Page 18 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY 17, 2019                                                                                         COMMUNITY
                        Global Beat Foundation Launches Amazing China in the USA

        From left: Nuzaira Azam welcomes the author and the audience, Manzar Naqvi delivers introductory remarks about his book, the author presents a copy of his book to the GBF President
              n  By Dr Zafar Iqbal        In her welcome address GBF   development in China, especially by   Middle East, Latin America and   shared with the audience his expe-
                                       President Nuzaira Azam highlighted   way of Th  e Belt and Road Initiative   Africa.  He also informed the gath-  riences of travel in Turkey and the
              mazing China, a third trav-  the aims and objectives of the Foun-  (BRI).  Belt refers to the overland   ering that around 80 countries are   country’s  development.  During  the
              elogue book written by   dation.  Following a brief introduc-  routes for road and rail transporta-  participating in this gigantic pro-  question-and-answer session, Naqvi
         AManzar Naqvi, Executive      tion of the author and his book,   tion, called “the Silk Road Economic   gram.  India will soon be joining the   answered several questions from the
         Editor, Th  e Financial Daily, Ka-  she  invited  Manzar  Naqvi  to  share   Belt”; whereas road refers to the sea   program.   audience about Pak-China relations
         rachi and Lahore, and Secretary-  his experiences in China and what   routes or the 21st Century Maritime   He informed the China-Paki-  and appreciated the interest of Paki-
         General Karachi Editors Club   prompted him to write the book.  Silk Road. Th  e BRI signifi es a de-  stan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is   stani Americans in the development
         (KEC), was launched at a ceremo-  Manzar Naqvi recounted the   velopment strategy adopted by the   the fl agship project of BRI with an   of Pakistan-USA relations.
         ny arranged by Th  e Global Beat   long-standing Sino-Pak relations   Chinese government that involves   investment of 62 billion dollars by   On behalf of KEC, Manzar
         Foundation (GBF) at the Ashburn   and the progress in China in vari-  infrastructure expansion and invest-  China while the total investment   Naqvi presented an honorary mem-
         Library Hall, Ashburn, Virginia on   ous fi elds, especially during the last   ment in 152 countries and interna-  in the BRI Program is estimated   bership certifi cate to Nuzaira Azam
         Saturday, May 4th 2019.       decade. He lauded the remarkable   tional organizations in Europe, Asia,   at 10 trillion US dollars.  He also   on the occasion.
                Breaking the Fast at the                             Dietary Advice for  First Arab American Author Named

           Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah                              People Fasting up to               Young People’s Poet Laureate
                                                                    15 Hours and More

