Page 4 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 4
Pakistan Link n By Mowahid Hussain Shah Deadly Summer
Advisory Board Summer 2020 shall go down as disease. …Sadly, bin Laden contin- ment can easily verify to the veracity far-reaching. England has just im-
unforgettable. Multiple cri- ues to be the victor. of Aristotle’s position. posed a draconian 6-person rule.
Dr Sohail Masood ses kept converging: a global The Daily Telegraph (London) of
pandemic, the BLM civil unrest, Uncertainty and confusion Social isolation, which was con- September 9 had this to say about it:
President hover, with US Presidential elections sidered as a threat to human living,
socio-economic looming ahead. It may be relevant to This new regime will be espe-
Arif Zaffar Mansuri devastation of lives mention that Biden went along with Traditions will be cially devastating for families and
and livelihood, endorsing Bush. Jr’s catastrophic de- eroded, and millions of friendships. They will bear the brunt and Election Year. cision to attack Iraq in 2003 – which irreplaceable occasions of the social distancing, and our
Editor The pandemic midwifed Daesh. More significantly, will never now happen. society will end up more atomized.
seemingly finishes, the New York Times of September 9, Grandparents, aunts Traditions will be eroded, and mil-
Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui then starts again. 2020, cites Trump: lions of irreplaceable occasions will
In places where and uncles, cousins, never now happen. Grandparents, they thought it was receding, it is President Trump mounted a birthdays, big aunts and uncles, cousins, birthdays,
Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan) coming back. public attack unusual even for him big gatherings: the rich tapestry of
The world as we know it has over the Labor Day weekend, ac- gatherings: the rich family life will stand horribly impov-
Shabbir Ghori turned upside down. There is a cusing his military leadership of tapestry of family life erished. As Zoom fatigue sets in, the
dread of touch, of the air we breathe, advocating war “so that all of those six-person rule will be a psychologi- of enclosed spaces, of indoor dining. wonderful companies that make will stand horribly cal calamity. We are in for a grim,
Resident Editor Urdu Link The conviviality of social gatherings the bombs and make the planes and impoverished. As painful winter.
& Director Video Operations and social security has been punc- make everything else stay happy.” Zoom fatigue sets in,
tured by fear and paranoia. America the six-person rule There is a sharp transforma-
Anwar Khawaja today is marked by division, discord, It eerily echoes President Eisen- will be a psychological tional contrast between pre-Coro-
and disparity. Author and historian hower’s warning 60 years ago during calamity. We are in for navirus America and now. The Garrett Graff writes in The Atlantic his farewell speech of January 17, a grim, painful winter pandemic and its politicization have
of September 10: “Today, whatever 1961, to beware of the Military-In- exposed polarizing fault-lines with-
Manager Sales & Advertising shared national spirit existed in the dustrial Complex. is now being preached as a tool for in. The common purpose neces- first weeks of the pandemic has been survival. Its consequences could be sary to confront an invisible enemy,
Regional Offices fractured beyond repair.” Social me- The pandemic has enhanced which poses an existential threat to
dia has exacerbated tribalism. aloneness and social isolation and lives and livelihood, is just not there.
YKKB Officialdom and ‘experts’ in has depleted human companion-
charge have blundered and floun- ship. Nearly 2,500 years ago, Aristo- The uncomfortable fact is that dered, sending mixed signals and tle, the tutor of Alexander the Great, all of the aforementioned could be
Sacramento, CA conveying misleading information. had concluded that man is a social signposts to America’s foreseeable
End of summer coincided with the animal. Down the centuries, those decline. marking of the 19th anniversary of who have suffered solitary confine-
San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA the September 11 attacks. America
has yet to relinquish the anguish of 9/11. It remains etched in the pub-
New York, NY lic psyche. 9/11 marked America’s
tumultuous entry into the 21st cen- tury, whose seismic aftershocks con-
Houston, TX tinue to reverberate.
As observed in the Independent (London) of September 11, 2020:
Phoenix, AZ Nineteen years later, the United
States has waged two wars in that region that delivered few strategic
Ontario, Canada goals. It’s cost us billions in treasure
and thousands of lives – with thou- sands more military troops perma-
nently maimed as a result of their
Letters to the Editor combat service. And our citizens are
divided on just about every issue of
Readers are welcome to express their opinion the day, from whether Biden knows
in these columns. Please keep your letters his own name to whether covering
brief and to the point. Letters without full one’s mouth and nostrils can help
name, complete address, and a daytime prevent the spread of an airborne
phone number will not be published.
