Page 15 - Pakistan Link - May 17, 2019
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                           MAY 17, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
           Bill Granting Tribal Districts More Seats in                                               Five Persons Killed in Attack

            National, Provincial Assemblies Approved                                                         on Gwadar PC Hotel

        Members of the National Assembly stand during Monday’s session to vote on the 26th Constitution Amendment Bill   Gwadar:  At least five people lost   ons, official sources told Dawn.
        seeking an increase in the number of seats for Fata in the NA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly
                                                                                                  their lives in a terror attack target-  The ISPR said that the security
        Islamabad: The National Assembly   damage done there - KP could never   PPP, while PML-N members stood   ing the Pearl Continental in Gwa-  guard at the entrance, Zahoor, at-
        on Monday unanimously approved   cover that damage from its own de-  on their seats to register their op-  dar, the army’s media wing said in   tempted to deny the terrorists entry
        the  26th  Constitution  Amendment   velopment fund.”       position to the bill. It was finally ap-  a statement on Sunday, as it an-  into the main hall, but was killed.
        Bill seeking an increase in the num-  “A big accident, the separation   proved.           nounced the conclusion of its clear-  “The terrorists went to the stair-
        ber of seats for the erstwhile Federal-  of East Pakistan, led to a sense of de-  The House also adopted a mo-  ance operation of the hotel.  case leading to the upper floors,” the
        ly Administered Tribal Areas (Fata)   privation among the people,” he said.  tion authorizing the NA speaker to   Four hotel employees - three   ISPR said. “Enroute to the stairs,
        in the NA and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa   “All of Pakistan should learn a   form a special committee compris-  staffers and a security guard - were   the terrorists kept firing indiscrimi-
        Assembly.                     lesson from that. No one should feel   ing treasury and opposition mem-  killed and a navy soldier was mar-  nately, resulting in the martyrdom
            This is the first Constitution   that Pakistan does not own them,   bers to examine the amendment bill.  tyred, while six people  - includ-  of three more hotel employees, Far-
        amendment to be approved by the   that they do not have a stake in Paki-  Former premier Shahid Khaqan   ing two army captains, two navy   had, Bilawal and Awais, while two
        present assembly that came into ex-  stan,” the prime minister asserted.  Abbasi,  in his address  to the NA,   soldiers, and two hotel employees   got injured,” the ISPR said.
        istence in August after the general   “This sense of deprivation is   praised former head of the Fata Re-  - were injured as gunmen stormed   The Quick Response Forces of
        elections in July last year.  dangerous as it can be exploited by   forms Committee, Sartaj Aziz, who   the luxury hotel.   the army, navy and police immedi-
            Prime Minister Imran Khan,   Pakistan’s  enemies  and  it  is  being   he said had worked day and night   The attack was claimed by the   ately reached the hotel, secured the
        while addressing the Lower House,   exploited,” he cautioned. “Develop-  to prepare a report and create con-  banned  Balochistan  Liberation  guests and staff present there, and
        expressed his appreciation over the   ment should always be inclusive. Ar-  sensus on issues, thus laying the   Army,  and  a  clearance  operation   restricted the terrorists to a fourth
        consensus between all parties on   eas that are left behind should also   groundwork for the passage of the   at the hotel continued until late at   floor corridor.
        recommendations for the bill.  be brought up,” he stated.   bill.                         night.                            “After ensuring safe evacua-
            Acknowledging the provinces’   As the prime minister conclud-  “We need to have consensus on   The army on Sunday afternoon   tion of guests and staff, a clearance
        fears regarding the proposed distri-  ed his speech, Speaker Asad Qaiser   issues facing the country,” Abbasi   announced that security forces had   operation was launched to take on
        bution of 3 per cent of the National   called for a vote on the bill, and then   said, pointing out that the govern-  completed the operation at the hotel,   the terrorists,” the statement said.
        Finance  Commission  Award  for   on different sections of the bill.  ment could not provide the people of   killed three terrorists and retained   During this time, “the terrorists had
        provinces to ex-Fata, the prime min-  Bill on South Punjab province:   ex-Fata their rights without adequate   their bodies for identification.   made CCTV cameras dysfunctional
        ister said: “The economic situation is   The session opened with the in-  funds.              The ISPR, in a press release,   and planted improvised explosive
        bad and their [provinces’] funds are   troduction by Makhdoom Samiul   Abbasi also noted that there   also provided a blow-by-blow of the   devices on all entry points leading
        not at the level that they should be,   Hassan Gillani of a Constitution   was consensus on the government’s   attack and the ensuing operation,   to the fourth floor,” the statement
        but I think it [sharing funds with ex-  Amendment Bill seeking the cre-  decision to provide Rs100 billion in   saying that three terrorists had en-  said.
