Page 13 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 13
A Fugitive in London Is Maligning Opposition Leaders Told Not
State Institutions: PM Imran to Drag Military into Politics
Islamabad: A day after Nawaz position confab via video link on India, Premier Imran said, n By Baqir Sajjad Syed tion of anonymity, said NAB’s actions
Sharif ’s no-holds-barred onslaught Sunday, Sharif said the opposition’s wanted to take the global spotlight Islamabad: Army Chief Gen Qamar had scared the bureaucracy, which is
against a “parallel state” in Pakistan, struggle was not against Imran off its reign of terror in Illegally Oc- Bajwa and head of the Inter-Services the reason why officials are not taking
Prime Minister Imran Khan took Khan “but against those who had cupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIO- Intelligence Lt Gen Faiz Hameed had in crucial decisions. Gen Bajwa too had
a jibe at his convicted predecessor, imposed such an incapable person JK), which has been under lock- a meeting with key opposition figures purportedly pointed out that bureau-
saying that “once again a fugitive on the country through a rigged down for more than a year now. days before their multiparty conference cracy was not delivering.
sitting in London is maligning the election”. counselled them to refrain from drag-
state institutions”. Indian media has been spew- ging the military into political issues, PML-N remained mum about the
Nawaz Sharif ’s speech and the ing venom against Pakistan since government ministers and opposition participation of its leaders in the meet-
Nawaz Sharif, who has been story published in Times of India Sharif ’s rant against the state insti- leaders disclosed on Monday. ing.
handed a seven-year jail term on reflect the same agenda, the pre- tutions, he said. An international
charges of financial corruption, mier said while speaking to spokes- lobby has been active against Paki- The September 16 meeting was at- PPP said it would issue a formal
was allowed by the government and persons of the ruling Pakistan Teh- stan’s state institutions, he added. tended by about 15 opposition figures comment on the meeting on Tuesday
court to travel to London for treat- reek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Monday. “We will not allow anyone to ma- including Leader of the Opposition in through its spokesperson Senator Far-
ment of some undiagnosed ailment lign our institutions.” the National Assembly Shahbaz Sharif, hatullah Babar. However, Senator Sher-
late last year. But now he has refused Sharif ’s PML-N has once again Pakistan Peoples Party chairman Bi- ry Rehman, participating in a TV talk
to return, and a court has declared promoted the Indian agenda, he The prime minister also lawal Bhutto-Zardari, Jamaat-i-Islami show, said her party’s chairman talked
him a proclaimed offender. said. New Delhi wanted to vilify slammed Sunday’s all-party confer- Amir Sirajul Haq, ANP’s Amir Haider about the status of Gilgit-Baltistan and
Pakistan’s state institution ahead of ence, saying that it was an attempt Hoti, JUI-F’s Asad Mahmood, PML-N its upcoming elections. She said Mr
Speaking at a multiparty op- the UN General Assembly session by opposition politicians to malign leaders Khawaja Asif and Ahsan Iqbal, Bhutto-Zardari stressed the need for
which opened on Sept 15 and will the state institutions in a bid to cov- PPP’s Senator Sherry Rehman and few fair and free elections in GB, because of
continue until Sept 30, he added. er their financial corruption. “I had government ministers. the sensitivities attached to the region.
predicted much earlier that they all
would unite for personal interests,” According to the ground rules set Senator Rehman denied her party
he added. for the session, the meeting was not to took up its reservations about the ac-
be publicly disclosed, some of the op- countability process.
The ruling party has decided position leaders, who attended it, said.
to give the opposition a befitting On Monday, Gen Bajwa met
response by exposing their real mo- Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid, Prime Minister Imran Khan. However,
tives. while confirming the meeting and its the Prime Minister Office did not issue
participants in a conversation with any media statement on the meeting. -
Premier Imran said that Paki- Dawn, said it was held to discuss the Dawn
stan owns its territorial integrity impending changes in the constitution-
and sovereignty to its armed forc- al status of Gilgit-Baltistan. However, NAB Summons Fazl
es. “Countries like Libya, Iraq and the opposition used this opportunity to in Assets-Beyond-
Syria have been destroyed because flag its concerns about other matters,
they didn’t have strong militaries,” especially the military’s alleged inter- Means Inquiry
he added. ference in politics and allegations of
persecution of its leaders on the pretext Islamabad:
Our armed forces have always of accountability. The National
stepped forward whenever called Accountabil-
out in natural disasters, calamities Mr Rashid was one of the minis- ity Bureau
or emergencies, the prime minis- ters who attended the meeting. Khyber Pak-
ter further said. “We will not allow htunkhwa
anyone to malign our armed forces The timing of the meeting and its on Tuesday
and our judiciary.” disclosure was linked by the onlookers issued a call-
to the opposition’s multiparty confer- up notice
Attacks Surge in Northwest Pakistan as ence held here on Sunday in which to Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazl (JUI-
former prime minister Mian Nawaz F) chief Fazlur Rehman, directing
Afghan Peace Effort Brings Shifting Sands Sharif bitterly criticized the army, say- him to appear before its investiga-
ing there was “a state above the state in tion team next month in an inquiry
n By Umar Farooq The militants have killed at But now fears are growing the country”. launched on charges of corruption
Islamabad: Militants have stepped least 40 soldiers since March, ac- that the surge of Pakistani Taliban and possessing assets beyond means.
