Page 6 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 6
n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai Gilgat-Baltistan on the Horns of a Dilemma such a proposal was being floated by Riaz
Hussain Pirzada, Pakistan’s minister for inter-
S Washington, DC The plan was announced by Ali Amin Just this week, on September 14, 2020, Ambas- provincial coordination. “Any proposal to de-
ir Mohammad Zafrullah Khan, Paki- Gandapur, Minister of Kashmir Affairs and sador Munir Akram said, “He (Imran Khan) is clare Gilgat-Baltistan as the fifth province of
stan’s foreign minister and delegate to Gilgat – Baltistan on September 17, 2020. He expected once again to project the just cause of Pakistan is unacceptable as it is tantamount to
the United Nations, made it clear on further said that people of GB would be given the Kashmiri people and call for action by the changing the disputed nature of Kashmir.”
January 16, 1948 during the 228th meeting representation in the Senate and the National international community to halt India’s mas-
Assembly of Pakistan. sive violations of human rights, rescind the Quite understandably, Mian Nawaz Shar-
of the Security Council that unilateral measures imposed in Indian Illegal- if, then the Prime Minister of Pakistan wrote
Gilgat-Baltistan is a part of Obviously, if Pakistan makes Gilgat- ly Occupied Jammu & Kashmir since 5 August to Mohammad Yasin Malik, Chairman Jammu
the State of Jammu & Kash- Baltistan a province of Pakistan, then India 2019 and promote a solution in accordance Kashmir Liberation Front on March 18, 2016:
mir. Here is the relevant has all the right, perhaps not legal but as a mat- with the Security Council resolutions and the “I would like to make it unambiguously clear
part of his eloquent speech: ter of principle, to justify her stand that Indian will of the Kashmiri people.” that Pakistan is fully aware of the sensitivities
occupied Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part attached to Gilgat-Baltistan with regard to the
“The population of of India. And on what justification will Paki- Ambassador Munir Akram has forced In- Jammu & Kashmir dispute. Media specula-
Kashmir is distributed com- stan protest? As the saying goes, what is good dia to adopt a defensive posture in respect to tions are a result of either misperceptions or
munally as follows: In Kash- for the goose may also be good for the gander. its unilateral action taken in August 2019. But misinterpretations… I would like to assure
mir proper, apart from Jammu, 93.5 percent Mr Gandapur inadvertently provides India a you that Pakistan will never compromise on
are Muslims. Sixty-two percent of the popu- Mr Gandapur’s intentions are not ques- cover to shield her illegal and unconstitutional its principled stance on the Jammu and Kash-
lation of Jammu are Muslims. Gilgat, which tionable but his statement is. He is a seasoned action taken in Indian-occupied Kashmir. mir dispute which is based on the UN Secu-
is the high mountain region, is entirely Mus- politician, coming from a province (Khyber rity Council resolutions. Nor will Pakistan
lim. The total area of the state, which is largely Pakhtunkhwa), which has historically made It is obvious, however, that making GB take any measure that may cause harm to the
composed of high mountains and barren hills, lot of sacrifices for the cause of Kashmir. a fifth province of Pakistan isn’t going to fly valiant struggle of the people of Indian Occu-
is 82,000 square miles. with anyone. The pro-resistance leadership pied Jammu and Kashmir, for their inalienable
Now, if it is true that Pakistan plans to el- Pakistan has continually made Indian- in Kashmir certainly aren’t going to. Syed Ali right to self-determination, promised to them
evate Gilgat-Baltistan (G-B) to a full-fledged occupied Kashmir an international issue and Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Moham- by the UN Security Council resolution.”
province with all constitutional rights, it will brought it frequently to the attention of the mad Yasin Malik said in March 2016 when
unwittingly disturb the disputed nature of UN for human rights abuses, and rightly so. Likewise, Z. A.Bhutto, then the foreign
the State of the Jammu and Kashmir. It will minister of Pakistan, wrote to the President of
be akin to the unilateral action taken by Na- the Security Council on March 16, 1963: “It is
rendra Modi on August 5, 2019 when Article necessary for me to point out the evident fact
370 and 35 A were abrogated. Both these ac- that the territory of Jammu & Kashmir is not a
tions will be in violation of the United Nations part, integral or otherwise, of the territory of
Security Council resolutions # 91 of 1951 and the Union. The territory of Jammu & Kashmir
122 and 126 of 1957. belongs to the people of Jammu & Kashmir. It
These resolutions categorically state: “Af- is a territory the future of which must be de-
firming that the convening of a Constituent cided in accordance with the United Nations
Assembly as recommended by the General Commission’s resolution of plebiscite under
Council of the ‘All Jammu and Kashmir Na- the auspices of the United Nations to deter-
tional Conference’ and any action that As- mine its accession to India or Pakistan. My
sembly might attempt to take to determine the Government is bound by its duty to declare
future shape and affiliation of the entire State before the Security Council that, pending de-
or any part thereof would not constitute a dis- termination of the future of Kashmir through
position of the State in accordance with the the will of the people impartially ascertained,
above principle.” no position taken or adjustments made by ei-
So as bottom lines go, say what you want ther of the parties to the present controversy
about Gilgat Baltistan. Do as you wish. It will between India and China or any similar con-
not affect the status of what constitutes the troversy in the future shall be valid or affect
whole of Jammu and Kashmir or its parts as a the status of the territory of Jammu & Kashmir
disputed territory.