — during intra-  lion shares of the  bench-  shares changing hands.   “The agreement is   to be 20 years old, has already been   Claim
        day trading.           mark companies, worth   Their shares also lost value   subject to IMF Board ap-  arrested.
            Trading opened at   Rs4.7 billion, changed   by 6.5pc, 8.2pc, and 8.4pc   proval and timely imple-  On  Monday,  allegations  Delhi: Indian opposition leaders on
        34,716 points and showed   hands during the session.  respectively.  mentation of economic   emerged that the principal of anoth-  Sunday mocked Prime Minister Na-
        an upward activity for a   The K-Electric Lim-   Mohammad Faizan,   policies to resolve low   er school issued a certificate for the   rendra Modi for claiming that he had
        few minutes before adopt-  ited (KEL) led the most   an analyst and head of for-  growth, high inflation,   accused that he was a minor, spark-  given the Indian Air Force the green
        ing a negative trajectory   active stocks as 9.8 million   eign institutional sales at   high indebtedness and   ing anger and triggering protests   signal to proceed with airstrikes in
        for the rest of the session.  shares changed hands. Its   the Next Capital Limited,   weak external position,”   across the occupied valley.  Balakot on February 26 despite bad
                                                                                                      At least a dozen people, includ-
            The market closed at   shares lost 5.69pc of their   held the tough conditions   he added.  ing  government forces personnel,   weather because “the clouds could
                                                                                                                                actually help our planes escape the
                 US Transfers Funds Meant for Pakistan                                            were injured when tear gas and pel-  radars”.
                                                                                                                                    Communist Party of India
                                                                                                  let shotguns were fired to quell the
                       for Building Mexico Border Wall                                            protests in many towns, police offi-  (Marxist) General Secretary Sitaram
                                                                                                  cer Swayam Prakash Pani said.
                                                                                                                                Yechury described the prime min-
                                                                                                      “One of the injured protestors is   ister’s remarks as shameful. “Most
                                                                    increasing attacks  on  civilian  and   critically wounded,” Pani said.  importantly, because  they  insult
                                                                    military targets.                 “We have registered a separate   our Air Force as being ignorant and
                                                                        “We made steady but slow   case against the school principal and   unprofessional,” Yechury said. “The
                                                                    progress on aspects of the frame-  detained him for questioning.”  fact that he is talking about all this is
                                                                    work for ending the Afghan war.   Thousands also protested in   itself anti-national, no patriot would
                                                                    We are getting into the nitty gritty.   Srinagar and clashed with the occu-  do this.”
                                                                    The devil is always in the details,” he   pying forces.         The CPI(M) leader said na-
                                                                    wrote in a tweet.                 Across  the  held  valley,  thou-  tional security was not something
                                                                        “However, the current pace of   sands of security forces wearing riot   to be trifled with. “Such an irrespon-
                                                                    talks isn’t sufficient when so much   gear were deployed to contain the   sible statement from Modi is highly
                                                                    conflict rages and innocent people   spreading protests.    damaging,” he added. “Somebody
                                                                    die. We need more and faster prog-  A police statement later on   like this cannot remain India’s prime
                                                                    ress. Our proposal for all sides to   Monday said that protests had   minister.”
                                                                    reduce violence also remains on the   spread to northern Baramulla dis-  Yechury’s party alleged that
                                                                    table,” he added.             trict where 47 security personnel   Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and
                                                                        US and Taliban representatives   and seven protestors were injured in   Rashtriya  Swayamsevak  Sangh
                                                                    have held six rounds of direct talks   the clashes.         (RSS) workers lack “rationality and
                                                                    since October in Doha, Qatar, to   The security personnel used   scientific temper” and that the prime
                                                                    end the 18-year war in Afghanistan.   tear gas on the angry stone-pelting   minister was no different.
        Acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan speaks with troops and   The latest round of negotiations   protestors in the region. Schools   National Conference leader
        border patrol officials near the US-Mexico border in McAllen, Texas, US   with the Taliban ended on Thurs-  across IOK were shut down sponta-  Omar Abdullah took a dig at the BJP
        on May 11, 2019                                             day.                          neously as did shops and businesses.  for deleting a tweet about Modi’s
                                      these funds come from an Afghan   The Afghan government, how-   Hundreds of students at three   claim.
               n By Anwar Iqbal       security forces account while an   ever, is not involved in the talks as   university campuses also protested,   “Looks like the tweet got lost
                                      unspecified amount was taken from   the Taliban refused to sit with Ka-  demanding capital punishment for   in the clouds,” Abdullah tweeted.
        Washington: The United States is   the funds previously meant for Pak-  bul, after calling it a US “puppet”.   the alleged perpetrator and action   “Luckily there are screen shots float-
        transferring $1.5 billion meant for   istan.                Taliban spokesman Zabihullah   against the school principal.  ing around to help.”
        Afghanistan and Pakistan to a fund   “The funds were culled from a   Mujahid, however, has called the   Lawyers abstained from work   The National Conference leader
        to build the Mexican border wall,   variety of sources, to include unex-  current round of talks “positive”,   in the courts on Monday to express   sarcastically added that Pakistani ra-
        says acting Defense Secretary Pat-  ecuted prior year funds, the suspen-  adding that “progress” was made on   solidarity with the victim.  dars do not penetrate clouds.
        rick Shanahan.                sion of reimbursements to Pakistan,   some points but others were “yet to   Condemnations of the crime   “This  is  an  important  piece
            The funds have been repro-  and costs reductions in a series of   be finalized”.      poured in from leaders from across   of tactical information that will be
        grammed  despite  an increase  in   contracts,” Secretary Shanahan said.  The talks have, so far, focused   the political spectrum appealing for   critical when planning future air
        attacks inside Afghanistan and a   The Pentagon announced that   on two key points: the full with-  calm, with freedom leader Mirwaiz   strikes,” he added.
        complaint by the US chief negotia-  the reprogrammed money will be   drawal of foreign forces from Af-  Umar Farooq saying the incident   Congress spokesperson Sanjay
        tor that peace talks with the Taliban   used to build more than 120 miles   ghanistan and ensuring that Af-  was “a crime against humanity”.  Jha tweeted, “Modi ji yeh radar hai,
        are not moving at a sufficient pace.  of barriers along the US-Mexico   ghanistan is not used as a base to   Syed Ali Geelani, said the al-  please remove your Rayban and see
            “We reprogrammed $1.5 bil-  border.                     harm other countries.         leged crime was “a black stain on the   the clouds again.”
        lion towards the construction of   Ambassador Zalmay  Khalil-   Sher  Mohammad     Abbas  social fabric” of Kashmir.        Peoples Democratic Party chief
        more than 120 miles of border bar-  zad, who heads the US team negoti-  Stanekzai, the head of the Taliban’s            Mehbooba Mufti said Modi’s logic
        rier without impacting readiness,”   ating a peace deal with the Taliban,   political office in Doha, and Mullah   Pakistan condemns incident  was painfully embarrassing.
        Mr Shanahan said in a statement   said on Friday that the peace talks   Baradar, a co-founder of the mili-  Foreign Office Spokesperson   “No secret that Balakot strikes
        released late Friday.         were not only moving at a slow   tant group, were leading the Taliban   Dr Muhammad Faisal also slammed   failed to hit the intended target,”
            More than $600 million of   place but had also failed to halt   team in the talks. – Dawn   the assault on the three-year-old.  MODI, P26
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