up attacks on security forces in cording to a Reuters tally of official violence is an unintended conse- Criticism by other opposition
northwest Pakistan raising fears of figures. quence of efforts to make peace in leaders was, in comparison to Mr The notice, issued under Section
a revival of their insurgency and Afghanistan. Sharif ’s remarks, relatively subtle. A 19 of the National Accountability
a return of lawlessness as brighter At least 109 people were killed 26-point declaration issued at the end Ordinance, 1999, was sent to Rehm-
prospects for peace in Afghanistan in 67 attacks between January and In February, the Afghan Tali- of the meeting, however, contained as- an’s residence in Dera Ismail Khel.
herald shifting Islamist alliances. July - twice the number in 2019, ban and the United States struck a sertions about ending “establishment’s
according to the FATA Research deal allowing for the withdrawal of interference in politics” and “no role of The subject of the notice, seen
The ethnic Pashtun border Center. US forces in exchange for Afghan armed forces and intelligence agencies” by, stated that the inquiry
region was for years a haven for Taliban guarantees they would not in future elections. is against ex-MNA Rehman and oth-
militants who fled the US inva- “TTP’s regrouping is concern- harbor other militants. ers “regarding corruption and cor-
sion of Afghanistan in 2001. But ing both because of its own activi- Mr Rashid said the army chief rupt practices/accumulation of assets
the Pakistani military cleared out ties and its links to groups like al The United Nations said in a clearly told the participants of the beyond means”.
the strongholds in a 2014 offensive, Qaeda,” said Elizabeth Threlkeld, report in July there were more than meeting that the Army was not in any
driving most of the fighters into Af- a former State Department offi- 6,000 Pakistani fighters in Afghani- manner linked to the political process- It said the subject inquiry had
ghanistan. cial who served in Pakistan, now stan, most affiliated with the TTP, es and had no involvement in matters revealed that Rehman was “in pos-
deputy-director for the South Asia who could be heading home if they concerning election reforms and ac- session of information/evidence
But since March, al Qaeda- Program at the Washington-based lose their refuge. countability. whatsoever which relates to the com-
linked Pakistani Taliban, facing the Stimson Center. mission of [the] said offence”.
risk of losing havens on the Afghan “It’s a concern for everyone,” The army chief, however, said the
side of the border if their Afghan “It could again provide signifi- a Western security official based in military only responds to calls for as- The notice called upon the JUI-
Taliban allies make peace there, cant support to international ter- Pakistan told Reuters on condition sistance by the elected civilian govern- F chief to appear before CIT (com-
have unleashed a wave of attacks on ror groups if it continues to regain of anonymity. ment and it would continue doing so bined investigation team)-I at NAB’s
the Pakistani security forces. ground.” irrespective of who is in office. regional office on October 1 at 11am
Pakistan’s military did not re- in order to “record your statement/
Bolstering their bid to re- Unintended Consequence spond to a request for comment Gen Bajwa categorically conveyed plea in the subject inquiry”.
establish themselves in the border Militant violence surged in on the violence, but its spokesman that no one would be allowed to create
lands, the Pakistani Taliban, or Pakistan after it was pressed to sign said on Twitter recently that the at- chaos in the country. Failure to comply with the no-
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), on to the US-led war on terror af- tacks were “meant to derail (the) tice may entail penal consequences as
struck an alliance in July with half a ter the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, even Afghanistan Peace Process.” In remarks addressed to JUI-F per the Schedule of NAO, 1999, the
dozen small militant factions. though it had for years supported chief Fazlur Rehman’s son Asad Mah- summons stated.
the Afghan Taliban. For those living in the area, in- mood, Gen Bajwa, Mr Rashid said, it’s
“The group’s capability and Soon the Pakistani govern- security is again becoming a daily an irony that the same parliament is According to a letter sent to
military strength has increased, as ment found itself under attack from worry. kosher for Mr Rehman for contesting an additional director of NAB KP
has their reach,” said Mansur Khan home-grown Taliban but the mili- presidential elections, but it is other- by the Islamabad headquarters of
Mahsud, executive director of the tary succeeded in pushing them out The TTP issued a statement wise unacceptable to him. the accountability watchdog, NAB
Islamabad-based FATA Research of the region, known as the tribal this week telling residents to leave chairman retired Justice Javed Iqbal
Center. areas, in 2014, forcing the Pakistani “until peace returns”. The allegations of a political witch had approved the “authorization of
Taliban into Afghanistan. hunt in the name of accountability was inquiry” against Rehman and others
September has seen near daily Millions of residents were “Our war against Pakistan is raised by PML-N’s Ahsan Iqbal. on Sept 14. An authorization letter
incidents, from roadside bombs to displaced by the fighting but since continuing and you will continue signed by Iqbal on Sept 18 was also
sniper attacks, to ambushes and the then, militant violence in Pakistan to see daily attacks,” the militants Responding to him, the army forwarded to NAB KP for necessary
killing of residents accused of col- has largely ceased. said. chief said that NAB chief and election action.
laborating with government forces. commissioner were picked up by polit-
(Reporting by Umar Farooq ical leaders represented in parliament, The development comes two
and Charlotte Greenfield in Islam- therefore they needed to be careful in days after Fazl’s JUI-F, along with
abad; Editing by Gibran Peshimam, choosing people for such important other major opposition parties, held
Robert Birsel. Reuters) positions. a multi-party conference.
A participant, speaking on condi-