Also, copies of letters sent to other news- Clearing the Air on the EPA’s Coronavirus Response
papers are not encouraged. Letters can be n By H. Sterling Burnett on non-essential workers made it emptions if the agency determines to temporary, localized natural di-
mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at hard for these firms to meet ev- “noncompliance was caused by the sasters. It makes perfect sense that
the Pakistan Link Headquarters address TArlington Heights, Illinois ery federal reporting requirement. COVID-19 pandemic.” And the the agency would have a similar
he Environmental Protec- Since noncompliance leads to hefty agency still enforced limits on regu- response to an unprecedented pan-
listed below. tion Agency (EPA) recently fines, energy firms had a choice. lated pollutants. demic that has dealt a financial blow
Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub- issued a memo waiving cer- They could force staff to come back to the energy industry.
lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC, tain compliance requirements for to work and risk spreading the virus. Contrary to environmentalists’
energy firms in light of the COV- Or they could shut down, eliminate and partisan congressional Demo- The EPA ruling was not a pollu-
DBA PL Publications, LLC. ID-19 outbreak. A group of House jobs, and deal a blow to our nation’s crats’ claims, EPA’s action didn’t give tion permission slip. It was a neces-
Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA Democrats falsely claimed the already struggling economy. energy producers the green light to sary, reasonable response to a once-
EPA’s memo gives oil and gas com- pollute. It merely allowed energy in-a-lifetime crisis.
and additional mailing offices. panies an “open license to pollute.” The EPA’s memo gave energy companies to focus their limited
POST MASTER: Send address changes to firms a way out of this dilemma. In resources and personnel on energy (H. Sterling Burnett, PhD
Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA To address lawmakers’ con- light of the pandemic, the agency production to ensure Americans ( is a se-
cerns, the EPA has tapped an inter- announced it would grant exemp- can heat and power their homes nior fellow on energy and the envi-
92815 nal watchdog to review the policy. tions for certain routine reporting throughout this crisis. ronment at The Heartland Institute,
The management has the right to refuse But no matter how hard they look, and monitoring requirements for a nonpartisan, nonprofit research
to print any advertisement, news, article, the investigators won’t find anything drilling sites. It let energy firms can There’s nothing unusual with center headquartered in Arlington
letter or any other material. In case of close to what Democrats have sug- comply with social distancing or- this type of temporary relief. The Heights, Illinois)
any errors in advertisement the manage- gested. ders without fear of retribution. federal government has often
ment will not be liable for more than the modified reporting and account- Views and
amount paid for the advertisement to the Contrary to what outraged Environmentalists claimed the ing requirements during crises. The opinions ex-
environmentalists claim, the EPA EPA memo would make it easier for Obama EPA issued 13 enforcement pressed by
Link. wasn’t trying to sneak in a regula- energy firms to skirt emission lim- discretion orders during Hurricane authors and
Advertisements in Pakistan Link are tory rollback as part of a pandemic its. The Union of Concerned Scien- Sandy in 2012. From 2005-2006, contributors
placed in good faith. The newspaper is not relief plan. These temporary waiv- tists accused the agency of using the the EPA issued over 40 enforcement in articles,
responsible nor endorses the contents of ers simply made it easier for energy COVID-19 crisis to “make another discretion orders in response to letters, opin-
any advertisement. In case of a frivolous producers to protect their work- crisis like climate change worse.” Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Dem- ion pieces,
lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear the total cost ers without incurring a fine for not Cynthia Giles, who ran the EPA’s ocrats didn’t claim these exemptions reports, advertisements, etc
of the suit, including but not limited to the keeping up with paperwork and Office of Enforcement during the would lead to environmental harm. appearing in Pakistan Link
reporting requirements during the Obama administration, called the What’s the difference? It must be the and Urdu Link are their own.
Link’s costs and the attorney’s fees. pandemic. The EPA shouldn’t shy memo a “nationwide waiver of en- person in the Oval office making the The paper neither shares
away from issuing these waivers vironmental rules for the indefinite decision. Pure politics! nor endorses them and thus
InSfourbmscartiiboenrfsor when needed. future.” should not be held responsi-
In the past, EPA has seen fit ble for the views/opinions of
The printing of Pakistan Link is unfail- COVID-19 put energy produc- These accusations are false. EPA to waive compliance requirements the writers & advertisers.
ingly completed by Wednesday every ers in a tricky situation. Restrictions clearly stated it would only grant ex- for energy producers in response
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