Page 9 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 9
Signs from Allah: History, Science and Faith in Islam
147. Muslim Contributions to India’s Freedom Struggle - 4
n By Professor Nazeer Ahmed memorable from the Indian per- moved in from the North-West. from the British. With his inde- World Organization for Resource
Concord, CA spective. The War involved the The Mysore armies fought val- fatigable energy, he streamlined Development and Education,
French and the Dutch on the My- iantly for three long years. But the finances of his kingdom, paid Washington, DC; Director, Amer-
Tipu’s father, Hyder Ali sore side and indirectly also the the juggernaut laid out by Corn- off the British, organized a navy ican Institute of Islamic History
Khan, was a brilliant sol- Americans under George Wash- and strengthened his army. He and Culture, CA; Member, State
dier who rose through ington as the American War of It was in the Second sent delegations to the Amir of Knowledge Commission, Ban-
the ranks in the Mysore army Independence was going on at the Anglo Mysore War that Afghanistan, the king of Persia, galore; and Chairman, Delixus
same time. It was in the Second An- Tipu Sultan distinguished the Sultan of Oman and the Ot- Group)
to become the de- glo Mysore War that Tipu Sultan himself by defeating the toman Khalifa in Istanbul. When
facto ruler of the distinguished himself by defeat- British armies on multiple Napoleon emerged as the leader KNOWLEDGE FROM P8
state. India was ing the British armies on multiple of the French Republic, Tipu Sul-
in turmoil at that occasions. In 1780 at the Battle of occasions. In 1780 at tan started correspondence with Education Commission report for
time. The Mughal Pollilur, he smashed a force under the Battle of Pollilur, he him to launch a joint attack on the 2013-14. The 3 million enrollment is
Empire was weak Colonel Bailie and forced him to smashed a force under British in India. These were giant 15% of the 20 million Pakistanis in the
and was ruled by surrender. This was the worst de- Colonel Bailie and forced moves on the world stage. Napo- eligible age group of 18-24 years. In ad-
incompetent monarchs. feat suffered by the British on In- him to surrender. This was leon responded and moved with a dition, there are over 255,000 Pakistanis
In 1739, the Persian Nadir dian soil. The battle is known for the worst defeat suffered by large contingent to occupy Egypt enrolled in vocational training schools,
Shah invaded India and carried off the extensive use of rockets by the the British on Indian soil. in 1798. The British realized that according to Technical Education and
the peacock throne. The Maratha Mysore army. After the capture of The battle is known for the Tipu was a threat to their interests Vocational Training Authority (TE-
armies moved up north to fill the Srirangapatam (1799) the Mysore extensive use of rockets by not just in India but their fledg- VTA).
political vacuum created by the rockets were modified by the Brit- the Mysore army. After the ing international empire. No cause
Persian invasion and carried their ish and used in the Anglo-Ameri- capture of Srirangapatam for war was needed and British Pakistani universities have been
sway all the way to Lahore. In can war of 1812. It was a sky lit by (1799) the Mysore rockets armies from Bombay and Madras producing over half a million graduates,
1757, the British occupied Bengal. the explosion of modified Mysore invaded Mysore along with forces including over 10,000 IT graduates, ev-
In 1761, the Marathas were defeat- rockets over Washington DC that were modified by the of the Nizam of Hyderabad and a ery year since 2010, according to HEC
ed by Ahmed Shah Abdali of Ka- inspired the Star Spangled Banner. British and used in the contingent of the Maratha armies. data. The number of university gradu-
bul at the Third Battle of Panipet. Other notable victories won by Anglo-American war of Outnumbered by the enemy, the ates in Pakistan increased from 380,773
The aftermath of the Third Battle Tipu included the Battle of Tanjo- 1812. It was a sky lit by Mysoreans fought bravely, ef- in 2005-6 to 493,993 in 2008-09. This
of Panipet created opportunities re against Colonel Braithwaite, the the explosion of modified fectively using the rockets which figure is growing with rising enrollment
for new entrants at the periphery Battle of Bednore against General terrified the British. However, the and contributing to Pakistan’s growing
of the Maratha empire. It is in the Mathews and the Battle of Manga- Mysore rockets over odds were too high. Tipu fell in the human capital.