                                                                    Riyadh:  As part of its eff orts to
                                                                    raise awareness during Ramadan,
                                                                    the Saudi Ministry of Health has
                                                                    published dietary advice and tips
                                                                    on its Twitter and other social
                                                                    media sites for fasting Muslims.
                                                                        Th  e tips include a selection of
                                                                    foods perfect for rehydration, in-
                                                                    cluding vegetables and fruits, and
                                                                    of complex carbohydrates like
                                                                    brown bread which contribute to
                                                                    stabilizing blood sugar levels.
                                                                        As fasting people spend up to
                                                                    15 hours without food at a time,
                                                                    the ministry suggests starting if-  n By Michael Schaub
                                                                    tar meals with dates, soup and                              has contributed to the city’s literary
                                                                    light foods rich in vitamins and   aomi Shihab Nye has become   scene in immeasurable ways.
                                                                    easy to digest. In addition, diver-  the fi rst Arab American au-  “Just about every poet I know in
                                                                    sity is essential, with protein-rich  Nthor to be named the Young   San Antonio had contact with Naomi
                                                                    ingredients including meat and  People’s Poet Laureate.     at some point,” he said. “Th  at was her
                                                                    dairy  products  contributing to   Nye, a Palestinian American writ-  mission worldwide, to help awaken an
                                                                    cell building and a feeling of satis- er and longtime fi xture of the San An-  audacity within us and experience the
                                                                    faction and fullness.         tonio literary scene, is the seventh poet   joy of seeing your work printed out for
                                                                        Concentrated, canned and  to be named to the post by the Poetry   the fi rst time. Her unique voice and her
                                                                    powdered juices, however, should  Foundation.               perspective — it put our city on the
                                                                    be avoided, as they are high in   Foundation Director Katherine Li-  map.”
                                                                    sugar, artifi cial colors and fl avors,  twin praised Nye, a St Louis native who   Th  e San Antonio Current’s Bryan
                                                                    and are poor in nutritional value.  has lived for decades in San Antonio.  Rindfuss recalled visits from Nye to his
                                                                    Th  e instant hit of glucose to the   “Her writing is so warm and acces-  school when he was a student.
                                                                    body may off er short-term relief,  sible — it can be funny and also very so-  “Based on conversations with
                                                                    but will also lead to a spike in  phisticated,” Litwin told Texas Monthly.   friends, I can confi rm that I’m not the
                                                                    blood sugar levels, followed by a  “It never talks down to the reader, and   only one who cherishes the memory of
                                                                    crash, causing fatigue and dehy- that is what I hope young people will   sitting in a circle and watching Nye sing
                                                                    dration.                      receive from hearing her.”    her original tune ‘Th  e Rutabaga Song’
                                                                                                      Nye is the author of several poetry   — a quirky earworm from her 1979
                                                                        “Th  e entry of the meals is  collections. She made her literary debut   album ‘Rutabaga-Roo (I’ve Got a Song
                                                                    supervised by observers at the  with the 1980 book “Diff erent Ways to   and It’s for You),’” Rindfuss wrote. “A
                                                                    mosque’s doors. Aft er laying down  Pray,” and she has since published col-  visit from Nye meant not only a break
                                                                    plastic sheets inside the mosque,  lections such as “Fuel,” “Transfer” and,   from the doldrums of desk time, but an
                                                                    food is arranged until it is time for  most recently, “Th  e Tiny Journalist.”  uplift ing spell with an adult who was
                                                                    Maghrib prayer,” Al-Asiri added.  A longtime teacher, Nye has been   likely cooler than the teacher — and
                                                                        “Aft er Muslims break their fast  praised for her work in the fi eld of   better at connecting with kids.”
        Madinah: Ramadan ift ars generously hosted by the people of Madinah at  and before the Maghrib prayer is  young people’s literature before. She   Th  e Poetry Foundation estab-
        the Prophet’s Mosque are being enjoyed by thousands of worshippers, visi- held, all the plastic sheets and re- won the Jane Addams Children’s Book   lished the position of Young People’s
        tors and residents.                                         mains of food are removed in a quick  Award in 1998 for her acclaimed young   Poet Laureate in 2006 to “raise aware-
            Pilgrims from the Kingdom and throughout the world are being served  and orderly manner by the workers,  adult novel “Habibi,” and in 2013, she   ness that young people have a natural
        ift ar meals aft er a long day of fasting as part of a service that brings together  supervisors, and providers.”  received the NSK Neustadt Prize for   receptivity to poetry and are its most
        Muslims of many nationalities.                                  Th  e meals include hot food  Children’s Literature.    appreciative audience, especially when
            Jamaan Al-Asiri, director of public relations at the Agency of the Gen- such as rice and meat, besides fruit,   Nye is a literary celebrity in San   poems are written specifi cally for them.”
        eral Presidency for the Prophet’s Mosque Aff airs, said mosque staff  had been  bottled juices,  dates,  yogurt,  coff ee  Antonio, where she attended college   Nye succeeds Los Angeles native
        working hard preparing and setting up eating areas and assisting food pro- and water. Al-Asiri said cleaning  and has taught writing for years. Author   Margarita Engle as Young People’s Poet
        viders. He said that aft er the end of Asr prayer, ift ar meals are brought into  operations take place aft er ift ar and  John Phillip Santos, one of her former   Laureate. Her term lasts from 2019 to
        the mosque through specifi ed doors.                        before Maghrib prayer.        students, told Texas Monthly that Nye   2021. – Los Angeles Times
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