Page 11 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 11
Arab Cultural Narcissism Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
A Pillar of Justice
n By Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy ing everything right and are throwing house” is unsupported by other evi-
tons of money at it. dence. n By Dr Aslam Abdullah
P Islamabad, Pakistan
etro-giant countries of the Education from the primary class UNESCO’s Science Report, for S Fontana, CA
Arab world may not be ter- to university is free in all state institu- example, was far more cautious. It ob- he had a voice, and she
ribly well known for perspi- tions. New Arab universities are aplen- served that in most Arab countries, amplified it; she had a
cacious scholarship or prowess in ty with several US universities having “the education system is still not turn- logic, and she used it.
Arab campuses to which famous for- ing out graduates who are motivated She had a passion for justice
scientific research eign professors are lured with incred- to contribute to a healthier economy”.
but their one-up- ible pay packages. Laboratories are University professors returning from and equal-
manship knows no stuffed with scientific equipment and teaching stints in GCC countries ity, and she
limits. every kind of infrastructure is there agree. They complain about the indif- displayed
for the asking. ference, apathy, poor work ethic, and it. She was
The United lack of curiosity among their students. committed
Arab Emirates is Is it working? Has a culture of Reading habits are undeveloped. Most to human
presently stealing the learning and scholarship developed? students opt for ‘soft’ areas like mar- d i g n i t y,
show: The Emirates Mars Mission’s Nature, a highly respected science keting, banking and management with and she fought for it until
successful July 2020 launch means it journal, has effusive praise. A recent few going for more intellectually de- her last breath. Ruth Bad-
will rendezvous with the Red Planet in article in its Middle Eastern edition, manding and rigorous disciplines. er Ginsburg (1933-2018)
six months; UAE cities have spectacu- ‘The Rise of Saudi Arabia as a Science served the US justice system
lar skylines premiering the worlds’ tall- Powerhouse’ describes Saudi Arabia as At the heart of this is Arab atti- in a long and distinguished
est and most stunning buildings; and “West Asia’s second most scientifically tudes towards knowledge and learn- career as an attorney, pro-
the world’s top airline is called Emir- productive country after Israel”. Other ing. Centuries after the end of Islam’s fessor, advocate of gender
ates. There’s every kind of futuristic GCC countries have shot up in world Golden Age (9th to 13th centuries), equality, and, ultimately, a
gimmickry: the world’s first minister rankings as well. The sole criterion Arab culture is self-absorbed and Supreme Court Justice.
of artificial intelligence, 27-year-old used is the number of research papers centered on self-congratulation. Con- Born to a Ukrainian
Sultan Al Olama, was just appointed published from universities. vinced that it possesses the only true immigrant father and New
under UAE’s Centennial 2071 plan. religion and that Arabic is the most York-born mother, Gins-
Close on UAE’s heels are other But with 20 different ways of get- perfect language, it claims eternal mo- burg was the second of two
GCC countries with Saudi Arabia hav- ting your name onto a paper in the nopoly over truth. That’s narcissism on daughters. Her mom wanted her to be a history teacher. Still, the mother’s
ing started the construction of Neom, internet age, and with foreign visitors a civilizational scale. death before her high school graduation led to a different path that not only
a futuristic megacity deep in the desert flown in just for lending their presti- changed her life but the lives of millions who yearned for gender equality,
bordering the Red Sea. Costing $500 gious names to a paper, making large Narcissus, as the reader knows, justice, and human dignity. She went to a law school after the birth of her
billion upward, it will feature artifi- claims based upon small evidence is is a Greek legendary figure who fell daughter and faced discrimination based on gender. Several times the fac-
cial rain, a fake moon, robotic maids, unwise. Nature’s normal objectivity deliriously in love with himself and ulty or the judges rejected her. At Harvard school of law, one professor told
flying taxis, and holographic teach- was likely influenced by political and disdained all around him. In anger her, “What are you doing in the law school, and why are you wasting a man’s
ers. Qatar plans to spend over $220bn financial considerations. The aston- the goddess Nemesis punished him seat in the class.”
while hosting the 2022 FIFA World ishing conclusion of “science power- by obsessing him with his reflection in As an attorney, she advocated gender equality. She fought for equality
Cup. Twelve solar-cooled super-stadi- the stream. So lovely was the bloom of in wages, and she also fought for a father’s right to receive the pension of his
ums holding around 50,000 spectators his youth that he could not walk away deceased wife for taking care of their children. She challenged the military
each are nearing completion. from himself. And so Narcissus wasted norms to hire men only, and challenged an Oklahoma statute that set differ-
Private scorn accompanies these away and died. ent minimum drinking ages for men and women.
humongous public spectacles. What’s In the country’s judicial history, the court imposed intermediate scru-
Arab about all this? Expats flown in A similar tragedy befalls cultures tiny on laws discriminating on the basis of gender. At her intervention, the
from around the globe run the show. lost in self-love. They lose vitality be- court changed the validity of voluntary jury duty for women on the ground
They range from domestic servants to cause there is little desire to interact that participation was a citizen’s vital governmental service and not optional
truck drivers and from famous archi- and mingle with other peoples or to for women.
tects to top-of-the-line space-travel move with the times. Many young In law, she built cautiously on precedent rather than pushing the Con-
engineers. The relationship is purely Arabs today take this lazy route. They stitution towards her vision. Ginsburg advocated using foreign law and
transactional: petrodollars buy brains, disdain intellectual pursuits, think- norms to shape US law in judicial opinions, which many of her conservative
brawn and gadgets. ing that modern accomplishments colleagues rejected. She believed that wisdom is not the monopoly of the
But, knowing the oil will even- are only a pale reflection of the foun- US only.