political context that we have to lore against Colonel Fullerton. The Washington DC that Battle of Srirangapatam on May 5,
understand the emergence of Hy- Second Anglo Mysore War ended inspired the Star Spangled 1799. Higher education in Pakistan has
der Ali in Mysore and the Sikhs in in 1782 with the Treaty of Man- Banner. Other notable come a long way since the country’s
Central Punjab. galore on terms dictated by Tipu victories won by Tipu Tipu Sultan held off the independence in 1947 when there was
There emerged four contes- Sultan. included the Battle of mighty British Empire for forty only one university, the University of
tants for power in Southern India. Tanjore against Colonel years. He humbled the British in Punjab. By 1997, the number of univer-
The Nizam was an appointee of the By a coincidence, there was Braithwaite, the Battle of battle and won their admiration sities had risen to 35, of which 3 were
Moghul emperor. He governed the a connection between America Bednore against General as a worthy foe. To drive the Brit- federally administered and 22 were un-
richest of the Moghul provinces and the kingdom of Mysore. The Mathews and the Battle of ish out, he sought the help of the der the provincial governments, with
consisting of what are today Kar- American War of Independence Mangalore against Colonel Afghans, the Persians, the Oma- a combined enrollment of 71,819 stu-
nataka, Tamil Nadu and large parts ended freeing the British from the Fullerton. The Second nis, the Turks and the French. But dents. A big spending boost by Presi-
of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. burden defending their American Anglo Mysore War ended no help came. The Turks were al- dent Pervez Musharraf helped establish
The Nizam’s dominions had three colonies. Cornwallis who had sur- in 1782 with the Treaty lies of the British and were fight- 51 new universities and awarding insti-
subdivisions: Hyderabad, Arcot rendered to George Washington of Mangalore on terms ing the French for their own turf. tutions during 2002-2008. This helped
(modern Tamil Nadu) and Sira at the battle of York in America dictated by Tipu Sultan The Afghans and the Persians were triple university enrollment from
(old Mysore State). The second was hired by the East India Com- bogged down with Shia-Sunni 135,000 in 2003 to about 400,000 in
contestant was the Maratha Em- pany and was sent to India. Using wallis worked. The allied armies conflicts along their borders. Na- 2008, according to Dr Ata ur Rehman
pire. Although they suffered a re- the experience in the long, hard surrounded Srirangapatam. The poleon lost the Battle of Acre and who led the charge for expanding high-
versal at the Third Battle of Pani- fought battles in North America terms of peace were harsh. Tipu was forced to turn around and re- er education during the Musharraf pe-
pet, they remained the dominant as a springboard, Cornwallis me- was forced to give almost half of turn to France. Tipu, the tiger of riod. There are 161 universities with 1.5
power in Central and Western thodically laid out a plan to con- his kingdom and ransom two of Mysore, fought alone, and fell in million students enrolled in Pakistan as
India. Based in Sitara-Poona, the tain Tipu Sultan. The Nizam of his children until a large indem- battle, fighting for his country. In of 2014. As of 2019, there are 174 uni-
southern reaches of the empire Hyderabad and the Marathas nity was paid to the British. the annals of those who laid down versities in the country.
nominally extended to the Cauv- were lured into a tripartite alliance their lives for the freedom of India,
ery River. The third contestant was against Tipu. Using an incursion Tipu Sultan knew the exis- his name is written in bold letters. Former Chairman of HEC
the East India Company which by Tipu’s armies into Travancore tential threat to India’s freedom summed up the country’s higher edu-
emerged as the dominant Euro- as a pretext, Cornwallis launched From Tipu Sultan to General cation progress well in a piece he wrote
pean power after outmaneuvering a sustained attack against Mysore. Nawaz Shah Nawaz Khan, from for The News in 2012: “Pakistan has
the French. The fourth was Hyder More than twenty thousand carts Begum Hazrat Mahal to Molvi achieved critical mass and reached a
Ali of Mysore. were pressed into service to carry Ahmedulla, the annals of those point of take-off. For this phenomenal
The expansion of Mysore ter- the food and ammunition for the who laid down their lives for the growth to continue, it is important for
ritories under Hyder Ali brought British army. The Nizam invaded freedom of India are studded with the government and other stakehold-
him into conflict with the other from the North while the Marathas Muslim names. ers to support and further strengthen
three contestants for power. The the HEC as a national institution and
conflict with the Marathas was for (The author is Director, protect its autonomy. If this momentum
control of the region between Tun- continues for another 10 years, Paki-
ga Bhadra and Krishna rivers. The stan is certain to become a global player
dispute with the Nizam was for through a flourishing knowledge econ-
Bellary, Kurnool and other north- omy and a highly literate population”.
ern districts. The contest with the
British was control of Arcot. Summary: Pakistan is expand-
Hyder Ali fought a series of ing science and technology education
skirmishes with the Nizam and with institutions like PAF-IAST and
the Marathas and successfully NUTech. These represent progress to-
consolidated his dominions in a ward building Pakistan’s knowledge
vast track extending from Goa economy and grow high-value technol-
in the north to Travancore in the ogy-based exports. Pakistan is collabo-
South and from the Arabian sea rating with several countries, including
to the Eastern ghats. It is for his the United States and China, to build
struggles with the British that he is up high-skills education capacity in the
best remembered. The First Anglo country. Early progress is confirmed
Mysore War was fought in 1767-69 by a Nature magazine report that Paki-
and was primarily centered on the stan’s scientific output is growing at the
control of Arcot. It ended when fastest rate in the world. Pakistan’s high-
the Mysore armies conducted a tech exports are relatively low but
surprise raid on Madras and nego- surging by double digits, according
tiated a truce. to the State Bank of Pakistan.
The Second Mysore War
(1780-82) was perhaps the most Here’s an introductory video
about Pak-Austria Fachhochschule
Institute of Applied Sciences and
Technology (PAF-IAST) Pakistan: