Page 1 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 1
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 30/39 Safar 8, 1442 AH Friday, September 25, 2020 US & Canada $1.00
PAGE 7 PAGE 11 PAGE 12 For news,
updated round
Indian Americans Ruth Bader The Scene in the clock, visit
Are a Success Ginsburg: A Pillar London before
Story in the US of Justice Nawaz’s Speech
Erdogan Gives Hope to the US Envoy Hails Pakistan’s
Role in Ending Afghan War
PM Tells UN India Is Planning MisadventureHopeless People of Kashmir
n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai Prime Minister Imran Khan addresses the United Nations General Assembly on September 25 Wa s h i n g t o n :
Secretary General Pakistan now
n By Anwar Iqbal national community that The prime minister “In order to divert has an even more
World Kashmir Awareness Forum United Nations: Prime India was planning anoth- also urged the UN Secu- attention from its illegal important role in
Wa s h i n g t o n , Minister Imran Khan er “ill-conceived misad- rity Council to play its role actions and atrocities in ending the Af-
DC: “The people used his address to the venture” in a “nuclearized in preventing this danger- Indian-occupied Jammu ghan war than it
of the State of UN General Assembly on environment,” but Paki- ous conflict, which could and Kashmir, India is did in arranging
Jammu & Kash- Friday to warn the inter- stan was ready to “fight for jeopardize the entire re- playing a dangerous game a peace deal with
mir have no its freedom to the end”. gion. the Taliban, says
words to express PM, P28 William E. Todd,
their heartfelt Washington’s new envoy for Islam-
thanks to Presi- ‘Are People to Be Left to Die?’ Vaccine Pleas Fill UN Summit abad.
dent Recep Tayy-
ip Erdogan, the New York: If the United The vaccine quest must not be a “purely mercantile act”, Iraq said. Nor “an issue of competi- Mr Todd, who was nominated
President of Re- Nations was created from tion”, Turkey suggested. “We must take the politics out of the vaccine,” Kazakhstan stressed by President Donald Trump earlier
the ashes of World War II, this year, told his confirmation that
public of Turkey for reiterating one what will be born from the survivor, said of the un- tries have joined Covax, vaccines and help finance Pakistan remained a difficult but
more time his Administration’s sup- global crisis of Covid-19? certain way forward. in which richer countries access for poorer ones. essential US partner in South Asia,
port for the just cause of Kashmir. agree to buy into potential and Washington was seeking to re-
Many world lead- More than 150 coun- VACCINE, P28 set its ties with Islamabad.
His words today at the 75th ses- ers at this week’s virtual
sion of the United Nations General UN summit hope it will “This is an important time in
Assembly have become a source of be a vaccine made avail- the broader US-Pakistan relation-
inspiration and give hope to mil- able and affordable to all ship,” he told the Senate Commit-
lions of hopeless people of the re- countries, rich and poor. tee on Foreign Relations. “This is
gion. His statement at the United But with the US, China a longstanding and important, but
Nations General Assembly was the and Russia opting out of always complicated and sometimes
true reflection of the aspirations of a collaborative effort to contentious relationship.”
the people of Kashmir. His reference develop and distribute a
to Kashmir is a statement of facts vaccine, and some rich Acknowledging that the two al-
when he said, ‘The Kashmir conflict, nations striking deals lies have had differences, Mr Todd
which is also key to the stability and with pharmaceutical added: “Pakistan is an essential re-
companies to secure mil- gional partner, and this is an oppor
ERDOGAN, P11 lions of potential doses,
the UN pleas are plentiful TODD, P28
PML-N Leader’s Call on but likely in vain.
COAS Kicks up Storm Pakistan Considers Sharif ’s
“Are people to be Extradition from UK
Islamabad: In a startling revela- left to die?” Honduran
tion Pakistan Army on Wednesday President Juan Orlando London: Imran
disclosed that former Sindh gover- Hernández, a Covid-19 Khan’s govern-
nor Mohammad Zubair had twice ment is consid-
reached out to Chief of the Army ering asking the
Staff Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and UK to extradite
discussed political and legal woes opposition leader
of deposed prime minister Nawaz Nawaz Sharif,
Sharif and his daughter Maryam after the former
Nawaz in the past few weeks. three-time leader
refused to leave
“Mr Zubair twice met the army London and return to a Pakistani
chief, once in the last week of August jail.
and then on September 7 in the pres-
ence of director general ISI,” revealed A senior adviser to Pakistan’s
prime minister said Islamabad was
CALL, P28 mulling the request as part of the
ongoing transfer of wanted fugi-
tives between the countries.
Earlier on Sunday he broke a
two-year silence and attempted to
galvanize the country’s opposition
in a speech railing against mili-
tary chiefs acting as a “state above
a state” to flout democracy and
choose the country’s leaders.