tually dry out, some GCC Arab rul- dational works of their Muslim ances- Clinton nominated her as a Supreme Court Justice in 1993. From Au-
ers are realizing that theirs is a road tors. gust 10, 1993, until September 18 this year, this popular iconic served as
to nowhere. Beating the drum of past a voice of reason and voice. Her services will remind the coming genera-
glories and education of the usual reli- This is delusionary. Science and tions that nothing can prevent them from rising to the top and changing
gious kind will doom them to remain learning came from all humankind the world.
consumers and supplicants. And so, at and existed in civilizations long pre-
least at first glance, they seem to be do- ceding Islam. Ancient Babylonian and
Egyptian science started 3,000 to 4,000
years ago and the Chinese, Indian and
ERDOGAN FROM P1 ening multilateral dialogue, we can by some world powers that they have Kashmiri leadership and Turkey. Tur- Asia on a very precarious foundation.
be involved, and through multilateral no alternative but to rely on bilateral key can play an effective role in bring- The prospect of a nuclear exchange
peace of South Asia, is still a burning dialogue, I think we have to seek out talks between India and Pakistan to ing parties together, being friendly to in that vast Subcontinent cannot be
issue. Steps taken following the abo- ways to settle this question (Kashmir) achieve a settlement. The experience both India and Pakistan dismissed in the event of hostilities
lition of the special status of Jammu once and for all.” of more than seventy years is ignored. breaking out between the two coun-
– Kashmir further complicated the No bilateral talks between India and The proposal may seem rather tries.
problem. We are in favor of solving President Erdogan’s mention Pakistan have yielded agreements unconventional but we believe that it
this issue through dialogue, within here for multilateral dialogue is also without the active role of an external would be a striking demonstration of The second option is to play
the framework of the United Nations consistent with the statement made element. The missing element is sus- the global statesmanship, which the a more activist, mediatory role in
resolutions and especially in line by the President of the United Na- tained and coordinated diplomatic United Nations can summon in the regard to Kashmir as suggested by
with the expectations of the people of tions General Assembly, Ambassador persuasion by peace-loving demo- cause of peace, international security President Erdogan. This can take the
Kashmir.’” Volkan Bozkir who also happened cratic powers. The vision of President and human betterment. shape of a multilateral dialogue or
to be a Turkish diplomat, who said, Erdogan needs to be pursued by the an appropriate use of the newly de-
President Erdogan’s statement “Multilateralism is not an option, but United Nations - the engagement The United Nations has two veloped procedures and mechanisms
today is consistent with his statement, a necessity.” of a multilateral effort -- one or two choices before them. One is to con- at the United Nations. The UN would
which he made in May 2017 during permanent members of the Security tinue confining itself to warning both supply the catalyst that is needed for
an interview with WION television It is true that bilateralism has Council along with India, Pakistan, Pakistan and India against going a settlement.
channel: “We should not allow more failed in resolving the Kashmir con- to war with each other. This policy
casualties to occur, and by strength- flict. The mantra has been repeated bases the no war prospect in South -
LETTERS FROM P7 being sunk due to torpedo hits. The ties of war and its uncertainties have the happenings of life back home. in 1943 as a boy; he returned as a
German and Japanese submarines a way of directing one’s thoughts to I am sure the hopes and dreams man who was transformed by the
roads, and bridges to facilitate these were very active in sinking Navy the most important questions of of my dad were on his mind as he opportunity to serve the country he
advances. I remember my dad’s ships. As he moved about in the Pa- life. The Lord utilized these ser- continually alluded to his safe re- loved and by the dangers and expe-
friends, who served in actual com- cific, he was fearful of going down vices and other seeds planted over turn. He did not know that the Lord riences of war.
bat duty, kidding my dad that he at sea. But it was very apparent in the course of his life to bring him to would bless him with a wonderful
unloaded banana boats. This was far his letters that he tried to be very faith shortly before he died of bone wife and two children. So to all active and retired men
from the truth. reassuring to his mom regarding his cancer. and women in the US military, you
safety, never speaking of these tor- As we have just observed have my utmost respect, my deepest
My dad never fired his weap- pedo strikes. My dad’s sincere desire was to the 75th anniversary of the end thanks, and my heartfelt prayers.
on, but he was acutely aware of the return home a credit to his fam- to WWII, we must never take for
dangers around him. The Seabees A personal faith in the Lord ily and his country. Throughout the granted the sacrifice and the self- (Dr Jim Thrasher is the Senior
were susceptible to attack through- was not a part of my dad’s life at letters he shared his concern for his less commitment of those who have Fellow of Grove City College’s ca-
out the war, as they were key play- this point. Based upon my grand- mother, his devotion to his country gone before us in service to our reer services office and the coor-
ers in expediting troop movements. mother’s prodding, he mentioned and fellow servicemen, and his con- country. The letters of a sailor sent dinator of the Institute for Faith &
One of the few things that my dad numerous times his willingness to stant yearning to be home. He won- home to his mother have made that Freedom’s working group on call-
mentioned to me about his war ex- attend the chapel services. The reali- dered about and wanted to know very clear. My dad left western NY ing)
perience was his awareness of ships