Page 1 - Pakistan Link - November 15, 2019
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Pakistan Link
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 29/46 18 Rabi al-Awwal 1441 Friday, November 15, 2019 US & Canada $1.00
What Andalusia Modi’s Hindu-First Muslim For news,
Teaches Us about Agenda Surges Democrats Make updated round
the clock, visit
Co-existence Forward History in Virginia
Maulana Calls off Dharna Focus on Creating Jobs, Facilitating Investors Impasse Persists on Taking
as ‘Plan-B’ Unfolds Nawaz off No-fl y List
Is l a ma b ad: Islamabad: A
Jamiat Ulema- deadlock over
e-Islam (JUI-F) removing for-
chief Maulana mer premier
Fazlur Rehman Nawaz Sharif’s
has announced name from
an end to the the no-fl y list
‘Azadi March’ for his medi-
sit-in which has cal treatment
been underway abroad persisted on Wednesday
for 13 days in the federal capital. with the PTI-led federal govern-
Instead, the party will expand ment adamant on allowing the ail-
its anti-government protest across ing politician to leave only aft er the
the country. submission of an indemnity bond
Th e JUI-F chief reiterated his and the PML-N rejecting its terms
demand for the resignation of Prime yet again.
Minister Imran Khan and said that Addressing a news conference,
the movement will continue until he Law Minister Farogh Naseem an-
steps down. nounced that the government had
Tens of thousands of opposition decided to grant the Sharif family
supporters had gathered in Islam- patriarch a “one-time” permission
abad to demand the ouster of the to travel abroad for his medical
prime minister. treatment for a period of four weeks
Key developments: with the condition of submitting an
• Fazlur Rehman announces “As investments increase and people get jobs, we believe that our economy’s growth rate will be higher than predicted,” says PM Imran indemnity bond to the tune of Rs7-
end to sit-in aft er 13 days; to begin Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran Manufacturing Joint Venture Sign- “As investments increase [...] 7.5 billion still in place.
country-wide protests Khan on Wednesday said now that ing Ceremony, the prime minister and people get jobs, we believe that Later, the interior ministry’s
• JUI-F demands PM’s resig- his economic team has “stabilized said that the government’s “next our economy’s growth rate will be ECL section offi cer issued a memo-
nation, a possibility ruled out by the the economy”, the government is fo- challenge” was to provide jobs to the higher than [what has been] pre- randum, according to which Nawaz
government cusing on creating job opportunities people and, in order to create em- dicted,” he told attendees. Th e prime could travel abroad subject to the
• Pakistan Army reaffi rms and facilitating investors. ployment opportunities, the country minister said that the government furnishing of an indemnity bond
DHARNA, P28 Speaking at the Sino-Pak Tire needs investors to invest money. IMRAN, P28 NAWAZ, P28
PML-N Rejects Government’s Restive Kashmir Marks 100 Days since India Stripped Autonomy Lahore Air Termed
‘Conditional Permission’ ‘Hazardous’ as AQI Hits 447
Lahore: PML-N Information Sec- Lahore: Lahore’s air quality re-
retary Marriyum Aurangzeb said mained ‘hazardous’ with a ranking
on Wednesday that the party had of 447, according to Air Visual’s Air
rejected the government’s “condi- Quality Index (AQI) list on Wednes-
tional permission” to Nawaz Sharif day.
for travelling abroad for medical Th e Punjab capital is ranked
treatment. the second most polluted city in
Th e reaction came aft er Law the world, according to Air Visual,
Minister Farogh Naseem and Advis- which records air pollution levels
er to PM on Accountability Shahzad across the globe in real time. Delhi
Akbar announced that the “one holds the top spot, with an AQI of
time” permission for four weeks is 556 recorded on Wednesday.
subject to the Sharif family submit- An AQI ranking between 301-
ting an indemnity bond “to the tune 500 (or above) is classifi ed as ‘haz-
of Rs7-7.5 billion”. ardous’ and would “trigger a health
PML-N President Shehbaz warning of emergency conditions.
Sharif called a meeting of the party’s Th e entire population is more like-
senior leadership on Th ursday to de- ly to be aff ected”, according to Air
vise a future strategy. Now.
According to the party spokes- Holding their laptops with open blank screens, dozens of journalists held a silent demonstration against the Internet ban For the last four years, smog,
person, the leadership will be taken Srinagar: Kashmir on Tues- with local journalists protesting the under direct rule, cut telecommuni- rightly being called the fi ft h season
into confi dence over the future strat- day marked 100 days since India internet blackout. cations and detained thousands to of Lahore, has deprived the people
egy in response to the government’s stripped the restive Himalayan val- Tensions have been high since quell any unrest. of sunshine and dusk-hour charm as
decision. ley of its autonomy and imposed a August 5 when the national gov- Shops and businesses have layers of toxic smoke engulf the
PML-N, P28 strict communications blackout, ernment moved to bring the region KASHMIR, P28 LAHORE, P28