        Fata] is necessary because the kind   ation of a province for South Punjab,   funds to the people of ex-Fata for 10   tered the hotel with the intent of tar-  “Security forces made special
        of destruction caused in Fata - due   Radio Pakistan reported.  years to stimulate development in   geting hotel guests and taking them   entry points to get onto the fourth
        to  the  war  against  terrorism,  the   The bill was supported by the   the area.        hostage.                      floor, shot down all terrorists and
                                                                                                      The assault began between
                     Pakistan, China in Close Contact over                                        4:30-5pm. The attackers  wore uni-  cleared planted IEDs,” the ISPR said.
                                                                                                                                    Pakistan Navy soldier Abbas
                  Controversy Revolving around Marriages                                          forms resembling those worn by   Khan was martyred in an exchange
                                                                                                  members of the security forces and
                                                                                                                                of  fire,  while  four  other  army  and
                                                                                                  were equipped with modern weap-  navy captains were injured.
                                                                    light of the aforementioned state-
                                                                    ment, it is essential to avoid sensa-  PTI Government Bans 11 Groups
                                                                    tionalisation and reporting on sen-
                                                                    sitive matters should be done only   for Links with JuD, JeM, and FiF
                                                                    on the basis of established facts,” it
                                                                    asserted.                     Islamabad: The Ministry of Interi-  ed to ban the JuD and the FIF and
                                                                        “The ministry of foreign af-  or has banned 11 organizations un-  launch  a crackdown  on the  JeM,
                                                                    fairs, all other relevant depart-  der  the  Anti-Terrorism  Act  (ATA)   which was banned in 2002 by then
                                                                    ments of the government, and the   for their alleged affiliation with   military ruler General Pervez Mush-
                                                                    Chinese  authorities  concerned,   proscribed outfits Jamaatud Dawa   arraf.
                                                                    will continue to coordinate on the   (JuD),  Falah-e-Insaniyat  Founda-  In March, the government
                                                                    matter to address the grievances of   tion (FIF) and Jaish-e-Mohammad   sealed and took over administrative
                                                                    the affected individuals, bring the   (JeM).                control of several establishments
                                                                    culprits to justice, and ensure that   According to a notification is-  run by JuD and the FIF.
                                                                    such incidents do not recur in the   sued  by the ministry on Saturday,   New prayer leaders and teach-
                                                                    future,” the statement reiterated.  the organizations include Al Anfal   ers were appointed by the Auqaf De-
                                                                                                  Trust  (Lahore),  Idara-e-Khidmat   partment to replace the ones at the
        Islamabad:  The  Foreign Office on   “The ministry of foreign af-  Islamic State Claims   Khalaq (Lahore), Al Dawatul Irshad   mosques and seminaries run by the
        Saturday said relevant authorities   fairs and Pakistan missions in                       (Lahore), Al Hamd Trust (Lahore   two banned outfits.
        from both China and Pakistan are   China  are  closely  monitoring  the   ‘Province’ in India  and Faisalabad), Al-Fazal Founda-  The district administration in
        in close contact over the contro-  situation and extending all possi-                     tion/Trust (Lahore), Mosque and   Islamabad took over control of Mas-
        versy revolving around marriages   ble assistance to Pakistani citizens   Delhi:  The militant Islamic State   Welfare Trust (Lahore), Al Madi-  jid-e-Quba,  Madni  Masjid,  Ali  As-
        between Pakistani and Chinese na-  who may have any complaints on   (IS)  claimed  for the  first  time that   nah Foundation (Lahore), Muaz   ghar Masjid, Madrassa Khalid Bin
        tionals.                      the subject,” it continued.   it has established a “province” in   bin Jabal Education Trust (Lahore),   Waleed, and Madrassa Ziaul Qur’an.
            “The government of China      “We have noted the statement   India, after a clash in the contested   Al Eesar Foundation (Lahore), Al   A madrassa, a hospital, and two
        has  offered  all  possible  coopera-  by the Chinese embassy referring   Kashmir region killed a militant   Rehmat Trust Organization (Baha-  dispensaries located on the Chakrah
        tion on the issue, which is highly   to investigation by the Chinese   with alleged ties to the group.  walpur) and Al Furqan Trust (Ka-  and Adiala roads and run by the JuD
        appreciated. Both sides are closely   ministry of public security on the   IS’s Amaq News Agency late   rachi).         were sealed by the district govern-
        coordinating their efforts. In this   issue. According to this investiga-  on Friday announced the new   The action has been taken in   ment of Rawalpindi.
        context, a Chinese team visited   tion, there is no forced prostitution   province, that it called “Wilayah   line  with the National Action  Plan   The Punjab government took
        Pakistan  recently  and  held  meet-  or sale of human organs of Paki-  of Hind”, in a statement that also   (NAP), the notification added.  over control of the JuD and the FIF
        ings with our law enforcement offi-  stani women who stay in China   claimed  IS  inflicted  casualties  on   Earlier in February during a   headquarters in Lahore.
        cials,” the FO spokesperson stated   after  marriage  with  Chinese  na-  Indian army soldiers in the town of   meeting of the National Security   It also took administrative
        in a statement.               tionals,” the FO statement said. “In   PROVINCE, P26        Committee, the government decid-  BAN, P26
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